Legion - Varian and Vol'jin
We found some interesting references to Varian and Vol'jin. Unfortunately there isn't much more than what is below yet. Keep in mind that this is just a reference in an alpha build of Legion, not something final or officially announced. Spoilers below!
Legion - Felsaber Mount
The Felsaber mount is given to Demon Hunters during their intro experience.
Patch 6.2.3 Hotfixes - January 6
Originally Posted by Blizzard
(Blue Tracker / Official Forums)
Legendary Ring Quest Line
Players who have acquired the most powerful rewards from Khadgar's Legendary questline by completing Draenor's Blessing (Horde) or Light Be With You(Alliance) may now purchase Crystallized Fel from Zooti Fizzlefury in Talador or Dawn-Seeker Krisek in Tanaan Jungle for 1250 Valor.
Creatures and NPCs
Fixed an issue that could cause characters to be unable to loot The Bonechewer Spear that appears after defeating Viperlash.
Spires of Arak
Fixed an issue that could cause characters to be unable to loot Varasha's Egg that appears after defeating Varasha.
Savage Snowball should no longer incorrectly cause other players to be flagged for PvP combat.
Ghostcrawler Tweets
Ghostcrawler still occasionally talks about WoW. Remember that he no longer works for or speaks for Blizzard.
Originally Posted by MMO-Champion
Obvious MMO question,What are your views on RNG systems used as stat progression?Leveling up was progression before loot tabl
There can be an entitlement risk without RNG - it says if you invest enough time, you will be able to get the reward you want. (OccupyGStreet)
PTR Update
A small build went out to the PTR today, but it didn't make any significant changes, just client fixes.
Originally Posted by Blizzard Entertainment
Fixed a client crash that could occur while logging back into a character that disconnected while in Random Draenor Dungeon.
Fixed a client crash that could occur while logging into a character that's tracking an achievement.
So......it says on the alliance quest for legion "Varians funeral demon attack" while it says on the horde side "Vol'jins funeral". MY speculation is that we will see varians death face to face at the broken shore most likely done by a demonic commander while we only presume vol'jin to truely dead due to the lack of evedance on his location.
Vol'jin is too badass to die. Varian doesn't die either. Just Blizzard's attempt to go GoT style, but they'll be back. Maybe they decided to take a week off and go ski in Northrend. When they come back everything's changed !
I'll remember all the great things Vol'Jin has done for the Horde since he was appointed Warchief. Like... That time when... When he.... When the... Euh...
I couldn't give a damn about vol'jin and am completely happy with Sylvanas as warchief.
Because I main alliance
No really though, It's about time the Horde got a leader with some interesting stuff going on rather than Green Jesus or Evil pig, She isnt black and white which is nice. I just hope they don't pull another Garrosh and lead her down a very obvious spiraling decline. In fact, I'm hoping she will actually be portrayed as the victim of the whole stormheim conflict, which it looks like she will be. The horde needed the chance to be on a moral high horse for once, as did the Alliance to be the aggressor.
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