Patch 5.3 - The Secrets of Ragefire Scenario
Today we take a look at one of the shorter scenarios added in Patch 5.3, The Secrets of Ragefire. The Gob Squad has tracked the people that disappeared from Durotar to Ragefire Caverns, a supposedly abandoned section of Ragefire. After blowing open the door, you will find a large cavern filled with Kor'kron that are hostile.
The first miniboss you fight is Dark Shaman Xorenth, presumably related to the low level friendly quest NPC Invoker Xorenth. The Gob Squad warns him that Goblins are not his enemy, and he responds by calling them a lesser race.
After disposing of Xorenth, you look through piles of things around the cavern, such as discarded artifacts from the digsite in Vale of Eternal Blossoms. Another set of crates contains Kor'kron weapons and supplies, with the text "From the look of things, Garrosh is planning an invasion". The third thing you come across is Proto-drake eggs, causing one of the goblins to suggest that Garrosh may be working with the Dragonmaw.
Upon noticing a large door on the other side of the cavern, Ticker produces a Mantid bomb, which you collect parts to help and modify (including a pony). Unfortunately the bomb has no effect on the door, only inuring the other members of the Gob Squad. More Kor'Kron attack while the remaining members of the Gob Squad build a teleporter to escape and tell Vol'jin what you have seen.
Patch 5.3 - Blossoming Ancient Pet

Blue Tweets
Originally Posted by Blizzard Entertainment
Weekly News Recap
Lots of news this week, so here is your chance to catch up if you missed a day of news! We will be adding this in video format in the future as well, so check out this early preview.
- April 14
- Blood in the Snow scenario preview
- World First Glory of the Thundering Raider, which rewards a
Armored Skyscreamer!
- April 15
- Preview of the Battle of Razor Hill event
- PTR Notes Update with many class changes, along with the ones below:
- Shado-Pan and The August Celestials daily quests no longer have a faction prerequisite to be Revered with the Golden Lotus.
- A Test of Valor: Reduced the amount of Valor needed for this achievement to 3000 Valor Points, down from 6000.
- Picking up the Alliance or Horde flag while in a Rated Battleground now increases damage taken by 50% for characters in a tanking specialization, and increases damage taken by 20% for characters in a non-tanking specialization.
- Tyrannical weapons no longer have a conquest-earned prerequisite to purchase them.
- Shado-Pan and The August Celestials daily quests no longer have a faction prerequisite to be Revered with the Golden Lotus.
- April 16
- Several hotfixes to 10 player Normal difficulty Throne of Thunder that reduced the difficulty of many encounters.
- Darkspear Rebellion Quartermaster items
- Preview of the item level 476 armor sets made by Latent Kor'kron pieces.
- April 17
- New PTR Build 16853
- Darkspear Revolutionary (Horde) and The Hordebreaker (Alliance) titles added.
- April 18
- Brawler's Guild shirts previewed, which give a buff similar to
Precious' Ribbon
- World First Level 90 restored to Fs.
- Brawler's Guild shirts previewed, which give a buff similar to
- April 19
- Ask the Devs - 5.3 PTR Edition covers some Patch 5.3 PvP questions.
- April 20
Gargoyles: Ji-Kun Kill Video
Another nice intro from Fifth Element!
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