Patch 5.4: Siege of Orgrimmar Trailer Unleashed
The Patch 5.4 trailer has been released! You can see more of the new Garrosh model animations here, including some fun facial expressions.

This article was originally published in forum thread: Patch 5.4: Siege of Orgrimmar Trailer Unleashed started by chaud View original post
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  1. krelios's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by schwank05 View Post
    Do you play an orc? If so I guess that makes sense, but if you play one of the far less lame races of the Horde, you are no longer part of the horde and he isn't your warchief.
    I play an orc and I still can't wait to get rid of Garrosh. He's been nothing but self-destructive since he murdered Cairne when he first took over. I'd love to see Thrall come and make up for his terrible mistake of leaving us with this power-mad lunatic that's trying to destroy the horde.

    What's that Garrosh? Turn every race but orcs against you? Yeah, there's no way that could end badly... I just don't understand how anyone can possibly support him now but there's always some "EVIL is cool no matter how stupid and destructive it is" kind of people out there. I played a Sith in Star Wars that was less blatantly cartoon evil than Garrosh. :P
  1. Deathpony's Avatar
    Garrosh has daddy issues.

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