Character Level Boost to 90 priced at $60
The US servers went back online after the maintenance and for a few minutes people could access the interface to upgrade their character. Unless announced otherwise by Blizzard, upgrading your character to level 90 will cost you $60 on live servers.

Thanks to Zheo for the screenshot!

This article was originally published in forum thread: Character Level Boost to 90 priced at $60 started by Boubouille View original post
Comments 1379 Comments
  1. Xmcdizzle's Avatar
    Ummmm.... what exactly is wrong with the price? 60 dollars seems fair. If you don't like the price, go level your character then and don't buy a boost.
  1. Selah's Avatar
    Lol, that is...well at least I'm not worried about WoW becoming a pay to win game anymore.
  1. mmoca79f018270's Avatar
    I was expecting it to be around $40, this price seems a little high imho - charging equivalent to a brand new game is pretty off Blizzard. Still, it's a luxury for those wanting to see new content with a new char fast. Leveling is very fast at the moment anyway.
  1. mmoc126873de27's Avatar
    I think they'll sell old legendaries next, anything thats not current will be for sale at some point.
  1. Zogarth's Avatar
    Blizzard being like: "nom nom nom, moneyz moneyz moneyz"
  1. Cerberussian's Avatar
    60$ is or enough or not high enough... cant figure that out yet.
  1. furydeath's Avatar
    Hey I was right $60 right on the dot.

    Now when they make new classes and people use the RoAF they only have to pay $60 to get to 90 and get free levels build up.
  1. Aldirick's Avatar
    Lets look at what they currently offer:

    Change Realm: $25.00
    Change Faction: $30.00
    Change Race in faction: $25.00
    Appearance change: $15.00

    All of that is $95.00, and you are still at the level you were at when you purchased that. Now, I will admit that I have never done any of these, but if you want to play with a friend on another server who is 90, do you want to pay for them to transfer, you to transfer, or would you make a new toon and pay to get to 90? That is your decision. If you look at the costs though, Realm and Faction transfer costs $55.00, are you willing to pay $5.00 for an insta 90?
  1. iceberg265's Avatar
    Rofl, I was expecting more like $10.
  1. Annoying's Avatar
    Not expensive enough. Should be like $100. It should also flag your character for some sort of training, maybe proving grounds or something. Only pre-formed group actions possible until you can hit like silver or gold on a role.
  1. Wishblade's Avatar
    Good thing I already got all classes at 86+, not gonna need to spend that amount of money for another boost after the free one. Think I'd rather level than pay for a boost if I really do find the need for a 13th char.
  1. Emzky's Avatar
    So they admit the leveling process sucks, and that they are not willing to improve it or shorten it, by introducing a way to pay away boredom. Only 60 bucks folks. I will never understand Blizzard doing this. Though it somewhat makes sense due to the amount of money they've taken from people wanting to move from population fluctuation on servers. Blizzard is simply dirty.
  1. Bisso's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Malkazam View Post
    that price is a great thing. It would discouraged people of using it for all their characters..
    Or they will ruin them and make more money.

    Either way i'm satisfied. It could be a disaster if the price was very cheap
    With what data do you make this claim? Are you sure it will discourage people from using it on all their characters? Because I just read a comment saying he will surely use it on 2-3 characters at $60 a piece ASAP. And as far as I know, the amount of money someone is ready to put in the game isn't an indication of his skills and ability to learn a new class. So free or not, a character boost will add max level characters, and I would assume that the skill ratio of these players will be the same as old toons.

    Now, I guess that if it would be free, it would destroy the 1-90 content (make the whole world empty for good). But I don't think it would change anything else. The game is 10 years old and there are people who play since TBC that still suck balls, others that started in MoP and are on top. Remember that the 90 boost is meant to be for the next expansion where you will still need to level 90 to 100, so good players will have time to adapt, learn, and become good, bad players will remain bad, putting a high price on a boost won't affect their skills all of the sudden.

    They have a financial analysis team that put the price up there, so for the profit, it's probably the best price point. For the respect they will get from their playerbase, not so much.
  1. Milch's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by MissMin View Post
    I think they'll sell old legendaries next, anything thats not current will be for sale at some point.
    And full raid clears after that! Those greedy bastards!
  1. Rizzir's Avatar
    no way in hell would I pay $60 to bump a toon to level 90, bad enough that the leveling process is so fast now you barely learn to play your class. I have a toon of every class so I can't see needing to use this service anyway.
  1. Sillysauce's Avatar
    Price is perfectly acceptable. It discourages people from dropping the equivalent of 4 months of subscription to get a level 90 when it doesn't even take 2 weeks to get from 1-90. It's not even a P2W sort of thing because starting at 90 does not teach you how to play your class effectively at all.

    IMO let people waste their money on this and when they can't play their brand new 90 they will understand the error of their actions.
  1. mmoceeceb76e25's Avatar
    How long till they sell gear?

    People on here will still be like ''so what, go grind your epix if you don't want to pay for them''. Blizzard can do anything they like because people will follow them like sheep.
  1. Azurenys's Avatar
    These greedy people have some nerve That's what you get for condoning the prices of their other services people, gj.
  1. zechz's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Zogarth View Post
    Blizzard being like: "nom nom nom, moneyz moneyz moneyz"
    IKR, it's almost as if they're a business or something /gasp
  1. Itisamuh's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Lycefli View Post
    I was expecting it to be around $40, this price seems a little high imho - charging equivalent to a brand new game is pretty off Blizzard. Still, it's a luxury for those wanting to see new content with a new char fast. Leveling is very fast at the moment anyway.
    Blizzard milks their customers at every turn; this price should not be a surprise, coming from them.

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