Patch 6.2 - Fury of Hellfire Arrives June 23
It looks like Patch 6.2 will be ready by next week!

Originally Posted by Blizzard (Blue Tracker / Official Forums)
Patch 6.2: Fury of Hellfire is almost here! On Tuesday, June 23 players will be able to build their Garrison Shipyard and venture into Tanaan Jungle to face Gul’dan and the twisted remnants of the Iron Horde. Hellfire Citadel Normal and Heroic modes will also be available for those who are brave enough to confront the dangers within.

Check out the official trailer below:

Learn more about the patch in the 6.2 PTR Patch Notes and in our preview blogs:

Patch 6.2 - Boar Mount Animations

Patch 6.2 - Region-Wide Group Finder
EU players will finally be able to group with players on other language realms.
Originally Posted by Blizzard (Translated) (Blue Tracker)
We plan to add a language filter to the group finder in Patch 6.2. You will be able to recruit or play with members of another language community in your area (Europe).

Patch 6.2 PTR - Build 20157
A small build went up on the PTR this afternoon.

Achievement Changes
Originally Posted by MMO-Champion

Spell Changes
Originally Posted by MMO-Champion
Raid & Dungeon Abilities
  • Bloodboil Gurtogg causes the 5 furthest enemies' blood to boil, inflicting 72,651 Physical damage. In Mythic difficulty, this effect boils the target's blood for 72,651 0 Physical damage every second. This effect stacks. Limited to 5 targets. Instant.
  • Rattling Bones The caster hurls ratting bones in every direction, inflicting 20,000 27,000 Shadow damage to enemies within 30 yards. 40 yd range. Instant.

Garrison Mission Changes
Originally Posted by MMO-Champion
  • Blingtron's Secret Vault Level 100. Item Level 0. Rare. 3 Followers. Cost: 25 Resources. Duration: 10 hrs. While we were occupied with the sabotage of the Dark Portal, Blingtron managed to build a vault of riches. Find it!. Rewards: 1500 XP. 500 Gold 1,000 Gold

Garrison Ability Changes
Originally Posted by MMO-Champion
  • Undead Crew Trait Increases success chance by 10%.. on missions..
This article was originally published in forum thread: Patch 6.2 - Fury of Hellfire Arrives June 23 started by chaud View original post
Comments 247 Comments
  1. mmoc024535e5c7's Avatar
    Nothing would top patch 5.2 The thunder king. Isle of thunder was amazing the raid was amazing Even the the trailer was epic. RIP to 1 of the best patch ever
    And ppl said MOP was shit .
  1. mmocfd328e0b6e's Avatar
    That was a patch trailer: "Let them come!"

  1. elvor0's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by tonic316 View Post
    You're retarded if you don't think they released the patch the same day the second highest Sub MMO behind them releases its first expansion. To bad it won't keep people away because in FFXIV there is more to do then raid and we get to fly without super tedious bull shit
    Yeah, I mean you don't get to grind tomes of soldery(justice points) and mythology(valour), in wow(anymore)! Ha! We have so much more content over here.

    Look, I enjoyed levelling in FF14, but lets not act like it's got more content than WoD at max level realistically. A LOT of the starter max level content is just recycled from the leveling experience. Avoidable damage collision checking is fucking shocking, and the boss animations don't even line up to their attacks(Titan I'm looking at you)If I had a choice, I'll choose the one where the hitboxes work for my abilities and fire doesn't burn you after you moved out of it.

    If you're soloing you can do....what exactly? Collect cosmetic bardings for your chocobo? Collect pets? Collect Transmog?

    Credit where credit is due though, the crafting system is very well designed, although I do find having to turn into a miner just to mine things to be extremely flow breaking.
  1. Doomaz's Avatar
    guldans vo changed :/

    cant wait for archimonde kill cinematic tho
  1. Noxina's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by hunterakos View Post
    Nothing would top patch 5.2 The thunder king. Isle of thunder was amazing the raid was amazing Even the the trailer was epic. RIP to 1 of the best patch ever
    And ppl said MOP was shit .
    I will forever be sad that I had a break that tier. Screw you IRL issues!

    To all you haters being all "omg, they released it the same day as FFsomethingnumber", who cares? I didn't even know the game existed before I read it here in this thread. And I bet A LOT of other WoW players share that, never seen any commercials for it or anything. Atleast Blizzard knows how to reach out.
    And it isn't something new that games get released on the same day, it haven't mattered before, and it wont now.

    So take your Final Fantasy stuff, pack your bags and go to some forum that cares about it. Because most of us here dont.
  1. mmoc29acf4d9f4's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by elvor0 View Post
    Yeah, I mean you don't get to grind tomes of soldery(justice points) and mythology(valour), in wow(anymore)! Ha! We have so much more content over here.

    Look, I enjoyed levelling in FF14, but lets not act like it's got more content than WoD at max level realistically. A LOT of the starter max level content is just recycled from the leveling experience. Avoidable damage collision checking is fucking shocking, and the boss animations don't even line up to their attacks(Titan I'm looking at you)If I had a choice, I'll choose the one where the hitboxes work for my abilities and fire doesn't burn you after you moved out of it.

    If you're soloing you can do....what exactly? Collect cosmetic bardings for your chocobo? Collect pets? Collect Transmog?

    Credit where credit is due though, the crafting system is very well designed, although I do find having to turn into a miner just to mine things to be extremely flow breaking.
    Yeah.... about that... this is a WoW post and I didn't want to bite the bait and I m not one of those who bashes WoW while playing XIV but I have to call on complete and utter BS about the "you have the same stuff as WoD to do on end game". The reason I quit WoW was because of WoD and what drew me into FFXIV was the insane amount of content the game offered for late game. I ve been playing the game for about 6 months and have barely even set foot in the main damn raid instance and have sooo much stuff to do absolutely non related to achievements. The grind you mentioned is there but thats a given for any mmo. Its whats available to you OTHER than the currency farm that makes it count. Wether you want to do it or not or wether you liked the other stuff or not is up to you but you cant say its not there or that there is no incentive to do them. Triple triad, chocobo tending, raising and racing, housing plots, crafting and star crafting, hunts, beast tribe reputations etc etc are just things that first came to mind and are all relevant content outside of raidding with their own niche, fun or story tied to them.
    Again I am not bashing WoW so current WoW players dont jump on me in anger. I was once a WoW player like you and I truly hope the game keeps being successful as I am too emotionaly tiedd to it despite not playing it anymore.
    The reasoning behind this post is because I felt the game I am currently on needed some justice on a field where it shines. If you were to bash other stuff that actually present problems to the game I d fully aknowledge that. But late game activities is a very strong point for FFXIV.

    On topic, I still thought the patch trailer was kind of horrible and uninteresting :/ Heres to hoping they do something better for the next expansion.
  1. Foxhoundn's Avatar
    When did Hellscream become such fanboy of the heroes? :O

    Also to you guys, you complain that there is no content to do, yet when content patch arrives you say it's rushed. Are you all teenage girls or what?
  1. mmoc4ab8181178's Avatar
    Blizzard doesn't have to be scared of FFXIV. At least Blizzard still has the Asian market. Square Enix hates Asians with a passion (edit: except the glorious Japanese master race that should rule all of Asia ) and I would not bet on them ever releasing the game here. (you can select uninhabited islands, but not Asian countries when creating an account). Basically the same with all Final Fantasies. No FF14, no 3, no 4, severly cut 13 (Asians are not worthy of the English language) and so on.
  1. NightZero88's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Foxhoundn View Post
    When did Hellscream become such fanboy of the heroes? :O

    Also to you guys, you complain that there is no content to do, yet when content patch arrives you say it's rushed. Are you all teenage girls or what?
    No offense but you're a moron. I'll take the infraction for this but get your head out of your ass and realize that the people complaining about no content are not the same fucking people complaining that the patch is rushed. 7 million fucking people play the game so it is very likely that this is two different groups complaining. Lord this stupid comment pisses the fuck out of me every time some dumbass says it and it's been in this thread a lot already.
  1. lunchbox2042's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Foxhoundn View Post
    When did Hellscream become such fanboy of the heroes? :O

    Also to you guys, you complain that there is no content to do, yet when content patch arrives you say it's rushed. Are you all teenage girls or what?
    I've never complained about lack of content. I have complained that Blizzard has been rushing all of their content for WoW. The mantra of when it's ready is long dead. It's now released when Activision says so.
  1. randprin's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Dhru View Post
    That was a patch trailer: "Let them come!"

    oh man, those were the days.

    i wish the game just kept on pilling stuff like this instead of the abominations that were infected on it since then
  1. mmoc1404d70bfa's Avatar
    Nice trailer as always and at least you fixed some animations. Whoa right direction for once.
  1. Lukazor's Avatar
    I had no idea that an FF expansion even existed let alone is going to release on the 23rd June, and I predicted we'd get patch 6.2 on that date. I'm pretty sure if people were going to leave WoW for FF they would have done it already, if people are worried they will abandon FF to come back to WoW for the patch then clearly they don't think FF's content be better than what WoW is going to offer.

    Either way I don't care since so I don't play FF.
  1. Dobrogii's Avatar
    [QUOTE=Beast024;34422987]Last patch cinematic ? this IS NOT the end content patch why do people keep saying that ? lol this is 6.2 that would be like saying ulduar was the last patch in LK they already confirmed that grom would be the last boss of THIS xpac.........

    Bro that was scrapped ages ago, this will be the last major content patch xD
  1. Foxhoundn's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by NightZero88 View Post
    No offense but you're a moron. I'll take the infraction for this but get your head out of your ass and realize that the people complaining about no content are not the same fucking people complaining that the patch is rushed. 7 million fucking people play the game so it is very likely that this is two different groups complaining. Lord this stupid comment pisses the fuck out of me every time some dumbass says it and it's been in this thread a lot already.
    I bet if I search through your posts I will find one where you complain lack of content, because of the whiny little bitch you are
  1. thunderdragon2's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Foxhoundn View Post
    When did Hellscream become such fanboy of the heroes? :O

    Also to you guys, you complain that there is no content to do, yet when content patch arrives you say it's rushed. Are you all teenage girls or what?
    after say a month if you do raid you'll have no content again and that is why people are saying its rushed, sadly tannan is just another timeless isle but with way less to do on it.
  1. Foxhoundn's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Beast024 View Post
    Last patch cinematic ? this IS NOT the end content patch why do people keep saying that ? lol this is 6.2 that would be like saying ulduar was the last patch in LK they already confirmed that grom would be the last boss of THIS xpac.........

    Bro that was scrapped ages ago, this will be the last major content patch xD
    Do you have a blue text supporting you?
  1. Saucerian's Avatar
    "Will be ready by next week". I think they mean "will be released by next week, ready or not, so we can distract you from Heavensward".

    Not faulting them for it, just made me chuckle.
  1. captainkanji's Avatar
    Awesome! We get to do more apexis dailies. I won't have much time for it though. I'll be leveling my Conjurer.

    Az totally called it.
  1. TickTickTick's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Beast024 View Post
    Last patch cinematic ? this IS NOT the end content patch why do people keep saying that ? lol this is 6.2 that would be like saying ulduar was the last patch in LK they already confirmed that grom would be the last boss of THIS xpac.........
    You seem to pull out their 'confirmations' that work in your favour, and ignore the ones that do not.
    There are many things pointing to this patch being the last one. I wont even list them cause it's been talked to death.

    Oh and they also confirmed that garrisons would be moveable and customized. And the world would be savage. And that it had so much content. And...

    Yeah. Not a single reason to beleive them, since they keep changing their minds faster than a woman.

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