Update (6:00 AM EST): WoWDB has been updated with Patch 6.0 data. A lot of data is still temporary as we work through the new format but you should still be able to catch a glimpse of what's new, like the wonderful Fudgehammer (obviously a test item).
Update (4:50 AM EST): Added New Lore / Conversations
Update (2:40 AM EST): Added New Rare Spawns / Chests / Events
Warlords of Draenor Beta - First Round of Information
Things are going to take a little longer than normal with all of the changes, but our teams are hard at work and we're making amazing progress.
This is just a couple of the things we've found so far, check back often for more updates!
New Lore / Conversations
The list was too long to include here, so click the banner below!
New Rare Spawns / Chests / Events
Originally Posted by MMO-Champion
New Broadcast Text
The list was too long to include here, so click the banner below!
New Creatures
The list was too long to include here, so click the banner below!
New Glyphs
Spells aren't parsed yet!
Originally Posted by MMO-Champion

- Glyph of Absorb Magic - Increases the total samage absorbed by Anti-Magic Shell by 100%, but Anti-Magic Shell no longer generates Runic Power.
- Glyph of the Ice Reaper - Reaping is now also triggered by your Chains of Ice.
- Glyph of Icy Runes - You gain an additional 10 Runic Power when you use Chains of Ice.
- Glyph of Empowerment - Your Empower Rune Weapon also heals you for 30% of your maximum health.
- Glyph of Necrotic Strike - 50% of all healing absorbed by Necrotic Strike heals you.
- Glyph of Raise Ally - Your Raise Ally ability no longer costs any Runic Power.
- Glyph of Rune Tap - Instead of granting an absorb, Rune Tap heals you for 50% more than it would have absorbed.
- Glyph of Runic Power - Whenever you are struck by a movement-impairing effect, you will generate 3 Runic Power every 1 sec for 10 sec.

- Glyph of Astral Communion - Your Astral Communion ability can be used while moving.
- Glyph of Imbued Bark - While Barkskin is active, when you are interrupted the resulting school lock has 50% reduced duration.
- Glyph of Enchanted Bark - For 10 sec after activating Barkskin, you are immune to Silence and Interrupt effects.
- Glyph of Ursol's Defense - Increases your armor in Bear Form by an additional 210%.
- Glyph of the Ninth Life - Reduces all damage taken while in Cat Form by 10%.
- Glyph of Celestial Alignment - Celestial Alignment now lasts 60 sec, or until 12 spells have been cast with it active, whichever occurs first.
- Glyph of Sudden Eclipse - While not in an Eclipse state critical attacks done to you restore 20 Solar or Lunar energy whichever is more beneficial to you. This effect can only occur once every 6 sec.
- Glyph of Maim - Increases the damage done by Maim by 100%.
- Glyph of the Shapemender - Each time you activate a shapeshift form, you are healed for 5% of your maximum health.
- Glyph of Moonwarding - Moonkin Form no longer grants bonus armor, but instead grants 10% increased maximum health.
- Glyph of Travel - Travel Form grants an additional 60% movement speed, but can no longer be used while in combat. This effect is disabled in battlegrounds and arenas and cannot be combined with other temporary speed bonuses.

- Glyph of Interruption - When you successfully Counterspell a target, the remaining cooldown on Counterspell is reduced by 4 sec.
- Glyph of Dragon's Breath - Increases the damage done by Dragon's Breath by 100%.
- Glyph of Regenerative Ice - You regenerate 4% of your maximum health every 1 sec for the duration of Ice Block.

- Glyph of Expel Harm - Expel Harm's energy cost is reduced by 5 while your health is below 35%.
- Glyph of the Floating Butterfly - Fists of Fury can be channeled while moving but no longer stuns its target.
- Glyph of the Flying Serpent - Flying Serpent Kick now also slows all enemies you move through by 70% for 0 sec.
- Glyph of Keg Smash - Increases the range on Keg Smash by 5 yards.
- Glyph of Renewed Tea - When Renewing Mist is dispelled, you gain 1 charge of Mana Tea.
- Glyph of Victory Roll - You gain 1 charge of Roll or Chi Torpedo whenever you kill a target that grants experience or honor.
- Glyph of Freedom Roll - Your Roll, Chi Torpedo, and Flying Serpent Kick abilities dispel all snares affecting you when used.
- Glyph of Soothing Mist - When you stop channeling Soothing Mist, you gain 1% movement speed for 1 sec for every sec you spent channeling Soothing Mist.
- Glyph of Zen Focus - When you use Thunder Focus Tea, you gain Zen Focus causing you to be immune to all silence and interrupt effects for 10 sec.

- Glyph of Ardent Defender - Ardent Defender no longer reduces damage taken, but if its duration expires without being consumed, its cooldown will be reset to 60 sec.
- Glyph of the Consecrator - Your Consecration effect now moves with you.
- Glyph of Divine Favor - Reduces all mana costs while Divine Favor is active by 25%, but Divine Favor increases healing done by 50% less.
- Glyph of the Liberator - Hand of Freedom's cooldown is reduced by 5 sec when not cast on self.
- Glyph of Hand of Freedom - Hand of Freedom immediately reduces the remaining duration of all effects which cause loss of control of a character by 25%. Any additional loss of control effects applied within 10 sec also have 25% reduced duration.
- Glyph of Judgment - Increases the range of Judgment by 10 yards.

- Glyph of Free Action - While Dispersion is active, you move 30% faster.
- Glyph of Delayed Coalescence - Dispersion lasts 3 sec longer, but when it has 2 sec remaining, its damage reduction reduces by 30% per sec.
- Glyph of Guardian Spirit - Guardian Spirit increases healing on the target by an additional 200%, but no longer prevents the target's death.
- Glyph of Restored Faith - Leap of Faith pulls you to your target instead of pulling your target to you.
- Glyph of Miraculous Dispelling - Reduces the mana cost of Mass Dispel by 50%.
- Glyph of the Inquisitor - Your Holy Fire deals 25% additional initial damage, but 20% of that damage is also dealt back to you.
- Glyph of Silence - Reduces the cooldown on your Silence spell by 25 sec, but also reduces its duration by 2 sec.
- Glyph of the Redeemer - All your healing is increased by 50% while Spirit of Redemption is active.
- Glyph of Shadow Magic - For 10 sec after activating Fade, you are immune to Silence and Interrupt effects, but the cooldown of Fade is increased by 60 sec.

- Glyph of Energy - Increases your maximum Energy by 20.
- Glyph of Elusiveness - Reduces the cooldown on Evasion by 30 sec.
- Glyph of Energy Flows - Each time you dodge while Evasion is active, you gain 10 Energy.
- Glyph of Disappearance - Reduces the cooldown on Vanish by 60 sec, but when Vanish's duration ends, Stealth is no longer automatically activated.

- Glyph of Ephemeral Spirits - Reduces the cooldown on Feral Spirit by 60 sec and reduces the duration by 15 sec.
- Glyph of Ghostly Speed - Ghost Wolf grants an additional 60% movement speed, but can no longer be used while in combat. This effect is disabled in battlegrounds and arenas and cannot be combined with other temporary speed bonuses.
- Glyph of Grounding - Reduces the cooldown on Grounding Totem by 3 sec.
- Glyph of Lava Spread - Increases the radius at which Lava Lash spreads Flame Shock by 8 yards.
- Glyph of Reactive Shielding - Your Lightning Shield can now trigger once every 1.5 sec.
- Glyph of Shamanistic Resolve - Shamanistic Rage reduces damage taken by an additional 30% but the cooldown on Shamanistic Rage is increased by 60 sec.
- Glyph of Shocks - Increases the range on Earth Shock, Flame Shock, Frost Shock, and Wind Shear by 5 yards.
- Glyph of Spiritwalker's Focus - Reduces the cooldown of Spiritwalker's Grace by 60 sec, but reduces its duration by 7 sec.
- Glyph of Spiritwalker's Aegis - When you cast Spiritwalker's Grace, you become immune to Silence and Interrupt effects for 10 sec.

- Glyph of Curses - Increases the radius of effect on your Curse of Exhaustion and Curse of Elements spells by 10 yards.
- Glyph of Dark Soul - Reduces the duration and cooldown of Dark Soul by 50%.
- Glyph of Flames of Xoroth - Flames of Xoroth no longer costs any Embers to cast.
- Glyph of Life Pact - Mana costs on all your spells are reduced by ??%, but Life Tap can no longer be cast, and your health will drop by ??% per sec. Your health cannot drop below ??% from this effect.
- Glyph of Metamorphosis - When you activate Metamorphosis, you no longer transform into a demon, but instead grow demon wings on your normal form.
- Glyph of Shadowflame - Increases the movement speed reduction on the Shadowflame effect from your Hand of Gul'dan spell by 20%.
- Glyph of Soul Swap - You can hold inhaled periodic effects from Soul Swap for 27 more sec.
- Glyph of Twilight Ward - Your Twilight Ward now absorbs damage from all magical schools.
- Glyph of Strengthened Resolve - Unending Resolve reduces damage taken by an additional 20%, but its cooldown is increased by 60 sec.

- Glyph of Cleave - Your Heroic Strike now hits 2 targets.
- Glyph of the Drawn Sword - Each time you parry while Die by the Sword is active, you gain 5 Rage
- Glyph of Heroic Leap - Increases your speed by 70% for 10 after using Heroic Leap.
- Glyph of Mocking Banner - Your Mocking Banner now causes creatures to attack the tank specialization player you had targeted when placing the Mocking Banner, instead of attacking you.
- Glyph of Raging Blow - If both of your attacks from a single Raging Blow are critical strikes, then your next Bloodthirst within 10 sec heals for 0% more.
- Glyph of Rallying Cry - While your Rallying Cry is active, you also gain 20% leech, healing you for 20% of all damage and healing you cause.
- Glyph of Shattering Throw - Teaches you the ability Shattering Throw.
- Shattering Throw - Throws your weapon at the enemy causing 12 damage or removing any invulnerabilities.
- Glyph of Flawless Defense - You have a 25% reduced chance for attacks against you to be critical strikes while Shield Wall is active.
New Objects
This is only some of the new objects. Many are related to Garrisons.
Originally Posted by MMO-Champion
New Scenes
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Temporary Loading Screen
New Items With Strings
Originally Posted by MMO-Champion
Poor- Ossified Venom Gland - As prized as rare gems when set in Draenic jewelry.
- Gronn Ritual Stone - Insidious power eminates from this mysterious piece of volcanic rock.
- Uncleft Hoof - Prized amongst Orc tribes as a sign of a hunter's good luck.
- Luminescent Crystal Heart - Installed atop poles by Draenei civil engineers to provide well-lit paths and common areas.
- Faded Note - A carefully folded parchment that has yellowed with age. Like the chest, it appears to have sat undisturbed for many years.
- Ironforged Tow Chain - Nigh indestructible and strong enough to pull almost anything.
- Void Lens - A featureless, perfect sphere that gives off no reflection.
- Latent Elemental Core - Traces of power remain, making this a valuable focus for Shamanistic rituals.
- Unblemished Carapace - A useful vessel for holding volatile or caustic liquids.
- Intact Vocal Sac - Used as a game call by swampland hunters.
- Iron Horde Weapon Cache - Lots and lots of simple but deadly-looking weaponry.
- Giant Draenor Pearl - Like a regular pearl, but more savage.
- Lightbearer - This worn mace once belonged to a guardian of Shattrath. Light still emanates from within, though it has begun to fade.
- Confessions of Dolruu I - These pages were torn from a larger journal.
- Confessions of Dolruu II - These pages were torn from a larger journal.
- Confessions of Dolruu III - These pages were torn from a larger journal.
- Crushed Pebbles - These rocks have been slowly broken down for digestion.
- Partially Chewed Hand - Who did this belong to?
- Chunk of Dogestone - Such color. Many shine! So heavy. Wow!
- Plant Fibers - A good source of nutrients.
- Wriggling Worm - Squirmy.
- Envoy's Log - Most of the pages are covered in mud but the last few are still legible.
- Ga'nar's Hunting Spear - Simple in design, but finely honed.
- Wild Flame Torch - The flames burn wildly attop the torch.
- Chuck Meat - This accumulation of assorted clefthoof meats has a smell to it that only a wolf could appreciate.
- Vicious Grapple - This bloodied hook is designed to breach the thick hide of a giant and inflict tremendous pain upon removal.
- Coil of Chain - This thick, rudementary chain is designed to hold the weight of a full grown orc without breaking and is able to be coiled about the wrist.
- Giantstalker Tactics - A collection of illustrated pages revealing the Thunderlord methods of fighting and dispatching giants.
- Mote of Frostfire - This swirling vortex of energy exists in a state of flux, both on fire and frozen, and always burning.
- Thunderlord Armband - Etched in this leather armband are crued but enlightening illustrations of giant hunting tactics favored by the crafter.
- Chunk of Moon Rock - As big a piece as you can carry. It glows with power and is still a bit hot to the touch.
- Scavenged Gizmo - Pieces of a Whirring Bronze Gizmo.
- Bent Framework - A piece of bent framework.
- Blasting Powder - A small bag filled with highly explosive blasting materials.
- Blackrock Blasting Powder - Refined minerals from Gorgrond, shipped in by the Iron Horde. Packs a big bang.
- Iris Crystal - The crystal's light is already beginning to fade.
- Delectable Ogre Queasine - Not necessarily edible.
- Mother of Wolves' Remains - Bury the Mother of Wolves at the graveyard just to the west of northern Throm'var.
- Redleaf Herb - A rare plant that is known to prevent infection and even cure some toxins. Widely sought after by healers all over Draenor.
- Kurgoth's Shard - Radiates pure evil, slowly corrupting anything it touches.
- Mulverick's Axe - One of Mulverick's twin axes.
- Turgall's Key - A key that can be used to unlock Lokra's chains.
- Urgent Bronze Missive - Sealed with the mark of the Bronze Dragonflight.
- Cindermaw's Chitinous Plates - The Nesingwary Foundation will pay handsomely to study any trophies from the infamous creatures of Draenor. When their research is complete, the trophy will be displayed in your Town Hall.
- Gorg'ak's Obsidian Spines - The Nesingwary Foundation will pay handsomely to study any trophies from the infamous creatures of Draenor. When their research is complete, the trophy will be displayed in your Town Hall.
- Pipeline Plans - Despite the scale of the pipes illustrated in the diagrams on this page, they have a very rudementary design. Much of this is covered in the blood of its former owner.
- Frost Wolf First-Fang - A "first-fang" is the first of many shed by an adolescent frost wolf pup when their adult teeth begin growing. Orcs of the Frostwolf Clan often keep the first-fang of their animal companion as good luck charms.
- The Blade of Kroga - This weapon was forged and cared for by a grand master swordsmith.
- Stormherald of Rakish - This bloodstained mace is the work of a grand master smith.
- Laughing Skull Mask - This mask has been stretched and worn with age since its owner came of age.
- Shadow Tome - Shadow magic is strictly forbidden by the Adherents of Arak. Arakkoa found in posession of books like this are branded as heretics and cast out.
- Limbflayer's Limbflayer - This vicious blade is crudely wrought, but has seen the insides of many victims.
- Kaz's Crazy Crate - Air holes have been punched in the sides of this crate and it rattles as you lift it.
- Passible Provisions - This collection of fruits and vegatables appear to be the only edible thing in Laughing Skull that isn't covered in questionable powders and seasonings.
- PH_6 Engorged Innards - Gross.
- Skullchief Mask - This mask looks and smells as if it has been handed down from one mad chief to the next for several generations.
- Goliath Prototype Instruction Manual - Hefty. The tome is rife with diagrams and notes in the margins. Hopefully, Thaelin can read Orcish.
- Remote Firing Plunger - Not quite as elaborate as something the dwarves and gnomes would create.
- Kaz's Disturbing Crate - Air holes have been punched in the sides of this crate and it rattles as you lift it.
- Blizzcon Boss Basher's Bombastic Blasters - Congratulations on vanquishing a fearsome foe in the depths of the Bloodmaul Slag Mines! Time to celebrate!
- Defender's Medallion - The golden pin is covered in blood.
- Thaelin's Spare Wrench - Use to sabotage the war machines at Blackrock Station and make them belch smoke.
- Iron Shredder Operation Manual Vol. X (Abridged) - This 1000 page volume of the Iron Shredder Operation Manual details various and sundry functions of the machine. You should see the unabridged version...
- Iron Shredder Operation Manual Vol. X Page ? - One of one thousand pages of Vol. X of the Iron Shredder Operation Manual. There must be something in here about enabling functions...
- Crystal-Shaper's Tools - A specialized set of chisels, blades and grinding stones used for refining raw crystals.
- Iron Horde Explosives - Explosives used by the Iron Horde in its Talador operations.
- Melani's Doll - Slightly singed.
- Annals of Aruuna - The draenei have learned to shape crystals for all kinds of purposes ranging from power containment to data storage.
- Crate of Rocks - You're just a good, little slave taking this crate full of rocks from one place to another.
- Dreadful Heart - The strange organ is shrouded with a foreboding aura of emptiness.
- Spare War Machine Parts - Thaelin's going to love you!
- Spare War Machine Parts - Thaelin's going to love you!
- The Edge of Garloc - The edge of this axe is stained with blood and suffering.
- Slaver's Skeleton Key - Can be used to unshackle the slaves at the Imperion Slave Camp and Mine.
- Distilled Heroism - Only works while engaged in battle with the Iron Horde.
- Blackrock Crucible - The molten metal that boils in the heart of this crucible can be formed into Blackrock Ingots and Draenor Steel Ingots.
- Draenic Coal - Causes a fire hot enough to smelt Draenic Steel.
- Fomic Ore - This ore has been smelted over and over again giving it an almost unequal purity.
- Abnormally Large Leaf - Far too large to have originated from a podling.
- Handful of Duskwing Dust - The fine dust from the wings shimmers in your hands.
- Aruunem Berries - The bright red skin of the berry is slightly sticky.
- Handful of Jorune Crystal Dust - The dust produces a soft light.
- Frightened Volen - Slightly traumatized, but still intact.
- Stolen Axe - An axe stolen from a Frostwolf orc shipment.
- Arena Master's War Horn - Are you not amused?
- Na'Shra's Mining Pick - This mining pick has been fashioned from the teeth of wild goren and coated with their unique acid making it an effective tool for mining the toughest of ore.
- Stolen Weapons - Various weapons hoarded by the saberon.
- Iron Horde Battle Orders - These orders outline the intent of the Iron Horde Shocktroops in Laughing Skull.
- Deceptia's Smoldering Boots - [PH - When you arrive at this fake quest hub/refugee camp, the entire place explodes and the questgiver flies at your screen. She leaves her boots behind and they are eternally smoldering--cosmetic boots or toy that make your feet smoke]
- Ricky - A slightly chewed stuffed Elekk.
- Auchenai Shadow Talisman - Used by Auchenai Soulpriests to enter the Shadow Realm.
- Solidified Goren Spit Sample - Crunchy on the outside with a squishy center.
- Curious Gem - The gem was once attached to the back of this goren and has taken on a curious color.
- Curious Gem - The gem was once attached to the back of this goren and has taken on a curious color.
- Ahm's Heirloom - A Draenei family heirloom.
- Ahm's Heirloom - A Draenei family heirloom.
- Goliath Prototype Report - This tome contains calibration information to optimize future Goliath Cannons being produced at facilities in northern Gorgrond.
- Bloodmaul Blasting Charge - Used to blast open caves in Frostfire Ridge.
- Torches - It may not be a proper burial, but it's better than eternal torment.
- Putrid Brown Ogre Tooth - A stained and rotted tooth of an ogre potmarked with cavities and strange holes.
- Merchant Rune - This smelly stone has a symbol carved in it representing something in the uncouth language of ogres.
- Last Will and Testament - Signed Restalaan, Captain of the Guard.
- Last Will and Testament - Signed Restalaan, Captain of the Guard.
- Blackrock Powder Keg - Uncorked, the keg leaves a line of blackrock powder behind you wherever you go and all the way back to Thaelin.
- Blackrock Ore Sample - This unrefined ore is the staple material used in Iron Horde machines. It is able to be refined to a hardened metal or mixed with other components to become an unstable explosive.
- Coil of Sturdy Rope - The rope is extra heavy duty.
- Barbed Thunderlord Spear - Sturdy and light, perfect for throwing.
- Glob of Sticky Tar - Smells awful and sticks to everything.
- Subdermal Tracking Device - A small tracking implant fastened to a dart and fired from safe distance.
- Palemoon Prayer Beads - Used in the performance of various rituals and ceremonies.
- Barbed Thunderlord Spear - Sturdy and light, perfect for throwing.
- True Iron Ore - It is believed that this shining, pure metal is the original form of Fel Iron.
- Coil of Sturdy Rope - The rope is extra heavy duty.
- Crescent Oil - Can be made by Alchemists or purchased from vendors. Commonly used in many recipes.
- Frostweed - Found growing in the snowy landscape of Frostfire Ridge.
- Fireweed - Unlike their cousins, found only in the very hot environments near the lava pools of Frostfire Ridge.
- Gorgrond Flytrap - A carnivorous plant with a misleading name - it subsists on a wide variety of small animals.
- Starflower - Blooms under the starlit sky of Shadowmoon Valley. The nectar that collects at the bottom of the flower causes it to glow.
- Nagrand Arrowbloom - Native to Nagrand, its arrow shaped blooms are prized for their medicinal properties.
- Talador Orchid - A lovely blossom that is highly poisonous unless thoroughly boiled.
- Crescent Saberfish Flesh - Flesh of the Crescent Saberfish, fished in waters all around Draenor.
- Jawless Skulker Flesh - Flesh of the Jawless Skulker, most often fished in the waters of Gorgrond with Skulker Bait.
- Fat Sleeper Flesh - Flesh of the Fat Sleeper, most often fished in the waters of Nagrand with Sleeper Bait.
- Blind Lake Sturgeon Flesh - Flesh of the Blind Lake Sturgeon, most often fished in the waters of Shadowmoon with Sturgeon Bait.
- Fire Ammonite Tentacle - Flesh of the Fire Ammonite, most often fished in the lava of Frostfire with Ammonite Bait.
- Sea Scorpion Segment - Flesh of the Sea Scorpion, fished in the ocean all around Draenor with Sea Scorpion Bait.
- Abyssal Gulper Eel Flesh - Flesh of the Abyssal Gulper Eel, most often fished in the waters of the Spires with Eel bait.
- Blackwater Whiptail Flesh - Flesh of the Blackwater Whiptail, most often fished in the waters of Talador with Whiptail Bait.
- Grimoire of Binding - Contains spells and incantations used to bind magical power to living beings.
- Ango'rosh Spellbook - Advisory: Spells of raw power. Do not attempt to wield, control, or bind.
- Sticky Tarbomb - Do not expose to open flame untill ready for use.
- Hagra's Shard - Touching the shard gives you the feeling that your soul is being covered by something oily and foul.
- Grogal's Shard - The fel taint within resonates as if something is trying to escape.
- Fiery Hearts - Still beating and burning with demonic heat.
- Burning Torch - The first rule of fire safety is to keep burning torches away from flammable objects.
- Gul'dan's Soul Trap - The sum feels far greater than the parts.
- Siege Weapon Schematics - The weapon detailed in these blueprints is both savage and brutal.
- Engineer's Gnomish Army Knife - Includes Gyromatic Micro-Adjustor, Arclight Spanner, Jeweler's Kit, Blacksmithing Hammer, Nail File, and Virtuoso Inking Set.
- Ultimate Gnomish Army Knife - Includes Gyromatic Micro-Adjustor, Arclight Spanner, Jeweler's Kit, Blacksmithing Hammer, Nail File, and Virtuoso Inking Set.
- Shadow Council Spellbook - If found, cast the spell on page 42.
- Alchemist's Cauldron - Yields Metamorphic Crystals and Alchemical Catalysts.
- Mutation Serum - Use on Grulk to restore his mutant strength.
- Dungeon Key - If there is a skull on the handle it must be a dungeon key.
- Key to Corki's Cage - This rod iron key has seen a lot of re-use.
- Neural Silencer - Warning label: May upset annoying humanoids.
- Broken Frostweed Stem - Collected by a herbalist in training.
- Broken Fireweed Stem - Collected by a herbalist in training.
- Gorgrond Flytrap Ichor - Collected by a herbalist in training.
- Starflower Petal - Collected by a herbalist in training.
- Nagrand Arrowbloom Petal - Collected by a herbalist in training.
- Talador Orchid Petal - Collected by a herbalist in training.
- Small Crescent Saberfish - Found everywhere in Draenor. Silvery eel with many, many sharp little teeth. Requires little skill to catch.
- Small Jawless Skulker - A strange fish with no mouth and an unforked tail. Subsists on the life energy of plants. Requires little skill to catch.
- Small Fat Sleeper - Ugly and slimy. Surprisingly delicious when cooked. Requires little skill to catch.
- Small Blind Lake Sturgeon - Lacking eyes, it "sees" with its long whiskers. Requires little skill to catch.
- Small Fire Ammonite - A magical "fish" that lives in lava and looks like a squid in a cone shaped shell. Requires little skill to catch.
- Small Sea Scorpion - Careful. It could take off one of your fingers with its pincers. Requires little skill to catch.
- Small Abyssal Gulper Eel - With a ridiculously oversized head and mouth, it can swallow prey bigger than itself. Requires little skill to catch.
- Small Blackwater Whiptail - Has a powerful tail, which it uses to stun its prey. Requires little skill to catch.
- All-Seeing Ring - Khadgar has an idea for how to use this fel-powered ring to pinpoint the Shadow Council's base of operation.
- True Iron Nugget - Collected by a miner in training.
- Blackrock Fragment - Collected by a miner in training.
- Bloodmaul Shackle Key - Unlocks Owynn Graddock's shackle.
- Owynn's Mace - Owynn's trusty head cracker.
- The Heart of Fernus - The heart of Fernus is the key to destroy the Fel Crystals and gain access to Gul'dan inside the Gloomspire.
- Large Blackwater Whiptail - Has a powerful tail, which it uses to stun its prey.
- Large Abyssal Gulper Eel - With a ridiculously oversized head and mouth, it can swallow prey bigger than itself.
- Large Sea Scorpion - Careful. It could take off one of your fingers with its pincers.
- Large Fire Ammonite - A magical "fish" that lives in lava and looks like a squid in a cone shaped shell.
- Large Blind Lake Sturgeon - Lacking eyes, it "sees" with its long whiskers.
- Large Fat Sleeper - Ugly and slimy. Surprisingly delicious when cooked.
- Large Jawless Skulker - A strange fish with no mouth and an unforked tail. Subsists on the life energy of plants.
- Large Crescent Saberfish - Found everywhere in Draenor. Silvery eel with many, many sharp little teeth.
- Enormous Blackwater Whiptail - Has a powerful tail, which it uses to stun its prey. Only caught by experienced anglers.
- Enormous Abyssal Gulper Eel - With a ridiculously oversized head and mouth, it can swallow prey bigger than itself. Only caught by experienced anglers.
- Enormous Sea Scorpion - Careful. It could take off one of your fingers with its pincers. Only caught by experienced anglers.
- Enormous Fire Ammonite - A magical "fish" that lives in lava and looks like a squid in a cone shaped shell. Only caught by experienced anglers.
- Enormous Blind Lake Sturgeon - Lacking eyes, it "sees" with its long whiskers. Only caught by experienced anglers.
- Enormous Fat Sleeper - Ugly and slimy. Surprisingly delicious when cooked. Only caught by experienced anglers.
- Enormous Jawless Skulker - A strange fish with no mouth and an unforked tail. Subsists on the life energy of plants. Only caught by experienced anglers.
- Enormous Crescent Saberfish - Found everywhere in Draenor. Silvery eel with many, many sharp little teeth. Only caught by experienced anglers.
- Dose of Lurker Venom - Freshly squeezed.
- Frostbloom Leaves - Touching these leaves has a nauseous effect.
- Frostshard - This shard burns to the touch.
- Owynn's Armor - Well oiled gear for sneaking in the shadows.
- Owynn's Dagger - Owynn's cherished blade from his adventures in Azeroth.
- Big Ol' Yeti Hide - It smells of savage... and musk. But mostly savage.
- Jawless Skulker Bait - Useful when fishing in Gorgrond. Kelp is the favorite food of the Jawless Skulker.
- Fat Sleeper Bait - Useful when fishing in Nagrand. Fat Sleepers find sweet flavors irresistable.
- Blind Lake Sturgeon Bait - Useful when fishing in Shadowmoon. The movement of bottom dwelling Sand Crab attracts the attention of Blind Lake Sturgeons.
- Fire Ammonite Bait - Useful when fishing in Frostfire. Frostfire fruit is lethal to most humanoids, but is the favorite food of the Fire Ammonite.
- Sea Scorpion Bait - Useful when fishing in ocean waters. Sea Scorpions like to pull starfish apart and eat their legs one by one.
- Abyssal Gulper Eel Bait - Useful when fishing at the Spires of Arrak. Toadfish have an odd shape that only gulpers manage to eat.
- Blackwater Whiptail Bait - Useful when fishing in Talador. Soft shell clams are the favorite food of the Blackwater Whiptail.
- Wolf Fuzz - It smells of savage... and musk. But mostly savage.
- Borgal's Flamebinder Totem - Drops of lava continue to drip from it.
- Borgal's Totem - You hear a faint whispering but can't quite make out what is being said.
- Borgal's Waterbinder Totem - The vile waters this totem is covered with would be best avoided.
- Borgal's Windbinder Totem - The totem is surrounded by a foul stench.
- Luminescent Soul Shard - This thin crystal shard glows with a soft light.
- Crystal Giant Heart - The heart is cold to the touch and pulsating with arcane energy.
- Pile of Elemental Ash - The reamains of a lava elemental who's magic has been completely used up.
- Thaelin's Notebook - Yep - there's embarrassing doodles in here, alright.
- V Ring - This ornate ring is lavishly decorated with a "V" emblazoned on it.
- Dissipation Crystal - Use on Frenzied Manafeeders to sooth them. The Frenzied Manafeeders must be below 35% health.
- V Slipper - These elaborate slippers are lavishly decorated with a "V" emblazoned on them.
- V Hat - This mystic hat is lavishly decorated with a "V" emblazoned on it.
- V Staff - This magical staff fluxuates in and out of time itself and has the clear symbol of the letter "V" on it.
- "Fragrant" Pheromone Fish - Has a very strong... fragrance. You refuse to use it on yourself.
- Drudgeboat Schedule - A dock schedule for the ships that carry Frostwolf prisoners.
- Shadow Hunter Garb - Woven by Bwu'ja herself while communing with the loa.
- Shadow Hunter's Glave - Double the blades, double the danger.
- Shadow Hunter's Mask - The mask silently judges all that it perceives.
- Native Beast Hide - Skin of a beast native to Draenor.
- Native Beast Hide Scraps - Combine 10 for Native Beast Skin.
- Stitched Starglazed Leather - Starglazed leather pieces stitched together with the vines of Starflowers has many uses.
- Bloodmaul Slave Key - Unlocks Bwu'ja's shackle.
- Sack of Draenor Herbs (TEMP) - Standing in for sources of herbs that aren't in yet. Based on your herbalism skill, you get this.
- Iridium Ore - A small rock of ore, but very heavy.
- Heart of Stone - The Earth Elemental's heart is incredibly durable.
- Iron Explorer Notes - The notes of an Iron Horde explorer investigating reports of mysterious flowers throughout Draenor.
- A Gift from the Shadowmoon - A note from Ner'zhul, addressed to Kargath.
- Thulgork's Orders - Thulgork's Orders from High Magister Reglakk
- Crulgorosh's Orders - Crulgorosh's Orders from High Magister Reglakk
- Frost Iron Ingot - Probably need some well padded gloves to carry this.
- Alchemist's Cauldron - The bubling brew inside contains Metamorphic Crystals and Alchemical Catalysts. Occasionally, however, things may go horribly wrong.
- Sack of Draenor Ore (TEMP) - Standing in for sources of ore that aren't in yet. Based on your mining skill, you get this.
- Firefury Spirit - Warms your pocket. Burns your foes.
- Napmaster's Sleep Mask - Effective at blocking attacks as well as bright sunlight.
- Blackrock Crucible - The molten metal that boils in the heart of this crucible can be formed into Blackrock Ingots and Draenor Steel Ingots.
- Frostwolf Clan Relic [PH] - Keystone that can complete Frostwolf Clan archaeology artifacts with missing fragments.
- Tiny Iron Star [PH spell] - A miniaturized version of an Iron Star, presented as tribute to the Shadowmoon Orc Clan.
- Fingers of the Void - Made with real fingers.
- Alchemical Catalyst - Used in creating alchemical processes. Catalyzes reactions that would otherwise take thousands of years.
- Ronokk's Greatcloak - This fallen hero's cloak was retained by the clan in honor of his glorious death.
- Essence of the Shapers - Contains the living essence of Draenor. A skilled alchemist can distill it from a number of different plants.
- Blackrock Ore - The might of the Blackrock Clan is built on the powerful properties of this dark ore.
- Chameleon Lotus - Changes form to adapt to the local environment. What may seem like another herb is sometimes actually a Chaemeleon Lotus.
- Ogre Empire Relic [PH] - Keystone that can complete Ogre Empire archaeology artifacts with missing fragments.
- Shadowmoon Clan Relic [PH] - Keystone that can complete Shadowmoon Clan archaeology artifacts with missing fragments.
- Warsong Clan Relic [PH] - Keystone that can complete Warsong Clan archaeology artifacts with missing fragments.
- Star Chart - [PH] Summon a Draenic map of the stars.
- Mortarer's Whistle - A small bomb is etched on the back end.
- Bottled Elements - A dangerous material used by skilled, or reckless, engineers.
- Discarded Lucky Coin - The previous owner's luck appears to have been used up.
- Gloria's Glorious Gliding Goodies - Contains negative calories.
- Temporal Shard - Teaches you how to summon a Temporal Shard.
- Garrison Blueprint: Inn, Level 2 - Teaches you how to build or upgrade a garrison building.
- Plans: Blackrock Crucibles and Their Uses - Teaches you how to create Blackrock Crucibles that produce Draenic Steel Ingots and Blackrock ingots. Also teaches you a recipe that uses the ingots.
- Recall Stone - Teaches you a garrison building specialization.
- You think this is the real Quaid? It is. *BRAAAAAP!* - Metamorphic Crystal - Key component in the most potent alchemical concoctions of Draenor. Constantly shifting in form and color, it is as volatile as it is versatile.
- Garrison Blueprint: Mage Tower, Level 2 - Teaches you how to build or upgrade a garrison building.
- Garrison Blueprint: Mage Tower, Level 3 - Teaches you how to build or upgrade a garrison building.
- Garrison Blueprint: Inn, Level 3 - Teaches you how to build or upgrade a garrison building.
- Embodiment of Agility (PH) - PH - may be split into multiple items.
- Embodiment of Intellect (PH) - PH - may be split into multiple items.
- Embodiment of Strength (PH) - PH - may be split into multiple items.
- Embodiment of Spirit (PH) - PH - may be split into multiple items.
- Embodiment of Stamina (PH) - PH - may be split into multiple items.
- Embodiment of Armor (PH) - PH - may be split into multiple items.
- Embodiment of Critical Strike (PH) - PH - may be split into multiple items.
- Embodiment of Haste (PH) - PH - may be split into multiple items.
- Embodiment of Mastery (PH) - PH - may be split into multiple items.
- Embodiment of Multi-Strike (PH) - PH - may be split into multiple items.
- Embodiment of Readiness (PH) - PH - may be split into multiple items.
- Embodiment 2 of Agility (PH) - PH - may be split into multiple items.
- Embodiment 2 of Intellect (PH) - PH - may be split into multiple items.
- Embodiment 2 of Strength (PH) - PH - may be split into multiple items.
- Embodiment 2 of Spirit (PH) - PH - may be split into multiple items.
- Embodiment 2 of Stamina (PH) - PH - may be split into multiple items.
- Embodiment 2 of Armor (PH) - PH - may be split into multiple items.
- Embodiment 2 of Critical Strike (PH) - PH - may be split into multiple items.
- Embodiment 2 of Haste (PH) - PH - may be split into multiple items.
- Embodiment 2 of Mastery (PH) - PH - may be split into multiple items.
- Embodiment 2 of Multi-Strike (PH) - PH - may be split into multiple items.
- Embodiment 2 of Readiness (PH) - PH - may be split into multiple items.
- Megawatt Filament - Everything is better when it's electrified.
- Shrediron's Face Shredder - To engineers, a work of art. To hunters, a tool for the art of killing.
- Shrediron's Face Shredder - To engineers, a work of art. To hunters, a tool for the art of killing.
- Shrediron's Face Shredder - To engineers, a work of art. To hunters, a tool for the art of killing.
- World Shrinker - Overuse may result in permanent shrinkage.
- Garrison Blueprint: Lumber Mill, Level 2 - Teaches you how to build or upgrade a garrison building.
- Garrison Blueprint: Lumber Mill, Level 3 - Teaches you how to build or upgrade a garrison building.
- Garrison Blueprint: Engineering Works, Level 2 - Teaches you how to build or upgrade a garrison building.
- Garrison Blueprint: Engineering Works, Level 3 - Teaches you how to build or upgrade a garrison building.
- Garrison Blueprint: Engineering Works, Level 1 - Teaches you how to build or upgrade a garrison building.
- Draenor Philosopher's Stone - Can be used for transmutations in place of a Philosopher's Stone.
- GUMM-E - Normally too complicated for the common person, this particular mailbox has extra-large buttons and instructions on it.
- Garrison Blueprint: Mine - Teaches you how to build or upgrade a garrison building.
- Garrison Blueprint: Herb Garden - Teaches you how to build or upgrade a garrison building.
- Garrison Blueprint: Fishing Shack - Teaches you how to build or upgrade a garrison building.
- Echo of Murmur [TEMP ITEM & SPELL] - Teaches you how to summon this companion.
- Savage Safari Hat - Huntin' pets is dangerous business. Don't go out without your hat.
- Mysterious Flower - A mysterious flower from a mysterious orc.
- Starglazed Leather - Native Beast Leather tanned using the nectar of Starflowers has a natural glow and magical properties.
- Darkmoon Ticket Fanny Pack - Contains several hundred Darkmoon Prize Tickets.
- Old Cooking Pot - Teaches you how to summon Lil' Leftovers.
- Carrotus Maximus - Teaches you how to summon this companion.
- Lovely Locket of the Luxurious Locks of Lor're - Contains several ringlets of the most exquisite hair you've ever seen.
- Gearspring Parts - The ultimate in adaptability, these parts are revered by engineers creating or fixing complex devices.
- Mechanical Toucan - Teaches you how to summon this companion.
- Mushroom Juice - Does something interesting.
- Chestplate of Paladin Testing Glory - Primary Stat Only
- Chestplate of Paladin Testing Glory - Both Primaries
- Chestplate of Paladin Testing Glory - Both Primaries, Deprecated Unimportant One
- Unclaimed Black Market Container [PH Loot] - An item sold at a previous auction that was never picked up by the winning bidder. Buyer beware.
- Fudgehammer - Legendary weapon of Warlord Blackhand. Legendary status derived from its name, not its power.
- Mercurial Embossment - Garrison Armory Prototype Reward
- Grimore of the Four Winds - Teaches you Wisdom of the Four Winds, allowing you to fly in Pandaria. This tome is consumed when read.
New Graveyards
Originally Posted by MMO-Champion
New Alchemy Categories
Originally Posted by MMO-Champion
- Alchemy of Draenor
- Reagents
- Flasks
- Potions
- Trinkets
- Ancient Alchemical Recipes
New Flightpath Nodes
Originally Posted by MMO-Champion
- Shadowmoon Valley 6.0 - Observatory (JP3)
- Shadowmoon Valley 6.0 - Ironhorde POI (JP3)
- Teluuna Observatory, Shadowmoon Valley
- Twilight Glade, Shadowmoon Valley
- Path of Light, Shadowmoon Valley
- Palemoon Village, Shadowmoon Valley
- Arkaat Outpost, Shadowmoon Valley
- Wor'gol, Frostfire Ridge
- Bladespire Fortress, Frostfire Ridge
- Exile Camp, Frostfire Ridge
- Blue (PH), Frostfire Ridge
- Stonefang Village, Frostfire Ridge
- Thunder Pass. Frostfire Ridge
- Thunder Pass, Frostfire Ridge
- Muster Field, Frostfire Ridge
- Horde Staging Area, Ashran
- Alliance Staging Area, Ashran
- Shadowmoon Valley 6.0:Jp3 - Darktide Roost - Bottom Of Hill
- Shadowmoon Valley 6.0:JP3 - Darktide Roost - Top of Hill
- Test Loc 1, Talador
- Test Loc 2, Talador
- Horde Garrison (PH), Frostfire Ridge
New Scenarios / Challenge Modes
Originally Posted by MMO-Champion
The Purge of Grommar- Chosen by K'ara - Speak with Vindicator Maraad.
- The Gates of Grommar - Slay Orrok the Spearmaster.
- The Purge of Grommar - Kill all orcs in Grommar.
- Fire From the Skies - Clear all of the remaining orcs from the docks and slay Commander Vorka.
Razorfen Kraul
- Razorfen Kraul - Defeat the forces of the Death's Head Quilboar inside their city of Razorfen Kraul.
The Mines of Draenor
- Collect Resources - Mine as much as you can before you run out of Steam Power!
Gorgrond Finale
- Speak with Durotan - Speak with Durotan.
- Get to the Machinehouse - Escort your group northward, toward the Machinehouse.
- Goraluk Anvilcrack - Slay Goraluk Anvilcrack, High Machinist of the Naval Base.
- Get to Supply Depot - Get to the Supply Depot.
- Survive Iron Horde Onslaught - Survive against waves of Iron Horde orcs. Use explosive barrels against them.
- Get to Central Dock - Get to the Central Dock so you can board the Wavemurder Barge.
- Get on the Barge - Speak with Rokk to get launched onto the Wavemurder Barge.
- Destroy the Wavemurder Barge - Destroy the Wavemurder Barge.
Dawson's Creek
- Kill Zem, Kill Zem All - Kill the guards in Stonard.
- Step 2 - sendevent 36841
- Step 3 - sendevent 36841
Bonetown Scenario
- Stop the Ritual - Stop the Bleeding Hollow Soul Shaman from reanimating the Fomor skeleton.
- Army of Souls - Defend Thrall until he breaches the inner chamber.
- Kilrogg Deadeye - Confront Kilrogg Deadeye and stop the dark ritual.
- 5 Bonus - Kill 5 Dudes
- 10 Bonus - Kill 10 Dudes
The Battle of Thunder Pass
- The Battle Begins - Speak with Durotan.
- Hold the Choke Point - Protect Frostfire against waves of Iron Horde attackers.
- The Iron Clusterpult - Destroy the Iron Clusterpult.
- A Good Defense - Protect Frostfire against waves of Iron Horde attackers.
- Defending Drek'thar - Protect Drek'thar from Iron Horde attackers.
- Iron Thunderlords - Protect Frostfire against waves of Iron Horde attackers.
- Malgrim Stormhand - Defeat Malgrim Stormhand.
- The Final Defense - Protect Frostfire against waves of Iron Horde attackers.
- Slay Maggoc - Slay Maggoc.
The Battle for Shattrath
- Preparations - Allied forces, under the guidance of the Archmage Khadgar, are ready to begin the battle of Shattrath.
- The Battle is Joined - Clear the way and establish a foothold. Help take the courtyard!
- Securing the Foothold - While allies set up an infirmary and temporary headquarters, Durotan orders Gazlowe to repel the counterattack. Take the plunge...
- Armored Rescue - Under orders from Maraad, Thaelin has his tank prepared to rescue Draenei children from captivity. Keep the tank safe!
- Orgrim's Lieutenants - Ogrim's best lieutenant's from the Thunderlord and Burning Blade clans give orders from once-safe locations.
- The Iron Harbor - The Iron Horde have reestablished their strength and make a stand in Shattrath harbor.
- Flagship - The Iron Horde's fabled Superweapon is atop their flagship in the harbor. Press the Big Red Button.
Blackfathom Deeps: Rise of Aku'mai
- Blackfathom Deeps: Rise of Aku'mai - The Twilight Hammer are performing sacrifices to raise Aku'mai. Put a stop to their evil.
- Attack the darkness - Defeat the following bosses within Blackfathom Deeps.
Thunderlord Invasion
- Defeat Thunderlord Invaders - Drive back the Thunderlord invaders.
- Defeat Thunderlord Assassins - Stop the Thunderlord Assassins.
- Defeat Ka'gazz Thunderfist. - Defeat Ka'gazz Thunderfist.
Spires of Arak
- 6.0 - Challenge Mode - Spires of Arak - Defeat the High Arakkoa of the Spire to thwart their use of the focusing lense.
Bloodmaul Slag Mines
- 6.0 - Challenge Mode - Bloodmaul Slag Mines - Defeat the High Arakkoa of the Spire to thwart their use of the focusing lense.
Iron Docks
- 6.0 - Challenge Mode - Iron Docks - Defeat the High Arakkoa of the Spire to thwart their use of the focusing lense.
- 6.0 - Challenge Mode - Auchindoun - Defeat the High Arakkoa of the Spire to thwart their use of the focusing lense.
Shadowmoon Burial Grounds
- 6.0 - Challenge Mode - Shadowmoon Burial Grounds - Defeat the High Arakkoa of the Spire to thwart their use of the focusing lense.
Iron Depot
- 6.0 - Challenge Mode - Iron Depot - Defeat the High Arakkoa of the Spire to thwart their use of the focusing lense.
Shaper Dungeon [PH]
- 6.0 - Challenge Mode - Shaper Dungeon [PH] - Defeat the High Arakkoa of the Spire to thwart their use of the focusing lense.
Upper Blackrock Spire
- Extinguish Runes - Kill inhabitants of room to extinguish runes.
- 6.0 - Challenge Mode - Upper Blackrock Spire - Defeat the High Arakkoa of the Spire to thwart their use of the focusing lense.
- Defeat Oremaster Gor'ashan - Disrupt Oremaster Gor'ashan's defenses and defeat him.
- Defeat Kyrak - Defeat Kyrak and his Drakonid Monstrosities
Defense of Karabor
- Stop the Bombardment - Defeat Command Vorka.
- Clear the Terrace of the Iron Horde - Defeat the Iron Gronn and the other invading Iron Horde forces on the Terrace at Karabor harbor.
- Protect K'ara from the invading forces - Protect K'ara until he becomes fully empowered.
New Archaeology Things
Originally Posted by MMO-Champion
Branches- Frostwolf Clan
- Frozen Lake Digsite
- Wor'gol Ridge Digsite
- Daggermaw Flows Digsite
- [PH Name] Digsite
- [PH Name] Digsite #2
- [PH Name] Digsite #3
- [PH Name] Digsite #4
New Quest Categories
Originally Posted by MMO-Champion
- Garrison Campaign
- Assault on the Dark Portal
- Garrison Support
New Phases
The list was too long to include here, so click the banner below!
New Things to Queue For
Originally Posted by MMO-Champion
- Random Timewalker Dungeon - 0
- The Purge of Grommar - 92
- The Purge of Grommar - 92
- The Mines of Draenor - 90
- Iron Horde Naval Base - 95
- Bonetown Scenario - 100
- The Battle of Thunder Pass - 95
- The Battle For Shattrath - 95
- Spires of Arak - 100
- Spires of Arak - 100
- Shadowmoon Burial Grounds - 100
- Shadowmoon Burial Grounds - 100
- Bloodmaul Slag Mines - 0
- Random Warlords of Draenor Dungeon - 0
- Random Warlords of Draenor Heroic - 0
- Defense of Karabor - 100
New Encounters
Originally Posted by MMO-Champion
Blackrock Foundry Raid
Blackrock Foundry Train Depot
Spires of Arak
Blackrock Spire
Bloodmaul Slag Mines
Draenor Auchindoun
Highmaul Ogre Raid
Shadowmoon Burial Grounds
New Maps
The existing map list actually gives us a good hindsight of what will be possible to do with Garrisons.
Originally Posted by MMO-Champion
Garrison - Continued
Garrison - Continued
New Areas
Originally Posted by MMO-Champion
Shadowmoon Valley
Spires of Arak
Tanaan Jungle
Bloodmaul Slag Mines
[PH] Heroes Through Time
Draenor Auchindoun
Shadowmoon Burial Grounds
Blasted Lands
[PH] Ashran - World PvP Zone
Blackrock Shipyard
Bonetown Scenario
Blackrock Train Depot
Spires of Arak
Highmaul Raid
Tanaan Jungle
Blackrock Foundry
Remains of Xandros
Defense of Karabor
Frostfire Ridge
New Achievements
Originally Posted by MMO-Champion
- You'll Get Caught Up In The... Frostfire! - Complete the Frostfire Ridge storylines listed below.
- WoW's 10th Anniversary - Logged in during WoW's 10th Anniversary.
- Spires of Arak - Defeat the bosses of Spires of Arak on Normal difficulty.
- Heroic: Spires of Arak - Defeat the bosses of Spires of Arak on Heroic difficulty.
- As I Walk Through the Valley of the Shadow of Moon - Complete the Shadowmoon Valley storylines listed below.
- Scenario Rampage - Complete 500 scenarios.
- Scenario Dominator - Complete 1000 scenarios.
- Spires of Arak Challenger - Complete the Spires of Arak Challenge Mode.
- Spires of Arak: Bronze - Complete the Spires of Arak Challenge Mode with a rating of Bronze or better.
- Spires of Arak: Silver - Complete the Spires of Arak Challenge Mode with a rating of Silver or better.
- Spires of Arak: Gold - Complete the Siege of Niuzao Temple Challenge Mode with a rating of Gold. Reward: Teleport to Spires of Arak
- Bloodmaul Slag Mines Challenger - Complete the Bloodmaul Slag Mines Challenge Mode.
- Bloodmaul Slag Mines: Bronze - Complete the Bloodmaul Slag Mines Challenge Mode with a rating of Bronze or better.
- Bloodmaul Slag Mines: Silver - Complete the Bloodmaul Slag Mines Challenge Mode with a rating of Silver or better.
- Bloodmaul Slag Mines: Gold - Complete the Bloodmaul Slag Mines Challenge Mode with a rating of Gold.
- Auchindoun Challenger - Complete the Auchindoun Challenge Mode.
- Auchindoun: Bronze - Complete the Auchindoun Challenge Mode with a rating of Bronze or better.
- Auchindoun: Silver - Complete the Auchindoun Challenge Mode with a rating of Silver or better.
- Auchindoun: Gold - Complete the Auchindoun Challenge Mode with a rating of Gold.
- Shadowmoon Burial Grounds Challenger - Complete the Shadowmoon Burial Grounds Challenge Mode.
- Shadowmoon Burial Grounds: Bronze - Complete the Shadowmoon Burial Grounds Challenge Mode with a rating of Bronze or better.
- Shadowmoon Burial Grounds: Silver - Complete the Shadowmoon Burial Grounds Challenge Mode with a rating of Silver or better.
- Shadowmoon Burial Grounds: Gold - Complete the Shadowmoon Burial Grounds Challenge Mode with a rating of Gold.
- Iron Depot Challenger - Complete the Iron Depot Challenge Mode.
- Iron Depot: Bronze - Complete the Iron Depot Challenge Mode with a rating of Bronze or better.
- Iron Depot: Silver - Complete the Iron Depot Challenge Mode with a rating of Silver or better.
- Iron Depot: Gold - Complete the Iron Depot Challenge Mode with a rating of Gold.
- Upper Blackrock Spire Challenger - Complete the Upper Blackrock Spire Challenge Mode.
- Upper Blackrock Spire: Bronze - Complete the Upper Blackrock Spire Challenge Mode with a rating of Bronze or better.
- Upper Blackrock Spire: Silver - Complete the Upper Blackrock Spire Challenge Mode with a rating of Silver or better.
- Upper Blackrock Spire: Gold - Complete the Upper Blackrock Spire Challenge Mode with a rating of Gold.
- Challenge Warlord - Complete every Challenge Mode dungeon from the Warlords of Draenor expansion.
- Challenge Warlord: Bronze - Complete every Challenge Mode dungeon from the Warlords of Draenor expansion with a rating of Bronze or better.
- Challenge Warlord: Silver - Complete every Challenge Mode dungeon from the Warlords of Draenor expansion with a rating of Silver or better.
- Challenge Warlord: Gold - Complete every Challenge Mode dungeon from the Warlords of Draenor expansion with a rating of Gold.
New Factions
Originally Posted by MMO-Champion
- Warlords of Draenor -
- Frostwolf Orcs - Frostwolf Orcs like Orc-Os. FIX FACTION TRANSFER DATA
- Forelings -
- Foreling-Eaters -
- Frostfire Ogres - Frostfire Ogres are not interesting, but they do like to argue.
- Shadowmoon Orc -
- The Pale -
- Adherents of Arakk - Worshippers of the dread god Arakk, these vile filth seek to stain the world with the blood of their foes.
- Arakkoa Outcasts - Working from the shadows, the Arakkoa Outcasts seek to bring a brighter tomorrow.
- Palemoon Orc -
- Shadow Council -
- Draenei, Draenor -
New Currencies
Originally Posted by MMO-Champion
- Black Iron Fragment - Scavenged from the shattered armor and weapons of Iron Horde invaders.
- Frostwolf Archaeology Fragment -
- Apexis Crystal - A swirling speck of interdimensional matter simultaneously unravelling and collapsing.
- Material - Earn material to build-up and expand your garrison.
- Blackrock Archaeology Fragment -
- Shadowmoon Archaeology Fragment -
- Warsong Archaeology Fragment -
New Creature Families
Originally Posted by MMO-Champion
- Storm Elemental -
- MT - Water Elemental -
- Terrorguard -
- Abyssal -
- Hook Wasp -
- Riverbeast -
New Points of Interest
Originally Posted by MMO-Champion
- Rokk - Laughing Skull Ruins
- Rokk - Tank Base
- Rokk - Ogre Slave Camp
- Rokk - Pipeworks Camp
- Rokk - Steam Capping Camp
- Rokk - Shipyard Camp
- Arena Spectator's Chest -
- Arena Master's Warhorn -
- Frostwolf Cache -
- Slave's Stash -
- Frostwolf Cache -
- Lagoon Pool - Requires Fishing
- Frostwolf Cache -
- Carved Obsidian Idol -
- Outpost Supplies -
- Crag-Leaper's Cache -
- Fallen Ogre -
- Frostwolf Cache -
- Young Orc Traveler -
- Young Orc Woman -
- Saberon Stash -
- Frozen Treasure -
- Iron Horde Supply Wagon -
- Frostwolf Cache -
- Grimfrost Cache -
- Wiggling Rylak Egg -
- Thunderlord Cache -
- Thunderlord Cache -
- Frozen Frostwolf Axe -
Updated Game Tip
Originally Posted by MMO-Champion
- Nobody has seen Alleria or Turalyon in years. Still.
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