Viagame House Cup #3 this Weekend, Design Competition #19: Help or Hinder
XP Boost Event, Brawl with the Blues Launch Edition, Beta Golden Portrait Reminder
Patch 6.2 - Corrupted Dreadwing
If you have 150,000 Apexis Crystal to spare, you can buy the Corrupted Dreadwing mount being added in Patch 6.2.
Patch 6.2 - Frostwolf Set Helm
Many people asked about the lack of a helm on the Frostwolf set from the latest PTR build.
Blue Tweets
Originally Posted by Blizzard Entertainment
Ghostcrawler Tweets
While the developers have been pretty quiet since @WarcraftDevs appeared, Ghostcrawler still occasionally talks about WoW. Remember that he no longer works for or speaks for Blizzard.
Originally Posted by MMO-Champion
ClassesWhat was your take on Wotlk Ret? personally I enjoyed it alot even if it was simple. Right now Ret feels torn in directions
I understand not everyone liked it, but our goal was to improve the class. Long term, rotations with mastery are more satisfying. (OccupyGStreet)
MoP and WoD not so much. I feel like the fillers in cata (judge, CS and exo) had something uniqe to eachother.
Ideally a rotation should deliver both mastery and satisfaction. Not sure we ever matched the satisfaction of the Wrath design. (OccupyGStreet)
Like it or not, you contributed to that with your glib attitude towards some classes, most notably Paladins.
I invested a great deal of energy in making paladins fun. I am quite sarcastic and that was often misinterpreted. (OccupyGStreet)
The TO THR GROUND meme happened when I had to make a post on vacation to explain a nerf players weren't expecting. (OccupyGStreet)
All the other teasing I did because players thought it was funny and memorable. (OccupyGStreet)
Let's recall what paladins did in BC - they healed and maybe they tanked a boss or two, usually in dungeons. (OccupyGStreet)
Paladins, druid and hunters swapped spots for most played, and paladins were definitely the most vocal, magnifying the issue. (OccupyGStreet)
Maybe you weren't satisfied with our results, and I'm fine with that, but we were never glib about anyone's class. (OccupyGStreet)
wow question, forgive me 8). You once said Pandas reduced faction diversity, What did you think of high elf for alliance?
What is more important: faction identity or more options for Alliance? (OccupyGStreet)
When rotations are easy to execute it's unfair to make them competitive in performance with those that require more mastery. (OccupyGStreet)
Holy Power was an attempt to have paladins manage a resource, not cooldowns, and mana felt like the wrong resource. (OccupyGStreet)
I think it's also possible we went so far under my watch in preventing niche DPS that nobody felt special. (OccupyGStreet)
Hybrid specs can have niches, but pure DPS should be more more than a niche.
Nobody notices if 2nd dude is only slightly above 3rd dude. Nobody talks about which phase if the hard one. (OccupyGStreet)
Yeah the interplay between single-spec-per-role and multi-spec-per-role dps complicates things immensely.
Yeah, and I've said before that easy spec swapping helps the guys who can fill two roles a lot. (OccupyGStreet)
This makes sense but then a rogue with more defined niches has to play multiple specs to be as effective.
The dream is that everyone has a chance to shine, but that leads to some constrained encounter design. (OccupyGStreet)
"Hey guys, where is the Frost DK encounter in this 6 boss raid?" (OccupyGStreet)
Right. There is a difference between wanting BF rogues for a fight, and wanting BF rogues only for that fight. (OccupyGStreet)
And it sounds like the current design is that it's okay for stacking in mythic raiding, which makes sense to me. (OccupyGStreet)
What we wanted to avoid was the guild of friends where you tell a weekend WoW player that he needs to reroll DK etc. (OccupyGStreet)
Wildstar - Free to Play in Fall 2015
After failing to grow or sustain subscribers, Wildstar is moving to a free to play model this fall.
- Existing players will get some nice cosmetic rewards and Loyalty Points.
- Loyalty points will be used to gain Loyalty ranks to earn special items and perks.
- All current content is open to free players, but there may be paid content in the future.
- Free players will have less character slots, costumer slots, bank slots, and a lower decor items limit.
- Free players also have other restrictions on their account, such as limited Auction House and Commodities Exchange access, no priority access to customer support, no crafting or currency bonuses, no gathering bonus, no PTR access, no queue priority, no reputation bonus, no experience bonuses, and other restrictions.
- Signature players who pay for a subscription will not have any of those new restrictions.
- Free to play players can remove some of the restrictions with the Loyalty system.
- A currency for the store will drop from mobs in game, so even free players can eventually purchase things from the store.
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