Character Level Boost to 90 priced at $60
The US servers went back online after the maintenance and for a few minutes people could access the interface to upgrade their character. Unless announced otherwise by Blizzard, upgrading your character to level 90 will cost you $60 on live servers.

Thanks to Zheo for the screenshot!

This article was originally published in forum thread: Character Level Boost to 90 priced at $60 started by Boubouille View original post
Comments 1379 Comments
  1. Caliph's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Volitar View Post
    (If you don't like it you don't have to buy it)
    non sense. There's such a thing as value and this is no value. The term "ripped off" comes to mind right away. This is worth nothing more than $25 per boost. hopefully people don't buy it and make an outrage over the pricing. Hopefully it's also a placeholder number and is actually much cheaper. if it stays at $60 it's nothing more than a money grab and not something i would use. Because the boost was something i was looking forward to if the price doesn't come down i'm not buying WoD and they'll lose a 10 yr. customer with 3 recurring monthly accounts.

    So yes i don't like it and i won't buy it. i like boost but at a value price. Your generic response is non sense. Try to think of something to add.
  1. mmocf53d55daac's Avatar
    Why do ppl care so much? Don't tell me someone was actually thinking about buying it. That would be extremely retarded.
  1. Awfulist's Avatar
    It's cheaper to buy a leveling service from a random Asian. I'll stick to that.
  1. mmocd2a2ae8157's Avatar
    it should be more, 90$. But meh... never gonna use it so I don't really care
  1. mmoc126873de27's Avatar
    The next step is a full set of previous raid tier gear and that is crossing some lines.
  1. mmocc699543fbd's Avatar
    well i though im gonna boost myself maybe 2 or 3 characters since i stopped playing a long time ago and just recently started i dont have many maxlvls but with that ... nope. probably just going to use the 90 boost that comes with the expansion.
    in my opionion this is way too expensive. i think the prices for server/faction change are a bit too high already.
  1. LanceDH's Avatar
    I think this might be more of a thing for experienced/harcore players.
    I'm thinking of people have have multiple of the same class and such, people that would actually spend the money knowing what they would get in to.
    I actually think it might be a good thing it's $60 and people finding it 'too much'.
    To some degree it actually helps you save money because I'm sure that if it was lower, a bunch of people would be wasting your money getting a class to 90 and eventually not playing it because they don't like it.
    Something you'd normally find out while leveling for a while.
  1. mmoc10bda09cc4's Avatar
    "The only way I accept paid lvl 90 boosts is if the price is high" average forum joe

    60 bucks

    "too much, fuck Blizzard"
  1. oatman's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Caliph View Post
    non sense. There's such a thing as value and this is no value. The term "ripped off" comes to mind right away. This is worth nothing more than $25 per boost. hopefully people don't buy it and make an outrage over the pricing. Hopefully it's also a placeholder number and is actually much cheaper. if it stays at $60 it's nothing more than a money grab and not something i would use. Because the boost was something i was looking forward to if the price doesn't come down i'm not buying WoD and they'll lose a 10 yr. customer with 3 recurring monthly accounts.

    So yes i don't like it and i won't buy it. i like boost but at a value price. Your generic response is non sense. Try to think of something to add.
    Goodbye, please don't come back.
  1. Dolsiac's Avatar
    Glad they made it a higher price, makes the aspect of such a purchase one that the user has to decide on what they truly want and not just spam all the classes to 90. I agree completely that this is not in any way pay to win, as you start with 483 gear and that does not make you overpowered in any way. I already got almost all classes at max lvl raid geared, and even if I used this I would be at a disadvantage from not gaining all the gold from the leveling process. If people leave over this thats totally their decision, but its over something so small that will have a minor effect to the game. I just hope they use the extra money from this to upgrade their instance servers and give us who farm old content more space so we dont get locked out from too many instances so quickly.
  1. Kazuchika's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Sykol View Post
    Yes, they are. It doesn't take a week and a half to level to 90 unless you have no arms. But if you can't tell the direction the game is heading after the slew of paid services, I feel bad for you, son. I got 99 problems, but WoW ain't one.

    Oh so you're just one of the old bitter ex-wow players whose life is so empty they have to keep coming to a WoW fansite to complain about how they care so much about a game they don't play anymore?

    Good to know.
  1. Weep's Avatar

    Now you can pay Blizzard to not play your character. When they really decide to throw in the towel you'll be able to pay for the latest tier of raid gear.
  1. Grim32's Avatar
    This is average. People sold SoR accounts for 40€, you include that and a transfer that was well over 55€. Making this cheaper than that and a nice legitimate method.

  1. Gangplank's Avatar
    This should make plenty of level-boost haters happy that the cost is very high. With the free level boost that comes with the expansion, I doubt you'll see too many people jumping to purchase an additional level boost until later in the expac.
  1. Smeeh's Avatar
    "waah buying 90's will ruin the game! waaah its so pay to win!"
    "waaah its way to expensive!"
    Make up you'r fucking minds...
  1. Yakuchin's Avatar
    That's quite alright, so people don't abuse it. Good!
  1. araflaks's Avatar
    so my warlock ive worked so hard on for years is worth 60 bucks? sad...
  1. Tenjen's Avatar
    i find this high price...agreeable.
  1. torterra275's Avatar
    $60 is a fair price, low enough for it be of use, high enough as a deterrent.

    I would've considering buying one to get another pally on a friend's server so I could join him, but now since heirlooms are truly account bound I don't see a point, heirloom make leveling so fast.
  1. mmoc5a44133bd1's Avatar
    not even $1.

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