Top Standard and Wild Decks of the Week for May 14

Armory Stats - Artifact Challenge Appearances
Today we are taking a look at the number of characters that have the Artifact Challenge appearance equipped.

  • This data set includes 4.5 million Level 110 characters active in the last month, across the US and EU.
  • We only considered what artifact appearance a character had equipped when they logged out.
  • The percentage shown is the percentage of characters that logged out with the listed spec that have the challenge appearance equipped.
  • We don't have a good way to know if a character has the challenge appearance unlocked unless they have it equipped.
  • This means that player preference for spec and appearances plays a role in the numbers below and that they don't represent a true comparison of difficulty between the specs.
  • For example, in terms of absolute numbers, more Havoc Demon Hunter have their challenge appearance equipped than Assassination rogues, but there are many more Havoc Demon Hunter characters than Assassination Rogue characters, making the percentage of characters logged out as that spec lower.

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Average Item Level With Appearance
We also looked at the average item level of characters with a challenge appearance vs the average item level of all characters of that spec.
Originally Posted by MMO-Champion
Death Knight (Forums / Skills / Talent Calculator / Artifact Calculator / PvP Talent Calculator)
  • Blood - 911.8 (+43.4 from the average of 868.4)
  • Frost - 912.0 (+42.6 from the average of 869.4)
  • Unholy - 908.5 (+43.1 from the average of 865.4)

Demon Hunter (Forums / Skills / Talent Calculator / Artifact Calculator / PvP Talent Calculator)
  • Havoc - 910.2 (+44.0 from the average of 866.2)
  • Vengeance - 911.0 (+50.3 from the average of 860.7)

Druid (Forums / Skills / Talent Calculator / Artifact Calculator / PvP Talent Calculator)
  • Balance - 910.1 (+38.8 from the average of 871.3)
  • Feral - 910.0 (+50.6 from the average of 859.4)
  • Guardian - 911.7 (+36.5 from the average of 875.2)
  • Restoration - 911.0 (+33.0 from the average of 878.0)

Hunter (Forums / Skills / Talent Calculator / Artifact Calculator / PvP Talent Calculator)
  • Beast mastery - 908.1 (+42.1 from the average of 866.0)
  • Marksmanship - 910.3 (+42.0 from the average of 868.3)
  • Survival - 909.3 (+47.2 from the average of 862.1)

Mage (Forums / Skills / Talent Calculator / Artifact Calculator / PvP Talent Calculator)
  • Arcane - 910.0 (+44.4 from the average of 865.7)
  • Fire - 911.4 (+44.6 from the average of 866.7)
  • Frost - 911.3 (+43.4 from the average of 867.9)

Monk (Forums / Skills / Talent Calculator / Artifact Calculator / PvP Talent Calculator)
  • Brewmaster - 913.0 (+40.4 from the average of 872.6)
  • Mistweaver - 910.7 (+34.6 from the average of 876.2)
  • Windwalker - 906.9 (+42.3 from the average of 864.6)

Paladin (Forums / Skills / Talent Calculator / Artifact Calculator / PvP Talent Calculator)
  • Holy - 911.0 (+33.0 from the average of 878.0)
  • Protection - 913.0 (+41.8 from the average of 871.2)
  • Retribution - 908.9 (+41.0 from the average of 867.9)

Priest (Forums / Skills / Talent Calculator / Artifact Calculator / PvP Talent Calculator)
  • Discipline - 909.7 (+46.3 from the average of 863.4)
  • Holy - 911.9 (+36.4 from the average of 875.5)
  • Shadow - 911.7 (+43.9 from the average of 867.8)

Rogue (Forums / Skills / Talent Calculator / Artifact Calculator / PvP Talent Calculator)
  • Assassination - 907.7 (+38.4 from the average of 869.3)
  • Outlaw - 911.4 (+53.6 from the average of 857.9)
  • Subtlety - 910.7 (+49.3 from the average of 861.4)

Shaman (Forums / Skills / Talent Calculator / Artifact Calculator / PvP Talent Calculator)
  • Elemental - 911.7 (+40.9 from the average of 870.8)
  • Enhancement - 908.4 (+42.1 from the average of 866.3)
  • Restoration - 911.6 (+34.5 from the average of 877.0)

Warlock (Forums / Skills / Talent Calculator / Artifact Calculator / PvP Talent Calculator)
  • Affliction - 909.7 (+38.8 from the average of 870.9)
  • Demonology - 907.9 (+46.0 from the average of 861.9)
  • Destruction - 906.7 (+46.4 from the average of 860.2)

Warrior (Forums / Skills / Talent Calculator / Artifact Calculator / PvP Talent Calculator)
  • Arms - 910.1 (+49.3 from the average of 860.8)
  • Fury - 910.6 (+40.8 from the average of 869.8)
  • Protection - 911.8 (+43.3 from the average of 868.5)

Blue Tweets
Originally Posted by Blizzard Entertainment
Will Affli be getting a new PvP talent to replace Death's Embrace becoming a regular talent?
Yes (holinka)

if i drop below 2k during s3,will i be able to buy elite gear when s3 elite vendor comes out,or i need to be 2k+ when seasone ends?
You just need the "Cruel Elite" achievement. (holinka)

Ghostcrawler Tweets
Ghostcrawler still occasionally talks about WoW. Remember that he no longer works for or speaks for Blizzard.
Originally Posted by MMO-Champion
How do you approach the risk that comes with taking away an interaction that players have grew fond of versus the potential gain in game health?
At the end of the day, it’s a cost benefit analysis. How bad is the current state of game health and how likely are you to improve it by taking away the interaction you mention? If you’re going to improve health by 1% but losing the interaction makes players like the game 10% less, then that’s not a trade I would take.

A really typical situation where this manifests is when the interaction is fun for some players, but part of the reason why it’s fun is because it’s overpowered, hard to counter, or maybe really easy to execute. For the player having fun it feels like you are squashing their fun and they don’t understand what the big deal is. But for other players, the interaction feels like bullshit.

I don’t mean to imply that players are so shallow that they only enjoy unbalanced things. However, we used to have a saying that anything overpowered is fun. It’s sometimes hard to distinguish whether players are enjoying the cause (the interaction) or the effect (being overpowered).

All that said, I also try to preach that developers should not stomp on an interaction just because it is unintended. As a developer, it can be easy to reflexively nerf or change something just because players aren’t doing something the way you imagined. But if it’s not actually hurting anything, I’d let them keep doing it. (Source)

DLC #584 - Outhouse
DLC #584 has been released.

This article was originally published in forum thread: Armory Stats - Challenge Artifact Appearances, Poll, Tweets, DLC #584 started by chaud View original post
Comments 93 Comments
  1. Onikaroshi's Avatar
    What makes assassination so much easier than the rest? Proud to be part of the 2.5% unholy though :P
  1. chaud's Avatar
    Bonus chart:

    <script> var chart; $(document).ready(function() { Highcharts.setOptions({ colors: [ '#4768C4', '#949494', '#727272', '#595959', '#6B8E23', '#426F42'], lang: { thousandsSep: ',' } }); chart = new Highcharts.Chart({ chart: { renderTo: 'nonrollingchart', zoomType: 'x', spacingRight: 20, backgroundColor: '#efeedc' }, title: { text: 'Number of New Players with Artifact Challenge Appearance Achievement', style: { color: '#000', fontSize: '18px', fontWeight: 'bold' } }, credits: { enabled: false }, subtitle: { text: document.ontouchstart === undefined ? 'Click and drag in the plot area to zoom in' : 'Drag your finger over the plot to zoom in' }, xAxis: { type: 'datetime', maxZoom: 14 * 24 * 3600000, // fourteen days title: { text: null }, startOnTick: false }, yAxis: { title: { text: 'Number of Players', style: { fontSize: '16px', color: '#000', fontWeight: 'bold' } }, startOnTick: true }, legend: { enabled: false }, plotOptions: { areaspline: { animation: false, lineWidth: 3, marker: { enabled: true, states: { hover: { enabled: true, radius: 5 } } }, shadow: false, states: { hover: { lineWidth: 3 } } } }, series: [{ type: 'areaspline', name: 'New Artifact Challenge Complete Players', pointInterval: 24 * 3600 * 1000, pointStart: Date.UTC(2017, 3, 03), data: [ 7216, 24270, 11564, 8238, 54, 16, 12, 6, 7, 5, 3281, 13351, 7758, 5064, 265, 13, 347, 3075, 1782, 1658, 6773, 3977, 2699, 562, 5, 7, 1458, 2008, 1344, 667, 2971, 2563, 2177, 840 ] }] }); }); </script> <div id="nonrollingchart" width="50%"> Don't see a chart? Enable javascript! </div>
  1. Vamprah01's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Onikaroshi View Post
    What makes assassination so much easier than the rest? Proud to be part of the 2.5% unholy though :P
    Will of Valeera and leeching poison makes this fight just a Fan of Knives spam for 10 minutes with massive healing.
  1. ProfessorTjc's Avatar
    Wow, I wonder why tanks are soo low? Probably because our artifact challenge is still stupid difficult.
  1. kennytheone's Avatar
    The ilvl for the ones that have it seems quite high...did both havoc dh and unholy dk with 897 ilvl...the rest though i think i need 900+...still have warr rogue hunter mage lock monk to do...all are at around 885-895 ilvl butican't do much woth them...getting closer on mm hunter though
  1. Mirabai's Avatar
    So with itemlv 897 and the Holy Priest Artifact Challenge Appearances - Im a God?
  1. tankbug's Avatar
    If the Fury appearance was the axe, I would have attempted it by now. But alas, it was just one of the shitty looking "swords".
  1. Coconut's Avatar
    Comparing these statistics is a good indicator of how skewed the mmo-champion community is towards competitive players.
  1. Nairesha's Avatar
    I think I simply suck at the challenge
  1. Cavox's Avatar
    Even if people manage to do the challenges (I've done it on enh and resto shaman, ele is being a pain in the ass) it doesn't change the fact that they're badly designed and RNG based as hell.
    Even brawler's guild is more challenging and fun right now.
    Good idea, terrible implementation. I hate them with a passion.
  1. mmoc605eb7869b's Avatar
    Makes me feel less of a failure as outlaw when I could not do it with 898 ilvl. Seems like it's a challenge in that spec.
  1. Planeshaper's Avatar
    It's interesting that your stats show approximately 50k players completing the challenge, while we have Blizzard's own infographic that states that 135k characters completed it. Is the character : player ratio really that high for that first weekend, or is the MMO-Champion Armory scraping bot missing that many players?

    I think I would like to see a "Percent of Characters of {Class} with at least one Challenge Appearance" graph. Since the per-spec graph is a bit difficult (I have a challenge appearance that I don't log out in). It might be less precise, but it would provide more accurate data.

    Anyway, I always love these graphs, and the data analysis behind them. Thanks for sharing!
  1. chaud's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Planeshaper View Post
    It's interesting that your stats show approximately 50k players completing the challenge, while we have Blizzard's own infographic that states that 135k characters completed it. Is the character : player ratio really that high for that first weekend, or is the MMO-Champion Armory scraping bot missing that many players?
    We only have 97k characters that have one of the appearance equipped and 120k players that have earned the achievement as of a week ago in our database. I'm not sure if that infographic included all regions in the world or not, but we definitely don't have every US and EU character.
  1. mmoc2469da80bf's Avatar
    Typical blizz , catering towards 5% of their playerbase .
    Then wondering why the other 95% is leaving lol .
  1. Zoibert the Bear's Avatar
    Beating the statistics! I got my Guardian Druid Challenge skin two days ago with 896 ilvl! Definitely possible if you put in the time, effort and gold (for repairs and consumables ).

    I find it hilarious that people are complaining about catering to the few at the top. I rarely get more than 4-5h of play a week and have not gone into any kind of organised raid content other than a few NM Nighthold runs through the group finder. I've done a few Mythic+ runs but the bulk of the effort has been solo, with some heavy time and WA optimizations. It's not about playing a lot, it's about optimizing your time and efficiency.
  1. HeyGuysHello's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Mirabai View Post
    So with itemlv 897 and the Holy Priest Artifact Challenge Appearances - Im a God?
    No, the logic just goes that good players for the most part will have good gear. You're just a good player with bad gear.
  1. GreenJesus's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by paflodder View Post
    Typical blizz , catering towards 5% of their playerbase .
    Then wondering why the other 95% is leaving lol .
    Cry harder. Not everything has to be open to all players at the same time. In a few months you will be able to roll through it like it was nothing. at 898 holydin I completed it in 8 tries. First 7 tries was just getting past first stage. Once I got past the first stage of it I 1 shotted the rest. I don't like this patch either, but this is stupid to complain about. Just because you aren't good enough to do it doesn't mean Blizzard "caters" to other people.
  1. Valentyn's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Onikaroshi View Post
    What makes assassination so much easier than the rest? Proud to be part of the 2.5% unholy though :P

    Both mechanically and DPS wise you need very little. I was Assa off spec with 35 artifact traits, no legendaries, or real experience since EN and did it in 3 attempts.

    Leeching poison, blind Sygrin when she's casting, and kite the rest around dotting them, and just doing basic single target rotation on the caster.
    Then just move out of the wall of spirits once in a while, and repeat.
  1. HeyGuysHello's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Cavox View Post
    Even if people manage to do the challenges (I've done it on enh and resto shaman, ele is being a pain in the ass) it doesn't change the fact that they're badly designed and RNG based as hell.
    Even brawler's guild is more challenging and fun right now.
    Good idea, terrible implementation. I hate them with a passion.

    Did all three specs for my main and one alt here:
    I agree they're badly designed (one CC fight and two kite fights for a warlock tells me nothing about my class), but they're definitely harder than Brawler's. I died twice in Brawler's, once from testing the mechanics on the last boss, once more from the rock party bug that doesn't allow you to beat it.
  1. Zigrifid's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by paflodder View Post
    Typical blizz , catering towards 5% of their playerbase .
    Then wondering why the other 95% is leaving lol .
    Its good to see blizz actually caters towards those who try a bit harder at this game , than people who brainless mashing buttons , i havent completed mine but i wont whine if i cant for now .

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