Update (9:10 PM EST): Added Patch 6.1 launch trailer.
Update (7:50 PM EST): Added today's hotfixes.

Patch 6.1 Launches Next Week!
Blizzard have announced that Patch 6.1 will launch next week and have released a patch trailer to go along with it:

Patch 6.0.3 Hotfixes - February 17
Originally Posted by Blizzard (Blue Tracker / Official Forums)

Raids, Dungeons, and Scenarios
  • Blackrock Foundry
    • Oregorger
      • Oregorger's health has been reduced by 10% on Normal difficulty.
      • Oregorger's Rolling Fury ability now deals less damage on Normal difficulty (135,000 damage) and on Heroic difficulty (200,000 damage).
    • The Blast Furnace
      • Heart of the Mountain should no longer spam raid warnings for Blast whenever it reaches 100 Energy.
      • Mind Controlled Firecallers should no longer be able to cast Reactive Earth Shield on injured Primal Elementalists.
    • Kromog
      • Kromog's Reverberations should now be easier to dodge with a 3-second delay before the ability starts dealing damage (up from 1.75 seconds) and the effect's radius has been decreased.
    • Beastlord Darmac
      • Beastlord Darmac's Call the Pack now has an increased cooldown of 40 seconds (up from 30 seconds) on Normal difficulty.
      • Fixed an issue where the doors to Beastlord Darmac may not always reopen after the encounter has been reset.
    • Operator Thogar
      • Enrage mechanic for the encounter is now more lethal.
    • Iron Maidens
      • Admiral Gar'an: Dominator Turret's Dominator Blast no longer deals damage to player pets, minions or guardians.
      • Enforcer Sorka's Convulsive and Lingering Shadows are no longer incorrectly removed when the targeted player dies.
      • Marak the Blooded's Blood Ritual still only targets a player within 45 yards but the damage cone now has a range of 100 yards.
      • Fixed an issue where Iron Maidens not on the Dreadnaught may instantly cast their spells and abilities at the end of the boat phase.
      • Fixed an issue where Marak the Blooded was incorrectly gaining Sanguine Strikes at 75 Iron Fury on Mythic difficulty.
    • Blackhand
      • Rubble Piles should no longer appear after the transition to stage two.
      • Fixed an issue where a player may not be correctly protected from Blackhand's Impaling Throw when multiple players were taking cover behind the same Rubble Pile.

Patch 6.1 PTR - Build 19634
Build 19634 will be deployed to the PTR realms soon.

Spell Changes
Originally Posted by MMO-Champion
Druid (Forums, Talent Calculator)
  • Ferocious Bite: Damage dealt increased by approximately 5.3%.
  • Thrash: Initial damage dealt and additional damage dealt over time both increased by approximately 20%.

  • Starfall: Damage dealt decreased by approximately 16.6%.
  • Sunfall: Damage dealt decreased by approximately 16.6%.

  • Rake: Initial damage dealt and additional damage dealt over time both increased by approximately 5%.
  • Rip: Damage dealt over time increased by approximately 4.2%.
  • Swipe: Damage dealt increased by approximately 20.5%.

Hunter (Forums, Talent Calculator)

  • Careful Aim: Now increases the critical strike chance of your Steady Shot, Focusing Shot, and Aimed Shot on specific targets by 50%, down from 60%.
  • Mastery: Sniper Training: Now increases your damage, shot range, and critical strike damage by 5%, up from 4%.

Monk (Forums, Talent Calculator)
Windwalker & Mistweaver
  • Rising Sun Kick: Enemies now take 20% increased damage from your abilities, up from 10%.

Priest (Forums, Talent Calculator)


Shaman (Forums, Talent Calculator)

Warlock (Forums, Talent Calculator)

Warrior (Forums, Talent Calculator)

  • Execute: Normal damage dealt decreased by approximately 14.3%.

Arms & Fury

Fury & Protection
  • Execute: Damage dealt decreased by approximately 11.4%.

Raid & Dungeon Abilities
  • Sanguine Strikes: Now requires 100 Energy to be cast in Mythic difficulty, up from 75 Energy.
This article was originally published in forum thread: Patch 6.1 PTR - Build 19634 started by Simca View original post
Comments 171 Comments
  1. thetraveler12's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by finskee View Post
    I'm just waiting for all you people complaining about a free patch to quit. Go away. And not one tear will be shed about you leaving. Your agenda of Insult everyone who doesn't agree with you, all so you can get more "content" really helps no one. You take it as far as you can, in the hopes that somehow insulting the entire wow community and Blizzard will somehow get your point across better. Guess what, here are the facts: Wow won't miss you and you still don't have a life. But there are lots of other video games to play. So go play those.

    And if your answer is "I already unsubbed" then gtfo of the wow news forums you pathetic whiners.
    You don't get it do you,you mongoloid. You seriously don't understand why people are having an issue with this hyped up patch. Time and energy wasted on fucking twitter and a fucking selfie camera, WITH achievements attached to it!!!!! You MUST be joking.

    And its more than that. More examples of a company fallen. a great company that made great games. Games they put supreme effort into making. Now its an empty husk of a company only concerned with profits and less about integrity and quality. Its a damn shame. I can remember getting warcraft on a 2.5 floppy from a computer show. Lost vikings. The original starcraft that WASN'T split into 3 separate chapters that you had to buy 3 times. The original had different box art, that you could CHOOSE to buy, that I STILL own. Those cinematics had more emotion and personality than ANYTHING they have made since. WotLK Trailers are pretty fucking close to that.
  1. Fullmetal89's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by thetraveler12 View Post
    You don't get it do you,you mongoloid. You seriously don't understand why people are having an issue with this hyped up patch. Time and energy wasted on fucking twitter and a fucking selfie camera, WITH achievements attached to it!!!!! You MUST be joking.

    And its more than that. More examples of a company fallen. a great company that made great games. Games they put supreme effort into making. Now its an empty husk of a company only concerned with profits and less about integrity and quality. Its a damn shame. I can remember getting warcraft on a 2.5 floppy from a computer show. Lost vikings. The original starcraft that WASN'T split into 3 separate chapters that you had to buy 3 times. The original had different box art, that you could CHOOSE to buy, that I STILL own. Those cinematics had more emotion and personality than ANYTHING they have made since. WotLK Trailers are pretty fucking close to that.
    Money and power corrupt. They have lost their way since Cataclysm. The best thing that can happen to Blizzard now is for them to crash and burn. Let them start from the ground up again. They need to earn back their customers. The first way to do that is to get rid of all the lead developers and for the love of god keep Chris Metzen on another project as far from WoW as possible. I would start with canning that arrogant twat Afrasiabi and his buddy Kaplan. Those fucking guys are a cancer.
  1. Olex's Avatar
    What is this new super rare mount and where do i get it??
  1. Fullmetal89's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Olex View Post
    What is this new super rare mount and where do i get it??
    Deposit $25 dollars in Morhaim's mouth, place hand under his anus to receive mount.
  1. Durandro's Avatar
    Got to love the complaining. Its always very entertaining.

    And comparing this patch to a major raid patch is... Unwise. This is a small content patch, relatively speaking. I won't use the twitter or selfie stuff, but I don't care that it exists. The people who developed it aren't the people designing raids or balancing classes. Calm down.

    Also, looks like Garona is our legendary follower. That's amazing.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Shudder View Post
    What part of LAUNCH RAID are you having issues understanding? Hm? Words too hard for you? Your argument makes no fucking sense since MSV had lower gear than HOF and both were LAUNCH RAIDS. Shit, there are those words again, you're probably confused now.
    Technically incorrect. All of these raids were in at launch, but weren't all available right away. Blizzard decided that MSV wasn't up for long enough as current content - and they are right, it because pointless as soon as HOF was open.
  1. Hardkorr's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Durandro View Post
    And comparing this patch to a major raid patch is... Unwise. This is a small content patch, relatively speaking.
    Yeah you're right. I should really be comparing this patch to something like patch 1.10

  1. mmoc33f6c8cad4's Avatar
  1. Fullmetal89's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Hardkorr View Post
    Yeah you're right. I should really be comparing this patch to something like patch 1.10

  1. Thyrande's Avatar
    nice MM Hunter buff! i like!
  1. miguelcrespo85's Avatar
    this patch looks pretty boring.. No new dungeons? no dailies? yea Final fantasy XIV 2.5.1 patch coming out this week has way more stuff than 6.1
  1. Kenshin's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by miguelcrespo85 View Post
    this patch looks pretty boring.. No new dungeons? no dailies? yea Final fantasy XIV 2.5.1 patch coming out this week has way more stuff than 6.1
    Hehehe yeah. FFXIV gets more in a .0.1 patch than WOW gets in a .1 and yet they have about 160.000.000 usd in Sub money every month while XIV is about 6.500.000. And their team is extremely minimal compared to WOW. About 5 people have made all the raids and monster designs in raids and the world. Which makes me scratch my head just how very little WOW's fans are getting in return compared to XIVs fans. Imo Blizzard is not treating their fans like they should imo. Either Yoshida's Dev team is just that more enthusiastic and working harder or Blizzard is underperforming.

    Blizzard also said they dont feel like doing a different Class Combo like Gnome Hunters until an Expansion, while XIV put in 1 new class and 1 new Job in a PATCH. And in their expansion Heavensward, we are getting a whole 3 new classes, Dark Knight tank, Machinist Ranged Pistol DPS and Astrologian Healer as well as a new Race, the Au'Ra.

    Just look at the patch trailers for every .1 patch of XIV so far and compare to ANY of WOWs expansions or Classic
    Even patch 2.1 introduced Player Housing system and Wolves Den a PVP area.
    And of course: HILDIBRAND. the best ever side story questline ever. Hope they really continue with Hildibrand in 3.0

    Patch 2.1 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R_aliYN8hNk
    Patch 2.2 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zueQqbWhZeo
    Patch 2.3 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qYBu4dpZJBo
    Patch 2.4 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QbiFK4tcz9w
    Patch 2.5 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pj3hGDaDZqI

    Oh and finally, with all these patches, they also do class balancings, Quality of Life addtitons, colorblind setting, they just dont make them out to be part of the main features of a patch, but usually tucked away furtherst down on the patch notes

    I mean when I saw patch 6.1's Survival Guide VS Lores other Survivial Guides, I facepalmed. Selfie, Twitter, colorblind, QoL and Bug fixes as Main Features, siiiiigh
    I am also disappointed of Lore as when he said he was hired by Blizzard, he would still be critical about the game and make an impact on it.
    Like he almost laughed at people asking on his PST if Blizzard would ever implement a paid max lvl character saying he would be sad if they did that, and when they added it in WOD, he made an video on how it worked and sounded so happy about it.

    Blizzard is also nowhere near as open and honest as Yoshida is with his Liveletter on Youtube where he also accepts questions live. He even shows us tidbits of future stuff to come, even if that pissed off the Dev team slightly xD

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