Update (4:45 PM EST): AskMrRobot is updated and online!
Update (4:30 PM EST): Ordos will not be accessible to everyone. You need the legendary cloak to access him still.
Update (1:20 PM EST): Added Blizzard's Patch 6.0.2 video recap.
Mists of Pandaria Included in Base Game
Mists of Pandaria has been removed from the Battle.Net Shop and the base game now is listed as including level 1 to 90. Players who haven't purchased Warlords of Draenor yet had their launcher change to the base game background instead of Mists of Pandaria.
World of Warcraft Site Updated
The World of Warcraft site design has been updated to include a new background and the Warlords of Draenor logo.
Patch 6.0.2 Survival Guide
Blizzard has released a video recap of some of the major changes in Patch 6.0.2.
Iron Horde Invasion - Blasted Lands Quests
Upon logging in you should be able to start the short Blasted Lands quest line. These quests reward
Iron Starlette,
The Iron Invasion, and the
of the Iron Vanguard title.
You can find more information about the quests on the WoWDB pages for the initial
Alliance /
Horde quest.
Gearing Up Alts
If you want to gear up alts to make leveling in Warlords a little bit easier, there are now a few more ways to do so. Keep in mind that lots of items can be upgraded at the cost of 50 x
Lesser Charm of Good Fortune.
- Upper Blackrock Spire - The new version of UBRS drops item level 550 blues, which is better than you can get from Normal Siege of Orgrimmar (without upgrades). You need item level 510 to queue.
- Honor - Battlegrounds and arena skirmishes can give you honor to purchase item level 550 Prideful gear.
- Gold - Gear that was sold for Justice or Valor previously is now sold for gold!
- Timeless Isle - You can get lots of 496 gear from chests on the isle. If you get tokens for armor you don't need, you can send them to other alts.
- World Bosses - The world bosses have a 15-30% chance to drop gear.
- Siege of Orgrimmar - Flex is now normal and scales from 10 to 30, so take advantage of the Group Finder to get some gear. If you are item level 496 or above, you can get item level 528 gear from Raid Finder.
- Throne of Thunder - If you are at least item level 480, you can do Throne of Thunder. Bosses have a ~30% chance to drop item level 502 gear.
Patch 6.0.2 Known Issues
Originally Posted by
Blue Tracker)
- Priest - Switching targets while casting Mind Vision can cause Mind Vision to sometimes show the Priest's PoV instead of the original target.
- Priest - Holy Word: Serenity does not work with mouseover macros.
- Paladin - The temporary crit rating buffs are not increasing Parry chance through Riposte.
- Mage - Frozen Orb has its projectile pathing blocked by objects, such as trees, that don't block line of sight for targeted spells.
- Monk - Healing Spheres summoned by Gift of the Serpent will not spawn near the NPC party members during Proving Grounds.
- Priest - Chakra: Serenity is not increasing the healing of Glyph of Power Word: Shield (56160).
- Trial of the Crusader: There is a camera issue when moving the camera into the alcove where the mobs enter the arena.
- Orgrimmar: There are three areas in the ground in the Cleft of Shadow where you can see under the world.
- Vale of Eternal Blossoms - There are sections of missing water and extra planes of water in several locations.
- Obsidian Sanctum - Drake mounts may not drop if players kill Sartharion too fast.
- The special level 90 version of Upper Blackrock Spire is not visible in the dungeon finder dropdown unless you meet the average item level requirement of 510.
- It is possible for players to receive multiple Brew of the Month Club mails or no mail at all.
- Some Brew Vendors may not always sell the brew of the month to players who are eligible.
Characters, Creatures, and Mounts:
- Creatures will rotate to face a player if the player is moving after landing the killing blow or if they one-shot the creature.
- A minor animation error will occur when Female Trolls do the "read" emote.
- A minor animation error will occur when Female dwarves drown.
- Multiple HD character models sit incorrectly in various types of chairs.
- The Murkablo Battle Pet isn't playing idle animation sounds, and is missing a visual fire spell effect.
- Orc Male's beards can sometimes appear untextured in the character creation process.
- Fel versions of the Dreadsteed and Felsteed mounts display some non-fel effects.
- Players mounted on a multi-passenger vehicle on a transport are not shown the transport loading screen when crossing continents.
- A minor animation error can occur with some drake mounts (Nether Drakes, Frost Wyrms) when they land after jumping.
- Female Blood elf cloaks animate as though they are female Draenei.
- Players, other than the party leader, are prompted to select a role, the first time that specific group queues for an arena match.
- Account-wide achievement criteria may not always visually display progress (Logging in and out sometimes resolves this).
- Mouse-over tooltips maybe sometimes only remain on screen for a fraction of a second.
- The rewards tooltip for Guild Vault Voucher (7th Slot) visually displays the wrong requirements.
- Holy priest chakras do not work with the stance conditional.
- The equipment manager and title panes of the character pane may sometimes visually be blank.
- Some sections of the item upgrade UI (before you select an item to upgrade) has not been updated to reflect that PvE upgrades should now only cost Lesser Charms of Good Fortune.
- The Professions window can appear gray if opened after viewing a grayed out page of the Spellbook or Core Abilities tabs.
- With the Recruit-A-Friend faction suggestion active, Create New Character will autoselect races from either faction.
- The indicator used to show which direction the Eclipse Bar is going for a Balance Druid appears to visually flip randomly throughout the process of the bar as a whole.
- The skybox flickers when CrossFireX is enabled.
Published on 2014-10-14 04:26 PM
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