World of Warcraft: Live Q & A Recap
The developers are sitting down to answer community questions about all things Warcraft and the next expansion!

Key Points
  • Stat squish and item squish
  • Unique raid buffs are back and are class specific
  • Titanforging will continue, however, slots affected by the Heart of Azeroth can't warforge/titanforge.
  • More character customization options coming in expansion.
  • Jaina is not a villain, just flawed
  • Void Elves will switch into a void form in combat and have a more normal form when desired.
  • Timewalking will be expanded
  • Flying will unlock similar to Legion
  • The Legion legendary system is gone in Battle for Azeroth
  • Starting bag will increase in size if you have an authenticator attached to your account
  • Worgen/Goblin updates are on the way, but not for 8.0
  • Players get 6 new character slots per realm.

Q & A

Q: Are Warfronts similar to invasions? What are the rewards?
A: They will be built up to and up for a certain amount of time. The team is looking at other rewards such as invasions and timewalking in terms of rewards. Nothing is finalized yet.

Q: Will basic reputations become account wide?
A: Account wide unlocks try to focus on content unlocks over simple reputations. It is a separate set of goals that doesn't need to be account wide.

Q: Is there a stat squish?
A: Yes, there is another squish. The point isn't to nerf but bring everything in line. This time they are also squishing item level.

Q: Is Anduin a Paladin?
A: Anduin is still a priest. He is a hero character and so can do things normal priests can not.

Q: Will there be cross faction chat?
A: No cross faction chat at all except through Community chat is character to character.

Q: Are there any changes in the works to help with guild recruitment?
A: Nothing planned right now, but trying to focus on social structures that are not quite as hard to get into.

Q: Will mob health and damage be scaled as well with the new scaling of the old world? What about heirlooms?
A: Team is looking to make the health and damage of mobs relevant to level. Heirlooms are scaled for level.

Q: Any comments on artifact power/knowledge and how it influenced azerite?
A: Decisions at the start of the expansion were a lot cooler than at this stage in the expansion. Team wants choices to be meaningful throughout the expansion and get rid of the crazy amount of power that needs to be obtained.

Q: What was your thought process when bringing back raid buffs?
A: There was something cool about the buffs going out before a boss. Team always looks at classes as unique and special and want to emphasize that. They don't want these buffs to be extreme but worthwhile.

Q: How do you view PVP templates?
A: Team likes the PVP talents, however, it is hard to put that into the outdoor world. They recognize how unbalanced world PVP is. Team wants you to be able to customize your character more in PVP. They are looking at the scaling technology to use within PVP, basically using the same tech that lets low levels party with higher levels. They are reworking the reward structure in PVP.

Q: What about titanforging?
A: There will be tweaks but not a fundamental change to the system. They want there to still be excitement in rewards. Titanforging will not happen on armor slots affected by the Heart of Azeroth, however.

Q: Can characters get some sort of counter to push backs and knock backs?
A: Niche for Death Knights , want to expand upon it for that specific class.

Q: What do you plan to do about the character creation being archaic?
A: Allied races are the start to this. Art team took a look at Allied races and are now going to incorporate that into the older races. More character customization is coming. Upright orcs are on the agenda. Barber will now double as a chiropractor!

Q: Is Jaina a hero in Battle for Azeroth?
A: She is complicated. Jaina is wrapped with regret. She was responsible for the death of her father and how the Horde is today. She is a damaged character and that damage will be explored. We will try to understand the way she is and try to pull her out of it. She is not evil, she is conflicted.

Q: Why do so many bosses have holes in their ceilings?
A: Functionally, there is no camera collision. Aesthetically, it allows team to show outside world without windows.

Q: What are your plans for starting zones affected by the new expansion?
A: No changes except for leveling improvements. In order to appreciate the impact of the events of Battle for Azeroth you need to understand it. Sharding technology will change the zones affected by these events for characters who are 110 and above. Other zones are also affected.

Q: Will Void Elves be stuck in Void Elf form?
A: It isn't like metamorphosis but they definitely have a void form and a more normal form. It is similar to worgen. They will go into the void in combat.

Q: How will you address trinkets and titanforging?
A: The rate of titanforging and warforging will be adjusted. Item level should win at all times. Relinquished system helps.

Q: What about adding Mythic + to old dungeons?
A: Good idea. Team is looking into timewalking keystones that are only available during the timewalking events.

Q: How soon will flying be available?
A: Same as Legion

Q: What is the future of mobile apps moving forward?
A: Team likes being able to stay in touch with character on the go and wants to continue it. Also want to merge armory app with these features.

Q: Any chance of a consolidation for timewalking?
A: Probably not all expansions active at once, but what other activities can happen during timewalking such as the outdoor world? WoD timewalking likely coming during Battle for Azeroth.

Q: How do you keep people attached to their faction instead of switching sides?
A: Play the game you want to play it. The new technologies allow for this.

Q: What are your plans for legendaries in the next expansion?
A: Azerite armor does what legendaries did in Legion. The legendary system from legion is not continuing into Battle for Azeroth.

Q: Will the quest log size be increased?
A: Certain quests don't need to be in the log. Team wants to tackle this first. 25 quests is already too hard to manage.

Q: Will the default backpack be increased?
A: Very close to allowing the first backpack to slightly increase. In future patch if you have authenticator is attached to account your bag size will increase.

Q: Will there be different raids based on factions/stories in raids?
A: Definitely different stories. In terms of bosses, not so much. Looking further ahead faction conflict might play out in raids. Member of opposite faction could be raid boss.

Q: Will exploits and bugs from Classic be fixed for the Classic servers?
A: Turning to the community for answers. Team wants to recreate the experience as you remember it. They do not want bugs that cause crashes or severe issues, however. Should UBRS be 10 or 5 man?

Q: Is heritage armor unlocked on all races?
A: Heritage armor is only wearable by the race it is made for.

Q: Will friends limit increase for
A: Team needs to make this happen and will eventually.

Q: How will farming for ilvl specific greens be affected by scaling?
A: The items will still drop and will scale.

Q: How long will Warfronts last?
A: Longer than dungeons, but team is still working this out. Beta feedback will help.

Q: What classes are available to the Allied races?
A: Allied races are unique and not linked to the other classes. Identity is taken into account when figuring out what classes the race can be.

Q: Why are Nightborne Horde and Void Elves Alliance?
A: All Allied Races have introductory quests that answer these questions.

Q: What does the Legion ending mean for the demon hunter class?
A: Demon hunters are ultimately night elves and blood elves. They will continue on protecting the world that Illidan loves. One day demons might return!

Q: Are the continents completely split between the factions?
A: Silvermoon is still Horde and Azuremyst is still Alliance. They are the lingering zones for their factions on these continents.

Q: When will worgens/goblins get updated?
A: Not in 8.0 but they are actively being worked on. Animations for Goblins are fine but they need visual updates. Male worgen are decent, but females need to be reworked.

Q: Rewards for Opting into World PVP?
A: Don't want to pressure players into opting in. The exact values aren't finalized yet.

Q: Will the character slots per realm increase?
A: Yes, 6 new slots per realm.

Q: Cross realm trading?
A: Figure out a way to do it without economy issues.

Q: When is beta?
A: Opt in at the website.
This article was originally published in forum thread: World of Warcraft: Live Q & A Recap started by Stoy View original post
Comments 176 Comments
  1. DanThePaladin's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Lightbull View Post
    I'm assuming this is a typo?
    No they've said a lot of times they are happy and like the system.
  1. Druki's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Danzel View Post
    In all fairness. I can understand why people are upset.. it's a rather... Irrelevant question.. especially when people hope to ask more expansion specific stuff..
    That's 100% true. But you know, we'll be learning about BfA over the next several months. We'll learn about Azshara, the fate of our Artifacts, etc. And doesn't that make those questions irrelevant once BfA launches?
  1. Stormykitten's Avatar
    I am so tired about the faction language barrier reasoning. I really am.
  1. SirCowdog's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by oldgeezer View Post
    "Q: Are the continents completely split between the factions?
    A: Silvermoon is still Horde and Azuremyst is still Alliance. They are the lingering zones for their factions on these continents."

    Wut? Kalimdor is Horde only? Likewise EK Alliance? How will that work in practice?
    Cata-like overhauls to some of the zones, I would guess.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Stormykitten View Post
    I am so tired about the faction language barrier reasoning. I really am.

    Agol agol!
  1. zemerax's Avatar
    Still no answer on whats going on with classes that need artifact abilities. Are they being baked in? Reworked?
  1. Onikaroshi's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Danzel View Post
    No they've said a lot of times they are happy and like the system.
    Well they said they liked talents but not the inability for people to choose their stats, they were talking more of a system like how a 105 and a 110 can attack the same mob for pvp to keep power levels within a range of each other while still not forcing you to use stats you don't think are right.
  1. Druki's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by zemerax View Post
    Still no answer on whats going on with classes that need artifact abilities. Are they being baked in? Reworked?
    They weren't in the BfA demos. My money is on losing them.
  1. mmocc20c4086a2's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Druki View Post
    My other questions were "Why did Dalaran remove the monument of the Lich King's defeat from the center of the city?", as well as a resubmission of a question that was chosen last year but wasn't asked due to time constraints (Why are there no ducks on Azeroth?).

    Additionally, I also asked why Thrall was the only orc with eyebrows during the 2014 Q&A panel.

    My questions tend to be quirky ones based on observations. So no, I won't ask about class balance (for instance), because it's irrelevant. What happens for one expansion will most likely change in another.
    So, what you are saying now is; I don't care about the game enough to come up with relevant questions to endorse an insight of the next expansion but I am willing to troll and ask stupid, irrelevent questions "No ducks in the game" Your questions are not quirky nor fun. You are effectively wasting everybody's time and you know that. Quirky questions would be the ones like the famous video, red shirt guy with his correction of lore.
  1. Onikaroshi's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Hakbilen View Post
    So, what you are saying now is; I don't care about the game enough to come up with relevant questions to endorse an insight of the next expansion but I am willing to troll and ask stupid, irrelevent questions "No ducks in the game" Your questions are not quirky nor fun. You are effectively wasting everybody's time and you know that. Quirky questions would be the ones like the famous video, red shirt guy with his correction of lore.
    Good lord, stop attacking the guy, he asked a question that mattered to HIM. People forget that there's a good portion of the player base out there who never raids, doesn't care what gear they wear, take months to level, possibly never hitting max. This game isn't just for the number crunchers, all walks of life play and all players have different things they value.
  1. Lightbull's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Danzel View Post
    No they've said a lot of times they are happy and like the system.
    What I meant was, the question says templates, but the answer says talents.

    I don't have a virtual ticket so I haven't seen the stream. What did they say exactly?
  1. Onikaroshi's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Lightbull View Post
    What I meant was, the question says templates, but the answer says talents.

    I don't have a virtual ticket so I haven't seen the stream. What did they say exactly?
    They like talents but probably no templates, more like a dynamic scaling for pvp like how a 100 and a 109 can attack the same target. Also keeps you playing your character with your gear and your stat allocations.
  1. mmocc20c4086a2's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Onikaroshi View Post
    Good lord, stop attacking the guy, he asked a question that mattered to HIM. People forget that there's a good portion of the player base out there who never raids, doesn't care what gear they wear, take months to level, possibly never hitting max. This game isn't just for the number crunchers, all walks of life play and all players have different things they value.
    I don't see it as attacking, I see it as being realistic. I can handle people asking questions that may seem odd or heavily asked, but when someone outright says
    So no, I won't ask about class balance (for instance), because it's irrelevant. What happens for one expansion will most likely change in another.
    That would implicate everything coming in this expansion is irrevelent itself because another will be released due time. Some of us paid money to get an insight of that expansion, that quote is an insult
  1. skorpioX's Avatar
    These are by far the worst questions ever.
    Why the Hell did nobody ask the most important question.

    As a Horde/Alliance player leveling up in zones in every expansion has been dwindling since the merger with Activison.

    1)Burning Crusade we had 7. 8 if you chose Draenei or Blood Elves.

    2)Wrath of the Lich King had 8

    3)Cataclysm had 5 which are DeepHolm, Hyjal, Uldum, Twilight Highlands and vashj'ir. 6 if you are Worgen or Goblin.

    4)Pandaria has 7 zones. 8 if you play Pandaren.

    5)Warlords of Draenor has 4 zones. 5 zones per faction. Tanaan was added as late content.

    6)Legion has 4 zones.

    7)Now what about Battle of Azeroth???
    The damn thing has 3 level up zones per faction. This is fucking horrendous.

    Another thing...What about crafting?
  1. Druki's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Hakbilen View Post
    So, what you are saying now is; I don't care about the game enough to come up with relevant questions to endorse an insight of the next expansion but I am willing to troll and ask stupid, irrelevent questions "No ducks in the game" Your questions are not quirky nor fun. You are effectively wasting everybody's time and you know that. Quirky questions would be the ones like the famous video, red shirt guy with his correction of lore.
    Not at all. I care about the game a lot. For instance, orcs are capable of growing eyebrows (because Thrall has them). Why, then, do they remove them? Is it cultural? Is there a lore reason? We could've learned about in WoD!

    We have rubber duck fishing bobbers, but where are the ducks they're based on? There's a witch trial in the Alliance BfA demo (Dustvale? I think is the zone), and who wouldn't want a Monty Python reference in it? It seems like something Blizzard would totally do!

    But I'll put the ball in your court. What question would you ask that would endorse an insight on the next expansion? Do you think it would be chosen? Do you think people would applaud you? Do you think Blizzard will give you a generic answer?

    The Q&A panel is a silly thing. And WoW is a silly game (we have a quest about killing eels!). And I'm sorry you think my silly questions are a waste of time.
  1. Onikaroshi's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Hakbilen View Post
    I don't see it as attacking, I see it as being realistic. I can handle people asking questions that may seem odd or heavily asked, but when someone outright says
    That would implicate everything coming in this expansion is irrevelent itself because another will be released due time. Some of us paid money to get an insight of that expansion, that quote is an insult
    Because the question mattered, just not to you, he wanted the answer. I paid to see this too, do I care the question was irrelevant to me? No, I didn't expect to see any real important questions answered because blizz would have said them themselves if they were going to (class changes, antorus, etc).

    I love to know when Antorus is coming out, cause i'm starting to worry, but someone asking that question won't help, because they won't answer it.
  1. Achilles55's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Crossless View Post
    Q: What about titanforging?
    A: There will be tweaks but not a fundamental change to the system. They want there to still be excitement in rewards.

    Nope, nope, nope, i'm done, fuck this, pass, see you in 2 expansions.
    Fml seriously? WHY?! Between Guild, friends, class discord, twitch, twitter, and MMOC I've heard almost a unanimous hate for titanforging. Why are they keping it?
  1. Cæli's Avatar
    I think the biggest news is the zones still being there (teldrassil). thank god
  1. Onikaroshi's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by skorpioX View Post
    These are by far the worst questions ever.
    Why the Hell did nobody ask the most important question.

    As a Horde/Alliance player leveling up in zones in every expansion has been dwindling since the merger with Activison.

    1)Burning Crusade we had 7. 8 if you chose Draenei or Blood Elves.

    2)Wrath of the Lich King had 8

    3)Cataclysm had 5 which are DeepHolm, Hyjal, Uldum, Twilight Highlands and vashj'ir. 6 if you are Worgen or Goblin.

    4)Pandaria has 7 zones. 8 if you play Pandaren.

    5)Warlords of Draenor has 4 zones. 5 zones per faction. Tanaan was added as late content.

    6)Legion has 4 zones.

    7)Now what about Battle of Azeroth???
    The damn thing has 3 level up zones per faction. This is fucking horrendous.

    Another thing...What about crafting?
    Because quantity matters.... TBC leveling was ALWAYS horrendous, Wrath you really only leveled in 6 out of 8 of those zones, even at launch, Cata you really only did 4, hyjal (or vash if you are a masochist), TH, Deepholm and Uldum, MoP you only touched 5 zones, Vale was max level and I never set foot in krasarang (day 1 leveling), Draenor was considered one of the best experiences (only real good thing about it) with 4, Legion had 4, BfA has 3 but they're completely separate until max. The zones themselves don't even matter its the quests and how you get from 110 to 120.

    And at the same time, how much time is really spent leveling? BfA has the most ON RELEASE max level zones at 6, 3 of which you won't even touch till 120, but no, lets get caught up in boundaries, because they matter you know.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Achilles55 View Post
    Fml seriously? WHY?! Between Guild, friends, class discord, twitch, twitter, and MMOC I've heard almost a unanimous hate for titanforging. Why are they keping it?
    Funny, between guild and friends I've heard nothing but praise (aside from a few outlining items like Arcano) and MMOC is far from unanimous on it. I for one love WF/TF and glad they are keeping it, even if it is lessened by ignoring a few slots.
  1. Druki's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Onikaroshi View Post
    Good lord, stop attacking the guy, he asked a question that mattered to HIM. People forget that there's a good portion of the player base out there who never raids, doesn't care what gear they wear, take months to level, possibly never hitting max. This game isn't just for the number crunchers, all walks of life play and all players have different things they value.
    Thank you sir, I very much appreciate your kindness. However I think we're actually having a pretty civil discussion at the moment (neither of us has started flaming yet, lol).

    You know, WoW is such a large and encompassing game. People from all walks of life play for a number of reasons, and those reasons change over time (I used to do heroic raiding back in MoP, now I'm a casual). If there's one thing I've learned, it's that people are passionate about this game. They care about it's pvp balance, they care about characters and lore, some people care about hidden things or battle pets. Like there's a ton of stuff to potentially care about!

    And that's all fine. I hold no animosity towards anyone, because they probably value a different aspect of the game that I do. And that's fine.

    I'm signing off soon to watch the concert, but I'll try to respond to posts tonight when I get home.
  1. Onikaroshi's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Druki View Post
    Thank you sir, I very much appreciate your kindness. However I think we're actually having a pretty civil discussion at the moment (neither of us has started flaming yet, lol).

    You know, WoW is such a large and encompassing game. People from all walks of life play for a number of reasons, and those reasons change over time (I used to do heroic raiding back in MoP, now I'm a casual). If there's one thing I've learned, it's that people are passionate about this game. They care about it's pvp balance, they care about characters and lore, some people care about hidden things or battle pets. Like there's a ton of stuff to potentially care about!

    And that's all fine. I hold no animosity towards anyone, because they probably value a different aspect of the game that I do. And that's fine.

    I'm signing off soon to watch the concert, but I'll try to respond to posts tonight when I get home.
    Yea, sorry, just annoys me when people are constantly like "but that's not important!" over and over because it doesn't pertain to them. So many different reasons to play the game, and people don't even realize the majority never touch anything outside of lfr, hell last MMO-C chart in WoD still had 40% not even doing that.

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