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Patch 6.2.2 - Terky
Patch 6.2.2 changed Terky to be obtainable from White Murloc Egg. Up until now, the egg was only for a promotion in Asia (Redeem iCoke Prize Voucher). A user on Reddit claims to have found it a few weeks ago, and thanks to some EU forum posters we have the location!
You can grab the Terky by going to Riplash Ruins in Borean Tundra, heading down into an underwater passage into a cave, and exiting into an underwater cave that has the egg. Be sure to use the Magic Pet Mirror and with Terky for some extra fun!
Hallow's End 2015
Hallow's End is here and it has lots of new things this year! Be sure to check out the full guide on Icy Veins for more details.
- This year the item rewards dropped by the Headless Horseman are item level 670.
- New Currency - Spooky Supplies
- You can purchase decorations for your Garrison and Tricky Treats with the supplies.
- The most useful decoration is Creepy Crawlers, as it spawns the Hallow's End pets in your Garrison to capture. It also spawns Arachnis, which drops the new toy: Sack of Spectral Spiders.
- Witch's Brew is also useful, as it adds an NPC that gives you Mysterious Brew.
- Daily Quests - You can pick up the four new daily quests in the center of your Garrison.
- All of the quests require you to head to southern Shadowmoon Valley.
- One of the quests is a group quest to kill a relatively challenging NPC, the other three are easily soloed.
- Coin of Many Faces has a ~1% drop rate from the mobs you kill for the daily quests.
- You have a ~10% chance to loot Spectral Grog from the Boneship crew in the area.
- The quests reward a total of 5 x Spooky Supplies per day.
- New Pets
- These pets are Level 25, so if you don't already have some Level 25 pets to capture them, be sure to get the Ultimate Battle-Training Stone.
- Ghastly Rat, Ghost Maggot, and Spectral Spinner
- Tricky Treats can be used to purchase Heirloom armor upgrades, for 250 / 450 each.
- Exquisite Costume Set: "Deathwing" is new this year and it can be yours for 200 x Tricky Treats.
- If you need even more Pepe in your life, grab A Tiny Scarecrow Costume from Spooky Pepe in your Garrison. He is hanging out behind the mine on some stones outside in the Horde garrison and on Ray D. Tier's gravestone in the graveyard to the left when you enter the Alliance Garrison.
Headless Horseman Loot
Level | Type | Spec | Name |
670 | Plate | All Strength | The Horseman's Horrific Hood |
670 | One-handed Sword | All Agility | The Horseman's Sinister Slicer |
670 | Finger | All Strength | Band of the Petrified Pumpkin |
670 | Finger | Healer | Wicked Witch's Signet |
670 | Finger | All Agility | Seal of Ghoulish Glee |
670 | Finger | All Intellect | The Horseman's Ring |
New Rewards
Level | Type | Name |
1 | Other | A Tiny Scarecrow Costume |
1 | Other | Spooky Supplies |
1 | Consumable | Hallowed Wand - Wight |
1 | Consumable | Hallowed Wand - Gargoyle |
1 | Consumable | Hallowed Wand - Nerubian |
1 | Holiday | Exquisite Costume Set: "Deathwing" |
100 | Other | Coin of Many Faces |
1 | Other | Sack of Spectral Spiders |
New Quests
Level | Name | Rewards | Money | Objective | ||
Smashing Squashlings Daily | 15 40 | Kill 6 Growing Squashlings. | ||||
Mutiny on the Boneship Daily | 15 40 | Kill Bonerender. | ||||
Foul Fertilizer Daily | 15 40 | Destroy 8 kegs of Dread Fertilizer. | ||||
Culling the Crew Daily | 15 40 | Destroy 12 Boneship crew members. |
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