Character Level Boost to 90 priced at $60
The US servers went back online after the maintenance and for a few minutes people could access the interface to upgrade their character. Unless announced otherwise by Blizzard, upgrading your character to level 90 will cost you $60 on live servers.

Thanks to Zheo for the screenshot!

This article was originally published in forum thread: Character Level Boost to 90 priced at $60 started by Boubouille View original post
Comments 1379 Comments
  1. Baneleaf's Avatar
    This price is high enough to keep people from spam creating 90s but cheap enough that if someone is desperate to get a max level toon to play with friends they can. I have never looked at character sales but I would imagine this is much cheaper, and legal, than paying someone to level a toon to 90. The fact that the price is what the collectors edition would be proves that subs are more important than just boosting to 90. Personally I have enough toons at 90 to damn near fill my own 25 man raid and most folks I know have at least 3 or more and with the expansion a ways off people are starting to get the end of expac jitters and leveling more. If you dont like the price, dont pay it.
  1. Kazuchika's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by iceberg265 View Post
    Wait, seriously? They charge $30 for race changes?!? Wow...people pay it too...amazing.
    Contrary to popular belief not all of us work at McDonalds and actually can spend money frivolously every once in a while.
  1. Milch's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by merkxbutch View Post
    So this is what World of Warcraft the game i have loved for 6 years is turning into...... I'm disgusted, i have spent 6 years levelling up all my characters and enjoying the game BUT! now you can just spend $60 POOFFFF lvl 90 character be ashamed at what you are becoming =(A pay to win game soon!) THANKS BLIZZARD ITS NICE KNOWING YOU!
    Oh noes! The World of Warcraft is going to Hell with all the new 90 alts!
  1. GodTier's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by merkxbutch View Post
    So this is what World of Warcraft the game i have loved for 6 years is turning into...... I'm disgusted, i have spent 6 years levelling up all my characters and enjoying the game BUT! now you can just spend $60 POOFFFF lvl 90 character be ashamed at what you are becoming =(A pay to win game soon!) THANKS BLIZZARD ITS NICE KNOWING YOU!
    You realize that $60 is more expensive than any expansion that has ever come out right? And you are skipping leveling... which only provides you with lore, time investment and some gold for your trials and tribulations.

    If you think the game has mattered pre-max level other than vanilla you're gona have a bad time.
  1. Ethas's Avatar
    Now that's just stupid. Thought about resubscribing, but seeing how Blizzard actually decided to move to pay-to-win model, I'm not going to.
  1. Eliandal's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Menthall View Post
    I have already leveled over 20 toons to 90 out of pure boredom. I am glad it is a little pricey, but now people will think all my toons were bought and paid for just based off logic.
    Does it really matter though?

    I've only levelled 9 - but it's a price I'd be willing to pay IF I desired anything more than the one more I'll be getting with the expac. If that price stands, it's more than worth the time I'd have to put in AGAIN for content I don't want to go through AGAIN just to level.

    For me, it's a bargain. Obviously, others mileage may vary!
  1. oatman's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Mementomori1993 View Post

    I'm pretty shocked. I was very much expecting this to land in the $45 range. Personally, this is to high for me to EVER justify it, granted my lowest level character is 60, the rest 85-90, so it seems like a waste. This is going to be a huge bummer to my college friends that wan't to boost to 90 and play with me, a deterrent if anything.

    As much as a surprise this is, a lot of you are acting like god damn drama queens. Go ahead and quit.
    I would give you credit for this post but you're forgetting that your college friends get a free 90 when they buy Draenor....
  1. briktal's Avatar
    Well the whole point of adding the ability to straight buy a level 90 boost is so that people who would otherwise get a new account and new copy of WoD for the included boost didn't have to jump through so many hoops to get their additional 90. They never said it was about making it really cheap and affordable.
  1. Buu's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Irisel View Post
    This price is ABSURD! I'm always against screaming the sky is falling, but seriously, fuck you Blizzard. That's ridiculous.
    The sky IS falling. I already expressed my concerns with this insta-90 being a a HUGE botter/scammer/gold-seller tool.
    Now, for this price, it's SOLELY their tool. Because there are FEW legit players with this kind of money.
  1. Jaen's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Jaeu View Post
    Rather buy RAF and level that way...
    Haha, what this guy said. I'm definitely not paying $60 for ONE character to 90, when I can wait for one of their sales, pay $80, and have THIRTY characters to 85 in 90 days.

    I just find the price laughable. I don't mind leveling, though I might have been convinced to buy a boost for a couple of characters, if it had been less than what I thought it would have been. I was thinking around $40. $60 is just stupid.
  1. Kuul's Avatar
    This has no affect on my gameplay.
  1. tangers58's Avatar
    LOL I hate the idea of pay to win, but if they are going to rip off the lazies this badly, I think I can die a bit happier
  1. Apexis's Avatar
    I was actually hoping for at least $80, to curb the people from wanting to not level. I think $60 might keep enough people from just buying endless 90's, but I am a little disappointed that it is not going to cost the lazy people more. Leveling these days is nothing, with all the perks one get. RAF is a joke 300% xp in dungeons, seriously should not take more than a day or two to get to cap, even without heirloom. If you put them in a guild you get even more perks from that and not to mention the amount of xp per quest and mob are also through the roof compared to years past.

    I was really hoping for a dollar per level to really make it non-attractive for most people to not want to do it. If you are getting the primary profession boost and a level 90, then you are really getting something on the cheap.
  1. Lumineus's Avatar
    That's uh... that's nice. I guess. Shouldn't it be... I dunno, significantly cheaper than buying a battle chest, a copy of WoD, and a character transfer?
  1. Falrinn's Avatar
    In a way I'm actually glad the price is this high.

    The high price keeps the level 90 boost as a WoD feature first and foremost, and should limit the number of people using it and keep traditional leveling somewhat relevant. The only reason they are selling them directly at all was because of a loophole that existed that would of allowed people to create whole new accounts and transfer a boosted 90 to their main one. Since that loophole would of cost a minimum of $100 to exploit (assuming MoP gets bundled with the base game or comes free with WoD) when a sale wasn't going on, the $60 cost is actually a bargain.
  1. Azerox's Avatar
    I earn a lot more then 60 dollars a day, and can't level a character to 90 in one day ;-) fair price imo.
  1. Farabee's Avatar
    Might as well milk the cow before the udders dry up. I don't foresee anyone but the laziest of people taking advantage of this.

    Now if that level 90 came with fully boosted professions (without having to get 60 first) and all reputations to exalted, I might think about it. For a toon with 483 gear and nothing else? Forget about it.
  1. NMX-'s Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Kuul View Post
    This has no affect on my gameplay.
    i like when ppl keep it real. Thanks, kuul.
  1. oatman's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Azerox View Post
    I earn a lot more then 60 dollars a day, and can't level a character to 90 in one day ;-) fair price imo.
    I love this logic, out of every post in this thread.... THIS post makes the most sense.
  1. Milch's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Buu View Post
    Because there are FEW legit players with this kind of money.
    You would be surprised at the amount that actually do have this kind of money.

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