Patch 5.4: Siege of Orgrimmar Trailer Unleashed
The Patch 5.4 trailer has been released! You can see more of the new Garrosh model animations here, including some fun facial expressions.

This article was originally published in forum thread: Patch 5.4: Siege of Orgrimmar Trailer Unleashed started by chaud View original post
Comments 602 Comments
  1. Asphyxiate9's Avatar
    "Cool guys don't look at explosions"
  1. Brewce's Avatar
    Wondering if there is a quest for Garrosh's head to be returned to Stormwind and put on display like previous raid bosses? (like Nef for example)

    I'd love to see this orcs head on a pole
  1. Kolde's Avatar
    That was awesome
  1. Strafer's Avatar
    Needed more Thrall though.
  1. Ratyrel's Avatar
    Awesome trailer! Yay!
  1. Thyranne's Avatar
    Nice trailer. Much better than expected.
  1. Airwaves's Avatar
    Someone post the youtube link please!!!!!!!
  1. Kuniku's Avatar
    Brilliant Trailer! actually looking forward to this a lot more now ^__^
  1. ainurr's Avatar
    A w e s o m e
  1. mmoc71cd7564ff's Avatar
    That was effing amazing.
  1. mmoc5461ee9f4c's Avatar
    This even kicks the shit out of the black temple trailer....

  1. The One Percent's Avatar
    What a childish expansion. ;p
  1. mmoc1f5879385d's Avatar
    I want to cave in that orc's smug face with my fist (weapon) more than ever now.
  1. squid's Avatar
    This Taran Zhu guy is chaff we need Chen on the scene
  1. Yarathir's Avatar
    I loved it! It was so much better than the 4.3 trailer. I have almost no qualms with it. ALMOST.

    1. It seemed like they tried too hard to make Garrosh seem evil, hate-able, and like the villain.

    2. Taran Zhu. Oh, Taran Zhu. He might have been an incomprehensible hypocrite at times, but I still liked the guy. Really sad to see him go like that.

    Otherwise, perfect.
  1. Darsithis's Avatar
    That was so awesome I feel like I'm on crack!
  1. mmoc1cb88fe73b's Avatar
    This trailer is sooo good.

    Can't wait to see his head on a spike outside Grommash Hold.
  1. Dranged's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by saltyharbls View Post
    Too bad this pretty good trailer wont change the fact that pvp will still be broken in 5.4 :/
    yeah and we all care about pvp

    /sarcasm off
  1. serenka's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Airwaves View Post
    Someone post the youtube link please!!!!!!!
  1. Paq's Avatar
    I rooted for Voldemort, I rooted for the Emperor in Star Wars, and I am rooting for Garrosh in this!!!

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