Death Knight (
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why army of the dead be instant? It's so cool when they rise from the ground slowly, it's all about the cool animation.
They still do. The cast is just instant. (
Hunter (
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WoD Talent Calculator) looks like a ravager. Please let there be a hunter pet version. As a bug lover, I beg you. ;_;
That is the new ravager, tameable in the ravager family (
Shaman (
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Dont want to turn shaman into a pet class. Give him another elemental in WoD. Make totally sense -.-
It does, actually. A temporary guardian that you can talent into is very different from a pet. (
What do u think about GhostWolf?Its useless without glyph.Wasnt ur goal with WoD to delete such skills / make them useful again?
Ghost Wolf is objectively not useless. It may not be as useful as you want, in the situations that you want, but that != useless. (
What about tweaking GW to make it more in line with the sprints, blinks, leaps and teleports almost every class has?
That's simply not what Ghost Wolf is. You want it to be a different tool than it is and is intended to be. (
Warlock (
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will felgaurd cease to be the goto pet for demo? Removing brostorm , axe toss and pursuit? Will there be a new cool demo pet?
All of those are currently planned to stay. (
will demo suffer from not being able to sac pets? Or will there be a benefit to pet having increased crit
I'm not sure I understand the question. There's indeed a benefit to your pet having increased crit... it crits more. (?) (
crit for doom is a big part of our damage. Why sac it for pet increased damage? Unless there is a sweet benefit unknown to us
Remember, there's no more snapshotting. Yes, you'll get fewer Doom crits, but the Wild Imps from those Doom crits will do more. (
Its tuning is extremely rough currently, but think of it as -10% crit for you, +60% crit for your pets/guardians. That's big. (
thanks for the quick reply. Us locks thought we were on the ignore list on the WoD info dumps lately XD we have so many ?'s
I keep hearing that, and don't know why. Warlocks are not getting ignored; no idea why some think they are. (
When did Night Elves turn into Vampires? Does this mean a Night Elf with sparkles is from Twilight?
I hadn't noticed before either, but yeah, NE teeth have been that way forever. (
Your fixing spellclutter in WoD How about audio clutter Annoying to hear tons of spells and not dialogue New Slider?
Yes. Same thing to us. (
Character / Items
what happens to asian realms? Does it stay at 2/4 or does it bump up to 2/6?
25-player raid loot in Asian ruleset servers will bump up to a max of 6 VP upgrades, from the previous 4 they already had. (
What will you guys do with the Ahead of the Curve and Cutting Edge achievements? Just curious.
Those will be unavailable in patch 6.0 and not prior, as announced here: (
Wasn't the original intent of the FoS to do content pre-nerf? This is an obvious nerf directly to SoO.
The intent of the FoS was for doing the content while current. It's still current. (
Well I'm just recalling when they were first introduced in t14, but I guess it's a different philosophy now
To an extent, though the text of the achievements has always read (paraphrased) "...before the next tier." (
Are some SoO fights (Thok prime example) getting tweaked to accomodate the diminish of raid CDs?
Yes. (
This is a gigantic nerf to the difficulty of the content. I can't even fathom what difference 8 raid ilvls will make. Bad move.
It's about an 8% "nerf" that will take effect gradually over weeks. It's nothing compared to 30% ICC/DS. (
are gear changes ( being applied to pvp gear as well? if so, what currency will plyers upgrade gear with?
PvP gear will remain as is (no upgrades). PvE Ilevel ceiling will still top out at 540 in Instanced PvP. (
If gear will scale up to minimum ilvl in BGs, will that minimum ilvl increase each season?
yes it will increase each season (
With 4/4 upgrades to pve gear coming, that basically reverts what u were doing with 550 prideful gear to make competive in
I don't think 8 item levels completely negates it but I understand that perception (
PvE item levels always seem to scale higher than PvP.
Clashing design goals. 4 tiers of PvE & new gear should feel stronger. PvP doesn't want big difference between honor/conquest. (
As a result we're changing things pretty drastically in Warlords. (
so you're giving pve players a new goal to keep them in game, what about PvPers what do we get? Any love for us? :3
When we announced season 15, I got a lot of tweets like this one but with PvP and PvE reversed. (
Any chance you'll make the 5.0 MoP rares (Like Krol the Blade) like the Timeless Isle ones instead of being a campers paradise?
Yes, there's a very different sort of gameplay with rares spread across the entire world vs. clustered in a small high-pop area. (
Something to expect in 5.4.8 or 6.0?
In Warlords. 5.4.8 isn't a content patch, just fixing bugs (and giving us an opportunity to tweak a couple of things like Valor) (