Warlords of Draenor Stats
With Hit/Exp gone, what will the new incentive be for melee to stay behind the boss/mob to DPS?
It's more like the stats are gone from items and everyone gets a passive +7.5% to both. You can still get parried from the front. (
Chance to be parried will be 0%/0%/1.5%/3%, against a +0/+1/+2/+3 level target. (Bosses are +3) (
are inanimate objects like siege crafter weapons still going to parry?
That's encounter-specific, and we generally disable parry where it makes no sense. We missed belt weapons. (
You mentioned once before about flex modes possibly flexing up to 30 people. That still on the table or still only 25 flex max?
Still on the table. (
30 sounds great. A mythic guild can fit in its entire roster. Still think distributed loot should be mythic only.
Why? Just to stop week one split main/alt loot-funneling runs? (
agree with about the 30 size being good so no one from roster needing to be left out, disagree with loot thinking.
I'd love to stop week 1 loot funneling, but not at the expense of a social loot experience for the majority. (
In my experience week 1 loot funneling is a problem with very few guilds. Most won't even do it.
Yeah, plenty of 14/14H guilds don't do any of that. It's a niche problem. It does suck though. (
How would this affect loot drops if raid loot is in affect? I'm assuming 30 people would cause more loot drops than 25 or 20?
Right, with 30 you'd see 50% more loot on average than with 20. (
So loot per raid size it'll be: 8-19 people: 1 token + 1 item, 20-29 people: 2 tokens +2 items, 30 people: 3 tokens + 3 items?
No breakpoints like that. The idea is for loot : player ratio to be constant. We'll have more details to share in the future. (
Challenge mode raiding? 6.1 feature? Sounds good to me
Who's the audience for that feature? Seems like it'd be just the tiny sliver of players that has cleared the current Mythic tier. (
Why are they separated into two raids now, as opposed to three? Any particular design reasons?
HoF/ToES split was a bit awkward, especially for the gating, and 10 bosses lets Foundry feel like more of an epic end to the tier. (
So what about resil and battle fatigue? is it going away?
.Base resil and battle fatigue will be made as low as good gameplay will allow. (
Our goal is to have health pools scale along side damage so we don't have to constantly bump them up. (
If there is 2 dps for every health bar, doesnt that mean damage scales 2x faster then health? Wont the ratio change?
Example: Backstab does 10% of health in first season, 20% in last season. Not really a bracket thing. (
Can't recall if this was answered elsewhere, but is there a reason Drums of Rage aren't usable in Challenge Modes? Thanks
We generally bar the use of items/advantages added after the introduction of CMs. Drums should be usable in WoD CMs. (
and if you don't know, find out.. why are there Ruby Guardians in Grim Batol
Lorewise, Grim Batol was guarded by the red dragonflight before it was retaken by the Twilight's Hammer and black dragonflight. (
will wod have a lot of timeless Isle style interaction all over draenor?
Absolutely! From levelling to endgame, we're all about dynamic content and choosing the difficulty that's right for you! (
Would a system with XP bonuses for killing mobs well above your level be possible? There could be issues with high level carries..
How about an XP bonus for taking on a tough elite or rare in the zone? Doesn't need to be high level to be difficult! (
Would be also cool if rare elites would drop some transmog gear. For example, rare elites in Talador drop shoulder pads and so on
Used to be worried about inventory space with too many toys and fun stuff, Warlords UI revamp helps a ton! (
Warlords of Draenor
Hey Ion, just curious about something: will there be daily quests at max level in Warlords too? Not a lot but I do enjoy them.
Daily quests will certainly exist in various forms, but they won't be the backbone of endgame outdoor content as they were in MoP (
Any chance you can reduce ground spell effects, proc effects and visual "clutter" in melee? Hard to spot char and target facing
Yes. We have big plans to solve this; it's a big problem to us. (
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