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Legion - Demonsaber Mount
Legion adds a Demonsaber mount, which is currently listed as a Demon Hunter mount. Currently Demon Hunters only gain access to the Felsaber mount on the Alpha, but several NPCs were riding Demonsabers during the Demon Hunter intro experience.

Blue Tweets
Originally Posted by Blizzard Entertainment
There's a line between guaranteed odds and "no A'lar after six years", and farmable (with efforts) and once a year.
.A lot of new things have been tried this year wrt holidays, really appreciate the feedback, we'll keep iterating (Muffinus)

Blizz didn't learn from Love Rocket RNG, and this is significantly worse.
I wouldn't say it's a lack of learning, more "hey this is a new concept (illusions), how desired is it?" (Muffinus)

Final Boss - Outlaw Rogue
Today we have the Outlaw Rogue preview!

Heroes of the Store
We didn't get around to posting about the movie contest winner during Blizzcon, but it is definitely worth a watch! The same group also put out a Legion features recap of sorts.

This article was originally published in forum thread: Legion - Demonsaber Mount, Blue Tweets, Outlaw Rogue Preview, Heroes of the Store started by chaud View original post
Comments 36 Comments
  1. TacoCatt's Avatar
    That black kitty with red eyes though <3
  1. mmoc9bca5565b2's Avatar
    FinalBoss should at least take the effort to get the artifacts for each spec they preview. It's 15-20 minutes of work and some of the basic artifact abilities are really important to the rotation of some of the specs.
  1. Sting's Avatar
    That movie... haven't cringed this hard since high school.
  1. Sinnerlol's Avatar
    Honestly, these new Winter Veil quests and rewards the worst ever...I "cant" buy any of the decorations/toys becuase i still dont have the mount, and even if the mount drop, why would i buy the decoration when there is a chance to get 50-100k gold?
  1. kornek21's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Ziktus View Post
    FinalBoss should at least take the effort to get the artifacts for each spec they preview. It's 15-20 minutes of work and some of the basic artifact abilities are really important to the rotation of some of the specs.
    why? heelvsbabyface and bellular have already made a full list of the artifact weapons of each specc, with videos of the quests aswell, even the order halls.
  1. mmoc72e16da742's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Sinnerlol View Post
    Honestly, these new Winter Veil quests and rewards the worst ever...I "cant" buy any of the decorations/toys becuase i still don't have the mount, and even if the mount drop, why would i buy the decoration when there is a chance to get 50-100k gold?
    I got my mount after 60 savage gifts, farmed on 5 characters everyday. After that bought 2 decorations and said fuck it, mount is better because the decorations aren't so good looking and i prefer 50-100k at any day. Price will increase after the winter veil is over so you can get even more gold.
  1. Shudder's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Bloodelfer View Post
    I got my mount after 60 savage gifts, farmed on 5 characters everyday. After that bought 2 decorations and said fuck it, mount is better because the decorations aren't so good looking and i prefer 50-100k at any day. Price will increase after the winter veil is over so you can get even more gold.
    That's what he's saying. Anyone with the xmas decorations is flat out a retard that hates gold. Maybe someone who is gold capped and doesn't need anymore gold will buy the decorations. Anyone else really doesn't have a choice. Blizzard doesn't really think these things through. This is the reason why I'm not psyched for Legion at all. The morons who fuck this shit up and fucked up an entire expansion are still in charge.
  1. mmoceb1073a651's Avatar
    I got my mount in the 63th gift on day 5, and stopped with the dailys altogether. One reason was RL, the other was the thing that I just could not stomach more of these dailys. Of course, I did not get the Flames enchant. 21 characters seem to be not enough >
  1. muwatallis's Avatar
    That cat is very un-shiny.
  1. mmoc64ace7a841's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by muwatallis View Post
    That cat is very un-shiny.
    But that's only good thing. I hope i can tame one of these for my hunter. Been waiting for a good cat model for years, i'm still using same cat i tamed from winterspring 2007.
  1. meroko's Avatar
    i've only done dailies on 4 chracters about 7 days of this event and gotten 4 mounts. Same reports from others, people complaining about rewards are just complaining to complain.
  1. BKrewcial's Avatar
    That video was AWESOME!!!!
  1. Triggered Fridgekin's Avatar
    Why would they ride a cat? Why not a Pit Lord?
  1. mmoc06a376f633's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Triggered Fridgekin View Post
    Why would they ride a cat? Why not a Pit Lord?
    They are still elves. Elves don't posses a thing called "taste", otherwise they weren't elves.
  1. Lery's Avatar
    Rogues used to have the ability to use guns. So in Legion, they gave it back to us and called it pistol shot. Ok, great!
  1. Wayne25uk's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Shudder View Post
    That's what he's saying. Anyone with the xmas decorations is flat out a retard that hates gold. Maybe someone who is gold capped and doesn't need anymore gold will buy the decorations. Anyone else really doesn't have a choice. Blizzard doesn't really think these things through. This is the reason why I'm not psyched for Legion at all. The morons who fuck this shit up and fucked up an entire expansion are still in charge.
    Not everybody is a gold digging retard, i like the garrison stuff and why would i buy a mount when i can get it myself after a while??? Greed really does make you folks stupid as hell.
  1. guardian_titan's Avatar
    While the cat itself looks nice, I honestly hope what's used currently for the mount is a placeholder and the final one will at least get a saddle ... that isn't glued to the back like the Zulian panther. That thing is terrible. Mobs enabled as mounts drive me bonkers and just scream laziness by Blizzard. They have like 6+ months so there's no excuse for a class mount to be a plain mob with nothing to distinguish it from that mob besides the fact that players ride it. But DKs started off with the unarmored skeletal gryphon before getting upgraded to the armored version later on in the beta so here's hoping the current demonsaber is just a placeholder. Also not sure I like the head placement of the cat. It's too low and the cat looks more like it's looking at the ground, not ahead of it. The cat doesn't feel like a predator. It feels more like it's sulking as if someone reprimanded it. Not very intimidating. Ooooo, such a pretty kitty ... who looks depressed. Bit much to hope Blizzard will change the head placement, though. Have to wonder if Blizzard animators own cats or even went to the zoo to look at tigers, lions, or even leopards. Cats don't carry their head that low or at that angle if they do. If they're stalking, that's one thing but the rest of the body doesn't suggest stalking. The stance is just outright wrong.
  1. Saverem's Avatar
    I actually MUUUUUCH prefer that Demonsaber to the Felsaber. I hope DH get the Felsaber and that Demonsaber becomes usable by everyone.
  1. Niku's Avatar
    Combat rogue seems to have lost bandit's guile so it might actually be worth picking up again. That thing made me quit that spec on it's own.
  1. Averrix's Avatar
    I think every class should have a class mount. Warlock, Paladin, DK, and now Demon Hunter have one, they should give one to all the others.

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