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BlizzCon 2015 Schedule
The Blizzcon schedule hasn't been officially announced yet, but it doesn't appear to have the previously mentioned Engineering panel.

Blizzcon 2015 Schedule
Note: all times are converted to the timezone your computer is currently in.

Patch 6.2.2a Hotfixes - Oct 8
Originally Posted by Blizzard (Blue Tracker / Official Forums)
Bonus Event
  • A Time to Strike: Fixed an issue that could cause quest credit to not be credited correctly after completing an Apexis objective.
Darkmoon Faire
  • Fun for the Little Ones: Characters that have completed the quest previously should now be able to obtain it again for this month's Darkmoon Faire.

Patch 6.2.2a - Build 20574
Originally Posted by Blizzard Entertainment
Bug Fixes
  • Disabled support for split screen mode in the Mac Client on OS X 10.11 to address a stability issue.
  • Disabled the Find Cursor feature in the Mac Client on OS X 10.11.
  • Corrected a display issue where Undead characters would see an incorrect race icon while performing a Paid Race Change.
This article was originally published in forum thread: BlizzCon 2015 Schedule, Oct 8 Hotfixes started by chaud View original post
Comments 172 Comments
  1. Collected's Avatar
    Nice to see WoW still has that post opening slot. Plenty of time for some new features to be announced.
  1. mmoc3ae150791e's Avatar
    I see a lack of wow panels :P
  1. muwatallis's Avatar
    I was expecting a big D3 announcement, and I am clearly disappointed by just one hour Dev Talk unless a big surprise comes out. On the other hand it's good to see WoW still has the major spotlight. Considering Blizzard now has 2 more games in the field, it seems like in the near future 2 days won't be enough to contain coverage for all Blizzard Games.
  1. Ejmis's Avatar
    No movie panel? Wat!?
  1. Paula Deen's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Deathleecher View Post
    I see a lack of wow panels :P
    Yeah. There are still a few there, but an extreme lack. That has me a bit worried.
  1. mmoc3ae150791e's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Paula Deen View Post
    Yeah. There are still a few there, but an extreme lack. That has me a bit worried.
    They are using all there focus on Overwatch, REALLY hope it fails just becuase of this. i want Wow back in the spot light!
  1. Wishblade's Avatar
    Doesn't look like Diablo will get much love... Oh well, that's too bad for them.

    But I'm quite pleased so far, a bunch of WoW panels and a bit of HS, Heroes and Overwatch info bits. Time to look forward to BlizzCon for real!

    Virtual ticket, come here!
  1. Valyro's Avatar
    No Warcraft movie?
  1. mmoc3ae150791e's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Wishblade View Post
    Doesn't look like Diablo will get much love... Oh well, that's too bad for them.

    But I'm quite pleased so far, a bunch of WoW panels and a bit of HS, Heroes and Overwatch info bits. Time to look forward to BlizzCon for real!

    Virtual ticket, come here!
    would love more wow panels. Imean Overwatch panels or FPS panels are so fucking borring, YOu join a fight and shoot. end of story :P BORRRI_Ng i tell you
  1. mmocda5509483c's Avatar
    1 fucking diablo panel? Dev talk only? FUCK THIS! FUUUUUUUCK!
  1. Kharli's Avatar
    *sigh* and NO BLOODY MOVIE PANEL! >:<
    yes..rage sorry <.<
  1. Lillyth's Avatar
    So.. I am sorry but.

    If its not officially announced so far, how can MMO-champ have the schedule? Is this made up?

    It really DOES look made up. Diablo 3 is long overdue for the next expansion and you are trying to tell me they only have 1 panel for it? As if!
  1. Tartys's Avatar
    No Movie panel? O_o
  1. Dontrike's Avatar
    No too surprised by the lack of Diablo panels, but I am surprised by the lack of a movie panel. I would have figured they would have just released what they showed earlier this year, but I guess we will have to keep waiting.
  1. MrExcelion's Avatar
    Hopefully they add a live raid (doesn't matter who), and some other panels that put focus on the community
  1. Arbs's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Paula Deen View Post
    Yeah. There are still a few there, but an extreme lack. That has me a bit worried.
    The only thing that seems missing from this Blizzcon that I noticed is no Live Raid.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Valyro View Post
    No Warcraft movie?
    Honestly I'm expecting that to be in the Opening Ceremony.
  1. Rooskie1993's Avatar
    1 Diablo Panel, No WoW tournament finals, no movie panel, yeahhhhhh ok
  1. Arbs's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Lillyth View Post
    So.. I am sorry but.

    If its not officially announced so far, how can MMO-champ have the schedule? Is this made up?

    It really DOES look made up. Diablo 3 is long overdue for the next expansion and you are trying to tell me they only have 1 panel for it? As if!
    There is ways around the website to find it, just gotta know the link for the schedule.

  1. Lillyth's Avatar
    This so called schedule is not believable. I firmly think this is made up by MMO-Champ.
  1. Xentronium's Avatar
    NM, Arbs got it covered.

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