Update (5:30 PM EDT): Watcher posted some more Dev Q&A

Mortal Shroud D1 Remake, Zero Empathy vs GR 74

Patch 9166 is Now Live - New Heroes Now Available, Tavern Brawl Starts Thursday

Heroes at E3, Rotation for June 16, 2015, Upcoming Shop Sales

Patch 6.2 - Garrison Campaign Rewards
Patch 6.2 expands upon the garrison campaign with a new quest line. Everyone with a Tier 3 garrison can and will want to complete (at least part) of this new line, as it unlocks and rewards several useful things. You will see Yrel, Gul'dan, Vol'jin, Varian and other notable characters. There is no need to complete any of the previous Garrison Campaign to do these quests.

Patch 6.2 - Tanaan Faction Hubs
The Alliance and Horde faction hubs in Patch 6.2 are where you will pick up the new Apexis daily quests, reputation daily quests, and find some of the new faction vendors.

Patch 6.2 - Gladiator Mounts
Patch 6.2 adds the Warlords Season 1 (Primal Gladiator's Felblood Gronnling), Season 2 (Wild Gladiator's Felblood Gronnling), and Season 3 (Warmongering Gladiator's Felblood Gronnling) Gladiator mounts.

Blue Tweets
Originally Posted by Blizzard Entertainment
Character / Items
Why don’t the trait/ability retraining guides stack? they are devastating bag space right now.
If it doesn’t stack we usually don’t want you to be keeping it around for too long. Use it! (WarcraftDevs)

getting different answers from the two of you. Are duplicate Sargares, Archis, and KJs a possibility? If not, why?
Yeah, i was wrong, don't tweet late at night (Muffinus)

SWTOR - Knights of the Fallen Empire
BioWare announced the next SWTOR expansion at E3! It has a story where choices matter, starts at level 60, and more. The expansion releases October 27th.

Wildstar - On Sale in the Humble Bundle
Wildstar is going Free to Play this fall, but if you want to give it a try today, it is part of the E3 Humble Bundle now.

Dark Legacy Comics #493
DLC #493 has been released.

This article was originally published in forum thread: Garrison Campaign Rewards and Gladiator Mounts, Blue Tweets, SWTOR, Wildstar, DLC started by chaud View original post
Comments 44 Comments
  1. MatadorMedia's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by chaud View Post
    Nope, just need the Tier 3 garrison.
    Thank you. This was my question as well. Surely don't want to take all my alts through the same garrison questline. Already had to do the intro to Draenor sequence 11 times and I'm just over it.
  1. ChaosWolf's Avatar
    Wish I had the means to nab the Humble Bundle, for the sake of Wildstar, but I don't have a PayPal or a credit-card with which to make online purchases, not even a dollar's worth. Being unemployed sucks balls.

    Guess someone feeling generous enough to do some gifting's not likely, eh?
  1. Zyranthian's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Zurtle View Post
    And calling WoW a 10 year old game is fair? The latest installment came out November of last year, the game has a massive development team that has been working on it year round for the entire life of the game. Calling it a 10 year old game "and this is why it can't compete or feels stale" is a weak cop out.
    He didn't say 10 year old game, he said it was running on a 10 year old engine. Which is probably a rather conservative estimate actually cos it was in development another 5+ years before it even came out. WoW is carrying a lot of baggage and is pretty heavily restricted by what the engine can do these days.
  1. Turaska's Avatar
    Star Wars is getting ever more juicy it seems, can't complain for a F2P game. Nothing really stands out as ground breaking as far as WoW goes lately, I genuinely hope they have some good stuff at BlizzCon.

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