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by Published on 2024-06-20 06:36 PM

Community Crafted Mode Hero Changes, New Twitch Drops - June 20
Originally Posted by Blizzard (Blue Tracker / Official Forums)
Season 11 is here, and with it comes a fun new way to play designed by some of your favorite Overwatch 2 content creators. We’ve teamed up with Emongg, TQQ, Custa, and Eskay to pitch us their wild and crazy ideas to try in the game. Read on to find out what changes they’ve cooked up, how you can play, and what fun new rewards you can earn starting today!

You can find the Community Crafted Mode in the Arcade, which plays with the 5v5 Role Lock ruleset. While the rules are the same, every hero has new changes to their kit. Some even have returning classic abilities that haven’t been seen since the launch of Overwatch 2, so make sure to take a look at the hero changes below. You can also load the Community Crafted Mode as a preset available in Custom Games to play with your friends.

Starting today and running through July 8, you can also earn rewards when you jump into Community Crafted or your favorite game mode. Play up to 48 games (with wins granting double progress), to collect the Aztec Sombra bundle including Legendary Skin, Spray, and Name Card, along with up to 40,000 XP. You can also earn even more rewards, including Mythic Prisms, when you upgrade to the Premium Season Battle Pass.

Tank Hero Changes by Emongg


Defense Matrix

  • Now reduces incoming beam damage by 30%. Now reduces the cooldown of Micro Missiles based on the amount of damage absorbed.


  • Now can strafe sideways and backwards.


Hand Cannon

  • Projectile speed increased from 80 to 160.

Power Block

  • Required damage mitigation for Rocket Punch charge up has been reduced from 100 to 80.

Seismic Slam

  • Shockwave height increased from 1.45 meters to 1.75 meters.

Meteor Strike

  • Damage now scales the longer Doomfist is in the air. Base damage is now initially 50% and scales up to 200% by the end of the duration.

Junker Queen

Commanding Shout

  • Now gives Junker Queen Armor instead of Overhealth.


  • Cast time reduced from 0.75 seconds to 0.375 seconds.



  • Radius increased from 7 meters to 9 meters. Critical hit damage increased from 120 to 180, and critical hit radius increased from 2 meters to 3 meters.


New ability - Halt!

  • Ability activated by pressing Reload.
  • Launch a graviton charge with Reload then detonate it with Reload. The sphere slows and pulls nearby enemies to it.

Energy Javelin

  • Cooldown increased from 6 seconds to 8 seconds.

Javelin Spin

  • Cooldown increased from 8 seconds to 12 seconds.


Void Accelerator

  • Projectile size increased by 25%.

Ravenous Vortex

  • Height increased by 100%.


Barrier Field

  • Now provides Reinhardt bonus movement speed based on its missing health, up to 50% movement speed.

Fire Strike

  • After hitting an enemy, Reinhardt gains 30% increased movement speed for 2 seconds.


  • Now gives Reinhardt 50% damage reduction while charging.


Chain Hook

  • No longer pulls targets towards Roadhog. Now pulls Roadhog towards the enemy or environment hit.

Take a Breather

  • Damage reduction reduced from 50% to 30%. Now also gives nearby allies 10% damage reduction while being used.

Whole Hog

  • Now pulls nearby enemies towards Roadhog when activated.

  • Experimental Barrier – Shield health regeneration increased by 25%.
  • Kinetic Grasp – Can now be canceled by pressing the ability button again. Absorbing damage no longer provides Overhealth, and instead reduces the cooldown of Accretion.

Gravitic Flux

  • Can no longer be interrupted (now is considered a transformation ultimate).


Tesla Cannon

  • Secondary Fire can now be channeled even further. After 1 second, continue charging for another 2 seconds to increase the damage to 150.
  • Overall channel time increased from 2.5 seconds to 4.5 seconds.

Barrier Projector

  • Size radius increased from 5 meters to 7 meters.

Primal Rage

  • Now creates a Barrier Projector upon activation.
  • Primary melee attack range increased by 25%.

Wrecking Ball


  • Now gets a free cast after impacting an enemy hero, which does not require being in the air. The free cast expires if not used within 5 seconds.


  • Mine radius size increased by 50%.


Projected Barrier

  • Now also provides allies with 30% increased movement speed.

Graviton Surge

  • Now destroys any incoming projectiles and Baptiste’s Immortality Field.

Hitscan Damage Hero Changes by TQQ



  • Can be detonated by using the Ability 2 input again.


  • Can stop movement with the Ability 3 input again.

  • Now explodes on death for 300 damage in a 5-meter radius.

Configuration Recon

  • Damage reduced from 25 to 24.
  • Rate of fire increased 5 to 6 shots per second.

A-36 Tactical Grenade

  • Replaced by Self Repair ability on Secondary Fire.

Configuration Assault

  • Damage reduced from 12 to 9.
  • Can now deal critical damage.


Combat Roll

  • Now launches you forward in whatever direction you are facing.
  • Now cleanses negative effects and heals for 50 health.
  • Distance increased 50%.


Wraith Form

  • Now acts like Moira's Fade ability.
  • Can be activated during Death Blossom.
  • Deals 50 damage to enemies you pass through.

The Reaping (Passive)

  • Can heal up to 50 additional Overhealth.



  • Primary fire projectile speed increased from 150 to 300.
  • Primary fire damage reduced from 9 to 6.

Power Slide

  • Now only launches you forward in the direction you are facing.
  • Can travel upwards.

Soldier: 76


  • Bonus movement speed increased from 50 to 80%.

Biotic Field

  • Can now be thrown in your aim direction.

Tactical Visor

  • Movement speed increased by 20% while the ultimate is active.
  • Now grants unlimited ammo for its duration.



  • Projectile speed increased from 72 to 125.


  • Detection radius increased from 4 to 20 meters.
  • Radius ring VFX removed.
  • Player outline is now hidden while in stealth.
  • Bonus movement speed increased from 45 to 100%.

  • Health reduced from 175 to 150.

Pulse Pistols

  • Spread increased from 3.5 to 4.5 degrees.

Pulse Bomb

  • Projectile speed increased from 15 to 100.


  • Cooldown reduced from 3 to 2.5 seconds.


  • Cooldown decreased from 13 to 10 seconds.


Venom Mine

  • Projectile speed increased from 20 to 40 meters per second.

Widow's Kiss

  • Scoped shots now deal damage over 1 second.
  • Critical hits deal damage in half the time.

Projectile Damage Hero Changes by Custa



  • Can now target allies.
  • Ally target ultimate multiplier reduced from 450% to 350%.



  • Cast time reduced from 1 second to 0.5 seconds.
  • Swing speed slowed from 0.7 seconds to 0.9 seconds.
  • Now heals Genji for 20% of damage done.



  • Recovery reduced from 0.5 to 0.25 seconds.
  • Draw time reduced from 0.7 to 0.2 seconds.
  • Now reloads with a maximum of 10 ammo.
  • Maximum damaged reduced from 120 to 70.

Storm Arrows

  • Replaced by Scatter Arrow ability.

Scatter Arrow

  • Max impact damage increased from 120 to 130.
  • Split arrow maximum damage reduced from 75 to 50.


Frag Launcher

  • Projectile speed increased from 25 to 35 meters per second.

RIP Tire

  • No longer control RIP Tire in first person.
  • Can be detonated by pressing the Ultimate ability input again.
  • Maximum duration reduced from 10 to 1.5 seconds.
  • Movement speed increased 100%.
  • Explosion damage maximum reduced from 600 to 300.
  • Explosion radius reduced from 10 to 5 meters.
  • Now ignites enemies for 150 damage over 5 seconds.


Endothermic Blaster

  • Frozen ground now increase Mei's movement speed by 20%.


  • Effect is now centered around Mei.
  • Now roots enemies instead of stunning.


Rocket Launcher

  • Direct impacts now grant 15 overhealth, up to a maximum of 45 health.

Rocket Barrage

  • Jump Jet and Jet Dash abilities can now be activated during Rocket Barrage.



  • Now forcibly teleports players.
  • Duration reduced from 10 to 5 seconds.

Sentry Turret

  • No longer tracks enemy targets and now continuously fires a straight beam.
  • Damage per second increased from 35 to 80.
  • Movement speed slow increased from 15 to 25%.


Deploy Turret

  • Now upgrades to Level 3 while the Overload ability is active.


Tectonic Shock

  • Maximum duration increased from 7 to 10 seconds.
  • Now has damage falloff from 150 maximum down to 110 minimum damage.

Support Hero Changes by Eskay

  • Now has Exo Boots passive.

Biotic Rifle

  • Reload time reduced from 1.5 seconds to 0.75 seconds.


Exo Boots

  • Now grants increased movement speed while in the air.


Shield Bash

  • Now grants Brigitte 30% movement speed for 2 seconds after the ability ends, and no longer stops any current momentum when it ends.


  • Now shows Brigitte's icon on your HUD when you are currently being healed by Inspire.


Healing Pylon

  • Now has 2 charges.
  • Healing reduced from 30 per shot to 20 per shot.


Thorn Volley

  • Damage per projectile increased from 6 to 7.
  • Weapon swap speed increased by 100%.

Life Grip

  • Cooldown reduced from 19 seconds to 15 seconds.

Petal Platform

  • Now has 2 charges. Jump height boost increased by 50%.


Sonic Amplifier

  • Damage per projectile increased from 18 to 22.

Sound Barrier

  • Now provides more Overhealth based on Lucio's fall time, scaling up to 100% bonus Overhealth if falling for 1 or more seconds.


Swift Step

  • Now can be used when no ally is targeted. When used this way, do a directional teleport and have a reduced cooldown of 50%.


Guardian Angel

  • Cooldown reduced from 1.5 seconds to 1 second.


  • Cast time reduced from 1.75 seconds to 1 second.
  • Cooldown reduced from 30 seconds to 18 seconds.
  • Allies resurrected are now only temporarily alive for 10 seconds.


  • Resets Resurrect cooldown.


Biotic Grasp

  • Now can deal critical damage to enemies while aiming directly at their head.



  • Now grants Zenyatta full flight.

Snap Kick (Passive)

  • No longer knocks back enemies. Now if Zenyatta hits the environment, he will knock himself back.

Celebrating All Heroes with All New Twitch Drops
Originally Posted by Blizzard (Blue Tracker / Official Forums)
Magical new Twitch Drops are available to earn starting today! You can earn fun rewards when you watch your favorite Overwatch 2 content creators and influencers on Twitch! Link your Battle.net account today and earn these new rewards, available now through June 30.

Wave 1 - From June 20 to June 24
  • Watch a total of 3 hours to earn the Letter on the Wind Spray for Kiriko.
  • Watch a total of 5 hours to earn the Nihon Hanzo Epic Skin.

Wave 2- From June 25 to June 30
  • NEW! Watch a total of 3 hours to earn the Cute Rose Gold Mercy Player Icon.
  • Watch a total of 3 hours to earn the Letter on the Wind Spray for Kiriko.
  • Watch a total of 5 hours to earn the Nihon Hanzo Epic Skin.

Progress toward Twitch Drops on Wave 1 will be RESET when Wave 2 begins!

Earning Twitch drops for Overwatch 2 is easy! Simply connect your Battle.net account with your Twitch account, then tune into any eligible channel in the Overwatch 2 category on Twitch. Remember, when you earn any drops, you must claim them at Twitch.tv/drops to receive them in Overwatch 2.
by Published on 2024-06-18 05:36 PM

Overwatch 2 Season 11 Developer Update
In the newest Developer Update video, Game Director Aaron Keller goes over the new content in Season 11, which will be live on June 20!

  • The Overwatch community reached 100 million players and the team is celebrating all heroes!
  • Show your support for lifesaving breast cancer research by picking up the beloved Pink Mercy skin and the new Rose Gold Mercy Bundle. 100% of the purchase price (excluding any applicable platform fees & taxes) will be donated to the Breast Cancer Research Foundation.
  • Have a blast with the Community Crafted mode in Arcade with unique balance changes designed by some of your favorite creators: Eskay, TQQ, Custa, and Emongg.
  • Join Senior Engineer Morgan Maddren as he dives into some of the matchmaking changes coming that address community feedback on wide and narrow queues.

by Published on 2024-06-17 04:24 PM

When the Forces of Evil Rise, Season 11: Super Mega Ultrawatch is Here!
Originally Posted by Blizzard (Blue Tracker / Official Forums)
Gear up for an epic showdown as Ultrawatch faces Mythic Calamity Empress Ashe, plus celebrate 100 million heroes with the return of Pink Mercy, and much more. Overwatch 2 Season 11: Super Mega Ultrawatch arrives June 20!

Get ready to unleash your inner superhero with Legendary Ultrawatch skins, as you call upon their power to fight evil. The fallen Mythic Calamity Empress Ashe, alongside her no-good miscreant sidekick B.O.B., has risen to power, and it's up to Ultrawatch to stop her. But will the power of teamwork be enough to stand against the Empress’s wicked reign or will she conquer and rule the world?

Create Calamity with New Mythic Rewards
Being evil will never be more fun when you progress through the Season 11 Premium Battle Pass. This season, the wickedly magical Mythic Calamity Empress Ashe has emerged, wielding her dark magic as she looks to defeat Ultrawatch and any others who try to stand in her way. Experience enhanced visual effects, with her Ultimate featuring a fiendish summoning circle and massive magical rune. You can unlock Calamity Empress Ashe when you collect 50 Mythic Prisms, then continue collecting Prisms to customize the diabolical fallen Empress with three additional configurations.

Coming in our mid-season update, we’ll be introducing a new type of Mythic cosmetic, the Mythic Weapon Skins. Like our Heroic Weapon Skins, you’ll be able to equip a Mythic Weapon Skin with any Hero Skin (for the matching hero) and will come with exclusive sound and visual effects. Another way to spend your Mythic prisms, you can unlock the base skin at 50 Mythic Prisms, and then unlock additional levels at 10 Mythic Prisms including a Weapon Flourish emote, elimination visual effects, and reactive effects.

Stay tuned to unlock incredible powers with the Mythic Bound Demon Reinhardt Weapon Skin, coming July 23. This dynamic weapon will unleash the fury of a demon with every swing. Flourish your hammer by spinning it in the air. Defeat your foes and watch as the demon’s power grows in every match you play. You’ll be calling out “Big Slam!” as opponents fall to a fiery surge through every Earthshatter.

Whether you choose the Mythic Calamity Empress Ashe Hero Skin, the Mythic Bound Demon Reinhardt Weapon Skin, or choose to unlock a past Mythic Hero Skin, you’ll be able to pick up some wicked good looks with your Mythic Prisms this season.

Super Mega Rewards in the Premium Battle Pass
Join Ultrawatch and save the world from darkness when you upgrade and progress through the Season 11 Premium Battle Pass. Unlock new Ultrawatch Legendary skins for Genji, Reaper, and Sojourn plus fun Lifeguards as you progress through 80 tiers of non-stop excitement this Season. You can also earn dozens of other action-packed rewards including sprays, skins, and more.

What’s in the Premium Battle Pass?

  • Up to 80 Mythic Prisms
  • 5 Legendary Skins
  • Lifeguard Lucio Epic Skin
  • 500 Credits
  • Additional Rewards including Souvenirs, Weapon Charms, Victory Poses, Highlight Intros and Emotes
  • Everything in the Free Battle Pass including two additional Epic skins, 600 Overwatch Coins, an additional 1,500 Credits, and more!

It’s Time for Ultimate Battle Pass Power
When you purchase the Ultimate Battle Pass bundle, you’ll be able to summon all the exciting rewards in the Premium Battle Pass, plus 20 Tier Skips, 2000 Overwatch Coins, along with the Kaiju Roadhog and Kaiju Zenyatta Legendary Skins and rampage across the battlefield with your new monsters!

Celebrating All Heroes
Over 100 million players have answered the call to play Overwatch 2! To celebrate this incredible milestone and do some good in the world , we're bringing back the beloved Pink Mercy skin, along with a new Rose Gold Mercy Bundle. 100% of the purchase price from these items will benefit the Breast Cancer Research Foundation (excluding any applicable platform fees and taxes). Join us in this noble cause and elevate your game with these rare collector's items. Both skins will be in the shop starting Tuesday June 25, so don’t miss out on this rose-golden opportunity to be a hero and help support breast cancer research (read more here).

Community Crafted Means Crazy Fun
Our Community Crafted mode is back for Celebrating All Heroes, and we’ve recruited some of your favorite Overwatch 2 creators to come up with fun ideas for their favorite heroes. Emongg has ideas for tanks that are sure to be a big slam in the competition. TQQ will tweak hitscan damage heroes, so watch out for them to click heads like never before. Get ready for hot, cool, and explosive changes as Custa brings new and returning tricks for projectile damage heroes. Finally, Eskay tinkers around with supports and explores tricks that will have them flying through the air.

We’ll reveal the changes when Season 11 launches, so join the celebration and check out the Community Crafted mode in the arcade on June 20.

Log In and Play to Earn Free Rewards
When Season 11 begins, join in the celebration right away with a series of event challenges to kick off your progress on the Season 11 Battle Pass. Play up to 40 games (with wins counting as double) and earn the Aztec Sombra bundle which includes a festive Legendary skin, name card, and spray. There’s also up to 40,000 Battle Pass XP that you can earn for your Season 11 Battle Pass.

Earn Exclusive Community Created Drops on Twitch
When Celebrating All Heroes launches, you’ll be able to tune into your favorite content creator in the Overwatch 2 category to earn all new community-created cosmetics starting on June 20. In our first Twitch Drops campaign running from June 20 to June 24, watch three hours to earn the Letter on the Wind spray for Kiriko hand-drawn by community artist Angela Ziegler (@A2Ziegler) and a total of seven hours to earn the Nihon Hanzo Epic Skin. Then, in another campaign starting June 25 to June 30 watch 3 hours to earn the Cute Rose Gold Mercy icon drawn by community artist Dani Ellis (@OWGrandma), you’ll also have a second chance to earn the Letter on the Wind spray and the Nihon Hanzo Epic Skin.**

**Watch time and progress after the first campaign ends will be reset.

Explore the Peaks of Runasapi
Hike your way up the new Runasapi Push map, to a town hidden high in the Peruvian Andes. Amble through marketplaces full of fresh produce and pay a visit to the Inti Warrior Historical Museum and Monument. This exciting Push map is vibrant and challenging as you escort TS-1 through tight streets. Watch out as some fights may take place precariously close to the steep cliffs overlooking the sunny farmlands below. Runasapi is available to play when Season 11 launches in Quick Play and Competitive game modes, and you can queue for matches right away in a dedicated play card in the arcade.

Hero Mastery for Kiriko and Solider: 76
Sharpen your kunai and master your aim when Hero Mastery single-player courses for both Kiriko and Soldier: 76 launch this season. So practice your Swift Step and power up your Tactical Visor as you take part in new challenges in a limited-time event from June 20 to July 9. Plus earn new rewards and up to 22,500 Battle Pass XP.

What Else is New in Season 11?
Season 11 brings a host of buffs for many of our heroes across all three roles. In addition to the various hero buffs, Cassidy is trading in the Magnetic Grenade for a new and improved Flashbang that will be sure to slow foes in their tracks. Thanks to your feedback, we have removed the glass on the Colosseo Push map along with a variety of other changes that will allow team fights to take place all over the streets of Rome.

We’re also making it easier for you to complete your weekly challenges. If you miss a week you can catch up on the previous week’s challenges, before working on the current week’s challenges. Weekly milestone rewards are easier to achieve than before, as well. Now complete 3 weekly challenges and instantly get 20,000 XP. As each week passes, a new milestone reward becomes available. These changes allow you to play on your own schedule without having to miss out on earning Battle Pass XP from the previous week.

Get ready to join the fight, heroes - Ultrawatch needs your courage! Unlock incredible rewards, champion a heroic cause, celebrate a monumental milestone, and experience the action-packed superhero adventures all season long. Log in and join the battle today!
by Published on 2024-06-13 05:15 PM

Pink Mercy Skin Returns in Support of the Breast Cancer Research Foundation
Originally Posted by Blizzard (Blue Tracker / Official Forums)
Overwatch would not be where it is without you. You’ve pushed the payload, fought to capture the point, and cheered your teams to victory. Whether you are a tank main, damage one-trick, or support superstar, you’re all heroes. Since Overwatch launched in 2016, we’ve had over 100 million players answer the call, and we’re celebrating this milestone with something very special.

One of our favorite memories from this history of Overwatch is when we all came together for a great cause and helped make a difference in the lives of those affected by breast cancer. In May 2018, we introduced the Pink Mercy skin, which helped raise $12.7 million USD for the Breast Cancer Research Foundation (BCRF).

Breast cancer is the most common cancer in women and the number-one cause of cancer-related deaths in women globally. It is BCRF’s mission to prevent and cure breast cancer by advancing the world’s most promising research. Thanks to all of you, the original two-week campaign became the biggest single donation to BCRF - and still holds that record to this day! It fueled BCRF’s Precision Prevention Initiative (PPI) and key breakthroughs in breast cancer prevention, diagnosis, treatment, survivorship, and metastasis (a.k.a. stage 4 breast cancer). Specifically, the 2018 donation helped fund researchers who advanced promising AI tools in mammogram imaging, devised models to better predict how aggressive breast cancers will respond to treatment, identify drugs that could potentially delay tumor formation, and more.

Now, to answer the call of so many of you who have been asking for Pink Mercy in the years since, and to once again support an incredible cause, we’re excited to announce beginning on June 25, you can purchase the original Pink Mercy skin for the original price of $14.99 USD, with 100% of the purchase price (excluding any applicable platform fees and taxes) to be donated to the Breast Cancer Research Foundation.*

And that’s not all! We’re also giving everyone the chance to help support this cause with a brand-new charity cosmetic bundle, the Rose Gold Mercy bundle, also available for purchase for a limited time starting on June 25. This bundle will be exclusively available for a limited time for $19.99 USD, and just like Pink Mercy, 100% of the purchase price (excluding any applicable platform fees and taxes) will be donated to BCRF*, funding critical breast cancer research.

The bundle includes the all-new Rose Gold hero skin, plus the Mercy Heroic Weapon Skin—so you can show your support on whatever Mercy skin you choose! Plus, you’ll get three sprays, name cards, and player icons designed by community artists Angela Ziegler (@A2Ziegler) and Dani Ellis (@OWGrandma)

Whether you get a hold of the original Pink Mercy skin or the Rose Gold Mercy Bundle, you’ll be helping to fuel the research that gives people who have breast cancer longer, healthier lives. Answer the call of this wonderful cause from Tuesday, June 25 through Monday, July 8. Thank you for being a part of this incredible community—together, we are excited to once again make a difference!

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. Where can I go to learn more about the Breast Cancer Research Foundation and how contributions help support breast cancer research?

A. The Breast Cancer Research Foundation is a nonprofit organization committed to achieving prevention and a cure for breast cancer by advancing the world’s most promising research. BCRF provides critical funding to scientists around the globe to fuel advances in prevention, diagnosis, treatment, metastasis and survivorship. BCRF is the largest private funder of breast cancer research—and of metastatic breast cancer research—in the world. The Foundation is recognized as one of the most financially efficient nonprofits in the country and is the highest-rated breast cancer research organization in the U.S. You can read about how our 2018 campaign helped support innovative, lifesaving breast cancer research in this blog or on bcrf.org.

Q. Where can I purchase the Pink Mercy skin and the Rose Gold Mercy bundle?

A. You’ll be able to purchase the Pink Mercy skin and the Rose Gold Mercy bundle from the in-game shop, or from your preferred game platform store including the Battle.net Shop, the Microsoft Store, the PlayStation Store, Nintendo E-Shop, and the Steam Marketplace.

Q. Will the original Pink Mercy Twitch Drops be available to collect?

A. The sprays and player icons from the original Twitch Drop promotion will not be earnable during this campaign, but you’ll be able to collect all-new community made cosmetics included in the Rose Gold Mercy Bundle, along with exclusive Twitch Drops starting in Season 11.

Q. Will the Rose Gold Mercy skin be available sold separately from the Bundle?

A. The Rose Gold Mercy skin is only available in the full bundle, which also includes a Heroic Weapon Skin, three Sprays, three Name Cards, and three Player Icons for $19.99 USD.

A. For the Brazil region only, you can purchase the Rose Gold Mercy skin separately for an individual purchase at 49.90 BRL. For all other regions, the Rose Gold Mercy skin is only available in the full bundle, but also includes a Heroic Weapon Skin, three Sprays, three Name Cards, and three Player Icons for 92.00 BRL.

Q. Can I use Overwatch Coins or Mythic Prisms to unlock either Pink Mercy or the Rose Gold Mercy Bundle?

A. Because these skins directly benefit the Breast Cancer Research Foundation, they will only be available at the listed retail price. Overwatch Coins and other in-game currencies cannot be used to purchase these skins.

Q. Can I gift either the Pink Mercy Skin or the Rose Gold Mercy Bundle to a friend?

A. You won’t be able to gift these items to a friend, but you can gift Battle.net Balance to any friend on Battle.net. You’ll need to be a Battle.net friend with another person for at least three days before you can gift Blizzard Balance to them. You can also pick up Battle.net Balance Cards available in select retail stores.

Q. When is the last day to purchase either the Pink Mercy Skin or the Rose Gold Mercy Bundle?

A. Both the Pink Mercy Skin and the Rose Gold Mercy Bundle will be available starting on June 25 and will disappear from the shop on July 8.

Q. How else can I support the Breast Cancer Research Foundation?

A. You can support the Breast Cancer Research Foundation by starting a charity stream on Twitch or YouTube, launching another fundraising event, or posting about why you support lifesaving research or BCRF on social media.

* From June 25 – July 8, 2024, Blizzard Entertainment will donate 100% of the purchase price (excluding any applicable platform fees and taxes) of the Pink Mercy skin and the Rose Gold Mercy Bundle to the Breast Cancer Research Foundation (a 501(c)(3) charity registered in the United States, with charity registration number 13-3727250). Blizzard Entertainment will disclose the total amount of its donation following the end of the campaign. BCRF’s mission is to advance the world's most promising research to eradicate breast cancer. For more information about BCRF, visit www.bcrf.org.

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