Gamescom Dev Interview - Warlords of Draenor Final Boss, Legendary Items, Transmog Revamp
Our friends over at Vanion had the chance to talk to Tom Chilton during Gamescom and came away with some interesting details. The highlights of the interview are below, but be sure to watch the whole thing for additional context.

Final Boss
  • Grommash is the final boss of Warlords of Draenor.

Legendary Items
  • Warlords of Draenor will have a questline for a legendary ring that begins at level 99 and is less grindy than the Mists of Pandaria quests.
  • The legendary ring will have a visual effect so that players can show it off.
  • It is very likely that there will be legendary items other than the ring from the questline.

Future Content Patches
  • A transmogrification system revamp could be part of Patch 6.1 or 6.2, allowing you to build a collection of transmog items rather than storing them in your bank or Void Storage. It also may include tools to better manage multiple transmog sets.
  • Tanaan Jungle and possibly Farahlon will be in future content patches, not at launch.
  • Additional dungeons could be added in content patches. There are more dungeons within Draenor that could be added, as well as older dungeons through the Timewalker system.
  • There aren't any class quests planned for Warlords launch right now, but if one fits later in the expansion it could be added.
  • The length of time beyond Patch 6.1 that you are unable to fly in Draenor will be decided upon by the community as a whole. If players enjoy it then it could last longer. If players overwhelming want flight back by Patch 6.1, then they will most likely get it.

Warlords Patch Timing
  • The Warlords patch cycle will be similar to the Mists of Pandaria patch cycle, but some of it will depend on the timing of the next expansion.
    • "Some of it will depend on the time before the next expansion after Warlords. It is very possible that if we are successful and there is a shorter gap, then we won't necessarily want to have multiple raid tier content patches. Each raid content patch needs about four months to breathe. Any less than that and it feels like you really rushed through the content."
  • The content patch schedule isn't finalized yet, as a lot of it depends on what players want to see more of once they get through the launch content. Some of it will depend on the scheduling for the next expansion.

  • The team would like to add the new Nagrand arena as a new arena, but this isn't final yet. It depends on how work on the next expansion is progressing.
  • There are no plans to add a new battleground in Warlords of Draenor.

  • Garrisons ended up involving all of the different teams and will be a big feature, changing the gameplay of WoW more than any other feature has.
  • More Garrison features or levels are something that could be done in a future content patch.

  • The Adventure Guide won't make it in for the Warlords launch. It will be useful as more content is added after launch, so hopefully it will be ready for a future content patch.
  • The World of Warcraft team grew by around 80 people during Mists of Pandaria, which should allow them to produce content faster in the future. This did slow things down in the short term though, which contributed to the delay of Warlords of Draenor.
  • There aren't any scenarios for you to queue for at Level 100 in Warlords right now, but some could be added in future patches. Right now they are mostly used as a storytelling tool while leveling.
  • Warforged items can appear in dungeons now as a nice bonus.
This article was originally published in forum thread: Warlords of Draenor Final Boss, Legendary Items, Transmog Revamp, and More! started by chaud View original post
Comments 233 Comments
  1. Magjee's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Keyblader View Post
    Eh. 2 expacs in a row the last boss is an Orc a Hellscream
  1. Sauronxyz's Avatar
    A whole thread dedicated to arguing about the last boss in the expansion.../sigh. Did no one else see this, "A transmogrification system revamp could be part of Patch 6.1 or 6.2, allowing you to build a collection of transmog items rather than storing them in your bank or Void Storage. It also may include tools to better manage multiple transmog sets." Please God I hope they come through with this!
  1. Sting's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Sauronxyz View Post
    A whole thread dedicated to arguing about the last boss in the expansion.../sigh. Did no one else see this, "A transmogrification system revamp could be part of Patch 6.1 or 6.2, allowing you to build a collection of transmog items rather than storing them in your bank or Void Storage. It also may include tools to better manage multiple transmog sets." Please God I hope they come through with this!
    Holy shit I missed this! Awesome news.
  1. Neretz's Avatar
    Yay, more free/welfare legendaries. Canceling pre-order, this expansion will be the same trash as WoD.
  1. Toiran's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by grexly75 View Post
    Did you actually read what was said? Here is is again bolded for you "Tanaan Jungle and possibly Farahlon will be in future content patches, not at launch." does it say they are cutting it, all I see it saying is that Tanaan wont make launch and maybe Farahlon might not make launch as well..

    I wonder if half the whining in this thread about things like this is that people have not read and understood what was said / written..
    Farahlon was always a content patch, it was announced as such and was never going to be in at launch, Tanaan wasn't, so no, this makes it sound like it *may* be a content patch in the future, rather than 100% a content patch in the future.

    Last boss semi disappointing. Can't really judge it until we see the fight though.

    Adventure guide another cut to the biggest list of cuts to announced features on the longest expansion gap ever. Weird how that works...
  1. Aphrel's Avatar
    i wonder if dungeon items also can roll with sockets then.
    gonan be one hell of a dungeonfarm to get wf and socket in all slots be4 raidcontent opens up
  1. Veraki's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Aphrel View Post
    i wonder if dungeon items also can roll with sockets then.
    gonan be one hell of a dungeonfarm to get wf and socket in all slots be4 raidcontent opens up
    That's probably the exact point - especially on alts etc too.
  1. Velshin's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Strafer View Post
    Grommash is not the end boss, he's just trying to throw us all off guard.

    Why the hell would he spoil it now?
    Just like how they did it with Wotlk, Cata, MoP, and now WoD.
  1. Flaim's Avatar
    on the flying thing:
    they should mark the code lines for it, press "del" and afterwards ctrl+s.
    then, they should have an unfortunate loss of all the backup data where all the old versions of their code are stored.
    non-instanced gameplay fix'd 4 ever
  1. Friendlyimmolation's Avatar
    Thanks for lying about the boss blizz. At least try to give this hellsream a fun fight.
  1. fenixazul's Avatar
    MOP was based on Pandas and a new continent, and the final boss was an Orc in Kalimdor

    To be honest, I also expected an Orc like Guldan or a Demon from the burning legion, Darn, I would have prefered Jaina going mad and making his own version of Dalaran to siege it.

    Nothing against Garrosh as the final boss of an exp, it was a fun boss, and in my opinion, a better fight than Deathwing madness, but Gromm, it is too similar to his son, both think almost the same, and probably use the same abilities

    Then again, if they wanted an orc as final boss again, they could choose Guldan, that would be fine and acceptable.

    P.D : AND WHY THE" "·$"·%"%! they have to reveal the final boss... before the release of the expansion. It is not fun blizzard, you ruin the surprise of not having a defined nemesis
  1. Hubbl3's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by jangkun View Post
    yeah..2 expensions of Orcs :/
    So you want a Draenei endboss? I would enjoy killing Velen in a raid =)
  1. fenixazul's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Flaim View Post
    on the flying thing:
    they should mark the code lines for it, press "del" and afterwards ctrl+s.
    then, they should have an unfortunate loss of all the backup data where all the old versions of their code are stored.
    non-instanced gameplay fix'd 4 ever
    Instead of that, why not delete world pvp, it is so unbalanced.
  1. Mang's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Master Guns View Post
    You people are inept. It was stated at blizzcon that grommash will be the final boss. A fan asked the panel and metzen literally says grommash hellscream.

    Kill yourselves and rid us of your stupidity.

    Someone missed their baby nap
  1. mmoc8823406b83's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by AllyCat View Post
    Seriously? A "legendary" ring that everyone can get?

    Legendaries aren't legendary anymore. Look back at TBC, you just killed Illidan, you're next in line for the Glaives, and they drop. Your heart nearly skips a beat when you see that orange text in the loot table.

    Now look at MoP. You finish the last quest. You talk to wrathion and the cloak is in your inventory. Yay I guess? Legendaries have gone the way of epics, they're not legendary, they're not a rarity, they're handed out to everyone. Give us something on the same scale as Thunderfury, or the Warglaives or Shadowmourne! Give us something we can easily recognize on a high end player and think "Holy shit, I want that" and make us WORK FOR IT! Don't make it a gods damned quest reward!
    It is legendary because its not a simple drop. It requires some more work than one kill and luck. I don't have problem with eveyone having it till it takes some effort and time.
  1. Kindahuge's Avatar
    Calling it now, we push back, have the Iron Horde on the major retreat from every zone back to their stronghold - then the Legion shows up and shows Grom that he does need their power to "truly be a conqueror" or something like that. Of course, we'll defeat him anyway. Maybe we'll defeat him near the portal as the legion prepares to come stomping in regardless of him, at least.
  1. Kioshi's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Mentaldemise View Post
    "It's not an orc"

    Turns out to be an orc.
    Maybe Blizzard meant to say "its not a Warchief, but it is a Warlord"
  1. Bridius's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Illustrathor View Post
    I highly doubt that Grommash will be the final Boss. The cinematic is so much about Lore that we should keep in mind the Lore, which means, kil'jaeden used the orcs to extinct the draenei. But instead mannoroth is gettin killed... Do you really believe kil'jaeden will except such a betrayal and that Archimonde will ignore such thing? The burning legion must come if...
    This 100%. People should remember the first Draenor (Outland) expansion.

    Illidan was clearly the final boss. Grom is clearly meant to be the final boss here as well. But I expect the Burning Legion to come soon after. They will never forgive such a betrayal... and the slaying of one of their Supreme Commanders, Mannoroth.

    I expect Archimonde to have a heavy hand in this expansion working in Mannoroth's place. Some items and quests in beta refer to Archimonde a few times at least.
  1. Invictus9001's Avatar
    The length of time beyond Patch 6.1 that you are unable to fly in Draenor will be decided upon by the community as a whole. If players enjoy it then it could last longer. If players overwhelming want flight back by Patch 6.1, then they will most likely get it.
    There is more spin here than a stripper-pole. First, Blizzard internally wanted to muse about whether players could 'learn to love a world without flight.' Now they are shifting the responsibility away from themselves (the people who make the freaking game), and pinning it on the shoulders of the community!? That's some genuine BS ladies and gentlemen.

    The portion of the community that loves to troll the official forums, Twitter and Facebook postings (etc) will absolutely scream that they are fine without flight, and become Blizzard's scapegoat in the situation. Meantime, I wonder how many of us who are opposed to the idea of an entire new world without any flight whatsoever (for the duration of the expansion) will have the fortitude to speak out against the rubbish thinking.
  1. notorious98's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Invictus9001 View Post
    There is more spin here than a stripper-pole. First, Blizzard internally wanted to muse about whether players could 'learn to love a world without flight.' Now they are shifting the responsibility away from themselves (the people who make the freaking game), and pinning it on the shoulders of the community!? That's some genuine BS ladies and gentlemen.

    The portion of the community that loves to troll the official forums, Twitter and Facebook postings (etc) will absolutely scream that they are fine without flight, and become Blizzard's scapegoat in the situation. Meantime, I wonder how many of us who are opposed to the idea of an entire new world without any flight whatsoever (for the duration of the expansion) will have the fortitude to speak out against the rubbish thinking.
    Personally, not one other MMO that I have played utilizes flight and I prefer it. Flying mounts made the world a smaller place.

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