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Legion - Thrall and Doomhammer
We found some interesting references to Thrall and Doomhammer. Unfortunately there isn't much more than what is below yet. Keep in mind that this is just a reference in an alpha build of Legion, not something final or officially announced. Spoilers below!

Keep your eyes on Thrall. He's wounded. He's like to kill himself down here and I don't want to be the one to tell his wife!
Doomhammer... it was like a dead weight in my hands. The elements were silent. It has been this way since I used it to slay Garrosh.

Spirits... hear my call...
Are you the so-called "World Shaman?" Hah! You fight like a crippled pig.

Hear me, elements of Azeroth.
Once, we walked as one. I abused your powers for my own personal vendetta.
Take back the Doomhammer! Grant it to one who is worthy.
Teach me, and again I will be your servant.

Legion - Shaman Artifact Intro
A little piece of the Shaman Artifact intro was also found, likely from the ending that takes place in your Class Hall.
Originally Posted by MMO-Champion
We stand at the precipice of oblivion, but we do not stand alone. Come forward, shaman.
Take your place among the circle, Farseer. The Earthen Ring is forged anew, and with it, we rekindle hope for this world.
You are the chosen defender of Azeroth! May your wisdom guide this circle to victory, and may the power of your artifact crush those who would bring chaos to this land.

The elements have chosen you as their champion, $n. The artifact you wield is proof.
It is your destiny to lead the Earthen Ring against the Burning Legion. We need you. Do you accept this burden?
Yes. I will be your Farseer!

From this map you may dispatch members of the Earthen Ring throughout the Broken Isles. Lead us to victory, Farseer!
This Astral Portal will return you to Dalaran whenever you wish, Farseer. I will keep it open so that you may return here any time.

Legion - Artifact Weapon Previews
Today we have the Elemental Shaman Artifact The Fist of Ra-Den. Several of the shields are missing still, so look for them after a new build.

Blue Tweets
Originally Posted by Blizzard Entertainment
Rogue (Forums / Skills / Talent Calculator / Artifact Calculator / PvP Talent Calculator)
How is Cheap Shot part of a rotation, surely its only a utility, stun button?
For CC purposes, it can be used as on a rotational basis. It’s not maximum DPS, but still commonly worth it for things like PvP. (WarcraftDevs)

Wtf do you mean blind is gone? Why?? It's my fave Cc! It feels so cocky just to blind a mob. Like "No! Wait your turn!" :'(
That was referring to Subtlety specifically. Different Rogue specs have different ways to CC. For example, you may like Parley. (Celestalon)

Legion Shadow Dance is a letdown to some pvpers. Maybe let an active/passive effect? Passive is negated while on CD, thoughts?
I'd love to hear more about this feedback. People giving it: What frequency are you imagining for the proposed version? (Celestalon)
No sane PvP'er wants to lose the ability to make plays like we can with Shadow Dance. Its just a bad idea.
Again, that's why I'm asking these questions. How are you imagining it will play out? There's clearly a difference. (Celestalon)
The downside is not being able to do stuff on-demand, and positioning not mattering due to Shadowstrike.
So you're saying that you don't expect the proposed version will feel controllable? That's useful feedback. (Celestalon)

Shaman (Forums / Skills / Talent Calculator / Artifact Calculator / PvP Talent Calculator)
If there are no weapon drops in Legion, where will a enhancement shaman get his off hand weapon from?
Doomhammer grants shamans the power to form a second weapon from the elements! No need for any lesser weapon drops. (WarcraftDevs)
Is it like a copy of Doomhammer or something else?
Here's an image of it next to Doomhammer! It's also on the Artifact blog here: (WarcraftDevs)

Will we be able to transmog over the Elemental weapons?
The weapons formed by your elemental powers will behave like normal weapons. You will be able to transmog over them. (WarcraftDevs)

Will honor kills acquired out in the world contribute to prestige levels? Any support in legion for out of instance PVP?
Honorable kills in the world will reward Honor and can increase your Honor level. (WarcraftDevs)
This article was originally published in forum thread: Legion - Thrall and Doomhammer, Shaman Artifact Intro, Elemental Artifact, Tweets started by chaud View original post
Comments 85 Comments
  1. Charo's Avatar
    Him giving up the Doomhammer is symbolism/penance, the Doomhammer its self has nothing to do the elements, for Thrall, he was given it by Ogrim because Ogrim felt Thrall a worthy champion for their people, Thrall feels that using it to kill Garrosh let down the spirits of his ancestors. Him giving it up to another shaman is his way of saying, "Find a better man to carry this banner, I am not worthy of it.". Of course it is going to be another shaman because Thrall is a shaman and the Doomhammer is the most iconic Enhancement Shaman weapon in the game. Thrall has finally been given some character development and you guys bitch about him not dying. /groan
  1. Zephre's Avatar
    This all makes no sense why would the azeroth element's care about the draenor one's? Not to mention Garrosh endorsed the torturing and corrupting of the elements during his reign.

    I half expect Kosak to have some stupid response lined up to justify this.
  1. mdragonsand's Avatar
    It seems pretty random really. I might get the Doomhammer but I completely agree with that Thrall did, Garrosh was way too dangerous to be left alive.
  1. petok's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Sir Riptor View Post
    Its because he cheated by using his shaman powers to kill Garrosh
    Get a max level shammy and try to kill a max level warrior using just autoattack
  1. pateuvasiliu's Avatar
    The elements being pissed at Thrall is dumb because:

    1. Garrosh tortured the elements of Azeroth/Orgrimmar
    2. Garrosh killed that old Shaman so as to not reveal the full destiny of the orcs
    3. Garrosh is hated by the elements of Draenor because he's from another timeline
    4. Garrosh was making the Horde slaughter Draenei which is like why the elements left the Horde in the first place
    5. How would Azeroth's spirits know about what Thrall did in an ALTERNATE UNIVERSE!!!?
  1. Budong's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Charo View Post
    Him giving up the Doomhammer is symbolism/penance, the Doomhammer its self has nothing to do the elements, for Thrall, he was given it by Ogrim because Ogrim felt Thrall a worthy champion for their people, Thrall feels that using it to kill Garrosh let down the spirits of his ancestors. Him giving it up to another shaman is his way of saying, "Find a better man to carry this banner, I am not worthy of it.". Of course it is going to be another shaman because Thrall is a shaman and the Doomhammer is the most iconic Enhancement Shaman weapon in the game. Thrall has finally been given some character development and you guys bitch about him not dying. /groan
    Hush, logic is not allowed on these forums
  1. Dispersed's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Akta View Post
    Voljin and varian are not going to die for real i think they are just missed and believed dead.
    That's what I'm really hoping for and that blizz is only telling us what we start with in legion
  1. mysticx's Avatar
    What i find annoying in this whole storyline is the way shaman are portrayed as beggars, pleading with the elements to please do what needs to be done, and woe is you when the elements don't feel like cooperating!

    When Thrall gets in trouble, it's never because he doesn't have enough power or is caught by surprise, it's because the elements abandoned him somehow (Garrosh with his "My dark shaman have tortured the elements miles around!"-rant, how do you torture the elements? By pissing in a river?), this makes shaman seem so weak, at the mercy of the elements' whims, every other class has power and uses it, maybe it doesn't work for some reason, but not because some outside force doesn't feel like cooperating...

    Mind you, i like the shaman class, my chief alt is an elemental shaman and all, but the way they're shown in lore is so pathetic. ~_~
  1. Raetary's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Kurosu View Post
    I dont know what you are smoking,garrosh had issues,but he was never a coward.If you want proofs look at his duels.( and no the poison doesnt count,he didnt even know about it)
    real warriors dont shoot mass destruction bombs at their enemys
  1. The Madgod's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Charo View Post
    Him giving up the Doomhammer is symbolism/penance, the Doomhammer its self has nothing to do the elements, for Thrall, he was given it by Ogrim because Ogrim felt Thrall a worthy champion for their people, Thrall feels that using it to kill Garrosh let down the spirits of his ancestors. Him giving it up to another shaman is his way of saying, "Find a better man to carry this banner, I am not worthy of it.". Of course it is going to be another shaman because Thrall is a shaman and the Doomhammer is the most iconic Enhancement Shaman weapon in the game. Thrall has finally been given some character development and you guys bitch about him not dying. /groan
    I love you so much for this post. I wish that the forums were more approving of attitudes like this. : /
  1. mmoc112630d291's Avatar
    The Thrall discussion is making us forget how shitty this Artifact looks.

    RIP Shamans, I sincerely feel bad for you.
  1. Raetary's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Myz View Post
    The Thrall discussion is making us forget how shitty this Artifact looks.

    RIP Shamans, I sincerely feel bad for you.
    ... how many times do i have to remind people that you don't like=/= bad?
    i like that artifact and its skins.
  1. Laylriana's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by mugutu View Post
    How nice that they didn't have to kill Thrall off but we lost Varian, Tirion, and many others. I guess Metzen is hurting for more VA work, the bastard.
    You do know that Metzen is the voice of Varian also, don't you?
  1. arthar77's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Laylriana View Post
    You do know that Metzen is the voice of Varian also, don't you?
    that shows his devotion
  1. Marvdizzle's Avatar
    Those artifact designs look so uninspired...
  1. Gadzooks's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by arcaneshot View Post
    Which makes no sense because Garrosh was the one unleashing Dark Shamen on them. It's like the Elements forgot about that.
    No, it's like Metzen or Kosak forgot. Wouldn't be the first time.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Charo View Post
    Him giving up the Doomhammer is symbolism/penance, the Doomhammer its self has nothing to do the elements, for Thrall, he was given it by Ogrim because Ogrim felt Thrall a worthy champion for their people, Thrall feels that using it to kill Garrosh let down the spirits of his ancestors. Him giving it up to another shaman is his way of saying, "Find a better man to carry this banner, I am not worthy of it.". Of course it is going to be another shaman because Thrall is a shaman and the Doomhammer is the most iconic Enhancement Shaman weapon in the game. Thrall has finally been given some character development and you guys bitch about him not dying. /groan
    Translation: they needed an artifact weapon for Shaman, couldn't come up with anything, so they pulled this out of their asses, and will retcon their way out of it.

    And there will be more. Count on that. Lore isn't as important to them as it is to you. To them it's something to get done by 5pm, so they can go home and eat chicken wings in front of the TV.
  1. Shadowroxxor's Avatar
    The player will become the new warchief / new alliance frontman.
  1. JacobusRex's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Aildrik View Post
    Thrall has *nothing* to be sorry for. Garrosh was a warmongering douche bag and he had to be taken out. If anything, Thrall should feel bad for not killing him during WoTLK when it was blatantly obvious who/what he was.

    Just....awful writing. Doesn't bode well for the lore of this expac
    Dude, World of Warcraft is the culmination of Metzen's egomaniacle Orc boner... The story in this game has been terrible since TBC.

    I mean, which expansion HASN'T the Orc race been a key? Which expansion have we seen Gnomes and Tauren get the spotlight? How many stories have been butchered, abandoned and spit-on since the end of VANILLA?

    The only reason ANYONE plays this game anymore is the carrot-on-a-stick mentality that's kept it alive for the past decade. Gotta keep churning out rigged PVP, uninteresting quests and dailies, and garbage raids.

    The only OTHER reason anyone plays this game is for the CHANCE at some decent role playing, which has been pretty much ignored by Blizzard, and the rest of the MMO industry, for the past 11 years.

    I would only like to return to WoW because Legion has a CHANCE at being decent but it's a very small, meagre, nigh-hopeless chance at that. You'll always get fanboys who would suck Metzen's dick if he told them to, but for those of us who care about quality, WoW has really entered it's twilight year. The saddest part is, Blizz has the resources and potential to devote the next 5 years to REALLY building a new MMO franchise, something sci-fi and epic with real story, content and continuity but they won't because they've branched out into too many other cash cows. Starcraft 2 is over after LotV, Overwatch is just their attempt at getting a piece of that genre's pie, Hearthstone is just another rigged social game and Diablo 3 suffered from bad story as well.

    If I could work my will on the world, 80% of Blizz's wealth would be taken away and given to charity and the remaining 20% would be devoted to making a GOOD game.
  1. MakeMeLaugh's Avatar
    Played elemental shaman for over 6 years... Looks like I will finally have to go enhanc. Look at that shit, what a terrible artifact. If the off-hand was at least another fist, so I could transmog to have the same fist on both hands. I'm so disappointed, so damn ugly.
  1. voskopoula's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Anchorite Jovinaal View Post
    Dude, World of Warcraft is the culmination of Metzen's egomaniacle Orc boner... The story in this game has been terrible since TBC.

    I mean, which expansion HASN'T the Orc race been a key? Which expansion have we seen Gnomes and Tauren get the spotlight? How many stories have been butchered, abandoned and spit-on since the end of VANILLA?

    The only reason ANYONE plays this game anymore is the carrot-on-a-stick mentality that's kept it alive for the past decade. Gotta keep churning out rigged PVP, uninteresting quests and dailies, and garbage raids.

    The only OTHER reason anyone plays this game is for the CHANCE at some decent role playing, which has been pretty much ignored by Blizzard, and the rest of the MMO industry, for the past 11 years.

    I would only like to return to WoW because Legion has a CHANCE at being decent but it's a very small, meagre, nigh-hopeless chance at that. You'll always get fanboys who would suck Metzen's dick if he told them to, but for those of us who care about quality, WoW has really entered it's twilight year. The saddest part is, Blizz has the resources and potential to devote the next 5 years to REALLY building a new MMO franchise, something sci-fi and epic with real story, content and continuity but they won't because they've branched out into too many other cash cows. Starcraft 2 is over after LotV, Overwatch is just their attempt at getting a piece of that genre's pie, Hearthstone is just another rigged social game and Diablo 3 suffered from bad story as well.

    If I could work my will on the world, 80% of Blizz's wealth would be taken away and given to charity and the remaining 20% would be devoted to making a GOOD game.
    Blizzard has said and most of us agree that WoW is on uncharted waters in lore, is way far in the timeline since warcraft 1-2-3 etc and of course the plot doesn't necessarily goes as we all hope or think is right.
    However i agree with you about their wealth and how much of it is used for lore and wow development. No i dont want any new futurustic crap, we have shitloads of failed attempts there worldwide. I want WoW 2!
    For my part i am afraid Legion will be the first time SINCE TBC (was resto at vanilla ..) that i might even stop playing my enhancement shaman. Changing the playstyle and making it energy resource management like Demon Hunters, for me is like they are saying, we are making your tombstone that we started since WoD day 1, we didn't like that you ruled at Throne of Thunder, time to delete you completely. If you see ranks of archimonde mythic kills, i dont see more than 300enha shamans about logging stats..
    There won't be decent role playing, unless you think that drama is decent role playing. Decent role playing as an idea must contain characters that develop their personalities (or destroy them) during the course of the game. If they kill outright npcs like voljin and varian and thrall going emo...then what to expect for the rest?

    And please dont insult players who play this game since vanilla (you joined here 2014..?) because through this game at least we met friends and lost friends and had fun times. If you were antisocial and just wanted to play an awesome game..there are many single player ones...
    Also i disagree with you about the quests and the garbage raids. Raids have become increasingly difficult the last years, at least on the high end (heroic then mythic) level. I really enjoyed most of the quests on my alts (well my main had to power lvl up through the quests no time to read).

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