Update (1:15 PM EDT): The preview of Timewalking in The Arcatraz included this for a few minutes before it was removed: "your first crack at The Arcatraz, is June 26-30".
Update (1:15 PM EDT): The guess from Projection List that said the Warcraft trailer was showing today was confirmed to be incorrect.
Update (9:30 PM EDT): Blizzard posted a Shipyard overview.

Dev Watercooler – Flying in Draenor
It looks like flight is finally coming to Draenor in Patch 6.2.x. You will earn flying by exploring the world from the ground first and completing:

Originally Posted by Blizzard (Blue Tracker / Official Forums)
We appreciate the spirited discussion on the topic of flying. The subject has brought out passionate viewpoints and sparked insightful conversations on our official forums and blogs, on community sites, and in chat channels. Your feedback has been a valuable part of the ongoing conversations within Blizzard as well, and today, we’d like to share some updated plans for how we’ll handle flight going forward.

The Thrill of Discovery
At the heart of the initial plan to restrict flight in Draenor (even after players reach level 100) lies the design goal of providing the best moment-to-moment gameplay possible in the outdoor world. From navigating the lava flows of the Molten Front in Patch 4.2, to breaching the Thunder King’s stronghold in Patch 5.2, to reaching the heights of the Ordon Sanctuary on Timeless Isle in Patch 5.4, to uncovering secrets deep within Gorgrond’s jungles on Draenor, World of Warcraft is full of memorable moments that are only possible when players explore the world by ground. And as we’ve continued to develop content over the years, we’ve focused more and more on providing players with these kinds of experiences.

However, while we firmly believe that keeping your feet on the ground is a key part of discovery in WoW, we also recognize that breaking free from those restrictions can be fun and rewarding as well, especially for those who’ve already fully experienced the game’s world content. With that in mind, we’re planning some changes in the near future that will allow players to enjoy their hard-earned flying mounts in Draenor—in a way that doesn’t compromise the excitement of ground-based exploration.

Mastering the Outdoor World
In an upcoming Public Test Realm build, we will be introducing a new meta-achievement called Draenor Pathfinder. You’ll earn this achievement in Patch 6.2 by mastering the outdoor environment of Draenor—exploring Draenor’s zones, collecting 100 treasures in Draenor, completing the Draenor Loremaster and Securing Draenor achievements, and raising the three new Tanaan Jungle reputations to Revered. Initially, this achievement will award a rylak mount: the Soaring Skyterror, one of the native beasts that roam Draenor’s skies. Players will remain ground-bound on Draenor until a small follow-up patch (6.2.x), when all players who have earned Draenor Pathfinder on at least one character will unlock the ability to fly in Draenor on all their level 90+ characters.

We believe this strikes the right balance between ensuring ground-based content lives up to its full potential, while providing players who’ve already fully experienced Draenor’s outdoor world extra freedom to “break the rules.” This also provides a general blueprint going forward for content to come. Players will explore new and undiscovered lands from the ground, and then once they’ve fully mastered those environments—a notion that continues to evolve with each new expansion—they can take to the skies and experience the world from a new vantage point.

Thank you for your heartfelt feedback. We’ll see you in (and soon, above) Tanaan Jungle.

Armory Stats - Flying Achievements
While not all of the flying related achievements are in, we can take a look at how people are doing on each achievement before everyone knew they would be required to fly. The used sample is 1.8 million players that have logged in since May 1.

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This article was originally published in forum thread: Dev Watercooler – Flying Returns to Draenor started by chaud View original post
Comments 710 Comments
  1. vykas's Avatar
    I have to say, whoever came up with this idea had a masterstroke. I was an anti-flying person, because I liked the jumping puzzles and stuff they added. This strikes the right balance for me.
  1. TheWindWalker's Avatar
    Well, they folded. Guess I'm glad they went for the most obnoxiously "earn your reward" style they could think of that doesn't involve any more development time. It's kinda nice to see that being a thing without "bring 19 of your friends" attached to it.
  1. Glorious Leader's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by reliefsan View Post
    I sense a disturbance in the force

    As if a handful of nerds suddenly cried out in terror...

    Hey at least it's account bound....
  1. lagmoose's Avatar
    Never again. Never ever again do I want to hear people whine and bitch about "Blizzard ignores us". That being said, I wonder what the next excuse will be when there's a mass exodus in WoW. Can't blame flying now. Oh well, no flying was fun while it lasted.
  1. BrotherLightswitch's Avatar
    As an anti-flyer, I think this is the perfect solution. Keep us ground-based until we've done the important lore/quest key points, then open things up once we're on "farm mode". This was exactly the solution I was after, and I'm more happy with Blizz than I've been all expansion! (Not that flight is the only issue with WoD - it is a bit of a red herring.)
  1. Trassk's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Celarent View Post
    As an anti-flyer, I love this. Great solution.
    if your an anti flyer, don't fly then, use ground mounts so the rest of us can use ours.
  1. mmoc1571eb5575's Avatar

  1. arandomuser's Avatar
    does draenor include tanaan?
  1. TheFreeman's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Strafer View Post
    Dammit Blizzard, stop caving in to everything.

    I was hoping no flying would stick.

    I'm disappointed.
    They didn't "cave." They merely recognized the obvious fact that different people enjoy the game in different ways. That is all. This solution isn't caving.
  1. Kelsierx's Avatar
    I had a feeling they would relent. This is excellent news all around.

    Great job fellow players who gave their feedback! YOU are the reason this is happening!
  1. vvaniish's Avatar
    YEEEEES, finally!
  1. thunderdragon2's Avatar
    i like what blizz are doing with this but dose any1 else have a feeling we will be mob grinding for the reps? on each toon we want it on?
  1. Overlord Fordragon's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Zervek View Post
    Still doesn't change the fact that the expansion is garbage.
    It helps though.

    Now we get to watch the hundreds the anti-flight crowd grind out reputations and treasures for a feature they despise...
  1. Arbs's Avatar
    You gotta earn this, I like it. This is how things should be done. Make the players earn the right & not make them think they're entitled to it.
  1. Zervek's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by lagmoose View Post
    Never again. Never ever again do I want to hear people whine and bitch about "Blizzard ignores us". That being said, I wonder what the next excuse will be when there's a mass exodus in WoW. Can't blame flying now. Oh well, no flying was fun while it lasted.
    They don't listen. It took them months to finally cave in. They had no intention of putting flying back into the game.
  1. mmoc4359933d3d's Avatar
    Lol, so "go and grind a fuckload of boring shit - like Loremaster and reputation - and we'll let you fly once you're totally bored of the game anyway".
  1. Soeroah's Avatar
    Good concept. Pity I'll be finished leveling most of my alts through Draenor by the time I can unlock it but oh well.

    I look...forward...to seeing people start "discussing" the fact they will have to do dailies to unlock flying though. Just when Dailies start coming back as a rep gain tool, they throw something important on them. Hopefully it won't result in another MoP pendulum swing.
  1. Jokerfiend's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by thunderdragon2 View Post
    i like what blizz are doing with this but dose any1 else have a feeling we will be mob grinding for the reps? on each toon we want it on?
    Did you read it at all?

    For all 90+ character, once it's unlocked.

    Sheesh. No wonder people are so misinformed.
  1. mickybrighteyes's Avatar
    so they made a decision... stuck to their guns and then just bailed on their decision to try and make some folks happy... wish they'd suddenly start listening on things that actually matter that just keep getting pushed farther down the lane.
  1. dproject's Avatar
    why does it cost so much hassle?? i want to fly as i reach 100 and train at the flying npc just like the old days! come onnnn

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