Warlords of Draenor Gameplay Videos
It seems there were more gameplay videos at the recent press events!

Orc Character Creation

Hunter Talents

Dungeon Journal

Gameplay Videos (Playlist)

Connected Realms Update - 05/03 (EU)
Originally Posted by Blizzard (Blue Tracker / Official Forums)
The following realms are scheduled to be connected next:

English Realms
  • (PvP) Sunstrider and Shattered Halls/Balnazzar/Ahn'Qiraj/Trollbane/Talnivarr/Chromaggus/Boulderfist/Daggerspine/Laughing Skull
  • (PvP) Darksorrow and Genjuros
  • (RP) Moonglade and The Sha'tar

French Realms
  • (PvE) Elune and Varimathras
  • (PvE) Marécage de Zangar and Dalaran

Plans for these connections may change at any time. We’ll provide additional updates for future connections here as soon as we can.

To see a list of all realms connected so far, see our other forum post.

Free Character Migrations Available (EU)
Originally Posted by Blizzard (Blue Tracker / Official Forums)
If you're on one of the source realms listed below, you can move your characters to one of the designated destination realms and avoid the queues—for free!

By initiating one of these transfers, you will be moving your character to a new realm and home. This is a one-time, one-way move. If you wish to move your character elsewhere, you will need to use the paid transfer service.

  • Silvermoon => Magtheridon / Azuremyst
  • Kazzak / Outland / Stormscale => Auchindoun

Please be aware that, due to the unpredictable nature of free transfers, we may close down any Free Character Migrations at any time and without warning if the target realm becomes full. If you plan to move with friends or your guild, we suggest that you coordinate the effort to reduce the chance of any stragglers being left behind.

Early closures aside, this set of Free Character Migrations will end on Tuesday, March 11

Begin a Free Character Migration now! We recommend reviewing the FAQ, as it details what is or isn't allowed for transferred characters.

Blizzard Holiday Gift
It looks like the people at Blizzard got their 2013 Holiday gifts in today! You can see it glowing here.

This article was originally published in forum thread: Warlords of Draenor Gameplay Videos, EU Connected Realms and Migrations, Holiday Gift started by chaud View original post
Comments 106 Comments
  1. Nerraw's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Farora View Post
    Other MMOs: almost unlimited customization so you can create your own unique character.

    Wow: here is one face with SLIGHTLY different textures, enjoy.

    Then don't play.
  1. Sharkcrap's Avatar
    I think the reason they took out lynx rush is because hunter's with the lone wolf talent don't actually have a pet to do that ability (Stampede is pets from your stable)
  1. Sainur's Avatar
    Those videos almost made me fall asleep.
  1. ElmoMcBeastly's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Farora View Post
    Other MMOs: almost unlimited customization so you can create your own unique character.

    Wow: here is one face with SLIGHTLY different textures, enjoy.

    And yet no one plays them. You know, if I didn't know any better, I would start to think that people don't spend their entire playtime staring at their character's facial textures.

    Ridiculous, I know.
  1. mmoc7fc23bbf2a's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Malackai View Post
    great >_> personally I like playing surv and I thought the versatility looked pretty interesting.
    So basically for me it means my lv 90 talents will be either a boring flaming arrow or a focus generating refurbished focus shot >_> reason I play a hunter is because of the pets so lone wolf talent is out of the question.. well that's a rather dull lv 90 talent choice

    I really hope they spice up the flaming arrow one.
    Yeah right. And I'll hope they spice up Ignite Weapon for the Warrior.. totally.. I mean.. Fire Damage.. Come on Blizz! Give me something that doesn't ignore all Resistances and all Armor of my Target, thus making the 80% WPDMG actually Ignore Armor..
  1. mestido's Avatar
    So lvl 90 boosted chars getting a ilvl 500 greens?
  1. mmoce56a1629af's Avatar
    Only time i see my char face is when i am at the login screen. I think that lasts 2 seconds before i hit enter and then see the back of his head for the rest of my time playing so people complaining about Orc faces confuses me. Maybe its an RP thing.
  1. Every Pwny's Avatar
    Hopefully they make the faces more distinct, a lot of the faces look the same.
  1. Valkors's Avatar
    They should have made flaming arrows something like a weapon imbue, or a poison is for rogues. It should not be a talent.

    Losing stampede is a huge burst cd and a big loss to our ability to do certain aspects. I remember my group could not have killed every weapon on the belt in h siegecrafter if we didnt have 3 hunters rotating stampede. Losing that will hurt us big time.

    Also, they probably didn't remove lynx rush bc petless wont have a pet, but more so bc 0 people used it once it was nerfed. If it was because you wouldn't have a pet, then they would remove Blink Strikes as well.

    Disappointing, really. Hopefully some things will be reworked still.
  1. mmocc538fa6c2f's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Velos View Post
    There is already proof. The talent changes with your spec.
    Look at the talent calc.

    People need to learn about hunter class.
    These are the people we will have to deal with in WoD...guess thats what will happen with the FOTM rerollers who don't know anything about your class.

    Tbh I was expecting ALOT more "huntards" posting about their ability to not read.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by mestido View Post
    So lvl 90 boosted chars getting a ilvl 500 greens?
    Aye. Its the same way Scroll of Resurrection worked. The instant 80s were put into 272 gear (entry quests in Cata). Looks like entry quests in WOD will be 500.
  1. Packing an i5's Avatar
    Still just as disappointed with the rogue talents as ever. Internal bleeding? are they kidding?
  1. zrankfappa's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Farora View Post
    Other MMOs: almost unlimited customization so you can create your own unique character.

    Wow: here is one face with SLIGHTLY different textures, enjoy.

    Your problem is that you spend too much time looking at the front of your character.
  1. Posvio's Avatar
    WoW will never die !! Deal with it !!
  1. mmocf06effc4be's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Posvio View Post
    WoW will never die !! Deal with it !!
    Bet you are wearing Blizzard brand blinders
  1. mmoc768010fc85's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Farora View Post
    Other MMOs: almost unlimited customization so you can create your own unique character.

    Wow: here is one face with SLIGHTLY different textures, enjoy.

    What are you doing here then ?
  1. Kaylena's Avatar
    UGH!!!! wtb a vid of the Character Creation screen that goes through all the female options also 
  1. Pesticide's Avatar
    The running animations for the Orc suck. I hope every race doesn't look so freaking stupid when they run. I can handle most changes to this game with a grain of salt but if all races run like that, I won't be coming back. I am very disappointed Blizzard.
  1. Trollfat's Avatar
    So many huntards in this thread....
  1. zrankfappa's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Reimann View Post
    That actually isn't the issue. The issue is: Every single NPC, player, and yourself will look the same, except very minor, teeny details that I don't even understand Blizzard is making the effort to do. If they're going to be lazy with texturing, they shouldn't waste their time and should be fixing/adding other things.
    My biggest excitement for this expansion was the new models and textures, but my excitement is dwindling with the lack of face change, and I'm worried we're all going to be Thrall/Varian/Tyrande/etc clones.
    Apparently, you and I couldn't be farther apart in what we want from a video game.
  1. Facepalmer3's Avatar
    The people making the videos seem to be either really excited or high. They seem sporadic and unsure of what to show. People have been waiting for years to see new models and they just rush over them, ugh!

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