Gamescom Legion Stream - Patch 7.1 Return to Karazhan
Slootbag streamed from Gamescom today with WatcherDev. Karazhan is coming back as a dungeon in Patch 7.1!

Patch 7.1 - Return to Karazhan
  • Karazhan is coming back as a large five player dungeon with all nine bosses.
  • The old Karazhan will still exist, you can still go and farm it for things.
  • There will also be a small additional raid between The Emerald Nightmare and The Nighthold that wraps up the Stormheim story.
  • Patch 7.1 will also have outdoor content associated with Suramar that pushes forward the Nightfallen story.
  • Patch 7.1 is coming to the PTR right after Legion launches!
  • Encounters have been play tested internally, it is good to go.

Game Development
  • There was a period where the team focused on faster expansions, sacrificing things that they shouldn't have. This made the experience worse.
  • The focus going forward is a steady stream of content.
  • Priority #1 is making sure that you don't run out of things to do.
  • The team is never going to rush an expansion, they will be released when they are done.
  • Ensuring there is always content in the live game while working on the expansions is important.
  • Raid tiers should last around 4 to 5 months.
  • This time around there won't be a content drought - "Don't worry, we got you!"
This article was originally published in forum thread: Gamescom Legion Stream started by chaud View original post
Comments 377 Comments
  1. Halicia's Avatar
    I'm a realist as much as everyone, and can forgive marketing hype and best intentions....

    but everything they said about Game Development was complete and total bullshit.
  1. Imberius's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Aqualung View Post
    Glad to see this. Karazhan is much cooler when it's not hocking hearthstone expansions.
    You mean "Purifying" Hearthstone
  1. Nihilist74's Avatar
    Awesome. 5 man dungeons are my favorite activity in wow. I loved the zul gurub and aman dungeon conversions.
  1. barackohmama's Avatar
    So Karazhan will be another pushover instance we can just rush through? No thanks.. I loved the old one, but I think it should be laid to rest. How about blizzard come up with something unique again instead of rewamping old content? They have no creativity anymore to come up with a non linear and interesting dungeon??
  1. lockybalboa's Avatar
    There will still be content drought eventually, then all the fanboys defending Blizz will then say "oh Blizz did not make any promises, stop hating!" Same old, same old.
  1. aethermachine's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by WarFalcon1 View Post
    Real quick article I found from 2013. It is true, for a couple expansions now they have said they want to put out content faster because of the end of expansion content wasteland. So far they have not really made much progress.
    ThExcept argument is that they said there would never be another content drought. That was never said. Yes, they wanted to make yearly expansions and failed thus causing said drought: your arguement. The difference is the indulgence in hyperbole versus fact. Yeah they wanted to solve the content drought and promised yearly expansions,
  1. Forgottenone's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by aethermachine View Post
    I can't find anything on Google that backs that up, I gotta say I don't believe you. Waiting to be proven wrong. First one gets a free date with me.
    I know you can't find anything on Google but

    For me, that says more than enough. Ornyx admits there was a period where the main focus was faster expansions and they sacrificed for that goal which made the experience worse for everyone. He goes on later to say that since TBC/Wotlk they stated their goal was to get the lenth between expansions down to one-a-year but that was the problem and it isn't the goal.

    Furthermore people in the thread also say this and Ornyx doesn't deny the fact that they had content droughts. You may disagree and not believe and that is fine, but for myself that is more than enough.


    If you really want to find a source, I would just google "WoW Faster Expansions" and start searching. I cared enough to post a recent blue post, but not enough to grab my pick axe and shovel and start digging for a direct source
  1. Reek's Avatar
    Karazhan was one of the best raids ever made but as a dungeon? We'll see.
  1. Elim Garak's Avatar
    This is just PR BS.

    All that means is - there will be slower expansion, but there still gonna be a content drought near the end of the longer expansion because they will have to refocus on new expansion at some point to not make it the REALLY slow expansion release.

    Recognize it for what it is and move on.
  1. grexly75's Avatar
    What is even more interesting is that during a Q&A at Blizzcon 2015 they let slip about Karazhan and 5 player dungeon.. listen from 2.04 to 2.07 ..
  1. Elim Garak's Avatar
    That just means it was intended for WoD but gut cut and now we get it in Legion first thing in the morning.
  1. xpose's Avatar
    I don't get the fuss over it, Kara looks to play a pretty big role as a stronghold for the legion so it makes sense they would try and take it over so it makes sense to bring it back in this expansion. This isn't like the other rehashes where the old content made zero sense when it came to the story being told (onyxia for example). A 5 man of the entire bosses and then another smaller raid content most likely involving the legion is fine with me.
  1. MikeBogina's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Unholyground View Post
    They won't this time, if you played beta you can see they made huge efforts to undo all the crap they messed up. There is already more content at launch than all of WoD lol.
    No I haven't been invited to beta test Legion. If there is more content, that would be amazing, but they have failed to deliver so many times and they knew they were never gonna deliver 1 year expansions, so i'll have to wait and see again :/
  1. akse's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by thilicen View Post
    Fuck. Yes. Karazhan.
    Lets hope it has not been done by the team of "Butcher the old content".. aka Naxx40, Scarlet Monastery, Scholo etc.
  1. Eleccybubb's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by akse View Post
    Lets hope it has not been done by the team of "Butcher the old content".. aka Naxx40, Scarlet Monastery, Scholo etc.
    Yeah they totally butchered Monastery by changing the path. And new Scholo is way better than that old clusterfuck. Merging bits of SM was the best thing they had done in a long time since at that point keys were worthless. Although that was the case since 3.3 for most dungeons.
  1. jaber2's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Xires View Post
    It's not "old" It will be different in such a way that it will feel new and that "old content" was done 9 years ago. NINE!
    I said welcome
  1. Unholyground's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by MikeBogina View Post
    No I haven't been invited to beta test Legion. If there is more content, that would be amazing, but they have failed to deliver so many times and they knew they were never gonna deliver 1 year expansions, so i'll have to wait and see again :/
    Ion already said that 1 year expansions are not the plan anymore, it was unreal to think it could happen, they already have more content in Legion than WoD had after 6.2 at launch lol. They are also adding bare minimum 3 new dungeons and 2 Tanaan style areas, and that looks like it may have already changed because Karazhan wasn't even one of the things they mentioned in their content to come so they are keeping a lot of cool stuff from us a secret.

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