Update (Tuesday 10:45 PM EDT): The token is now down to 27.7k
Update (Tuesday 5:00 PM EDT): The token is now up to 31.2k
Update (Tuesday 4:00 PM EDT): The token is now up to 30.9k. The price has been going up 1% per hour.
Update (Tuesday 3:00 PM EDT): The token is now up to 30.6k. The price appears to be adjusted hourly.
Update (Tuesday 2:00 PM EDT): Tokens are live and working in the US. The price has already gone up to 30.3k.
Update (9:15 PM EDT): Added tonight's hotfixes

WoW Token Releases April 7 in the US - $20 or 30k Gold
The WoW Token is finally here this week!

  • You can purchase the WoW Token with gold without an active Subscription.
  • The gold price for tokens is set by Blizzard based on supply and demand, not by players.
  • Purchasing a WoW Token from the AH makes it Soulbound - it cannot be resold.
  • The Token grants 30 days of game time.
  • You can only buy 10 Tokens each month.
  • Tokens listings are region wide and are not limited to just your realm.

Originally Posted by Blizzard (Blue Tracker / Official Forums)
Update: The WoW Token will be going live in the Americas region (North America, Latin America, Australia, and New Zealand) on April 7 when maintenance concludes, at approximately 10 a.m. PDT. The WoW Token will be available for $20 USD/$25 AUD from the in-game Shop, and will be set at a starting price of 30,000 gold in the Auction House across the Americas region. From that point forward, the gold price will automatically fluctuate based on player supply and demand. To start we’ll be limiting the number of Token purchases to 10 within a 30-day period, but this limit may be adjusted over time. While Tokens will be available immediately from the Shop, please note that there may be a delay before Tokens put up for sale on the Auction House become available for purchase with gold.

We’ll announce additional regional details closer to the launch of the WoW Token in other regions.

Patch 6.1.2 Hotfixes - April 6
Originally Posted by Blizzard (Blue Tracker / Official Forums)
Raids and Dungeons
  • Blackrock Foundry
    • Blackhand
      • Fixed an issue that was causing Blackhand's Slag Bombs to incorrectly explode instantly and the Slagged debuff to incorrectly persist on a character.
  • Legacy
    • Dragon Soul, Warmaster Blackhorn: Fixed an issue that could cause the encounter to not drop loot if Goriona was damaged too quickly during the transition to Stage Two.

  • Toy Box
    • Fruit Basket should no longer incorrectly have a chance to trigger trinket effects.

  • Checkered Flag mount speed bonus no longer works while inside of an instance such as dungeons, raids, Arenas, or Battlegrounds.
This article was originally published in forum thread: WoW Token Releases April 7 in the US - $20 and 30k Gold started by chaud View original post
Comments 338 Comments
  1. mmocc75861ccdb's Avatar
    30k gold, huh? That seems reasonable. I'm expecting the price to skyrocket over the next few days though.
  1. Nnyco's Avatar
    hope it wont take long for EU aswell
  1. Mathaios's Avatar
    Better than I expected, gj blizz.
  1. Skul's Avatar
    30k per month huh. That won't stay long. Can pay for a months sub inside a week.
  1. Rixis's Avatar
    30k seems a good price for me, will be buying a few once they launch in the UK.
  1. Azgraal's Avatar
    That a lot lower than what I'd expected, nice!

    I might be buying half a year supply if i can get them for 30k/each at launch, with gold being stupidly easy to get.
  1. Orlong's Avatar
    The only bad thing is you cant buy one with gold if your subscription isnt currently active since you cant login to go to the AH
  1. mmoc19ee780deb's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by savutitus View Post
    30k gold, huh? That seems reasonable. I'm expecting the price to skyrocket over the next few days though.
    I doubt it will sky rocket, it's going to plummet, that's how it always works.
  1. chaud's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Orlong View Post
    The only bad thing is you cant buy one with gold if your subscription isnt currently active since you cant login to go to the AH
    They have already stated you will be able to purchase it without an active subscription.
  1. bejii's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Orlong View Post
    The only bad thing is you cant buy one with gold if your subscription isnt currently active since you cant login to go to the AH
    Pretty sure they said that you'd be able to buy from the login screen. Not sure how exactly it will work though.
  1. FroggyChaos's Avatar
    Actually Oriong they have a system in place to do that.
  1. mmoc19ee780deb's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Orlong View Post
    The only bad thing is you cant buy one with gold if your subscription isnt currently active since you cant login to go to the AH
    You can buy with gold even if your subscription is inactive if you try to login it will give you a prompt to buy with gold (if you have enough gold).
  1. SinR's Avatar
    So it begins...

    1500 gold per dollar. I wonder what the exchange rate is on websites like [REDACTED] and [REDACTED]
  1. Succath's Avatar
    hmm not to bad. i`ll probably buy a few once its released in EU.
  1. Thage's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Orlong View Post
    The only bad thing is you cant buy one with gold if your subscription isnt currently active since you cant login to go to the AH
    Actually, the plan is that you can buy a month from the login screen (since you can now play under starter-edition restrictions with a lapsed sub) that will subtract the sum from all your characters combined.
  1. Rawrajishxc's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Skul View Post
    30k per month huh. That won't stay long. Can pay for a months sub inside a week.
    If it goes any higher then people will continue buying gamecards off trade for 30k or less as they've been doing.
  1. krihan's Avatar
    idk if it is a good idea to by alot of them once they get released. maybe wait for a few weeks to see if the gold value of them go up. i am suprised that they will sell for as much as 30k per token, was expecting maybe 15-20k for each.
  1. Sargiean's Avatar
    30K gold for $20? I made 2k gold sending out a few followers yesterday, and that was from one Blingtron mission, and then another 17k gold from a BRF BOE. Based on how easy it is to get gold this expac, seems like the value is low imo.
  1. turlockmike's Avatar
    wow, 30k is super low, it's definitely going to go up quickly.
  1. Krenaa's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Skul View Post
    30k per month huh. That won't stay long. Can pay for a months sub inside a week.
    Not everyone has the ability to work the AH to that extent. For you it is easy to do, for others...they may not have the time or ability to do this so easily.

    So it who knows what the market value will end up being due to supply and demand.

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