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Legion - Max Camera Distance Reduction
The latest Legion build reduced the amount you can zoom out with the camera.

Originally Posted by Blizzard (Blue Tracker / Official Forums)
This is one of this changes that we realize will be intensely unpopular with the group of players that has used console/WTF CVars to increase camera zoom beyond what the UI slider permits. For everyone else, they probably won't see what the big deal is, since it's removing a hidden option that most never used. But for those who are accustomed to an increased max zoom, it's changing the way you're experiencing the game in a way that feels restrictive and simply worse. So why would we do that?

In a broad range of gaming genres (from RTS to Action RPG), being able to zoom out and see more of the world around you provides an objective advantage in the form of information. Due to that competitive advantage, camera-unlocking or increased zoom distance are features commonly found in third-party hacks for a variety of games. Whatever the maximum allowed, that's what competitive players will use in order to maximize performance, even at the expense of the game's overall look and feel.

We strongly believe that there needs to be parity in this area between players who are using the default UI and those who have addons or knowledge of hidden console variables. One option was certainly to just allow the in-game slider to go all the way up to the CVar hardcap. But that scale is beyond the one around which the game was designed at its core. The development team builds the world, its art, its combat mechanics, and other interactions, around the base UI experience and scale. At the 3.4-CVar zoom level, your heroic Warcraft avatar takes up about as much screen-space as one of the dozens of marines you might control in a game of Starcraft.

Basically all of us started out playing WoW at the UI-enabled zoom level, and fell in love with that world enough that we now find ourselves here posting on an expansion beta forum discussing its future. At some point, we saw a raid video and wondered how they could see so much of the field at once, or we saw a forum post or got a helpful tip from another player, and learned that if you typed "/console CameraDistanceMaxFactor 4" you could zoom out way more, and we never looked back. But was that original experience bad, or have we just grown accustomed to something different?

There may also be a bit of hyperbole in the discussion around the change. This is a screenshot I just took with the max UI-selectable zoom settings in the current Legion build: http://i.imgur.com/e8vFT6t.jpg

I'm not sure it's fair to say that this level of zoom entails your character dominating the screen, or removes any awareness of nearby threats.

Finally, why did this happen suddenly now, late in the beta cycle, seemingly without any communication? Honestly, the intent was for the change to have been in place from early alpha onwards. I believe that what happened was that one of the CVars (CameraDistanceMaxFactor?) was clamped from the start, but a second CVar (CameraDistanceMax?) was overlooked. That issue was entered and tracked as a bug, and was just fixed recently. As a development team, at this point we're fixing up to 2000 Legion bugs a week, and it's not always obvious which player-facing build will contain a particular one of those fixes. This clearly wasn't something we ever imagined could just be swept under the carpet.
This article was originally published in forum thread: Legion - Max Camera Distance Reduction started by chaud View original post
Comments 787 Comments
  1. TEHPALLYTANK's Avatar
    I see no problem with this, as long as they reduce the scale of everything in raids by the same factor. Just another shitty change that is cementing my decision to not buy Legion.

    This feels like what they did with flying, but exponentially worse as it severely impacts gameplay (anyone who thinks it doesn't clearly hasn't raided as a tank or melee).
  1. Railander's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Kryos View Post
    Why not have "/console CameraDistanceMaxFactor 4" build in the slider? Why limit down and not expand up?
    literally addressed in the post
  1. Kryos's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Railander View Post
    literally addressed in the post
    Not with a good reason.
  1. Walkerbo's Avatar
    Once again Blizzard is making a decision, that no one has asked for, to reduce player options just because they can.
  1. mmoc4359933d3d's Avatar
    Tone down the hyperbole, people.

    It's not like you're being forced to play in first person. The zoom is still considerable. They can easily make slightly smaller bosses to compensate, if vision is a problem.
  1. Starks's Avatar
    GG all these years ppl have been saying so and so new game is a wow killer yet blizzard just proved the whole world wrong.

    blizzard- ha! if any ones gonna kill wow it'l be us.

    update - blizzcon 2016 announces revolutionary new feature for xpac after legion "increased max cam distance!"

    itl be back as a new feature lol and will all eat it up.
  1. Karon's Avatar
    I loved only seeing a pair of legs in the Raggi fight.
  1. Kryos's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Valarius View Post
    Tone down the hyperbole, people.
    It's not like you're being forced to play in first person. The zoom is still considerable. They can easily make slightly smaller bosses to compensate, if vision is a problem.
    They change all bosses now? No, they don't. This is a restricting move and I also prefer the visual style. Even in his example pictures the first two show how much beauty and information is lost. Looking at low poly legs is not fun.
  1. ComputerNerd's Avatar
    Considering how just about the most asked question I saw during the beta was how to increase the camera distance, then it is something which needed some thought.
    Personally I am not against this change as I do feel the maximum was too much.
    Bringing it into line with the default UI was in my opinion long overdue.

    It absolutely has had an impact on awareness of surroundings, in both PvE and PvP content.
    Which is why I think it needed to be more openly accessible via the default UI.
    Which then leads to the how much is too much argument, which quite frankly is never going to suit everyone.
  1. dabanks07's Avatar
    Very upset over this change. There is little to no need for them to do this. I zoom out much further when playing on my laptop vs my desktop because it is necessary to do so and maintain the same UI set-up and still be able to see around me.
  1. deadman1's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Railander View Post
    literally addressed in the post
    Not sufficiently, just because blizz said it doesn't mean it's good enough.

    If they don't like hidden features, then disable addon support.
  1. Railander's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Kryos View Post
    Not with a good reason.
    summing up the wow community:

    "omg blizzard pruning makes the game easier, stop it"
    "omg blizzard higher camera distance makes the game easier, dont remove it"
  1. Kryos's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by ComputerNerd View Post
    Considering how just about the most asked question I saw during the beta was how to increase the camera distance, then it is something which needed some thought.
    Personally I am not against this change as I do feel the maximum was too much.
    Bringing it into line with the default UI was in my opinion long overdue.
    It absolutely has had an impact on awareness of surroundings, in both PvE and PvP content.
    Which is why I think it needed to be more openly accessible via the default UI.
    Which then leads to the how much is too much argument, which quite frankly is never going to suit everyone.
    How about not changing something people have used and never complained about in 10 years? The way to activate it with a console command also makes sure only experienced players will use it and the average player will get his immersive visuals. WHY DO THEY FIX STUFF THAT ISN'T BROKEN?
  1. Zogarth's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by 4dahorde View Post
    The things you people find to complain about. Someone on the forums actually said they were "physically unable to play the game now." Really? Physically unable? Even if you try to use Epilepsy as an excuse, only something like 3-4% of elpileptic people have photsensitivity. Sure it was nice in some areas to zoom way out, I did occasionally, but this is in no way game breaking. The screenshots I have seen are really not that bad. People HATE change and when it comes to Blizzard changing something, people lose their minds. You will get used to it. Why can people not just play a freaking game because it is fun, why does it have to be made and playable EXACTLY like YOU want it to be. People already saying they won't play the game if they can't zoom the camera out...wow, everything there is to do in the game and people threaten to stop playing because of camera distance. Some of you people are unbeliveable.
    I think this was a perfect case of "If it ain't broke, don't fix it". This change makes no logical sense. It fucks with some people, and it changes something that people have been used to for years. If someone wants to quit due to a change like this, all power to them. Best way to demonstrate is to stop giving your money.

    Quote Originally Posted by Railander View Post
    summing up the wow community:

    "omg blizzard pruning makes the game easier, stop it"
    "omg blizzard higher camera distance makes the game easier, dont remove it"
    But... why change it? Is it to make the game harder? If so, there is plenty of ways to do that. And also, pruning does not make the game easier, it makes it simpler.
  1. Kryos's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Railander View Post
    summing up the wow community:
    "omg blizzard pruning makes the game easier, stop it"
    "omg blizzard higher camera distance makes the game easier, dont remove it"
    You are very bad at summing up things.
  1. merex760's Avatar
    Changes like this are what frustrate me to no end with Blizzard as a developer. Let us use something for years, get used to playing with it, then take it away like it doesn't matter.
  1. deadman1's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Railander View Post
    summing up the wow community:

    "omg blizzard pruning makes the game easier, stop it"
    "omg blizzard higher camera distance makes the game easier, dont remove it"
    Typical, blizz apologist pretending the wow community is a monolith.

    It doesn't make the game easier, you're strawmanning hard right now. It makes the game more palatable since you can see more than just the raid bosses ankles.
  1. Armourboy's Avatar
    Not that big of a deal. Just like every other UI type change people will adapt. Within a couple of months it will be the new norm and people won't even notice.
  1. Twistedelmo's Avatar
    I would say tanks are going to be affected the most by this change.
  1. Shudder's Avatar
    Honestly I'm about done with them. This is probably the straw for me. They're constantly ruining the game for no fucking reason.

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