That was... a really.. *speechless*.
Am I the only one that finds it strange that, after going through so much effort to find and retreive the heart, he simply dumps it in the water and walks away? And what, sends a scuba diver to retrieve it and bring it back to Org?
Oooooo! That was immense! I'm so excited for this patch! Garrosh btw. You are getting my avengers shield up your fuckin arse!
Damn, so much better than the Dragon Soul one. I'm pumped to fight Garrosh! Awesome job, Blizz!
Holy T*ts! That was awesome. And mandatory alliance comment: Taran Zu only talks about horde. Obvious Bias! (This was a sarcastic comment)
That was the best thing I've ever seen related to WoW. Holy shit I'm psyched for the next patch.
pretty impressive
i liked the pikes ontop of Orgrimmar, that was cool! i want to see some elves impaled all around Orgrimmar, should be a permanent feature.
"All who challenge me will burn in the fires of my hatred." Doesn't this sound familiar? I believe Deathwing said something similar.
That was a lot better than what I thought it would be ^^, happy days
So amazing, blew away my expectations. I don't recall being so pumped up by a trailer since the primary concern was the Lich King.
Truly epic cinematic for the final patch of mists of pandaria. Well done Blizzard
Originally Posted by Athura Holy T*ts! That was awesome. And mandatory alliance comment: Taran Zu only talks about horde. Obvious Bias! (This was a sarcastic comment) i don't even play Alliance but it would have been cool to see some of the other leaders gathering their armies.
Can someone please post the youtube link for the? Videos on mmo champion never load on my iPad for some reason.
Originally Posted by Venziir Exactly how would a trailer change that fact? They are trying to take a piece of dog shit and wrap it up in some nice sparkling gift wrap. Sure its looking really good but inside its still shit.
That is such an amazing trailer! wow!
Sigh, like father like son. Will he redeem himself in the end?
And the animators at Blizzard still haven't made a full length movie, why? Once again, just pure awesome.
Thank god. The first good patch trailer since ICC. Had lost faith.
really well done this does make me look forward to the raid
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