First Look: Patch 2.2.0

The Pinnacle 3 Groups Announced, Card Design Competition #5, Thrall Lore Spotlight

Upcoming Commander Raynor Changes, Town Hall Heroes #51, Thrall Lore Spotlight

Patch 6.1 on the Background Downloader
Patch 6.1 is on the background downloader, so be sure to check your settings to get it preloaded.

Mythic Blackrock Foundry Progression
Midwinter killed The Blast Furnace, joining Method and Paragon at 9/10. There are now 32 guilds at 8/10 bosses down. You can keep up with the latest progress on WoWProgress, our forum thread, and Manaflask.

Gearing Up for Apexis Changes in Patch 6.1
Originally Posted by Blizzard (Blue Tracker)
In Warlords of Draenor, players can use Apexis Crystals to buy new gear, collectable items, and even Followers. With enough Crystals, even those who are having no luck with the RNG goblins can get new and powerful gear to help them take their adventures in Azeroth even further. Currently, the Apexis traders in the Horde town of Warspear and Alliance town of Stormshield offer gear up to item level 655, but in Patch 6.1, you’ll be able to trade up to ilvl 670 Ethereal Waist, Head, Wrist, Legs, Hands, Back, and Finger (ring) items.

There are already lots of ways to get Apexis Crystals, and with the patch we’re introducing even more in the form of new Missions and purchasable Scouting Missives, which will be available for 200 Garrison Resources each. These Missives can be purchased in your Garrison and will unlock an additional Apexis Crystal daily quest.

A change to questing is also coming with the patch that makes it so players will no longer be able to work on quests and complete them while in a Raid group (though Apexis Crystals will still drop from enemies). You’ll still be able to use the Group Finder tool to locate five-player groups you can join to complete your Apexis dailies.

Blue Tweets
Originally Posted by Blizzard Entertainment
Draenai Paladins+Priests CANT use racial if they are locked in holy school while Rshamans mwmonks canfix plz #bug
This is consistent with how school lockouts work, so it's not a bug. Gift of the Naaru is a Holy school spell. (WarcraftDevs)

Why can enrage be dispelled? enrage is a state of emotion not a magical effect.
It’s not a magical effect, but someone can certainly try to calm you down. (WarcraftDevs)

Anything on the promised race/class combination unlock look that was promised in interview for 6.1?
New race/class combos are something we consider for new expansions, generally not in content patches. (WarcraftDevs)

Hello sir! Can you confirm or deny all the flutter going on about Gnome Hunters coming for 6.1?
Not something for 6.1, but it is something we're considering for the future. (WarcraftDevs)

I've noticed that a big majority of passives are completely hidden after 6.0 came out, makes no sense to hide them all
We hide a few passives when the changes they provide aren't relevant to making decisions. Theorycrafters can find them online. (WarcraftDevs)

Death Knight (Forums / Skills / Talent Calculator)
Any chance you could make the Death Strike icon light up when a DK has a Dark Succor proc?
Not sure that we’ll be able to get this in for 6.1, but it sounds like a good idea. (WarcraftDevs)

litchbourne makes dks "undead" byproduct=fear immune,turn evil turns undead (not technically fear) does not work on dks? bug?
Not technically a bug; it doesn't really make you undead anymore, just provides those immunities and enables Death Coil. (WarcraftDevs)

Druid (Forums / Skills / Talent Calculator)
Could you buff 4t17 for rdruids? 25% Mana of a WG is less than a (the subsequent) HT costs (and 2pc is better used on RG)
This is an interesting case where different healers favor different healing styles, & some fit the set bonus, while some don’t. (WarcraftDevs)
It's a case of a set bonus being simply bad. 25% of a WG doesn't cover even a single HT, let alone two of them.
Why are you making that comparison? You're not losing the Healing Touches' healing. (Celestalon)
Because you do not have GCD's for chaincasting HT's during high raiddamage, and during low raiddamage (1/2)
You're saying that it's not worth using on it's own. But that's not the point. It doesn't need to be. It can still be... (Celestalon)
...valuable for the free mana savings when you do 2x HT anyway, which some healing styles do use. (Celestalon)
Isn't the whole problem "2x HT anyway". When would you ever do that? 2pc also allows for NS on 2 additional Regrowth
That seems like the crux of your complaint. You don't use 2x HT. Others do. That's OK. (Celestalon)

Hunter (Forums / Skills / Talent Calculator)
Hey guys, any chance in 6.1 hunter guns can sound more "gun" rather than "pulling the trigger on empty ammo" clicking sound
We changed gun sounds in 6.0 based on player feedback during Mists. Feedback about them now, though, is noted and appreciated! (WarcraftDevs)

Mage (Forums / Skills / Talent Calculator)
in 6.1 may we please have a golden border to frostbolt (in combat) when fast cast frostbolt is avail? Important for DF timing.
We’d consider that, but it may also be annoying having a constant glowing Frostbolt button while not actively fighting. (WarcraftDevs)

Are you worried about frost mage scaling? Arcane/Fire are on par/passing frost already. Frostbolt is still meh.
We're keeping an eye on it, but not currently seeing a problem. (WarcraftDevs)

Monk (Forums / Skills / Talent Calculator)
Is it a bug that Windwalker clones stand still during FoF while using glyph "Floating Butterfly"?
No, this is intended. Floating Butterfly only benefits yourself. (WarcraftDevs)

Priest (Forums / Skills / Talent Calculator)
So why doesn't Arcane Torrent give Shadow Priests a Shadow Orb? It works for all the non-cloth.
No change to announce currently, but we’ll discuss it. (WarcraftDevs)

Is there a chance to remove the automatic facing from Mind Flay and Sear and Penance? It is really annoying on situations (c)
There’s actually a hidden UI option to disable that for advanced users. /console cameraSmoothTrackingStyle 0 (WarcraftDevs)

Rogue (Forums / Skills / Talent Calculator)
Healing debuff baked into Assassination deadly poison please. It's needed for competitive arena play as Mut spec.
No plans for this currently, but why do you feel that Wound Poison doesn't fulfill this need? (WarcraftDevs)

Shaman (Forums / Skills / Talent Calculator)
Glyph of Ghostly Speed only works if activated in mountable area (both instance/world). Is that a bug?
No, it’s intended. A minor glyph was not intended to give you indoor mounted speed. (WarcraftDevs)

Warlock (Forums / Skills / Talent Calculator)
For a while now the Warlock Glyph, Glyph of Felgaurd has been broken you cant morph Sulfuras, Hand of Ragnaros any word on fix
Glyph of Felguard is intentionally unable to equip Legendary weapons. (WarcraftDevs)

Please, could we have a minor glyph to reduce pet size from warlocks ?
We appreciate the suggestion! No plans for this at the moment, but we'll keep it in mind. (WarcraftDevs)

Warrior (Forums / Skills / Talent Calculator)
Is it intended that Sweeping Strikes only transfers 20% of the damage dealt by Bladestorm(should be 50%)?
(1) Sweeping Strikes off of AoE spells like Bladestorm & Whirlwind actually do 50% Weapon Damage . . . (WarcraftDevs)
(2) . . instead of 50% of the damage done so that it doesn’t scale with target count. (WarcraftDevs)

Character / Items
How will the Heirloom tab work with the Garrosh BoAs? I have e.g. the 2h axe on normal, heroic and mythic.
Only the most prestigious version of each Garrosh heirloom that you own will show up in your Heirlooms collection. (WarcraftDevs)

I hate what you've done to caster trinkets. Every dps (str, agi) has their own. Why casters share with heals? Too unfair.
What makes you say that? They don't, other than that they CAN use them. Healers have their own trinkets though. (Celestalon)

Understand Tickle Totem being behind a rep to get. May I suggest once you have it in Toy Box useable by all (or Horde) alts
We’ll look into it, thanks for the suggestion. (WarcraftDevs)

Bosses in BRF should drop more than 9 Fragments? People (including myself) reporting getting 27 Runes tuesday but only 9 after
Usually 9, rarely 27. Just like how sometimes you’d get clusters in Highmaul. (WarcraftDevs)

Hello there! Any changes planned to adress NPC difficulty in Alterac Valley? Most mobs appear weaker then usual (bowmen etc)
Some of the NPCs in Alterac Valley have had their health increased in 6.1. (WarcraftDevs)

what is the significance of the display "enemies slain" inside ashran? how does it work out? is it an objective?
Once you reach the number required, a faction captain will spawn at your base to assist you in your fight. (WarcraftDevs)

Any fix for these Ashran afkers preventing people who want to PVP from joining? It's infuriating that this is a thing
If there are people waiting to get into Ashran, AFK players are removed from the zone. (WarcraftDevs)

Are BG holiday weekends going to be returning anytime soon?
No plans to have them return any time soon. (WarcraftDevs)

will the 125 stat food recipes make more than 1 per craft? Seems very expensive if not.
The 125 stat cooking recipes will have a chance to create 1 additional food based on your skill. (WarcraftDevs)

World Events
Are you happy with how 'They Really Love Me' turned out? Any plans to change it before the holiday is over?
The griefing potential due to an aura channeling issue was a top message, we've gotten the feedback, improving on it for sure. (Muffinus)

Darkmoon Faire Race
Oh so its kinda of a soft buff to your ability to finish it on time?
Yep! It will get easier as the months pass. (Muffinus)

Hey has there been any word on a fix for Guild Dungeon runs randomly not counting for gold in the guild bank?
We believe we have a fix for this issue in 6.1. (WarcraftDevs)
This article was originally published in forum thread: Patch 6.1 on the Background Downloader, Mythic BRF, Apexis Changes, Blue Tweets started by chaud View original post
Comments 50 Comments
  1. Xanwryn's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Epsi View Post
    You should look up on the definition of content before making such claims. All of the three things mentioned arent content.
    Okay, if you want to be pedantic:

    1. Usually, contents.
    a. something that is contained: "the contents of a box."
    c. the subjects or topics covered in a book or document.
    d. the chapters or other formal divisions of a book or document: "a table of contents."
    Since Blood Elves, Twitter integration and selfies are contained in 6.1 they are, by definition, content.

    You don't have to like that content - I sure as hell don't, more than half of a so-called "major" patch is useless to me - but it's still content, by the very definition of content that you have asked people look up.

    Content is not defined by being gameplay-related in the same way quests and raids are, it is simply something contained in something like a box (or a patch, in this case). Someone will use those models, that Twitter integration and the selfie feature and to all those who do it is "content". You do not get to choose the definition of the word just because you don't agree with it.
  1. Dch48's Avatar
    No download showing for me.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Quilzar View Post
    In your opinion.

    In my opinion anything that takes development time and art team time is content.

    Again is it the content I want, 100% it is not.

    But it is content.
    Yes, anything added to the game that wasn't available before is new content.

    - - - Updated - - -

    I couldn't care less about the apexis changes. I gave up the idea of buying any of the gear when I calculated the prices. So, to me, their only use is for the legendary quest and after that, to buy seals. They have no other value.
  1. mmoc1615415e70's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Shudder View Post
    2.4gb is a lot for 0 content.
    It's actually not.
  1. edoraseu's Avatar
    I have not any downlod yet, is something broken?
  1. Scarletpiston's Avatar
    Prepatch downloader is still broken for me.
  1. flinchy's Avatar
    is the game time for gold coming out in 6.1?
  1. mmocfd328e0b6e's Avatar
    I really like how they give a sh*t about their customers in this topic: "Gearing Up for Apexis Changes in Patch 6.1".

    They totally ignore the fact, people will not buy any gear from those vendors while they have to spend 2 months constant everyday chores to get one item.

    1 week /1 item would be the optional: so 7k-8k apexis with full upgrade for one item.
    + the type of these items had got a really bad game design: the vendors should sell trinkets, ring, cloak, because these are the items where classes conflict on gear.
  1. VanishO2's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Xanwryn View Post
    Okay, if you want to be pedantic:

    Since Blood Elves, Twitter integration and selfies are contained in 6.1 they are, by definition, content.

    You don't have to like that content - I sure as hell don't, more than half of a so-called "major" patch is useless to me - but it's still content, by the very definition of content that you have asked people look up.

    Content is not defined by being gameplay-related in the same way quests and raids are, it is simply something contained in something like a box (or a patch, in this case). Someone will use those models, that Twitter integration and the selfie feature and to all those who do it is "content". You do not get to choose the definition of the word just because you don't agree with it.
    The selfie cam can be classified as "content", but updated models and twitter integration are far from content, since content for a game (and a online game!) means gameplay stuff, game related things you can do/play. You can't do anything with new models, they're just upgrades that doesn't do anything for the gameplay. Same for twitter since it's something external from the game. Saying that the content from twitter (wich is the one generating "content" in this case) is WoW's content... just no.

    - - - Updated - - -

    "So why doesn't Arcane Torrent give Shadow Priests a Shadow Orb? It works for all the non-cloth.
    No change to announce currently, but we’ll discuss it."

    Since when Arcane Torrent gives that kind of resource to "non-cloth" classes? If I'm not mistaken, as a dpser, you only get a small amount of focus, energy, runic power, mana or rage. A ret pally can get 1 holy power (and no mana), not sure if rogues/ferals get 1 combo point, but DKs won't get 1 death rune and probably Warriors will not get an enrage effect... how is it giving that for "non-cloth" and why it would be ok to give 1 shadow orb??????????????
  1. Alopex Major's Avatar
    Really excited for the new garrison music! I just wish it was account-wide... or is it? Seems like a big hassle to collect them on every single alt.

    Also thank you green Jesus for finally fixing my run animation, seven months later.
  1. rajubhai's Avatar
    Great, thanks

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