Character Level Boost to 90 priced at $60
The US servers went back online after the maintenance and for a few minutes people could access the interface to upgrade their character. Unless announced otherwise by Blizzard, upgrading your character to level 90 will cost you $60 on live servers.

Thanks to Zheo for the screenshot!

This article was originally published in forum thread: Character Level Boost to 90 priced at $60 started by Boubouille View original post
Comments 1379 Comments
  1. mmocdcb99cefa0's Avatar
    But you get one boost for free with the expansion, right?
  1. Grapple's Avatar
    yes we know but why post a 3rd thread of the exact same topic
    my face hurts from all of the palms it has been hit with.
  1. ChaosWolf's Avatar
    Let the buttwhining begin!!
  1. Dakhath's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Irisel View Post
    This price is ABSURD! I'm always against streaming the sky is falling, but seriously, fuck you Blizzard. That's ridiculous.
    Absurdly low.
  1. mmocbfaacb1cad's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Nelle View Post
    The downfall has started.
    You haven't been paying attention. :P

    It began the moment they started creating mounts/pets/armor etc. with our subscription money and then charge extra for it.
  1. PapewaioAcoma's Avatar
    Way too high. $40 would have been my limit.
  1. Axethor's Avatar
    Hot damn. I guess it makes sense though. Pay full price for all the expansions to not play the game.
  1. DarkTZeratul's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by KomiJones View Post
    But you get one boost for free with the expansion, right?
    Yes, which is actually why this service even exists: because Blizzard is well-aware that some people will simply buy a second copy of the game and expansion, make a brand-new 90 on a fresh account, and then merge it over to their main account, and figured that it's better to streamline the process than prevent it.

    So, since the sole reason for offering the service was because people would just buy the expansion pack on a new account and merge their newly-90 character over, I see nothing wrong with pricing it equivalent to buying a new copy of the game + WoD.
  1. Dark_Spirit's Avatar
    So, they couldn't get a microtransaction expert to work for them. Make sense.

    No Blizz, just no.
  1. mmocea8c9ba75a's Avatar
    Glad its 60 dollars, would have think they'd make it like 30 (greedy Blizzard wants easy money). This way people won't be bothered too soon to buy this ridiculous boost.
  1. lokithor's Avatar
    It's actually cheaper than I was hoping. I was hoping for 90 bucks. A buck per level lol
  1. mmoce5ee2a432e's Avatar
    Glad the price is high. Will help stop it being abused by FOTM rerollers.
  1. oatman's Avatar
    I agree $60 is way too cheap.... They should of priced it at around $100 per toon.
  1. Noix's Avatar
    HHAHA call it.. well i said 55. but still good i am glad they made it expensive. shouldnt be something worth 25 bucks.. and easy to get.. Good work bliz. 60 bucks is perfect.
  1. Dorkins's Avatar
    Good it ended up more being something for people who are just DESPERATE to not have to level.
  1. Zergin8r's Avatar
    Why are people surprised at this price? Many people already stated that if there was no paid 90 boost in the store, they would be willing to pay over $100 for a new account + all expansions + the month of time required to activate said account. There are people that do that now with RAF, they recruit themselves with a new account, then level 1-2 characters and buy another account after the month has run out.
  1. Aesahaettr's Avatar
    More than I expected, but

    This is a good thing.

    It will put people off using the service, so at the least the people QQing about it in the first place might shut up now.
  1. Williamgood's Avatar
    Yep activision has completely taken over. Nice knowing blizzard=/.
  1. mmocedbf46d113's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by szandos View Post
    If a char boost is included in the expansion, then this will be an expensive one if a char boost alone is 60$. Seems expensive.
    It's cheaper than to buy another account up to WoD and transfer it over to your account.
  1. mmoc9aa38bccdb's Avatar
    This is great! Atleast this will prevent all the kids from buying new chars here and there

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