how do you feel about pvp medals like in halo. Provide no player power but encourage skillfull play. Current ones anyone gets.
We like the idea. Just have to avoid encouraging strange behavior. "Nobody help me - I'm going for solo defender!" (
little thing that would make everyone happy and I don't see hurting anyone: reset all CD's after a duel ends. What you think?
Yeah we like that idea in general. It does have risks we'd need to avoid. "Dude, duel me to reset my CDs." (
yeah, but maybe only reset when a duel truly ends, not for forfeit (if technically possible)
Yeah, we agree. As I suggested, it is solvable. Just needs a fair bit of bulletproofing. (
then why undermine value of first two lvls of pvp gear (crafted/Mal) and start focusing on end game pvp perks?
If we buff the first tier of PvP gear, it becomes the only gearing option for players interested in any content. (
So we tried adding more tiers of PvP gear, but that just stratified the eligible players even more. (
By flattening all PvP gear to a fairly low ilevel (as long as it beats PvE gear at the high end) we hoped to solve the problem. (
We worry that it caused different problems though so we'll likely try yet another solution in the future. (
Blizz logic: Adds PvP Power. Not better than normal stats in PvP.
That wasn't the goal of PvP Power. It was to make certain items good in PvP but less so in PvE. Not a prob with gems. (
If the best gems were only available as raid drops, then it might be an issue as raiding for trinkets for PvP would be. (
What feels odd about it is that now there is no build/playstyle that gemming PVP power is advantageous
Sort of wish we had pulled the PvP Power gems since they are dominating so much of the conversation. (
Never understood why PvP Power gems were made in the first place. Same purpose as primary stat, choice is pure math.
Overall we were trying with gems to go the opposite direction with enchants. Enchants = pretty much one option per piece. (
Gems = so many options! Not sure either system is super awesome though. We have some ideas for the future. (
So, it's *not* an issue when PvP power isn't attractive enough to PvP players? Huh.
When PvP Power on gems isn't attractive? No. Are you feeling bad for the gems? (
As a JC, I feel bad for the gems when I accidentally learn them (mostly kidding ) (mostly)
I think there are probably just too many kinds of gems overall. (
The question should be why isn't pvp gear upscaling in raids/dungeons so we can PVE in PVP gear ?
A better solution might be that each gets scaled down in the "wrong" content. Then PvP gear doesn't have to have such so low ilvl. (
Really just thinking of big periods of PvP participation. Anecdotal, but I remember friends doing it a ton in TBC due
My friends in BC literally said "I'm not raiding tonight. Gearing through losing Arenas is much faster." (
Why was elite gear 512 reduced to 496 ilvl? If pvp gear is superior to pve gear in instanced PvP, then why not same wPvP too?
Because (at least at the moment), the PvP gear is not capped in PvE. If Honor was ilevel 500, everyone would gear that way. (
Is that a problem? Would raise PvP participation, and Normal PvE would still be higher ilevel than Conquest.
It would mean no dungeons, scenarios or other means to gear up. Running random BGs would be the dominant path to progression. (
I hope you understand that to many of us, BG & area are only a way to get pvp gear. Equilibrium of world PVP is what we care.
But how can world PvP ever be balanced? It's all about who caught whom unaware and how many friends they had... (
You've said skirmish wasn't played much but i know for a FACT that is not true. Skirmish 2vs2 ques were ALWAYS instant 24/7.
I have no motivation to lie about stuff like this. Overall, the feature was not widely used. We understand some really like it. (
I wonder in some 6.0 raid tier you'll hear "We can't do that; that set bonus would break PvP" or vice versa.
We would just disable or nerf the PvE set bonus if it would break PvP. (
We want to reduce the barrier to crossing over without making the "wrong" gear dominate either. (
Since ppl complain about heroic pvers winning pvp outdoor: Why not boost pvp gear to 522 and throttle in instances?
That would be another solution. We could also cap the ilevel of each in the "wrong" content. (
you dont want people to gear up for pve by honor but it currently IS the most efficient way once you hit 90 #justiceisuseless
It may be mathematically, but it's not the preferred way to do so. If it became the one true way, we'd change it. (
when do you guys plan on fixing healing in PVP since you ruined PVP gems ..aka pvp power and pvp resilliance so no one uses em
I don't understand the connection you're trying to make between PvP Power gems and healing...? (
PvP power is now the worst stat for healers. Not so coincidentally that's also why PvE gear is better than PvP.
PvE gear is not better than PvP gear in Arenas or BGs though except maybe for tank flag carriers. Maybe. (
With the change to pvp resi everyone is using dps gems.That along with the healing nerf has made it tough on healer's in arena
The value of a resilience gem has not changed. They provide the same survivability they did before. (
We think players miss that because the number moves so little when you add in the 65%. Percents of percents often trips folks up. (
do the devs like the amount of CC in PvP right now? is it where they want it? personally I think it's too much but im curious
We think it feels like too much when you get a comp with a lot of different DRs - stun, fear, root, blind, horror. (
We've talked about reducing the number of DR categories, but that's too big for a 5.4 change. (
high-end pvp must reward players with real gear, not that cosmetic stuff. pvp is not interesting atm. you've ruined it.
This is a tough problem for us, because there are so many other players that want gear to be far secondary to skill. (