Character Level Boost to 90 priced at $60
The US servers went back online after the maintenance and for a few minutes people could access the interface to upgrade their character. Unless announced otherwise by Blizzard, upgrading your character to level 90 will cost you $60 on live servers.

Thanks to Zheo for the screenshot!

This article was originally published in forum thread: Character Level Boost to 90 priced at $60 started by Boubouille View original post
Comments 1379 Comments
  1. Belize's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Frozenbeef View Post
    Blizzard sure do love their money >.<
    Companies love money. Wow, you sir are an economic master.

    Seriously, everyone who's complaining has never bought anything from Games-Workshop. You have to take out bank loans to buy GW models.
  1. Sam the Wiser's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by starkey View Post
    So many 2 faces in here looking at some of you people's post history saying instant 90 was P2W and now your in here saying its too expensive HYPOCRITES MUCH!!!!!
    Almost everyone one this website is two faced. One day they are for the next against.
  1. babyback's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Frozenbeef View Post
    Blizzard sure do love their money >.<
    As every other company does. Why shouldnt Blizzard be allowed to earn money?

    It's not like it's forced on you. It's all up to you if you want to pay for the service or not.
  1. Sainur's Avatar
    Blizzard, the Puppetmaster.
  1. zucchini's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by mcgenius View Post
    they did this on purpose to get peoples reactions about pricing
    my thoughts exactly
  1. chrisorie4's Avatar
    Guys why is there a lvl boost function to begin with :P? It's just a way for Blizzard to get more money out of a subscription based game which is really sad
  1. Neptuno's Avatar
    $60 is less than a new account assuming you'd need MoP + WoD to access it with preorder.

    Wonder if botters will use this to bypass issues with increased scrutiny of RaF accounts or if blizz will watch these toons as carefully... definitely don't need this causing more waves of gathering bots taking all our resources and then selling them to us...
  1. jellmoo's Avatar
    Pfft. I'd pay $60 just to avoid levelling from 60-70.

    Not sure why a publicly owned company maximizing profits by charging a premium rate for a premium service is all that surprising.
  1. Kujako's Avatar
    How much does it cost to just not have to play the game at all?
  1. Belize's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Sam the Wiser View Post
    Almost everyone one this website is two faced. One day they are for the next against.
    Actually I'm a dick all day everyday so I'm an exception to your rule
  1. Halldur's Avatar
    Am I missing something with the posts that are against this? in order to utilize the "free" 90 boost, you need to purchase WoD. In order to purchase WoD on a new account don't you need to have the battle chest, cata, and MoP already on your account? Basically the price they are offering this at is saying "We know that some people will create new accounts in an effort to access 90 boosts, we are just allowing you to skip the steps of buying the previous expacs as well."
  1. Amerrol's Avatar
    I wasn't really planning on boosting apart from the free one with the expansion, but $60 bucks made 100% sure I never will. I'd rather take the 4 months of game time I could get for that and casually level a character. Plus I get the side benefit of, you know, actually playing the game.

    It's a shame so many people are enabling companies to microtransaction the shit out of everything these days.
  1. OriginZero's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by gorkos View Post
    I assume that the charecter boost with the expansion is free and the expansion is gonna cost40-60 bucks at the most. Leaning more towards 50 atthe most honestly
    It will likely cost $40 for the SE. You know, like all the expansions.
  1. mmoca51e924d45's Avatar
    It's more than double what it should be. Disgusting.
  1. Thalassemia's Avatar
    I hope you guys aren't whining about the do know they are charging LESS than powerleveling websites services even now! and that's even instant without the wait or the worry that your account might get locked and you have to go through unlocking..etc

    If you think 60$ is too much, then you need to start working on a part-time job at
  1. deepjazz's Avatar
    cool.. $60 is nothing.

    make few lvl 90's for farming ashes of alar.. hope it goes live right away.
  1. chaddd's Avatar
    Holy crap this seems out of control! I have over $1000 in fees associated with xfers, name/race changes, etc, but even this price sits a little sour with me.
  1. snackfeat's Avatar
  1. Pancaspe's Avatar
    I expected $50 but $60 is good too.

    You have to understand the reason Blizzard is selling 90s is to prevent people from buying a second copy of WOD to get a 90. Let's examine that cost.

    MOP Battlechest let's say $20
    WOD let's say $40
    Transfer the new 90 to your Main Account, we know that is $25
    Total cost of a 90 $85

    So you see Blizzard is actually offering you a discount. They are taking LESS MONEY to make it more convenient and to avoid artificially inflating WOD sales numbers.

    So any cries of greedy Blizzard are just myopic foolishness.
  1. mevidoh's Avatar
    so for every toon i would want to boost i could buy a whole new game to play, why would i want to keep playing wow?

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