Developer Q&A with Ion Hazzikostas - Battle for Azeroth
Ion Hazzikostas is back to talk about Battle for Azeroth!

GCD Changes
  • Why would we ever make a change that people don't like or doesn't feel good? The team knows the initial reaction would be negative. At the end of the day, they want everyone to enjoy the game and it to feel good.
  • This change was made for the long term health of the game.
  • In Cataclysm you could take a portal to all of the zones and your guild could use a summon, so players could log in, teleport to the raid, and log off. Taking guild summon away was met with negative feedback, but the ease of transportation was bad for the game.
  • The team needed to pull back some quality of life improvements for the long term health of the game.
  • The team is making a few changes, such as Heroic Leap, Infernal Strike, Disengage off the GCD. Bloodbath has an upfront damage component.
  • The first part of the change was about offensive cooldowns. The team is trying to pull back the power of multiple stacked cooldowns. The team had to tune around the worst case all cooldowns active potential, but then you felt weak during the time when your cooldowns weren't up.
  • This isn't a change the team is going to make and then walk away from. There is further modification that has to be done to classes after this.
  • Feedback about what feels bad about your spec after the GCD changes is helpful. Asking to revert the change because it is bad isn't helpful.
  • Fury Warriors had too many cooldowns that empowered future actions. Changes to Avatar are coming.
  • All specs still have rotational adjustments that are on the table.
  • The team isn't looking to slow down the game, WoW is a fast paced game, especially for some specs.
  • WoW is a game with a series of rapid fire decisions. Evaluate the circumstances around you and then decide what you are going to do.
  • The GCD sets the pace for the game. The more things are off the GCD, the more they remove potential decision making. You aren't choosing between A and B if you can just do both. It also makes the game more about your latency.
  • WoW is a fast paced game, but not a twitch reaction arcade game.
  • If you are a Resto druid healing a dungeon and your tank is almost dead, and you are almost dead, and you have fire under your feet, you need to heal your tank, you need to move out of the fire, Swiftmend is on cooldown. You either use Regrowth on the tank while you stand in fire, or move out of the fire and throw a Rejuv on the tank. Maybe you Wild Charge out of the fire and then heal the tank. If everything is on the GCD, that is a decision you have to make. A skilled player can make the right call based on the situation and encounter. If Wild Charge isn't on the GCD, you can just get out of the fire and heal the tank. This makes the difference between two player's skill more about their reaction time. Should WoW be about reaction time or making the right decision.
  • There probably aren't any other abilities that will be put on the GCD and some will be coming back off the GCD.

Artifact Traits and Class Design
  • Most classes and specs weren't designed to only be complete in Legion with the Artifact. The specs and classes were mostly designed to be self sufficient and then had the Artifact on top (other than Demon Hunters).
  • Players have grown accustomed to these Artifact abilities, they've had them for a long time now.
  • Losing things never feels good. Lessons were learned about how systems like this will work in the future.
  • Many of the active Artifact abilities or abilities that made gameplay interesting were moved into talents.
  • Smaller benefits have been rolled into the baseline functionality of spells and talents and the team isn't done with this part yet.
  • If you are happy with the pacing and rotation of your class in Legion, the team isn't looking to significantly change that in Battle for Azeroth.
  • The team is trying to get classes to a good base state where each expansion can add interesting abilities that will be left behind each expansion.
  • It would be unsustainable to keep adding new abilities and rolling them into your base abilities each expansion.
  • This is another good area for feedback, if something was great and made your spec work in Legion, let the developers know. Just saying "stop all the pruning" isn't helpful.
  • Azerite armor has hundreds of new traits that will let you customize your playstyle. These will let you customize your playstyle in a deeper way than you could in Legion. After the first few months in Legion, you didn't have much customization beyond Relics.

Azerite Armor
  • You will be able to respec Azerite Traits, it is NYI in Beta, but coming soon.
  • The goal here is for you to be able to change them if you made a mistake or are changing your role for a few weeks.
  • The team wants to avoid these traits feeling like another set of talents, allowing you to swap them between fights in a raid.
  • You can reset all of the choices on a piece of armor for a small gold cost (5-10 gold) that ramps up rapidly the most often you do it. The cost will decay quickly.
  • This expansion will be much friendlier than Legion was to players that want to maintain multiple specs competitively, especially compared to early Legion.
  • The Heart of Azeroth counts towards all of your specs, many of the armor pieces have traits that are useful to multiple specs, and you may just want to have multiple pieces of armor in the longer term.
  • There will be new traits in raids and future patches. The core spec modifiying traits are universal and will be on raid gear. Trait strength is proportional to the item level of the item.
  • The goal with most traits, especially the spec specific one, are to modify gameplay. They should be similar in power to the 2 set bonus or powerful Artifact traits.
  • The power level of a given legendary is higher than the power level of a single Azerite trait. The goal here is similar to set bonuses.

Island Expeditions
  • Island expeditions will reward Artifact Power (not Azerite Power, the Heart of Azeroth is an Artifact)
  • Every week you will go to the boards, see what the scouts have found, and head to the islands. You will complete some each week, get a bonus, and then can keep doing them (but they will be less rewarding).
  • Island expeditions will be the best way to get Artifact Power.

PvP Gear
  • There will still be random rewards, such as a weekly chest of end of match rewards.
  • There is a lot of value to more deterministic gearing, this feedback was clear.
  • Throughout each season, there will be a weekly Conquest progression. As you earn Conquest points, you will earn another piece of gear in that series.
  • This is similar to the old Conquest system, where you needed to earn so many CP before you could purchase a Conquest gear item.
  • The goal is to guarantee everyone will get a full set of gear after some time and dedication.
  • There is a weekly Conquest cap, so if you miss a few weeks you can earn all of the weeks of Conquest you missed with some acceleration along the way.

Large Battlegrounds
  • There is a large difference between the gameplay in the larger battlegrounds and the rest. People used the blacklist to avoid some in the past.
  • There will no longer be blacklisting, you either queue for the smaller battlegrounds or the larger ones.
  • In the future the larger outdoor PvP zones could fit in the larger battleground queue, such as Wintergrasp!
  • Ashran is temporarily being retired in Battle for Azeroth. It feels like it would fit in the larger battleground queue in the future.

Racials and Rated PvP
  • Racials exist for flavor and depth.
  • When you are playing PvP, you are still playing World of Warcraft. The team wants to keep the gameplay rules similar. They may have gone too far in Legion with stat templates and disabling trinkets.
  • The team has been looking at the outlier racials, such as Every Man for Himself or Arcane Torrent. Let the developers know if there are still outliers.

Power Progression and PvP
  • The team feels like that for Raid and Dungeon progression, there are certain levels of power increases that are necessary. You need gear to become more powerful so players can be more powerful and defeat things over time.
  • Around 10-15% power increase is necessary for players to really be able to feel the power increase.
  • This matters more in PvP, the boss doesn't complain when you are overgeared, but players in PvP do.
  • The tech used for outdoor scaling of mob levels and power for players that are different levels can be applied to PvP as well.
  • There could be a world where you are 50 or 60 item levels higher than your opponent, but you are only doing 10% more damage than your opponent, rather than 50%. Gear should still matter somewhat.
  • This is more important with the new World PvP system. Stat templates in the outside world would be bad.
  • There aren't any plans to add something to push players towards PvP in cities.

High Elves
  • Blood Elves are basically High Elves. Slightly different eye color and backstory, but if you want to be a light skinned elf, that is basically a Blood Elf. Giving that to the Alliance would blur the line between factions.
  • There aren't a ton of High Elves out there in WoW.
  • If you are Alliance any want to be an elf, the Horde is there for you.

Death Knights and Allied Races
  • There are no plans to let the Hero classes be an Allied Race in Battle for Azeroth, but it possible in future expansions.
  • There is value in defining that Allied Races start at Level 20.

Loot Methods
  • Personal Loot has been the default in WoW for some time now. All of dungeons, PvP, the outdoor world are all personal loot.
  • The only place other loot methods are used are in guild raids.
  • This change wasn't made to stop high end split raids. That's something the team wants to do, but that wasn't the point of this change.
  • There is more personal agency and control as an individual of your fate.
  • There are some guilds that have awarded loot well for many years.
  • Group and Master Loot puts players at the mercy of others, often in ways that aren't fair.
  • Trial players in a new guild may not get anything for weeks because that is the guild policy.
  • When you kill a boss, it isn't about if there is something on the corpse that you want, but if someone is going to give you that loot. It disconnects the reward from killing the boss.
  • You deserve the loot for killing the boss.
  • It's not called Personal Loot anymore, it's just Loot. This is how loot works in the entire game.
  • Trading restrictions for loot will work the same as they do now for the most part. If it is lower than the highest item level piece you have ever looted and had soulbound for that slot, you can trade it.

Armor Sets
  • There will be one appearance per armor type in raids, but they will be able to make many more sets for the game.
  • The goal is to make gear that is themed for the place you are adventuring through to earn it. Uldir has unique armor sets, as will the next raid, warfronts, and other types of content.
  • The team has done 21 different takes on mage class fantasy, so now we can see what is Titan cloth, or what is Troll cloth.
  • There are no lack of appearances to transmog to if you want a more classic Warlock look.

  • The Horde being evil is a matter of perspective.
  • The Horde has many facets to it, with the Forsaken representing different things than the Tauren. There has been an uneasy partnership between these groups for some time. The Horde isn't monolithic.
  • There are groups are fighting for survival and some resort to desperate measures.
  • Both sides should be worried about becoming evil.
  • All the way back to Orcs vs Humans, you may have assumed Humans were the good guys and Orcs were evil, but there was more nuance than that.
This article was originally published in forum thread: Developer Q&A with Ion Hazzikostas - Battle for Azeroth started by chaud View original post
Comments 407 Comments
  1. TheEaterofSouls's Avatar
    Jeez. Asmongold is an ass. He's acting like his opinion is the only correct opinion. "Worst change in WoW history! Trials don't deserve loot! OMG Blizz!!" What a douche.
  1. SonicTMP's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Angosia View Post
    Some people are like that, sure. The good ones stay because they like your team and group's dynamics. Why would you insist on keeping people you didn't get along with in a raid? Seems an illogical position to take in a social and interacting game.

    Keep your friends close to you. The ones that don't want to be, shouldn't stay long. And that's a good thing for everyone.
    Your ideal already applied long before this change was thought of or made. The entire point of interviews and trials for serious raiding guilds was to make sure what you just said. That the new player who joined wanted to be a friend, would stick around and was going to be social.

    Reality is anyone can lie through their teeth at interviews and blind trust can get you used. Your going to see far more people guild hop with this loot system. There's no punishment or determent. And you won't know who's going to do it either cause it's as said people can lie and put up a front then run off with loot.
  1. FelPlague's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Hey There Guys its Metro View Post
    This is actually exactly what they are doing. If you arent able to think about the health of the game over your own interests then you should leave for sure. His example of have group will travel was a very appropriate one. Glad it was said.

    This is the future of the game. They are making changes for the game, not for the players. You had that for 10 years, and look at the mess the game was in before legion.
    fully agree, yes EVERYONE loved have group will travel... but it made summoning stones and warlocks useless, people cry about being able to just que, and miss the days of having to walk to the raid, but then in the next breath praise have group will travel for having it so only ONE PERSON in a 30 man raid group needed to be there to summon everyone. it killed off warlock class idendity and just made the game feel smaller.
    same with flying, sometimes what people want is not the healthiest, i have to say this all the fucking time but people refuse cause they dont understand human logic.

    Everyone loves a nice sugery treat, everyone loves ice cream, sweet soda pop and lots of sugar.
    but that is not healthy for you, and sometimes you need to be forced to eat the stuff you dont like SO YOU CAN BE HEALTHY.

    im glad they are removing the defencives, that was stupid, but dps ones should stay on the cooldown.
  1. SirCowdog's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Angosia View Post
    That's not what I got out of his interview. But, I wasn't polarized against the issues he responded to either. PvP was meh to me (always has been). High elves, meh. Didn't care one way or the other, so much as note his argument was poorly executed and phrased. The components of value to me were specifically about the loot. The rest was a non-issue as it didn't affect me or interest me.

    I'm sure others felt differently than I did, but never once did he suggest it was "his" way. One person doesn't make all the decisions - Tseric and Ghostcrawler both alluded to this in days gone by. You see his voice because he is speaking (as did Greg/Ghostcrawler). But, a team of folks talk about the decisions and that's a good thing. He alone isn't the bane of your existence, if that is how you view his replies. But, his view is largely representative of the group conclusion.

    So, I suppose the question one must ask themselves: Is this the direction you'll adapt? (i.e. is this the game you'll keep playing)

    For me, there's not enough to justify abandoning the game. About the only thing I don't like was inevitable with every expansion legendary/artifact items become useless shortly after next launch. I expected it, but that didn't mean I like it. (It's also not enough for me to look at another game because it was expected and logical, even if distasteful.)
    Stop listening to what they're saying, and start paying attention to what they're actually doing.

    In virtually every case where players provide detailed, intelligent, well documented feedback, Blizzard ignores it.

    In many cases, months later they admit and apologize for the very thing players had told them wasn't working well.
  1. FelPlague's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Skroe View Post
    Trials not getting loot the first week or two is called earning it. Heaven forbid a social game enforces some kind of social norms... like entering a circle of trust before you get something.

    I'm constantly impressed with Ion Hazzikostas' ability to construct entirely B.S. arguments and make them sound reasonable. It's like his mutant power or something

    oh well. Dumb but livable
    yes because jobs refuse to start paying you until a few weeks have passed, that is totally how it works...
  1. FelPlague's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Angosia View Post
    I think you mean to say "because jobs refuse to let your wages accrue until after a few weeks have passed" as most jobs, at least in the USA, don't generally pay immediately.

    But, the point you raise is an interesting one. In a way, you're arguing that someone not only has to have a real job to pay for the game and be eligible for the same loot as others, but they must also interview and be unpaid by yet another employer within the game (players, rather than system RNG). It's an interesting argument.

    I'll say I think raiding is partially a job, at least in the sense that it is the responsibility of the raid members to know/research the encounters in advance, understand how to properly utilize their class and related spec abilities, as well as how to contribute to that encounter, bring proper raid supplies for themselves, and be on time for the raid to start. Beyond that, though, the reward is the boss kill and the loot from it. Failure to do these things means failure to get the resultant reward - and I think that's the point the developers (via Ion) are making as well, albeit indirectly.

    I like your argument, but phrasing it a bit better may yield a more clear view.
    correct, jobs dont pay right away, but if you work 2 weeks and they see "you dont really fit in" they get rid of you but still pay you...
    jobs arnt allowed to bring you in to work for weeks then go "ok your good NOW we will start paying you" you cant really "backlog" loot like you can wages so...
  1. FelPlague's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Kaito92 View Post
    From what you fantasy quoted he doesnt act like he is the only opinion.

    Also i share his opinion. You are entitled to your opinion of course if you think failing at every mechanic and lying on the floor give you right to get free purps

    what a bizzare anologoy, not only it is stupid it works against your starwman argument.

    If you fail to perform in a job (aka dont getting shit done while raiding) or lying at your application/qualification (aka ibuying kills and say i know every mechanic) you are fired without pay
    uhh what? you do know not paying people for work they did is illegal right?
    i dont think you understand what "fired without pay" is... its called suspended without pay, there is no such thing as "fired without pay"
    suspended without pay is simply where they tell you not to come into work and they wont pay you, you arnt fired, but your arnt working either, this is mostly for contracts.

    but no you cannot fire someone then say "get lost im not paying you for the work you did"
    if you work an hour and they say "your not doing even close to well enough" they will pay you for that one hour then tell you to leave, they cannot legally fire you and refuse you the money they owe you for your time.

    that you think that a buisness has the right to fire you and refuse you pay for your time shows you have never had a job.
    Hell i had a job 3 half days ABSOLUTLY HATED IT quit as i knew it was a waste of time, got very little done as it just wasent for me, they still paid me 2 weeks later for my full time because its the law.
  1. rebecca191's Avatar
    So I guess I'm the only one who is concerned about end boss mounts? I really am a loser, lol. But I just feel the people there for progression earned it more than someone who joins a month before the next tier.

    Honestly I think an unintended side effect of this whole thing is guilds will be less likely to take certain players to certain bosses to attempt to control the loot more. I can think of a few people in my guild that wouldn't have been able to be in for certain bosses until Mythic Argus was dead if ML hadn't been available.
  1. FelPlague's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Kaito92 View Post
    Its still factually ignorant/wrong what you state their, doesnt matter how many times you repeat it and try to create a pseudo reality.

    Maybe you never worked but they are a list of reason where you can be fired without getting money for your work, and even cases where you pay money back
    uhhh no you have never had a real job if you think ANY BUISNESS could fire you and refuse you your "last paycheck" that is called breaking the fair labord standards act and has up to a 10,000$ fine.

    but hey if you think any buisness could fire you and refuse you pay for the time you worked, you must never have had a real job.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Angosia View Post
    Really? I think my state employment laws would love to have a word with you and do the Trump "WRONG" response to you. Employees are entitled to wages under almost every scenario except the cases of theft (i.e. stealing company money, property).

    My state even has requirements for when that money has to be paid to the departing employee. i.e. no less than by the end of the business day of the termination or the start of the next business day. It cannot be later than that without hefty fines to the employer. Want to challenge me or should I also post the state employment laws link as well? I wouldn't advise it, but that call is yours.
    for us its within 1 week of termination.
  1. FelPlague's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Kaito92 View Post

    Yes please post it, because you seem to have problem with reading so it may help you. Just for the record you rambling about that if i apply to a job and say i have a harvard degree, but i dont, and they find out, they need to pay me.

    In what state do you live in where these fantasy laws are in place?

    - - - Updated - - -

    But its not foolproof, so dont go out. Seems like you reserve to "no u" because you realising how idiotic of an argumeent it is

    - - - Updated - - -

    Yep seems like never worked, or you think you now something while being a idiot.
    "that you think that a buisness has the right to fire you and refuse you pay for your time shows you have never had a job.
    Hell i had a job 3 half days ABSOLUTLY HATED IT quit as i knew it was a waste of time, got very little done as it just wasent for me, they still paid me 2 weeks later for my full time because its the law."

    you seemed to have missed this, but ok.
    kaito, i think you need to quit well your behind, cause you are onyl going to go lower ,and lower and lower.

    They literally had me for... 3 hours to show me around the place
    5 hours the next day
    5 the day after that
    5 the day after that
    and i quit at that point, hated it, couldent get motivated, couldent be comitted.
    got a check a week later for my full pay, didnt even need to return the uniform.
  1. Netherius's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by baseballfan View Post
    It's not. BFA looks trash. Legion/Wod hybrid 2.0
    I sure hope so Legion was one of if not the best expansion to date. WoD's leveling, concept, story(except ending), raiding were top notch, HFC is hands down one of my favorite raids. Garrisons were trash, shipyards were trash, the updates(patches) were mostly trash. So you saying BfA is a Legion/WoD hybrid 2.0, means it will be even better than both which I can't even fathom atm. If you don't like it, stop playing. Simple solution.
  1. Fullmetal89's Avatar
    So basically it's another case of "you think you do but you don't." I love how they talk about guild summon debacle. "The team needed to pull back some quality of life improvements for the long term health of the game." This has to be one of the most empty statements I've read by Blizzard. How exactly did guild summons affect "the long term health of the game." All it did was provide the players with the option of cutting some time. It's really funny that they use this as their talking point as if anybody did anything other than sit in Org/Stormwind all day waiting for queues. Cataclysm had a lot of problems, guild summons was not one of them.
  1. Netherius's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Fullmetal89 View Post
    So basically it's another case of "you think you do but you don't." I love how they talk about guild summon debacle. "The team needed to pull back some quality of life improvements for the long term health of the game." This has to be one of the most empty statements I've read by Blizzard. How exactly did guild summons affect "the long term health of the game." All it did was provide the players with the option of cutting some time. It's really funny that they use this as their talking point as if anybody did anything other than sit in Org/Stormwind all day waiting for queues. Cataclysm had a lot of problems, guild summons was not one of them.
    Guild summons was just lazy design, and totally agree with him. Now they could turn around and give that power to DH's or Lock's, which is much more interesting.
  1. hyphnos's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Netherius View Post
    Guild summons was just lazy design, and totally agree with him. Now they could turn around and give that power to DH's or Lock's, which is much more interesting.
    LOL "more interesting"? How, pray tell, does the class casting a mass summon make it "more interesting" or if they are the wrong class or spec by implication "less interesting"? This is has to be one of the more ridiculous thing i've ever seen. Nobody gives even the tiniest fuck what class is saving them a few minutes of wasted travel time.

    The entire thing about guild summons was nothing more than they love love love using travel as a time waster to up their metrics and make a big chunk of gametime nonproductive for players so they have to play more and longer to accomplish the same things.

    It has NOTHING to do with anything else least of all whether or not being summoned to an actual interesting activity is somehow better than wasting 1, 3 or 5 minutes or whatever paying a transit tax to get to the thing you want to do.
  1. Kithelle's Avatar
    So basically him regurgitating the same old shit over and over again?
  1. Netherius's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by hyphnos View Post
    LOL "more interesting"? How, pray tell, does the class casting a mass summon make it "more interesting" or if they are the wrong class or spec by implication "less interesting"? This is has to be one of the more ridiculous thing i've ever seen. Nobody gives even the tiniest fuck what class is saving them a few minutes of wasted travel time.

    The entire thing about guild summons was nothing more than they love love love using travel as a time waster to up their metrics and make a big chunk of gametime nonproductive for players so they have to play more and longer to accomplish the same things.

    It has NOTHING to do with anything else least of all whether or not being summoned to an actual interesting activity is somehow better than wasting 1, 3 or 5 minutes or whatever paying a transit tax to get to the thing you want to do.
    So how does it make sense that a guild can summon a whole raid just because they are in a guild? It is the "World of Warcraft" afterall. Yes it was convenient, but it didn't make sense in game whatsoever and THAT is lazy design. But I'm wasting my breath(finger strokes?) because you don't care about anything like that. You don't care about it making sense in the world as long as it saves you the 2 minutes of travel time. People like you don't care about world design, you just want flying because it's just more efficient. And actually people do care, a lot. Hence an entire expansion revolving around class fantasy, no? So summoning isn't interesting I get that, but it is interesting who and the how, it's what makes the entirety of this game if you haven't noticed. Efficiency is a balancing act, too much and it breaks the immersion and fantasy of the game. While I do not RP, the sense of being in and a part of this world is still important, and I wouldn't give it up for efficiency anyday. Is that a concept so hard to grasp? Blizz has done plenty to accommodate travel time(que's, summon stones, etc..) let's not cater to the "I just want to get want I want and log" mentality anymore than we already do yeah?
  1. Honeyprime's Avatar
    "If you are Alliance and want to be an elf, the Horde is there for you."

    So, is he basically saying that if someone wants to main a High Elf and is an Alliance fan, to switch factions? I'm sorry, Ion comes off as really arrogant and I don't know how well I'm liking it. It sounds likes he's saying "tough sh*t, switch sides".

    He seems to be forgetting the tauren/highmountain, draenei/lightforged, and nightelf/nightborne similarities. And the void elves can't have any where near the population of High Elves.

    Even though I'm mainly Alliance, I do play both sides and have several blood elves on the Horde side. But I still have always wanted High Elves for Alliance playable because of the history and continued presence.

    I don't think I like Ion to much. So much hypocrisy.
  1. Zantos's Avatar
    I love the hypocrisy in this Q&A. Its just oozing with it. Taking away QoL features is Healthy for the game? Do they not realize that we can Still port anywhere! Hello, it's called a warlock. Most raids have them. So most people still just log in, go to the raid, log out. If they are all that concerned about it, here is a novel idea, make a reason for them to Want to go out into the world. Don't remove things to force it, because they still wont interact with it! Raiders will log in, wait for a warlock summon, hearth back out, then log off. Most they would do other then that is take a friggin flight path and beeline straight to the raid entrance. Not to mention they used this same BS line to remove the portals in dal the first time. Hmm, guess what's back in dalaran? That's right, more portals!

    They Want to seperate big and small bgs? Wtf? How do they define big? Because I see 2 big bgs, Altrac Valley and Isle of Conquest. Seperate those two, and its gg. Just removed the two bgs from my queue that I avoid anyway. GL ever getting people in those bgs ever again. Horde will never do them if they can choose not too since we lose. AV's map design Literally favors the alliance. No one with half a brain willingly queues into that crap fest as horde.

    And gcd, come on! Why put cds on the gcd. That isn't fun or intuitive. How exactly does it help the future health of the game? It doesn't. It hurts it. Now raid designs will have to take having cds on a GCD. People will miss one global to pop a cd. What is that helping exactly?

    Then they drop the line by saying most classes were not meant to be complete with the use of the artifact. Do they not play this game? There are spec changing talents associated with this! One for bear is that our moonfire causes the target to deal less damage to us. That is Major mitigation they are talking about removing right there. They are also already undermining island expeditions. Less rewarding if you do more of them? Do they not understand their players yet? You want them to stay interested? Don't nerf its rewards at all for any reason. If you think they are too high baseline, lower them!

    Then they want to make it so you Barely notice a power gap between a geared player and a new one in PvP. Who in the world wants to spend WEEKS grinding out conquest gear, just for it to really not even matter at all? No one! Im not putting in the effort for only a 10% boost in power. I can get that elsewhere. Like raids.

    Over all, this is the first Q&A that I have seen since I started playing in late BC that just struck me as seriously, wtf are they thinking. Its like they just went full idiot mode with these things. Makes me worried for BFA
  1. SirCowdog's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Angosia View Post
    You're contradicting yourself. First you tell me to listen to his interview to get his sinister motives. Now, when I tell you I did, you tell me to not do that. You can't move the goal posts of your argument when the crux of your logic isn't sound.
    It's called "comparing what is said with what is done". It's not a contradiction or moving the goal posts. :/ However, I fully recognize that the way I wrote it wasn't good, and I can see the confusion.

    Quote Originally Posted by Angosia View Post
    What they're doing will likely be for the betterment of the game. Will it be liked by everyone? Absolutely not. But, that doesn't mean it is a bad thing. Games are not designed by democracy. If it were, the pendulum for changes would be much more frequent, extreme, and probably insane. I doubt anyone would want to play the game after that.
    Better based on what? We have the word of a dev who's has a history of ignoring feedback on important subjects, then later apologizes for the very problems he was warned about. On the other hand we have most of the dedicated testers saying it's a bad change, and explaining why with details. Not just QQing, but explaining.

    So how is it likely to be good? What are you basing this statement on?

  1. Spike`'s Avatar
    the loot change like anything that Ion likes to do is just to slow down the players

    loot being personal with that restrictions will make a lot of wasted loot = guilds longer on bosses

    i'm not talking about the 1% top mega guilds because they clear the raid at max one or two weeks later, the 99% ones is were the money is that will slow down them 1 month or more that currently they do (depends of the guild)

    this is just that, they not care if a trial enters in 1-5 runs and gets the all the gear they need (if they are lucky) and leaves the guild or they dont care if you are a dedicated raider, being in all raids but have bad luck and causing the frustration seeing all the wasted loot that could be for him that deserves it. Blizzard dont care

    they just care to make the biggest % of wow players stay subbed for longer, in Legion we seen all around the game (RNG on top of RNG plus artifact power farming), in BFA they are expanding that even more for raids

    oh well we all know how the players that try to help the game in Alphas/Betas/PTR are treated, ignored and Blizzard way is the way, the way of blind sight and money and 0 care for the player

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