Character Level Boost to 90 priced at $60
The US servers went back online after the maintenance and for a few minutes people could access the interface to upgrade their character. Unless announced otherwise by Blizzard, upgrading your character to level 90 will cost you $60 on live servers.

Thanks to Zheo for the screenshot!

This article was originally published in forum thread: Character Level Boost to 90 priced at $60 started by Boubouille View original post
Comments 1379 Comments
  1. mmoc522d01ac4b's Avatar
    People seem to be forgetting: Boosting a character to 90 should be expensive since it's not ment to be abused - Not to mention, boosting a character gives a whole gear, a set of bags, probably some gold, two professions at max (What I've heard?), all of your choice with class, race, profession and spec. I don't complain about this price, I'd say raise it a bit more so people don't buy one 90 of each class. I know leveling can be a b*tch when you've already done it a few times - But hey, at least I love the feeling of accomplishment - Like "Hey, I actually leveled a **** to 90. Sweet!". Thanks for the great price for the boost Blizz - I'd be wondering what you were up to if it was down at 30-40 or so.
  1. toliman's Avatar
    it is interesting though,

    it's also kind of saying "your level 90 is worth 4 months of playtime"
  1. mmoc7dd9f54937's Avatar
    I'm still a bit confused about this whole "Boost to 90" thing. I just read on the german b-net side something like "If you're a new player or returning to the game you can boost one charakter straight to 90".

    So my question is: Is this something like the SoR or does everybody (even players who are currently subbed) get a free 90?
  1. Celista's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by beneholio View Post
    So my question is: Is this something like the SoR or does everybody (even players who are currently subbed) get a free 90?
    You get a free 90 if you buy the expansion.
  1. mmoc625bdb1c1a's Avatar
    this game is filled with insecure virgins and pathetic fanboys,I'm so glad I quitted this piece of shit game ,what a shame that many idiots here are still deffending BLI$$ARD ,typical fanboism
  1. Flower Milk's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Druidjezus View Post
    Man I love reading MMO-Champion posters, its how I stay certain of the lack of intelligence of an 'average human'.

    "It's too high!"
    "It's too low!"
    "It shouldn't exist!"

    Let's go ahead and skip the stupid things and just get right to the heart of it. If you believe this feature should not exist then you either A. Think that Warlords of Draenor should not include a free boost to a level that allows the character to get right into the WoD action (since, let's face it, getting a free 90 when 6.0 comes out will do you zero good as it goes to 'pay to win' because you'll be so far behind that 'winning' at 90 will be out of reach for anyone who has not already 'won' and has people to carry them through those means).
    B. That a better alternative exists to prevent people from buying many expansion sets and transferring characters to get free 90s (I believe there are better alternatives but all of them have workarounds for a player who is REALLY willing to spend)
    I was okay with the free level 90 boost with WoD. I was hoping it would come with restrictions though, like one per account or something to prevent people from abusing it. But instead they're letting people purchase it for real money. No thanks.
  1. Gilian's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Terracresta View Post
    Still think the paid leveling service was already planned before the free level 90 with the coming expansion was announced.
    Politicians love to promise stuff even though they know its not going to happen or not even possible to begin with so why should a company be any different?
    Exactly. Like those people working at Blizzard are not smart enough to have figured that out before they announced the free level 90. I guess most people just don't want to hear it. It's so easy for Blizzard...
  1. Kezotar's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Nindoriel View Post
    It's cheaper than to buy another account up to WoD and transfer it over to your account.
    While it might be cheaper it's not a lot cheaper. If you buy the expansion on brand new account to also receive 30 months of play time and wait for it ... A new account. It's not a fair price, 40 at most. I imagine expansions at 40 bucks, all up to mop which will probably be included in the battle chest cost 5-10 euro from the shops where I live..
  1. Gimolos's Avatar
    While I am totally against this feature because the game has been noobed up enough already, if they are putting it in then it needs to be affordable so those of use without daddy's credit card can actually afford then new 10 lvl 90 char requirement. Anyone who doesn't will lose gold on profession cooldowns. From that perspective this is like buying a permanent influx of gold.
  1. Kezotar's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by nemesis361 View Post
    this game is filled with insecure virgins and pathetic fanboys,I'm so glad I quitted this piece of shit game ,what a shame that many idiots here are still deffending BLI$$ARD ,typical fanboism
    WoW .. so people change when they lose their virginity?
  1. mmocfc138a9a69's Avatar
    "Character Level Boost to 90 priced at $60"


  1. Lumineus's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Gimolos View Post
    While I am totally against this feature because the game has been noobed up enough already, if they are putting it in then it needs to be affordable so those of use without daddy's credit card can actually afford then new 10 lvl 90 char requirement. Anyone who doesn't will lose gold on profession cooldowns. From that perspective this is like buying a permanent influx of gold.
    Actually it's eleven lv90s, not ten. If you're on a super high pop closed realm like A52. Otherwise, it's probably 22, or as many as ACCT_MAX_CHAR on some of the coalesced realms. I'm sure Blizzard will enjoy the four thousand bucks from every richie-rich jackass who wants to control the transmute market.
  1. Rosencrantz's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Kezotar View Post
    WoW .. so people change when they lose their virginity?
    I lost my soul and reverted back to my former demonic self and tried to kill my girlfriend.
  1. Crookids's Avatar
    Kind of sad this game has come to this.

    Oh well, looks like I'm not coming back for the expansion. It's turning into a cell phone game. All the "precious resources" we had to hear about when we want a new feature like simple a.f. brown skin on an Orc, are being used for technology to make more money.

    First, all the coolest mounts are store mounts, then transmog armor and now something that actually does affect people. Can't use the excuse that it doesn't hurt players because you don't "need" it because WoD is going to be full of newbs queuing for dungeons ruining the community even more.

    Oh and forget a tabard tab under mounts. They used the resources so "services" is accessed easier.
  1. shilen09's Avatar
    People seem to have a lot of issues with the free level 90 character boost service. I understand your concerns, but that doesn't mean that they're a reality. Let's take a look at the reasons for this service:

    1. Coming back to the game? Great, we don't want to make you start at level 1/60/70/80/85 because that wouldn't be very fair would it?
    2. Burnt out on your class from raiding or PvPing too much in MoP? Here's a fresh start.
    3. Don't want to grind 1-600+ professions? Don't worry, as long as you're level 60+ you'll have free 600 professions.
    4. "We're losing subscribers and we can't guarantee subscribers will peak as they did during WotLK because new players will have to go through 100 levels. Not very appealing."
    5. At a price of $60... how much are you actually paying for? 60/90 = $0.67 per level. Are you going to sit there and complain about it?
    6. Unlike some of the younger players who lead relatively quiet lives, there are people who can't sacrifice hours upon hours leveling. (Don't even mention RaF or heirlooms.)
    7. Get over yourselves, WoW is at a point now where questing and leveling is such a small part of the game. No one cares about mundane quests of killing panthers for Nesingwary anymore. The lore that's important unravels at the end game.

    People claiming that Blizzard is stealing money from players are misguided. Some people value their time, and $60 isn't unreasonable for them. No one is forcing you to buy it. I'm sure that the same people who are calling Blizzard thieves also believe that the game will be even more full of noobs. Well, it's too late for that... there already are hundreds of thousands, if not millions. Just take into account the amount of genuinely good players you meet in-game on a regular basis. Now compare that to the baddies you meet. Unless you're in top guilds for PvE or PvP, there is already a high ratio of bad players to good. Saying that the paid 90 system will make more noobs is accurate to a certain extent, but it's like adding water drops into an ocean.

    You can hate all you want on Blizzard's decision, but the facts are here (even more than what I've listed). Don't be so self-absorbed that you ignore the fundamentals of what they're attempting to implement with this service. It's a quality of life improvement.
  1. Kiri384's Avatar
    Yes.. the servers were online.. then went offline.. then went back online...
    I figured that was it had to be. I've never caught that before during an extended maintenance, and this was one of the few days I sat online, obsessively checking to see if servers were back up.
  1. Au79's Avatar
    Seems better to just RaF yourself and level however many 90's you'd like. More for your money imo with a bit of time invested
  1. Tetrafury's Avatar
    Not expensive enough...
  1. mmocac1d5465e6's Avatar
    This is something I can never agree to. Leveling is so much fun. I don't know about Horde quests but the Alliance ones are a lot of fun, especially in Redridge Mountains. It only takes very little time to get to level 70, from then on it might be a bit boring in Northrend, but at level 80 time flies and your exp isn't so bad, especially in Uldum and Twilight Highlands.

    Save the monies and buy your nan a gift.

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