Update (9:10 PM EST): Added Patch 6.1 launch trailer.
Update (7:50 PM EST): Added today's hotfixes.

Patch 6.1 Launches Next Week!
Blizzard have announced that Patch 6.1 will launch next week and have released a patch trailer to go along with it:

Patch 6.0.3 Hotfixes - February 17
Originally Posted by Blizzard (Blue Tracker / Official Forums)

Raids, Dungeons, and Scenarios
  • Blackrock Foundry
    • Oregorger
      • Oregorger's health has been reduced by 10% on Normal difficulty.
      • Oregorger's Rolling Fury ability now deals less damage on Normal difficulty (135,000 damage) and on Heroic difficulty (200,000 damage).
    • The Blast Furnace
      • Heart of the Mountain should no longer spam raid warnings for Blast whenever it reaches 100 Energy.
      • Mind Controlled Firecallers should no longer be able to cast Reactive Earth Shield on injured Primal Elementalists.
    • Kromog
      • Kromog's Reverberations should now be easier to dodge with a 3-second delay before the ability starts dealing damage (up from 1.75 seconds) and the effect's radius has been decreased.
    • Beastlord Darmac
      • Beastlord Darmac's Call the Pack now has an increased cooldown of 40 seconds (up from 30 seconds) on Normal difficulty.
      • Fixed an issue where the doors to Beastlord Darmac may not always reopen after the encounter has been reset.
    • Operator Thogar
      • Enrage mechanic for the encounter is now more lethal.
    • Iron Maidens
      • Admiral Gar'an: Dominator Turret's Dominator Blast no longer deals damage to player pets, minions or guardians.
      • Enforcer Sorka's Convulsive and Lingering Shadows are no longer incorrectly removed when the targeted player dies.
      • Marak the Blooded's Blood Ritual still only targets a player within 45 yards but the damage cone now has a range of 100 yards.
      • Fixed an issue where Iron Maidens not on the Dreadnaught may instantly cast their spells and abilities at the end of the boat phase.
      • Fixed an issue where Marak the Blooded was incorrectly gaining Sanguine Strikes at 75 Iron Fury on Mythic difficulty.
    • Blackhand
      • Rubble Piles should no longer appear after the transition to stage two.
      • Fixed an issue where a player may not be correctly protected from Blackhand's Impaling Throw when multiple players were taking cover behind the same Rubble Pile.

Patch 6.1 PTR - Build 19634
Build 19634 will be deployed to the PTR realms soon.

Spell Changes
Originally Posted by MMO-Champion
Druid (Forums, Talent Calculator)
  • Ferocious Bite: Damage dealt increased by approximately 5.3%.
  • Thrash: Initial damage dealt and additional damage dealt over time both increased by approximately 20%.

  • Starfall: Damage dealt decreased by approximately 16.6%.
  • Sunfall: Damage dealt decreased by approximately 16.6%.

  • Rake: Initial damage dealt and additional damage dealt over time both increased by approximately 5%.
  • Rip: Damage dealt over time increased by approximately 4.2%.
  • Swipe: Damage dealt increased by approximately 20.5%.

Hunter (Forums, Talent Calculator)

  • Careful Aim: Now increases the critical strike chance of your Steady Shot, Focusing Shot, and Aimed Shot on specific targets by 50%, down from 60%.
  • Mastery: Sniper Training: Now increases your damage, shot range, and critical strike damage by 5%, up from 4%.

Monk (Forums, Talent Calculator)
Windwalker & Mistweaver
  • Rising Sun Kick: Enemies now take 20% increased damage from your abilities, up from 10%.

Priest (Forums, Talent Calculator)


Shaman (Forums, Talent Calculator)

Warlock (Forums, Talent Calculator)

Warrior (Forums, Talent Calculator)

  • Execute: Normal damage dealt decreased by approximately 14.3%.

Arms & Fury

Fury & Protection
  • Execute: Damage dealt decreased by approximately 11.4%.

Raid & Dungeon Abilities
  • Sanguine Strikes: Now requires 100 Energy to be cast in Mythic difficulty, up from 75 Energy.
This article was originally published in forum thread: Patch 6.1 PTR - Build 19634 started by Simca View original post
Comments 171 Comments
  1. ryanmahaffe's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Tierbook View Post
    .1 redid most of the zone it took place in and add the Brawlers guild stuff, .3 added 6 scenarios and started heroic scenarios. A bit more useful as content than twitter
  1. Mormolyce's Avatar
    Can you guys please STFU about WAH WAH NO CONTENT TWITTER IS LAME for a second?

    WHAT IS THAT MOUNT FROM!!???!!!???
  1. Aelric70's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by taliey View Post
    Do you expect to be subbed during the duration of 6.1?

    Just asking, as most of the people who seem to complain about the lack of content seem to give me the impression that they're the fools and 'sheeple' who pay Blizz regardless of content.
    I do, but it makes more sense for players like me whose lives have gotten busier in the years since we started. The content is more than enough and play options are ideal for small windows of opportunity to grab a couple hours of game time. Cost is insignificant--by far the least im likely to spend/hr of entertainment.
  1. Shudder's Avatar
    "The team is hard at work on much more sizable and proper content patches that will be coming in the future."

    BULL fucking SHIT. Why aren't they doing that now? What's the big content coming? Linkedin integration? Go fuck yourself Blizzard.
  1. Toppy's Avatar
    Didn't they say there was supposed to be questing content in this patch? Or is that just the legendary questline?
  1. Darksora110's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Huoyue View Post
    Didn't they say there was supposed to be questing content in this patch? Or is that just the legendary questline?
    Yes, it was talked about early after the expansion came out. Both Tanaan Jungle storyline and Legendary were going to be 6.1, but it looks like Tanaan will be 6.2.

    - - - Updated - - -

    I'm very disappointed they didn't stay on task of the content. Twitter integration is complete utter nonsense, blizzard.
  1. Jester Joe's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Mormolyce View Post
    Can you guys please STFU about WAH WAH NO CONTENT TWITTER IS LAME for a second?

    WHAT IS THAT MOUNT FROM!!???!!!???
  1. Toppy's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Darksora110 View Post
    Yes, it was talked about early after the expansion came out. Both Tanaan Jungle storyline and Legendary were going to be 6.1, but it looks like Tanaan will be 6.2.

    - - - Updated - - -

    I'm very disappointed they didn't stay on task of the content. Twitter integration is complete utter nonsense, blizzard.
    Correction, they said it in a recent interview:

    "There are a lot of surprises and exciting stories in store for Patch 6.2. A lot of the information is laid out in quests so far and 6.1 quests will add some more story."
  1. mmoc1857f27f72's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by styil View Post
    It's not the first time without raid content, it's the first time without content.
    BRF is going to be in week #4 when patch 6.1 is released (and in LFR week #2). That's a good thing!

    Decoupling point release patches such as 6.1 from new raid content potentially gives us raid content earlier and we don't have to wait for unimportant features (blood elves update / twitter integration / etc) to be ready for release.

    Yes, there could be new content other than a new raid - But honestly there's more than enough to do in WOD. I am actually glad apexis crystals are useless and I don't feel the need to do the apexis daily on all of my toons. The tamagotchi effect of the garrison is real.
    Only issue I am seeing is PvP is boring atm. Not sure why.
  1. chrykoolaid's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Eazy View Post
    It seems like someone from Blizzard noticed:
    couldn't resist tweeting this to bashiok!
  1. Waniou's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by kraggleflux View Post
    So the shield barrier buff doesn't include protection?
    According to the official patch notes, yes, protection is included.
  1. Higgit's Avatar
    I never fail to be impressed on how well Blizzard can polish a turd [aka 6.1 trailer]...

    But let's face it... it's still a turd....
  1. grexly75's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by KrazyK923 View Post
    I find it funny people have go to back almost 8 years before the trend is broken.
    And you are grasping at straws at how Blizz use their patch numbering system..

    And I have to laugh at those still whining like 2 year old's over the twitter bit or did they miss the fact that it is turned off by default and you have to physically turn it on in the social tab for it to even work..
  1. Toppy's Avatar
    I think we can all agree that this is in no way a major patch.

    Which means we're likely going to go the longest time ever in WoW between major patches, not counting end of expansion waiting.
  1. charizma's Avatar
    when the thing im most excited about is some lighting changes, there is a prob :/
  1. Shudder's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by chrykoolaid View Post
    couldn't resist tweeting this to bashiok!
    They're very much aware of it. They've been deleting every thread on the general forums that links and discusses it. Which seems like major butthurt to me. I guess they don't like that their customers are telling them there is fuck all to do and fuck all coming.
  1. Eliazer681's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Shudder View Post
    They're very much aware of it. They've been deleting every thread on the general forums that links and discusses it. Which seems like major butthurt to me. I guess they don't like that their customers are telling them there is fuck all to do and fuck all coming.
    They don't like customers spamming a stupid youtube video at them like an angry toddler who knows how to copy and paste.

    Blizzard released a patch for their game. It fixes some things, it adds some things. It's a patch. That what it does. Not every initial patch for an expansion has had a raid in it, and the ones that have were released months later in their expansions timeline than this one. There's plenty to do right now, as it stands, and plenty of stuff being added. This is full of quality of life changes and minor content additions. Would you rather all of these needed changes sit on the shelf for several months waiting for a raid to be finished?

    I don't know if WoW is just babbys first game or what, but it's like people don't remember that "patch" doesn't always equal "raid" or even "content" (which has simply become a nebulous buzzword angry people use to try and blanket the whole of 6.1 as somehow being non-existent, I guess)
  1. Alexander Krizak's Avatar
    I am constantly amazed at how WoW players, especially the ones on this website, constantly assume that everyone at Blizzard is a jack of all trades, able to do everything from programming to artwork to community management. "Of course the Twitter integration took away from Patch 6.1, why couldn't the interface team have created a new dungeon instead?" Well, I don't know, maybe because that's not what they do?
  1. Toppy's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Alexander Krizak View Post
    I am constantly amazed at how WoW players, especially the ones on this website, constantly assume that everyone at Blizzard is a jack of all trades, able to do everything from programming to artwork to community management. "Of course the Twitter integration took away from Patch 6.1, why couldn't the interface team have created a new dungeon instead?" Well, I don't know, maybe because that's not what they do?
    At this point in time in MoP, we had 5.1. Infact, we would have had 5.1 last month if I remember right.

    Its less that the first patch is small, more so that it took this long for so little. Blizz has been releasing content slower and slower while they keep promising it'll be faster. Its pathetic.
  1. AndromanceR's Avatar
    Looks like many people are hunting for <Whine and Dine> achievement nowadays.

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