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Battle for Azeroth Collector's Edition - A Tale of Two Novellas
Blizzard released a preview of the Collector's Edition Novellas, one for the Alliance and one for the Horde.

Originally Posted by Blizzard (Blue Tracker / Official Forums)
There are two sides to every story. Get a taste for the tension and drama that unfolds in this preview of our Battle for Azeroth novellas: Elegy by Christie Golden and A Good War by Robert Brooks. These two tales explore the Horde and the Alliance versions of a fateful event, but only you can decide which faction tells it best.

The full versions of both novellas are available in one beautiful hardback edition, complete with original and exclusive artwork, in the Collector’s Edition of World of Warcraft: Battle for Azeroth—available for pre-order at your local retailer now.

Alliance - Elegy
Commander!” Delaryn shouted. “Commander! We have come under attack!”

Anaris whirled, her mangled face darkening with anger. Her gaze flitted to Ferryn. “Explain.”

The Sentinels stopped, their weariness fleeing in the face of true peril to their people, listening with their whole bodies as Delaryn spoke.

“Horde rogues,” Delaryn said. “Several of them. They killed our nightsabers first to keep the word from spreading. Many are dead. Vannara says that reports have come in from other outposts in Ashenvale, citing the same thing.”

For a moment, Anaris just stared at her; then she whirled to the Sentinels. “Why are you just standing there? You, run to Silverwing Grove! See if—”

Ferryn let out a throaty, furious snarl, but it came too late. Feeling Ferryn tense, Delaryn leaped off him, but a Forsaken had already dropped down from an overhanging branch.

He landed directly on Anaris’s back, stabbing with his twin blades as she fell. Swifter than a dead thing ought to be able to move, the assassin rolled to his feet. One of his daggers made a clean, swift strike across Marua’s throat, almost severing her head from her body.

With a yowl of fury, Ferryn sprang toward the Forsaken, while—too slowly—Delaryn drew an arrow and nocked it to her bow. There was a blur, and then another rogue was there, a blood elf, slashing out with his own blades, long golden hair flying behind him like a cloak. In what seemed like the span of a single heartbeat, half a dozen night elves were left bleeding out or spasming in torment on the verdant forest floor.

Finally, the Sentinels rallied. The blood elf vanished at once, but no matter. They would catch him as he fled like the coward he was. They sent a rain of arrows toward the gaps in the trees, but hit nothing. The sin’dorei had eluded them.

The Forsaken was not so lucky. Eriadnar surged toward him, drawing her sword. She sliced a furrow across the killer’s torso and lopped off one of his arms. Ferryn pounced, pinning him to the ground, exercising remarkable restraint in not tearing out his throat.

Anaris Windwood lay on the forest floor, her eyes open but their glow extinguished. “Commander?” Eriadnar said.

“She is dead,” Delaryn replied harshly; she was still furious with Windwood, though the commander was far beyond her anger now.

“Delaryn,” Eriadnar said quietly, “you are commander now.”

So she was. How strange it sounded. Delaryn shook herself and moved toward the prisoner. Her eyes fell on the daggers he had dropped, covered with Anaris’s blood. She picked one up carefully, then nodded to Ferryn. He stepped back, growling menacingly at the Forsaken.

She stared down at him, channeling her pain and fury as she spat out, “Talk to me, Forsaken, and perhaps I will let you live.”

“Live?” he grunted, in that awful, hollow tone so distinctive of his race. “I have not lived in some time, elf.”

“You enjoy word games? Let us play a counting game instead.” She gestured at him. “You are minus one arm. I can make it two. Or better yet, I will start small. You still have five fingers. Tell me something I can use, corpse, or I shall make it four.”

When he didn’t reply, she knelt, grabbed his hand by the wrist, and brought his blade close.

He hissed angrily. “I’ll speak!”

So the blade is poisoned. Even though he is dying, he does not want that level of pain.

“Tell me your orders.”

Dead lips curled back from yellowed teeth. Foul breath struck Delaryn full in the face as he laughed. Her stomach rebelled, but she willed herself not to wince.

“I would have thought they were obvious,” he said. “Were the intelligent ones the first to die? Oh wait, there are no intelligent night elves. A troll got another commander’s ears, you know. He’s wearing them now.”

It was, she knew, quite possibly true. But Delaryn did not rise to the bait. “There is no Val’kyr to bring you back if I shove this through your throat.”

Delaryn eyed the blade.

“What kind of poison did you use?” she asked casually. “I would guess it is a painful one—you Forsaken like those. If you do not tell me something useful soon, I will conclude you are stalling for time and therefore have nothing to tell me.” Her voice was cold.

“What prisoner would not stall for time? Existence is precious. Even we know that.”

It was true. The night elves harbored a deep respect for life. They did not torture prisoners, nor did they take delight in unnecessary casualties. But they had little use for the abominations that were the Forsaken.

Something inside her turned hard as stone. Delaryn brought the blade to within a fraction of an inch of his index finger. “Do not. Test. Me.”

The cruel glee faded from his rotting features as he realized she was not making an idle threat. “You cannot win,” he said. “We are everywhere. Have you not yet grasped that it’s all of your posts that are under attack? Dozens like me have descended upon them with our painful poisons. And your clever hunters, your vaunted Sentinels, your slinking druids—none had the slightest idea.”

Delaryn thought of the druid who had flown to Silverwind Refuge with his message. Some outposts had indeed reported a surprise attack. But there was something in the Forsaken’s words that felt forced.

“You are bluffing,” Delaryn snapped. “What is your plan? The Horde was marching on Silithus. Why divert to Ashenv—”

And then the answer presented itself, so blindingly obvious that she felt as though she’d been stabbed in the gut.

The night elven fleet was en route to Feralas.

Tyrande was in Stormwind.

“You are clearing a path,” she murmured, horrified.

The Forsaken made no answer but laughed again.

Delaryn raised the dagger, but the rogue’s laughter turned to a coughing wheeze. Gooey liquid spewed from his throat, and then he lay still. He had cheated her; his wounds had claimed his unlife before she could. Delaryn wasted no energy in frustration at the Forsaken’s final jest or the precious minutes she had spent interrogating him. She’d lost enough time.

She sprang to her feet. “Eriadnar, are you injured?”

“No, Commander.”

“Then run, sister,” she said. “Run as fast as you can to Darnassus. Do not fight. Do not stop. Hide if you must. But get this message to Darnassus. Tell Malfurion an army is coming.”

Ferryn shifted back to his kaldorei form. “I can fly faster than she can run,” he offered.

Delaryn shook her head. “I have another task for you. Go, Eriadnar. May Elune guide your path.”

The Sentinel nodded, wide-eyed, and leaped to obey as swiftly as an arrow shot from a bow.

Delaryn turned to Ferryn. “Make for the Barrens. The Horde is coming. We need to know how much time we have before they arrive. Keep going until you see them. Do not engage unless you must. Stay alive, and report back.”

He nodded. They looked at one another for a moment. There was no need for words. They had gone into battle countless times before, sometimes together, sometimes on their own. Now, they had been plunged into it yet again.

At the same moment, they reached for each other, kissed deeply, and then turned to their duties.

Ferryn didn’t know, but whenever the two of them parted, Delaryn prayed to Elune that he would be safe. She asked for that favor again now, and for the first time, she had the faintest fluttering that, in this battle, the beautiful, loving moon goddess might not answer that prayer.

Horde - A Good War
The elf’s face contorted, and for a moment, Saurfang believed he was about to cry. But no—with his last breath, the dying rogue spit onto Saurfang’s boots, leaving streaks of blood and saliva across his armor. Then he went still.
Morka stepped next to Saurfang, a small axe in each of her hands. It had been over too fast for her to use them. “Defiant until the end,” she noted. “His people would be proud.”

Saurfang agreed. Such spirit. And I never even learned his name.

“You did well, spotting this assassin,” Saurfang told her. “But he never should have come this far.”

He strode outside, snarling. There were siege crews, guards, and soldiers all around. Astranaar was swimming with Horde, and not one of them had marked the stranger walking through their midst. Not one had challenged him.

He would enjoy explaining that to them in excruciating detail.

“Listen well!” he began. Heads turned toward him. Eyes glanced at the blood on his axe and armor.

“Does the Horde need a reminder that we are in a war? Does the Horde need—”

And then he stopped. His next heartbeats seemed to last an eternity. His fatigue-addled mind had finally caught up with his hard-earned survival instincts. That boy had not been sent to kill him.

He had been trying to lead Saurfang outside.

In his haste to lecture his guards, Saurfang had done exactly what that boy had wanted. You just killed yourself, you old fool. He turned and flung himself back into the inn. An instant later, the ground shook as Malfurion Stormrage landed where he had been standing.

“Lok-Narash!” he yelled. To arms!

His advisors and tacticians were already forming a line in the common room, pulling him behind it and standing at the ready. Like many night elf buildings, this one had open walls on three sides, giving them a view of the chaos roiling outside. Siege crews scrambled away from Malfurion, only to fall from arrows and blades in their backs.

This wasn’t just Malfurion. This was the kaldorei’s last stand in Ashenvale, a decapitation strike on the commander of this battle. And Saurfang—they had drawn him in so easily. Astranaar was an island with limited access. Easily defensible.

Impossible to escape.

And Saurfang had just taken shelter in a building with few walls. To fight an archdruid.

This is the end.

As the sounds of chaos rose outside, the inn darkened. Malfurion Stormrage stepped through the doorway, eyes fixed on Saurfang. Three of the high overlord’s advisors charged him.

“Stop!” Saurfang shouted.

Malfurion moved, and the metallic claws strapped to his wrists made short work of the two orcs and the blood elf. He stepped forward, over their bodies.

Morka grabbed Saurfang by the shoulder. “Run, High Overlord,” she said. “We will give you time.”

No, they wouldn’t. Not more than a heartbeat. It was time to die with honor. “Take the maps,” he whispered. “Get them to the warchief.”

Morka’s eyes went wide, but Saurfang turned away, roaring, “Malfurion Stormrage! I challenge you to mak’gora!”

The words sounded bizarre to his own ears. What use did a night elf have for an orcish duel to the death? It didn’t matter. Malfurion was here for Saurfang. He would not pursue a bunch of advisors.

Saurfang looked at the other Horde soldiers in the inn. Seeing their confusion, he raised his voice even louder. “Stormrage is mine, you gutless whelps! If you are not out of this inn in five seconds, I will kill you myself!”

Morka looked furious, but she obeyed. She snatched up the map container and sprinted out of the building. The rest quickly followed.

Malfurion’s eyes did not leave Saurfang’s. “A duel, Saurfang?” he asked in a soft voice—soft like the eye of a storm, like the freshly dug soil of a grave. The archdruid stepped forward calmly to where Saurfang waited. “Do you think I care in the slightest for a duel?”

“You can run, if you’re afraid,” Saurfang said. He was buying time. That was all. The only victory Saurfang could hope for was for the latest Horde troop movements to be delivered to Sylvanas’s hands so the battle might continue. “Or fight me, and see if I will fall.”

Malfurion said nothing. He raised his arms. The inn trembled. The wooden floor and ceiling creaked and groaned.

Saurfang’s lips pulled back into a snarl. The power of nature was not found in the swing of a fist or the slice of a blade. It was found when a forest was rent to dust by fire and yet returned in only a few years. It was found when a mighty city was claimed by overgrowth after being abandoned for a decade. It was found in a thousand generations of predator and prey, which lived and hunted by the instincts of their ancestors.

In the hands of a druid, that power could be condensed from centuries into a minute. In Malfurion’s hands . . .

This inn, and everything in it, would be returned to the earth in seconds.

Saurfang leapt forward, axe swinging, as vines and roots tore apart the inn. Malfurion stepped clear of his blow effortlessly, and the metal claws strapped to his hands darted toward Saurfang’s head. The orc batted them away with his axe shaft. Barely.

Saurfang roared, his axe whistled, and Malfurion’s second strike snaked between a gap in his armor around the shoulder. Blood dripped to the floor. Roots, countless roots, a whole forest of roots grabbed at Saurfang’s ankles. He danced away, chopping the plants whenever they tried to snare him.

When pieces of the inn started to fall around the orc’s head, he accepted his death. Against a creature like Stormrage, there was no dishonor in failure. Saurfang simply had to meet his end without surrender.

A sudden blast knocked him from his feet, dazing him. Saurfang closed his eyes. It is done. His hands went numb, tingling from the dark power that roared through the ruins of the inn—

Dark power?

Saurfang opened his eyes. Malfurion was not looking at him. His arms were crossed in front of his face as an arrow, wreathed in shades of violet smoke, exploded just before him. Emerald light rose against the darkness, and Malfurion charged to fight Sylvanas Windrunner, who had another arrow nocked and drawn at point-blank range.

Saurfang would have leapt to his feet, but his legs wouldn’t obey his commands.

Then the inn collapsed on top of him, and he was surrounded by darkness and pain. But he wasn’t dead. Not yet.

Death wasn’t supposed to hurt this much.
This article was originally published in forum thread: Collector's Edition - A Tale of Two Novellas started by chaud View original post
Comments 87 Comments
  1. GringoD's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Balager View Post
    Well what did you expect when the Night Elves live in walking distance from Orgrimmar AND Thunder Bluff. And they occupy the only resource rich parts of Kalimdor.
    You'd expect them to put up a better fight?
    The guy wasn't lamenting that the Horde attacked the Nelves, he's lamenting that two rogues engaged an outpost, incapacitated six and only lost one.
  1. mysticx's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Balager View Post
    Well what did you expect when the Night Elves live in walking distance from Orgrimmar AND Thunder Bluff. And they occupy the only resource rich parts of Kalimdor.
    So the Night Elves are strong enough to still exist there, yet when the Horde sets their mind to it, they’re toast, i’ll admit i’m salty about the whole “Every day is ‘shitting on the Night Elves’ day”-theme in what we know of BfA, but that just doesn’t make any sense at all, either the Night Elves are strong enough to hold their own (Since the rest of the “Alliance” doesn’t seem to care), or they should by rights be long gone, but this whole “Strong one day, ROFLstomped the next”-thing is just poor writing, i can’t even bring myself to be really angry about it, just this resigned sigh as the last bit of Night Elf pride is stomped into the dirt to make the new new new Horde (Is that enough “new”s? I lost count of the different types of Horde we had) seem all tough and dangerous.

    I hope (in vain, probably) that both the Night Elves and Forsaken get some sort of new home somewhere, even if it’s only to explain where they all went after losing their homelands, but since that doesn’t cattle-prod people into endgame, i don’t hold out much hope that it will happen...
  1. Masternewt's Avatar
    While to story is interesting, it feels so poorly written. We segmented narrative like that in middle school. Things like ... A attacked but B just jumped aside and quickly killed him. No nuance, no details, no attempt to immerse the reader into the story. It's like a script for a video game intro. And the dialogues are just as bad. "Oh, there are no smart night elves." Who says that beyond the age of 12? Oh, well.
  1. mmoc38dc10fd5b's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by GringoD View Post
    You'd expect them to put up a better fight?
    The guy wasn't lamenting that the Horde attacked the Nelves, he's lamenting that two rogues engaged an outpost, incapacitated six and only lost one.
    Well they are rogues. It's their thing to be good at suprise attacks. Yes this whole thing is poorly written, but WoW has been poorly written since launch. If you want better writing in your MMO, switch.
  1. mmocf89c8b0f36's Avatar
    Can't wait to see how this Sylvanas vs Malfurion is going to turn out.
  1. Veilor's Avatar
    So stories exclusive to the CE? I want to read them but I do not want to buy the big box CE =/
  1. Justpassing's Avatar
    "You fight like a younger orc, with nothing held back. Admirable... but mistaken."
  1. Plehnard's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by mysticx View Post
    So the Night Elves are strong enough to still exist there, yet when the Horde sets their mind to it, they’re toast, i’ll admit i’m salty about the whole “Every day is ‘shitting on the Night Elves’ day”-theme in what we know of BfA, but that just doesn’t make any sense at all, either the Night Elves are strong enough to hold their own (Since the rest of the “Alliance” doesn’t seem to care), or they should by rights be long gone, but this whole “Strong one day, ROFLstomped the next”-thing is just poor writing, i can’t even bring myself to be really angry about it, just this resigned sigh as the last bit of Night Elf pride is stomped into the dirt to make the new new new Horde (Is that enough “new”s? I lost count of the different types of Horde we had) seem all tough and dangerous.

    I hope (in vain, probably) that both the Night Elves and Forsaken get some sort of new home somewhere, even if it’s only to explain where they all went after losing their homelands, but since that doesn’t cattle-prod people into endgame, i don’t hold out much hope that it will happen...
    A big part of their army was off to Sillithus for some reason, so the Horde only had to deal with a fraction of their army. Considering being outnumbered 10 to 1 (as data mined Sylvannas texts imply) they put up quite a fight.

    Quote Originally Posted by Veilor View Post
    So stories exclusive to the CE? I want to read them but I do not want to buy the big box CE =/
    The book will be out to buy in PDF form later. Hardcover is CE exclusive.
  1. Veilor's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Plehnard View Post
    The book will be out to buy in PDF form later. Hardcover is CE exclusive.
    Awesome! Thanks.
  1. tripleh's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Katsutomai View Post
    Because Malfurion using Magic against a Melee was honorable, right?
    I've seen melee take on casters in pvp before. Also we don't know what spec Malfurion was in at that moment. =P
  1. Katsutomai's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by tripleh View Post
    I've seen melee take on casters in pvp before. Also we don't know what spec Malfurion was in at that moment. =P
    Heh.. True. He did cast a few Spells, tho.
  1. Renuts's Avatar
    The whole "two sides to every story" spiel leaves me entirely uninterested in reading any of it. I'd rather not waste my time reading two different stories written as fan service for two different opposing views. The truth lies where? in the muddied waters of biased nonsense?
  1. mmocd59aedd038's Avatar
    This is your chance Blizzard. Make Malfurion kill Sylvanas now!
  1. tripleh's Avatar
    Just gonna wait until videos are released with others telling the key points in both books. Honestly though , how many people actually read a book more then once? There no different then the game guides that come out at the start of games. Only to become useless a week or two later because everything is viewable on the web for free.
  1. mmoc2b606a4969's Avatar
    Just kill Saurfang alrdy that guy always lose his duels and battles, he is just to old to even matter anymore.
  1. Cavox's Avatar
    I'm surprised Malfurion isn't trash like in the entirety of Legion.
    Tyrande! Save me! ;(
  1. Arvandor's Avatar
    FU christie golden for the burning of teldrassil!
    its your biggest mistake in your fucking life!
  1. mmoca266afbc8c's Avatar
    PERSONAL LOOT F:: YOU ALL CAN I HAVE THAT ??? AA i got SHIT ITEM so can not trade it to JOE for who it is actually upgrade cause of FU:: PERSONAL LOOT SO I CAN VENDOR IT NOW GREAT IDEA BLIZZARD CAN I HAVE THAT ?? DO YOU EVEN PLAY YOUR OWN GAME ??????? LITERALLY GTFO CAn i have that spam ... in everything.F::: YOU:::::
  1. Hell-Nicø's Avatar
    Lul, people are actually thinking Malf could be killed here?
    The dude is a god damn ARCHDRUIDE in the middle of a forest, and he's just facing Sylvanas who's clearly weaker than him.

    He'll be fine, and probably will be the guy that will grow the giant tree in SW for the NE refugees.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Harbour View Post
    Yeah, my afterthought was just "She is not the Hellscream".
    Btw, that shows once again how badass was Grom in comparison to even Saurfang. Damn, such a shame what they did to him in WoD.
    Also don't forget that the only reason he managed to kill Cenarius was thanks to the blood of Manoroth.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Yaknow what's the most stupid part about that whole "let's give each faction control of an entire continent"?

    They ONCE AGAIN forgot about the BC races because they are still in their neat out of time BC starting zones.
    What will happen to the blood elf (yaknow, a race that has basically NOTHING left when it come to military force and is only still a thing thanks to the forsaken army, yaknow, the army that will be wiped out with BFA)?
    So yeah, the horde will get all Kalimdor, but the Alliance can fuck off about Kel'Thalas!

    And what about the Draenies? We know now for some time (from the story pre Legion) that the Exodar is repaired and ready to fly, will it move to SW or something?
    You can bet your ass that it won't be the case, because Draenies are probably the most underwritten and under used race in the whole warcraft universe when it come to stuff they do as part of their faction (ok, the Worgen are even more underused tbf).

    And speaking of the Worgens, how much do you want to bet that they wont regain Gilneas as a real capital with BFA, just because Blizz can't be fucked to actually UPDATE THE FUCKING WORLD TO MATCH WHAT'S GOING ON IN IT!
    But it's okay guys, while the night elves, one of the strongest race of the alliance got wiped out of the map, the goblins (or to be more precise a handful of goblin survivors) managed to terraform the god damn continent to create a horde logo so big it's visible from space! In the mean time the Alliance took 25 years to rebuild their main capital after the attack of a giant dragon, and they didn't even bothered to create a Gilnean place or something, because apparently a creepy tree at the NE place is just what a bunch of Victorian people need!
    But maybe now that said NE place is burning down they'll get their creepy tree moved to a corner of SW park?

    It's pretty hard to care about the world as a whole when they keep ignoring a lot of plot and their repercussions once the story is done with them.
    Do you even realize that they actually did an updated version of the Sunwell island, with the Sunwell cleansed and stuff? Yeah?
    But you can only see it once during the Kel'Seras quest line!
  1. Dembai's Avatar
    To salty Allies (like the guy who can't spell to save his life above me) - the tree burning has SO LITTLE to do with the faction war, it's silly.

    Yes, the Horde will Burn it = and yes, the alliance will trash Undercity. That's an equal event. The alliance will not be able to use Undercity, the Horde will not be able to use Teldrassil. Again, that's an equal event. (and set up that way so that low level players can still enter those areas and make some use of them via phasing)

    But the tree burning is part of a MUCH BIGGER situation. One that is likely going to result in the Hour of TWilight - and at this point, THAT should be looked at as a POSITIVE.

    There's been five world trees after the original was destroyed - all planted by Staghelm (remember him?) and they've all died/been corrupted by the nightmare/halfway ripped out of the ground, or chopped down.

    ...Teldrassil was the last one.

    When it's gone, bad things are going to happen...where they would not if you still had your stupid tree. Those bad things are going to save this expansion from being pure filler. Thank GOODNESS, because it doesn't have much of a leg to stand on right now.

    Can you relax a little about it? It's all for the good of the plot.

    Likewise, we know that Saurfang and Sylvannas will live, and YES, we have no idea if Malfurion will. Do I think that Malfurion could kill Sylvannas? I think he could if it were a fair fight - or even a moderately unfair one. But Sylvannnas is NOT SOMEONE WHO FIGHTS FAIR. She's going to do something. It's going to be VERY bad. And naturally, with no true archdruid to grow a world tree at an insane rate (no, your "archdruid" player character is NOT on Malfurion or Staghelm's level), what the world trees are going to come to pass.

    "Five torches to light our way".

    It's going to be BAD.

    And awesome. And drop epic loots.

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