Update (5:30 PM EDT): Watcher posted some more Dev Q&A

Mortal Shroud D1 Remake, Zero Empathy vs GR 74

Patch 9166 is Now Live - New Heroes Now Available, Tavern Brawl Starts Thursday

Heroes at E3, Rotation for June 16, 2015, Upcoming Shop Sales

Patch 6.2 - Garrison Campaign Rewards
Patch 6.2 expands upon the garrison campaign with a new quest line. Everyone with a Tier 3 garrison can and will want to complete (at least part) of this new line, as it unlocks and rewards several useful things. You will see Yrel, Gul'dan, Vol'jin, Varian and other notable characters. There is no need to complete any of the previous Garrison Campaign to do these quests.

Patch 6.2 - Tanaan Faction Hubs
The Alliance and Horde faction hubs in Patch 6.2 are where you will pick up the new Apexis daily quests, reputation daily quests, and find some of the new faction vendors.

Patch 6.2 - Gladiator Mounts
Patch 6.2 adds the Warlords Season 1 (Primal Gladiator's Felblood Gronnling), Season 2 (Wild Gladiator's Felblood Gronnling), and Season 3 (Warmongering Gladiator's Felblood Gronnling) Gladiator mounts.

Blue Tweets
Originally Posted by Blizzard Entertainment
Character / Items
Why don’t the trait/ability retraining guides stack? they are devastating bag space right now.
If it doesn’t stack we usually don’t want you to be keeping it around for too long. Use it! (WarcraftDevs)

getting different answers from the two of you. Are duplicate Sargares, Archis, and KJs a possibility? If not, why?
Yeah, i was wrong, don't tweet late at night (Muffinus)

SWTOR - Knights of the Fallen Empire
BioWare announced the next SWTOR expansion at E3! It has a story where choices matter, starts at level 60, and more. The expansion releases October 27th.

Wildstar - On Sale in the Humble Bundle
Wildstar is going Free to Play this fall, but if you want to give it a try today, it is part of the E3 Humble Bundle now.

Dark Legacy Comics #493
DLC #493 has been released.

This article was originally published in forum thread: Garrison Campaign Rewards and Gladiator Mounts, Blue Tweets, SWTOR, Wildstar, DLC started by chaud View original post
Comments 44 Comments
  1. elvor0's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Uncle View Post
    Nobody have noticed the MOST important information here: Patch 6.2 adds the Warlords Season 1 (Primal Gladiator's Felblood Gronnling), Season 2 (Wild Gladiator's Felblood Gronnling), and Season 3 (Warmongering Gladiator's Felblood Gronnling) Gladiator mounts.

    So: three seasons, that mean THREE raid tiers, that mean THREE patches, that mean Archimonde IS NOT the final boss; 6.2 IS NOT the final patch. Thanks, you're welcome.
    Wasn't there 2 pvp seasons during SoO? I mean I don't think this is the last patch either, but I don't think this is necessarilly the smoking gun for 6.3, they /could/ just be forward planning. I can't really see them doing another SoO though, I think that would kill the game at this point.

    Quote Originally Posted by Arvandor View Post
    nice star wars trailer!

    hmm.. i must look in this game..
    You're right, that truely was an impressive trailer, with no gameplay whatsoever. Pre-rendered trailer hype, yay! SWOTR has been f2p for ages.
  1. Isheria's Avatar
    You can have an extra season without having an extra raid tier, it actually happened in mop so you're theory ain't exactly 100% correct although it might be possible.
  1. Gatsbybutters's Avatar
    Can anyone confirm what the prerequisites are for getting into tanaan? Is it still lvl 3 garrison and like 5k resources? Whats with the garrison campaign questline being worked in? Do you need all those quests done as well to start it?
  1. Draculla's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Uncle View Post
    Nobody have noticed the MOST important information here: Patch 6.2 adds the Warlords Season 1 (Primal Gladiator's Felblood Gronnling), Season 2 (Wild Gladiator's Felblood Gronnling), and Season 3 (Warmongering Gladiator's Felblood Gronnling) Gladiator mounts.

    So: three seasons, that mean THREE raid tiers, that mean THREE patches, that mean Archimonde IS NOT the final boss; 6.2 IS NOT the final patch. Thanks, you're welcome.
    When you will kill Archimonde, there is endgame cinematic. The same like with Arthas, Deathwing, Garrosh.
    When Blizzard in a history of the game did cinematic in a middle of the expansion? Never.

    But yes, there could be "Ruby Sanctum" mini raid in 6.3, but I dont think so. 6.3 will be just small zone (maybe Farahlon) as a Lore Gate Patch to the next expansion.

    Or 6.3 is another 5.5 patch. (https://twitter.com/DaveKosak/status/357545921338281985)
  1. Stacie's Avatar
    Not a SWTOR fan but starting at 60 is a good idea, hope wow follows and allows a free max level (of prior expan) each time a new expan comes out. The level gate for new or returning players on different accounts is a pain. So many friends have just quit after level 30-50 because by that time they want to be playing with there friends/me at max level.
  1. Gadzooks's Avatar
    E3 is pretty off the chart this year. The Bethseda one was pretty amazing - Doom isn't a game I'm into, but it looks awesome - and Fallout 4, if it works as advertised, is a game I'm going to spend a LOT of time in.

    In fact, if they added multiplayer, dungeons, and raids? They'd be exactly what I want from WoW. There's a TON of replay factor in what they're doing - crafting, custom gear and housing, circuitry! And throwing the PipBoy onto a mobile phone or tablet? That's frigging spectacular. Imagine putting your raid bars on your tablet, on your desk, and freeing up the UI. And it's interactive and linked to the game? If it works as intended, that's a homerun.

    Bethesda is doing everything Blizzard should be. They even threw in a crack about Blizzard's booth being closer to the porn back in the day. Looking at the games that are coming out, and the ones out recently, Blizzard's stuff is starting too look really dated, lacking creativity, and stale. Bethseda set the bar higher by bringing the game out into the tablet/phone space, and all the possibilities there - and what do we get from Blizzard? Twitter. And selfies.

    They even threw a free game at everyone, which I downloaded and started playing with, and it's really, really cool. Here we have Bethseda giving away stuff, and getting everything right, and what do we get from Blizzard? 7 months of nothing, store mounts, bullshit Q&As, and garrisons.

    I guess we just can't look to Blizzard for cool stuff anymore.
  1. Zardoom's Avatar
    Why is there a question as to wether or not this is the final tier, of course it isn't, right? We still have to kill Grommash?
  1. elvor0's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Gadzooks View Post
    E3 is pretty off the chart this year. The Bethseda one was pretty amazing - Doom isn't a game I'm into, but it looks awesome - and Fallout 4, if it works as advertised, is a game I'm going to spend a LOT of time in.

    In fact, if they added multiplayer, dungeons, and raids? They'd be exactly what I want from WoW. There's a TON of replay factor in what they're doing - crafting, custom gear and housing, circuitry! And throwing the PipBoy onto a mobile phone or tablet? That's frigging spectacular. Imagine putting your raid bars on your tablet, on your desk, and freeing up the UI. And it's interactive and linked to the game? If it works as intended, that's a homerun.
    Comparing a next gen single player game to a 10 year old MMO is always fair. Also, sticking your raid bars on your tablet would be dumb. How would taking your eyes AWAY from the screen to look at your desk be helpful? Eyes on the game while you're raiding.

    Quote Originally Posted by Draculla View Post
    When you will kill Archimonde, there is endgame cinematic. The same like with Arthas, Deathwing, Garrosh.
    When Blizzard in a history of the game did cinematic in a middle of the expansion? Never.
    Wrath Gate. At the end of every quest zone in WoD aside from Spires.
  1. Gadzooks's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by elvor0 View Post
    Comparing a next gen single player game to a 10 year old MMO is always fair. Also, sticking your raid bars on your tablet would be dumb. How would taking your eyes AWAY from the screen to look at your desk be helpful? Eyes on the game while you're raiding.

    Wrath Gate. At the end of every quest zone in WoD aside from Spires.
    Creativity is creativity, regardless if you can see it or not - and Blizzard is sorely lacking in that department these days.
  1. mwiland's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Draculla View Post
    When you will kill Archimonde, there is endgame cinematic. The same like with Arthas, Deathwing, Garrosh.
    When Blizzard in a history of the game did cinematic in a middle of the expansion? Never.
    if you remember there was a cinematic in this expansion when you finish the quest to kill Garrosh.
  1. allan-snackbar's Avatar
    I really feel for Sweater. I mean, it get so much hate its not even funny. Makes me want to e/cry. Sure, Bioware/EA has brought it up on themselves but still... Trailer looked bloody awesome!! ;D
  1. liquidlyon's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by elvor0 View Post
    You're right, that truely was an impressive trailer, with no gameplay whatsoever. Pre-rendered trailer hype, yay! SWOTR has been f2p for ages.
    Extra salt in your corn flakes this morning? The fact its been out a long time probably means that they already know what type of gameplay to expect and are still excited.
  1. Draculla's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by elvor0 View Post
    Wrath Gate. At the end of every quest zone in WoD aside from Spires.
    Yes, but its not raid ingame cinematic.
  1. elvor0's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by liquidlyon View Post
    Extra salt in your corn flakes this morning? The fact its been out a long time probably means that they already know what type of gameplay to expect and are still excited.
    Pre rendered trailers are a cop out, they don't show you anything, which is a fact. How is that salty? I was more pointing it out, because that particular poster seems to hate the game, yet still sticks around on here to moan about how shit the game is with no constructive critique, just sandwhich board doom.

    Quote Originally Posted by Gadzooks View Post
    Creativity is creativity, regardless if you can see it or not - and Blizzard is sorely lacking in that department these days.
    I didn't say it wasn't creative, I said that comparing a single player sandbox RPG to an MMO running on a 10 year old engine isn't a fair comparison and you know it. Even the whole smartphone extra thing isn't new. I like it, and I totally want the collectors edition to run the app for Fallout 4 on that pipboy, but it's not new.

    Quote Originally Posted by Draculla View Post
    Yes, but its not raid ingame cinematic.
    mm, true, but you said mid expansion, not in raid. It could be just something they're planning on doing from now on at a guess, especially given the large amounts of cinematics in WoD. I mean it could be signalling the last riad but at the same time, I cannot see them being stupid enough to give us another year of one raid, given that season 3 stuff has been added.
  1. guardian_titan's Avatar
    Blizzard keeps changing trends this expansion if anyone hasn't noticed. Many of those changes have driven players away while bringing others back. It wouldn't be too surprising if they threw in a cinematic for Archimonde just because they wanted to show something cool but they couldn't do it without resorting to a cinematic.

    At any rate, just because Blizzard's done something in the past doesn't mean that will be true this time. Blizzard's trying new territory and mixing things up. It's certainly possible there could be a 6.3 raid. I certainly hope so or else this expansion's an expensive flop for fans. Given the amount of cinematics we see throughout WoD questing, possible Blizzard found an easier way to make them so we'll see them more regularly going forward from questing to dungeons to raids.
  1. Beat5beat's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by elvor0 View Post
    Comparing a next gen single player game to a 10 year old MMO is always fair.
    And calling WoW a 10 year old game is fair? The latest installment came out November of last year, the game has a massive development team that has been working on it year round for the entire life of the game. Calling it a 10 year old game "and this is why it can't compete or feels stale" is a weak cop out.
  1. OneTripleZero's Avatar
    Oronok and the whole Cipher questline from TBC was awesome, I hope they do him justice in WoD.
  1. Hotmail's Avatar
    Whatever is that "Submit" form just below the first picture? I don't even

    Edit: NM, it's gone
  1. Annarion's Avatar
    Do you need to have finished the original garrison campaign to start on the new one? Didn't bother on most of my alts so I'll have to catch up if it's required.
  1. chaud's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Annarion View Post
    Do you need to have finished the original garrison campaign to start on the new one? Didn't bother on most of my alts so I'll have to catch up if it's required.
    Nope, just need the Tier 3 garrison.

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