Is there a reason why the undead racial is not scaling and every other race do?
The fact that it's not a % and others are does not mean that it doesn't scale and they do. Its damage does scale with other stats. (
Whereas something like 1% crit could also be read as 130 crit rating, which "doesn't scale" just as much (but still really does). (
The troll beast exp racial needs to go, I want stay a troll druid, but will always min/max! Just a pointless racial with endgame
Yes, it's a useless racial at endgame. But so what? It doesn't make trolls any worse at endgame. (
Death Knight (
Forums /
Skills /
WoD Talent Calculator)
Is there any chance to give Death Grip a 8yrd minimum range like charges, so they can't use it as an interrupt
You won't be able to do it twice in Warlords. Giving up your only gap closer to stop a cast is a reasonable tradeoff (
also, I know you have heard it a ton of time. Is there ANY hope that our only raid CD, AMZ, can get moved out of talents?
We're still satisfied with AMZ being a talent. (
Raiding is only part of the game, and it's not necessarily ideal in all, or even most raid encounters. It's a viable choice. (
Blood is by far the least engaging tank. I still love them, but it seems like they are being made even more bare bones.
I would definitely disagree with you. Rotational simplicity does not mean shallowness. (
Actually, unless there's some interesting interaction between abilities that's exactly what a simpler rotation means!
But there are more interesting interactions between abilities. (
Hunter (
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Skills /
WoD Talent Calculator)
With the Hunter pets no longer having crowd-control abilities (My sha-spider will cry) how will Hunters crowd control?
Freezing Trap, Narrow Escape, Binding Shot / Intimidation / Wyvern Sting. (
Mage (
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Skills /
WoD Talent Calculator)
still no change to fire. Please consider synchronizing Prismatic Crystal better with Fire's only dps CD.
Prismatic Crystal already 2.3x's the value of Combustion, due to spreading it via Inferno Blast. No need. (
Shaman (
Forums /
Skills /
WoD Talent Calculator)
Are you OK with the totem talent tier, especially for DPS spec in PvE ? Many Sham say "meg" about this talent row.
It's not a great talent row. We see it as being not actively bad, just pretty "meh", as you say. We'd like to improve or... (
...replace it at some point, but it's not at the top of our list of priorities at the moment, since it's not causing problems (
You said the totem tier isnt a great talent row. Isnt it because the whole totem mechanism is a bit old and need a rework ?
A) Spamming doesn't help. B) Designs aren't bad because they get "old". (
Why does elemental blast not have a healing component for resto? Its the only dps talent without a healing component.
Granting you increased Spirit is effectively a healing component, by giving you more mana to cast more expensive heals. (
So it's purely a resource building spell with a 2 second cast time?
I don't think that "purely" is an appropriate word for it. It does damage, some of a random stat, and a bunch of spirit. (
Warlock (
Forums /
Skills /
WoD Talent Calculator)
You changed the tooltip on Burning rush in Beta; I need some clarification please. Can we absorb this self-afflicted damage?
It's now like any other DoT. (
I cant invite someone to a group to share a tag if I'm queued for a dungeon w/o losing q
That's a terrible quality of life issue, and is one we'd like to fix. (
any chance we can get a guaranteed fresh LFR at least for first one each week? sucks sitting for 2 hour long queues
So then backfilling LFR on the first evening of the week would be literally impossible? (
If you've killed the final boss of an LFR wing, you're at least guaranteed a fresh instance if you requeue. (
I've gotta know. Some kind of anti-pet boss damage mechanism? Staghelm etc. hit my Tenacity pet much harder than they do me.
Many raid bosses are flagged to do triple damage when meleeing player pets. We really don't want pets tanking raid bosses. (
Can we have that NOT interfere with soloing old content, please?
This has been this way for literally 5 years. It's not some new system. Pet classes can solo just fine despite it. (
Will there be timers for bg's built into the UI in WoD?
Unfortunately no. High on the todo list tho. (
There's an add-on called bgtimers out there that might help you. (
Can you gear up playing in Ashran only or will bgs/arenas be required for highest end? (ratings?)
You can earn conquest in Ashran, but it won't increase your cap. So it's doable, but not the most efficient route. (
Will there be pve incentives to go to ashran as well
It will have some endgame rewards in common with other zones so it will be worthwhile for PvE players too. (
What do you feel is a fair criteria for CC that's bad for the game? Is there a clear line for you?
We should shoot to have counters to everything. (
Prediction-counters or post-hit counters? If former, what's a counter to e.g. Storm Bolt? Instant, ranged, undispellable, free.
WoW PvP is a team game and teammate play has to be considered a counter. In this case, how do you react to Stormbolt. (
And, for some comps, there is no reaction counter either, depending on what the purpose of its use was.
Prevention is one counter. Reaction is another. (
Currently there're 620(675 in pvp) blues and 660(690 in pvp) epics in database. Is this going to be the gear system in 6.0?
Yes those are the ilevels for the Veteran Honor gear and Conquest gear respectively. Honor gear is 600 (660 in pvp). (
how's tank viability in pvp comin along?
I actually think they have a really fun role in the large Ashran fights. They really push the fight forward. (
Will Garrisons have any PvP integration? Any reason for PvPers to be excited about Garrisons aside from building bonuses?
There will be some PvP elements. More to come. (
Also, do arrakoa dye their feathers as decoration/sign of rank, or do they prefer jewelry and other such things?
Arrakoa definitely love shiny jewelry. might have answers to your other questions! He's our Arrak-expert. (
Related; are the gender difference in arrakoa based in the colors/patterns of their feather coats like RL birds?
Not related to feather color or anything obvious to non-arakkoa. They appear androgynous to other races. (
Will ingame Thrall be renamed to Go'el anytime soon? Every character in War Crimes calls him like that already.
In-game only very close intimates call him Go'el. Most characters will continue to refer to him as "Thrall." (
Reputation / Questing
Please reconsider no dailies; they're something to do beyond dungeon grinding, and give a way to make money besides profs and AH
There are many more things to do in the outdoor world, and more ways to make money. We just found things more fun than blue !s. (
dailies can tell a story; timeless isle-esque grinding doesnt. Is the world stuff just grinding mobs and having to play AH?
Much more than grinding and AH. Real story quests, guided attacks on enemy bases, many garrison efforts. (
Dailies do have their place, and they're not gone completely, we're just favoring new fun structures. (
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