Update (8:30 PM EST): Added sound files.
Update (7:30 PM EST): Cleaned up set bonuses, added note about rep requirements and Elite PvP gear.
Update (7:20 PM EST): Added new icons.
Update (7:15 PM EST): Added new models, maps, and client strings.
Patch 5.4 PTR - Build 17093
Build 17093 will be deployed to the PTR realms soon.
This patch appears to have removed all of the rep requirements from the Patch 5.0 and Patch 5.1 Mists of Pandaria armor. Keep in mind that nothing is final, and we won't know for sure until the PTR is online.
The patch also removed stats from Season 14 Elite PvP gear.
New Audio
New Models
New Maps
New Strings
Originally Posted by MMO-Champion
- BEST - Best
- FLEX_RAID_INFO - Flexible Raid Info
- FLEX_RAID_LOCKOUT_TEXT - Flexible raids feature a seperate lockout from all other raid lockouts.
- FLEX_RAID_LOOT_TEXT - Flexible raids use the personal loot system and drop item level 536 loot.
- FLEX_RAID_SIZE_TEXT - You need to have a raid of 10 to 25 players to start a flexible raid. The difficulty will scale based on the number of players in the raid.
- SAVED_VARIABLES_TOO_LARGE - Your computer does not have enough memory to load settings from the following AddOn. Please disable some AddOns.\n\n|cffffd200%s|r
New Icons
New Items
You can see all of the new items on the WoWDB PTR site, including the new item level 536 Flexible Tier 16 sets.
Level | Type | Slot | Name |
25 | Priest Glyph | ![]() | |
1 | Companion Pets | ![]() | |
1 | Companion Pets | ![]() | |
1 | Companion Pets | ![]() | |
1 | Key | ![]() | |
522 | Cloth | Waist | ![]() |
522 | Cloth | Feet | ![]() |
522 | Leather | Waist | ![]() |
522 | Leather | Waist | ![]() |
522 | Leather | Feet | ![]() |
522 | Leather | Feet | ![]() |
Achievement Changes
Originally Posted by MMO-Champion
Cataclysm RaidDungeons & Raids
- Holding Hands Destroy the final Crystal Conductor during Hagara's lightning phase on Normal or Heroic Difficulty, while all
raid membersplayers present are part of the final Lightning Conduit. 10 points.
Dungeons & Raids
- Glory of the Orgrimmar Raider (New) Complete the Siege of Orgrimmar raid achievements listed below. Reward: Reins of Galakras. 25 points. Account Wide.
Feats of Strength
- Ahead of the Curve: Garrosh Hellscream (10 player) Defeat Garrosh Hellscream on 10-Player Normal difficulty, prior to the release of the next tier of content.Reward: Reins of the Kor'kron War Wolf.
- Ahead of the Curve: Garrosh Hellscream (25 player) Defeat Garrosh Hellscream on 25-Player Normal difficulty, prior to the release of the next tier of content.Reward: Reins of the Kor'kron War Wolf.
Pandaria Raid
Dungeons & Raids
- Downfall (New) Defeat the bosses within Garrosh's inner sanctum in the Siege of Orgrimmar raid. 10 points.
- Gamon Will Save Us! (New) Defeat General Nazgrim in Siege of Orgrimmar on Flexible, Normal, or Heroic difficulty while Gamon is alive and participating in the battle. 10 points.
- Gates of Retribution (New) Defeat the bosses in the exterior of Orgrimmar in the Siege of Orgrimmar raid. 10 points.
- Heroic: Fallen Protectors (New) Defeat the Fallen Protectors in Siege of Orgrimmar on Heroic difficulty. 10 points.
- Heroic: Galakras (New) Defeat Galakras in Siege of Orgrimmar on Heroic difficulty. 10 points.
- Heroic: Garrosh Hellscream (New) Defeat Garrosh Hellscream in Siege of Orgrimmar on Heroic difficulty. 10 points.
- Heroic: General Nazgrim (New) Defeat General Nazgrim in Siege of Orgrimmar on Heroic difficulty. 10 points.
- Heroic: Immerseus (New) Defeat Immerseus in Siege of Orgrimmar on Heroic difficulty. 10 points.
- Heroic: Iron Juggernaut (New) Defeat the Iron Juggernaut in Siege of Orgrimmar on Heroic difficulty. 10 points.
- Heroic: Kor'kron Dark Shaman (New) Defeat the Kor'kron Dark Shaman in Siege of Orgrimmar on Heroic difficulty. 10 points.
- Heroic: Malkorok (New) Defeat Malkorok in Siege of Orgrimmar on Heroic difficulty. 10 points.
- Heroic: Norushen (New) Complete Norushen's trial in Siege of Orgrimmar on Heroic difficulty. 10 points.
- Heroic: Paragons of the Klaxxi (New) Defeat the Klaxxi Paragons in Siege of Orgrimmar on Heroic difficulty. 10 points.
- Heroic: Sha of Pride (New) Defeat the Sha of Pride in Siege of Orgrimmar on Heroic difficulty. 10 points.
- Heroic: Siegecrafter Blackfuse (New) Defeat Siegecrafter Blackfuse in Siege of Orgrimmar on Heroic difficulty. 10 points.
- Heroic: Spoils of Pandaria (New) Complete the Spoils of Pandaria event in Siege of Orgrimmar on Heroic difficulty. 10 points.
- Heroic: Thok the Bloodthirsty (New) Defeat Thok the Bloodthirsty in Siege of Orgrimmar on Heroic difficulty. 10 points.
- Rescue Raiders (New) Rescue a set of caged prisoners, a group of unwilling combat participants, and Ji Firepaw before defeating the Kor'Kron Dark Shaman in Siege of Orgrimmar on Flexible, Normal, or Heroic difficulty. 10 points.
- The Underhold (New) Defeat the bosses at the entrance to Garrosh's secret compound in the Siege of Orgrimmar raid. 10 points.
- Vale of Eternal Sorrows (New) Defeat the bosses in the scarred Vale of Eternal Blossoms in the prelude to the Siege of Orgrimmar. 10 points.
Player vs. Player
- Grevious Combatant (New) Win 100 Arena (3v3) and 40 Rated Battlegrounds in Season 14 15 points.
- Grevious Combatant (New) Win 100 Arena (3v3) and 40 Rated Battlegrounds in Season 14 15 points.
- Grievous Conquest Earn 27,000 Conquest Points in Season 14.10 points.
- Grievous Conquest Earn 27,000 Conquest Points in Season 14.10 points.
- Prideful Conquest (New) Earn 27,000 Conquest Points in Season 15. 10 points.
- Prideful Conquest (New) Earn 27,000 Conquest Points in Season 15. 10 points.
Proving Grounds
- Proving Yourself: Bronze (New) Successfully complete any of the Basic (Bronze) trials at the Proving Grounds. 10 points.
- Proving Yourself: Bronze Damage (New) Successfully complete the Basic Damage (Bronze) trial at the Proving Grounds.
- Proving Yourself: Bronze Healer (New) Successfully complete the Basic Healer (Bronze) trial at the Proving Grounds.
- Proving Yourself: Bronze Tank (New) Successfully complete the Basic Tank (Bronze) trial at the Proving Grounds.
Spell Changes
Originally Posted by MMO-Champion
Companions- Aspect of Chi-Ji (New) Right-Click to summon and dismiss the cute and cuddly version of Chi-Ji. Instant.
- Aspect of Niuzao (New) Right-Click to summon and dismiss the cute and cuddly version of Niuzao. Instant.
- Aspect of Xuen (New) Right-Click to summon and dismiss the cute and cuddly version of Xuen. Instant.
- Aspect of Yu'lon (New) Right-Click to summon and dismiss the cute and cuddly version of Yu'lon. Instant.
- Rascal-Bot Right Click to summon and dismiss
Pierre. If you give him a moment to heat up, he makes an excellent cooking fire. Battle Pet. Instant.Rascal-Bot. Battle Pet. Instant.
Item Set Bonuses

- Item - Death Knight T16 Blood 2P Bonus Every 4 Heart Strikes, Rune Strikes, Death Coils, Soul Reapers, or Blood Boils will add one charge to your next Bone Shield.
- Item - Death Knight T16 Blood 4P Bonus Dancing Rune Weapon will reactivate all Frost and Unholy runes as Death Runes, and make your next
4 Death Strikes free.2 Death Strikes free.

- Item - Druid T16 Balance 2P Bonus Arcane spells cast while in Lunar Eclipse will shoot a single
StarfallLunar bolt at the target. Nature spells cast while in a Solar Eclipse will shoot a singleSun bolt at the target.Solar bolt at the target. - Item - Druid T16 Feral 2P Bonus Omen of Clarity increases damage of Shred, Mangle, and Ravage by
20% for 6 sec.50% for 6 sec. - Item - Druid T16 Guardian 4P Bonus Activating Frenzied Regeneration and Savage Defense will cause a heal over time on yourself
for 10% of your maximum health over 8 sec.based on 25% of your Attack Power over 8 sec. - Item - Druid T16 Restoration 2P Bonus
Ironbark increases your critical chance by 20% for 12 sec.Rejuvenation ticks have a 5% chance to grant a Sage Mender, reducing the mana cost and cast time of your next Healing Touch by 20%, stacking up to 5 times. - Item - Druid T16 Restoration 4P Bonus
Rejuvenation, Lifebloom, and Wild Growth critical heals have a chance to cause all cast time heals forCasting Ironbark grants you Spark of Life, causing all cast time spells within the next 12 sec tocausegrant a Living Seed on the target for 80% of the amount healed.

- Item - Hunter T16 2P Bonus Arcane Shot and Multi-shot reduce the cooldown of Rapid Fire by
2 seconds per cast.12 seconds per cast. - Item - Hunter T16 4P Bonus Explosive Shot casts have a 40% chance to
increase the number of charges your next Lock and Load effect hasnot consume a charge of Lock and Load. Instant Aimed shots reduce the cast time of your next Aimed Shot by 50%. Offensive abilities used during Bestial Wrath increase all damagedealt by 2%you deal by 2% and all damage dealt by your pet by, stacking up to 15 times.

- Item - Monk T16 Windwalker 2P Bonus Combo Breaker: Tiger Palm
now generates 1 Chi. Combo Breaker: Blackout Kick now generates 2 Chi.increases the damage of Tiger Palm by 5%. Combo Breaker: Blackout Kick increases the damage of Blackout Kick by 5%.

- Item - Paladin T16 Protection 2P Bonus and Item - Paladin T16 Protection 4P Bonus have swapped (4P is now 2P and vice versa).
- Item - Paladin T16 Retribution 4P Bonus Holy Power consumers have a 25% chance to make your next Divine Storm free.and deal 50% more damage.

- Item - Priest T16 4P Bonus Circle of Healing and Prayer of Mending casts increase the effect of your next Holy Word spell by
50%15%, stacking up to 10 times. While Spirit Shell is active, you gain10% haste and 3,500 mastery.15% haste and 3,500 mastery.

- Item - Shaman T16 Elemental 2P Bonus Fulmination increases all Fire and Nature damage dealt to that target from the Shaman by
4%10% for 2 sec per Lightning Shield charge consumed.

- Item - Warlock T16 2P Bonus
Conflagrate hasConflagrate critical strikes have a 20% chance to increase the critical strike chance of Immolate and Incinerate by 15%. Unstable Affliction critical hits have a 40% chance to increase all damaging effects of Malefic Grasp and Drain Soul by 30% for 10 sec. Soul Fire has a 20% chance to increase you and your pet's damage dealt by 20%. - Item - Warlock T16 4P Bonus When a Burning Ember fills up, your critical strike chance is increased by 15% for 5 sec. Haunt has a
20%8% chance to refund its shard when expiring. Shadow Bolt and Touch of Chaos have a20%8% chance to also cast Hand of Gul'dan at the target.

- Icebound Fortitude no longer costs a Frost Rune.
- Anti-Magic Zone no longer has spec specific tooltips. Now reduces spell damage done to party or raid members inside it by 40%, down from 75%. Now lasts 3 sec, down from 10 sec / until damage absorbed. (There may be some changes not in the tooltip coming)
- Death Siphon damage and AP scaling increased by 10%.
- Dark Command now also increases threat that you generate against the target by 200% for 3 sec
- Riposte (New) When you dodge or parry any attack, you gain 50% of your Parry and Dodge as additional Critical Strike for 20 sec. Death Knight - Blood Spec.
- Sanguine Fortitude no longer makes Icebound Fortitude free.

- Growl now also increases threat that you generate against the target by 200% for 3 sec.
- Dream of Cenarius now causes Healing Touch to cause your next Rip to deal 30% additional damage for Feral, up from 15%. Guardian perk tweaked as well, see tooltip.
- Soul of the Forest Balance proc now grants 100 Lunar or Solar Power instead of advancing you to the next Eclipse. Guardian proc causes Mangle to generate 30% more Rage, up from 8%.

- Distracting Shot now increases threat that you generate against the target by 200% for 6 sec.
- Wyvern Sting now has an 8-40 yd range, rather than 35 yd.
- Growl now increases threat that you generate against the target by 200% for 6 sec.

- Frost Bomb is now strongest when it can hit 5 or more targets with the explosion.
- Living Bomb is now strongest when applied to 1 or 2 targets.
- Nether Tempest is now strongest when applied to 3 or 4 targets.
- Frost Bomb is now strongest when it can hit 5 or more targets with the explosion.
- Living Bomb is now strongest when applied to 1 or 2 targets.
- Nether Tempest is now strongest when applied to 3 or 4 targets.
- Temporal Shield now also reduces all damage taken by 15%.
- Mastery: Frostburn no longer gives bonus damage to all spells against frozen targets. Now Fingers of Frost now increases the damage of Ice Lance by an additional 16%, and Brain Freeze increases the damage of the instant Frostfire Bolt by 16%.

- Healing Elixirs now also heals the next time a damaging attack brings you below 35% of your maximum health.
- Chi Brew now has spec specific tooltips and grants 3 Brew or Tea for your spec.
- Healing Elixirs now also heals the next time a damaging attack brings you below 35% of your maximum health.
- Power Strikes now also allows your next Spinning Crane Kick, Expel Harm, or Keg Smash to generate 1 Chi.
- Ring of Peace now disarms and silences for 4 sec, up from 3.

- Reckoning now increases threat that you generate against the target by 200% for 3 sec.
- Eternal Flame initial healing reduced by 30%.
- Sacred Shield (New) Holy: When you or your Beacon of Light target falls below 30% health, that target gains Sacred Shield, absorbing 30% of their maximum health. Sacred Shield can only occur once every 2 minutes. Protection, Retribution: When you fall below 30% health, you gain Sacred Shield, absorbing 30% of your maximum health. Sacred Shield can only occur once every 2 minutes. Paladin - LvL 45 Talent. 40 yd range. 6 sec cooldown.
- Sanctified Wrath now has an extra perk for Holy, increasing the critical strike chance of Holy Shock by 20%. Prot perk is now a reduction of the cooldown of Judgment by 100%, up from 50%.
- Selfless Healer now also works with Divine Light for Holy Paladins.
- Divine Plea no longer reduces healing output.
- Sacred Shield is now a Prot Paladin spell, rather than a talent.
Major Glyphs
- Glyph of the Alabaster Shield causes successful blocks to increase the damage of your next Shield of the Righteous by 10%, down from 20%..

- Divine Insight now has a 40% proc chance for Holy, down from 100%.
- From Darkness, Comes Light now has a 20% proc chance for Shadow, up from 15%
Minor Glyphs
- Glyph of Feathers (New) Your heal spells momentarily grant you angelic wings. Minor Glyph.

- Far Sight now has a 1,000 yd range, up from 500.
- Conductivity now also works with Chain Heal. Now increases Healing Rain duration by 1 sec rather than granting more healing. DPS spells have a chance to proc this on cast now as well, including Stormstrike.
- Healing Tide Totem healing increased by 50%.
- Stone Bulwark Totem absorb increased by 33%.
- Purification now only increases healing by your Healing Stream Totem, not all Water Totems.

- Fel Flame now costs 3% of base mana, down from 5%. Damage increased by 13%. No longer increases DoT duration.
- Voidwalker: Suffering now also increases threat that it generates against the target by 200% for 5 sec.
- Mannoroth's Fury now has a 60 sec cooldown, down from 1.5 min. Now also increases damage by 100% of your Seed of Corruption, Hellfire, Immolation Aura and Rain of Fire for 10 sec.
- Metamorphosis: Void Ray had a slight SP scaling increase, as well as no longer increasing DoT duration.

- Impending Victory now always heals you for 20% of your maximum health.
- Taunt now increases threat that you generate against the target by 200% for 3 sec.
- Impending Victory now always heals you for 20% of your maximum health.
- Riposte (New) When you dodge or parry any attack, you gain 50% of your Parry and Dodge as additional Critical Strike for 20 sec. Warrior - Protection Spec.
Raid & Dungeon Abilities
- Corrupted Brew (New) Calls forth a great Calamity, striking all players for 0% of their maximum health as Shadow damage. This also removes Shadow Word: Bane from all targets. Unlimited range. Instant.
- Shared Torment (New) Embodied Misery, Sorrow, and Gloom share health. Unlimited range. Instant.
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