Developer Q&A - Ion Hazzikostas
Ion Hazzikostas answered World of Warcraft: Battle for Azeroth questions today.

  • Class Tuning
    • The team is not done with class tuning. They don't think things are perfect, but want more data to make broader changes over multiple specs instead of just band aid fixes.
    • Arms mastery and feral druid AoE were so out of whack that it was almost useless for them and so they changed it immediately.
    • The end of the first week of September is the target for the first significant balance tuning.
  • Mob Scaling
    • Outdoor world scaling has not changed since 7.2. Blizzard has not changed anything. Argus had the same system.
    • Outdoor world mob scaling is done because the world remains relevant and rewards increase as your item level progresses, so the world should keep pace with you but more slowly.
    • Before world scaling, players would become so strong that it would disrupt the outdoor world experience when killing mobs too fast for others to tag them.
    • Creatures only end up with about 3-4% more health at higher gear levels after dungeon gearing.
    • There are some outlier mobs that scale too much, but these are addressed as they are discovered.
  • Mob Scaling while Leveling
    • Lack of progression while leveling is something the team understands and wants to address/do better in the future.
    • Before the world scaled to level, the increased challenge of mobs was not felt as much because it was understandable that mobs in higher level zones would increase in difficulty.
    • Mobs being more challenging at max level that were easy at lower levels is not a good feeling.
  • World PvP Level Scaling
    • A hotfix was deployed to lessen the scaling issues of lower levels against higher levels in world PvP.
    • The team wants higher level characters to have the clear advantage over lower level players, but they don't want the lower level to simply fall over.
  • Item Level Increase at Max Level
    • The reason item level increases rapidly right after reaching max level is to make sure upgrades feel relevant and noticeable.
    • There has to be a big enough increase to upgrades to help with the tougher content that is coming soon.
    • They have tested many different progression levels and are pretty happy with where they have landed.
  • Removal of Auto Accept and Group Finder Add Ons
    • The team felt that the auto accept and group finder add ons were turning into a button to auto complete world quests.
    • They want us to actually socialize and group with players to work together instead of just pushing a button and using each other.
    • Automating the process makes world quests essentially just traveling around the map and pressing a button. This is not a fun experience.
    • The trade off of having auto accept would be making world quests objectives take longer to offset the ease of the automated process and that isn't fun either.
    • World quests are balanced around many different play styles including solo players who don't group often.
  • Auction House Lag
    • Auction house and guild bank lag on popular servers is a hot button issue being discussed internally.
    • They are looking at optimization upgrades on the engineering side.
    • There are some tweaks coming in the next few days to the PTR to make deposits for certain trade skill items larger for single stack listings.
  • Guild Permissions/Communities
    • Players can once again edit their notes and add/change ranks.
    • The team is still collecting feedback about what needs to be addressed and added/readded to guilds. Let them know what problems guilds are having with permissions and they will be addressed.
    • There will soon be a way to block people from rejoining a community that they have been kicked from.
    • The team wants to see how people use communities and not dictate how they use them. They would love to hear more feedback on communities to guide where to go from here.
  • Island Expeditions
    • There was a bug that was fixed which caused less artifact power rewards from winning an Island Expedition.
    • The weekly reward is there as an exit option for the player so that they don't feel compelled to keep doing islands all week.
    • Island Expeditions remain the best source of Artifact Power and are repetitive, however, there needs to be a drop off at some point.
  • Artifact Power Requirements
    • The team wants you to be able to use your outer ring pretty much right away, but the other rings are goals to work towards.
    • Artifact Power Knowledge will start next week. This means that each rank will need less artifact power to level up. It will continue to decrease every week.
  • Azerite Gear
    • Azerite Gear will be tradable after a coming hotfix. It should be an option by reset next week.
    • Azerite Gear will be tradable if you have a piece with the same item level or better in that slot.
    • It was a mistake to not allow trading Azerite Armor. The reason behind why they originally chose this option was to avoid social pressure that comes with personal loot. However, these downsides aren't enough to justify the annoyance of not being able to trade the item.
  • War Mode
    • The War Mode bonus is something that they are being very careful with as they don't want people to feel they need to have War Mode on.
    • There are changes coming to address faction imbalance in War Mode Shards.
    • The reason War Mode sometimes feels imbalanced is raid world quests groups that scatter and remain in the shard after being brought into it.
    • War Mode on role playing realms is essentially your own sever except during popular play times. They are considering sharding RP realms with other RP realms if they see huge issues.
  • PvP Rewards
    • Conquest rewards are there to guarantee that you can work towards rewards on top of getting random ones.
    • The first conquest reward will be an ilvl 340 weapon.
  • Dungeon Trash Mobs
    • There are no plans to lessen the amount of trash mobs in certain dungeons.
    • Dungeon completion times are about the same as they were at this point in Legion.
  • World Quests and Emissaries
    • The team is ok with mythic players graduating out of feeling the need to do world quests for rewards as they outgear it.
    • Because the Horde and Alliance have completely separate factions this creates different rewards between them for certain emissaries.
  • Worgen and Goblin Model Updates
    • No new info except that they are coming.
  • Quests
    • Certain wanted quests do not give reputation for both factions. Horde is not the only one who has world quests without reputation rewards.
    • The team is looking into making sure each factions' wanted quests give similar amounts of reputation and will address it if they find it to be an issue.
    • There are a lot of side quests in the new zones in order to make the zone feel more alive and organic instead of just a single story.
    • The team wants to improve on making it obvious which quests are the main story.
  • Faction War Impacts
    • The team plans to explore how the war affects the different factions of Azeroth as the story unfolds.
This article was originally published in forum thread: Developer Q&A - Ion Hazzikostas started by chaud View original post
Comments 279 Comments
  1. Punks's Avatar
    So they have resulted in band-aid fixing. That really sucks. Ion needs to step down.
  1. Zantos's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by IIamaKing View Post
    Even from 300-320 I notice faster kill times. Its all hyperbole.
    What class are you? Are you one of the ones who got buffs?

    On my feral druid, the class that hasn't been buffed or had any real fixes yet, I haven't noticed anything dieing faster at all. Im 320 ilevel and nothings changed since I hit max level.
  1. meowfurion's Avatar
    I was in Alpha AND Beta. We did feedback after feedback after feedback, especially on Feral druids DPS , etc for MONTHS!!!!!! NONE of it got taken into consideration and NOTHING changed. We get a hotfix yesterday, that buffed our AOE that nobody asked for. It's single target and energy regen, plus terrible lackluster talents that are the major issues.
  1. FelPlague's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by rlloyd3 View Post
    Did he...did he really just say that WQGF made WQs more tedious than they are now?
    no, that is literally not what he said, he said it made world quests just pressing a button then afking. meaning it was just traveling, not actual questing.
  1. Dystemper's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Punks View Post
    So they have resulted in band-aid fixing. That really sucks. Ion needs to step down.
    From the looks of Josh, I think he might be out the door. Then ion will be next
  1. FelPlague's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Blayze View Post
    "We've gotta maintain optimal tedium!"
    if all quests were able to be auto completed what is even the point of the game if everything is just "press button, win."
  1. Varitok's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by zrankfappa View Post
    Just imagine for a moment you wanted to slow the consumption of content in not so obvious ways. Then consider these design choices again. Hint: it isn't greed.
    Reality: It is greed and has been since they started reporting time played.
  1. IIamaKing's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Zantos View Post
    What class are you? Are you one of the ones who got buffs?

    On my feral druid, the class that hasn't been buffed or had any real fixes yet, I haven't noticed anything dieing faster at all. Im 320 ilevel and nothings changed since I hit max level.
    Beastmaster Hunter. I dont think we got buffed, but I may be mistaken.
  1. FelPlague's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by kbtdadap View Post
    Are subs so damn low that they need to cut progression to keep people addicted? gcd changes? wqgf changes? ilvl scaling in open world? All this is done to keep players, playing longer, paying more $$. Ion's word salad is top notch but we can see right through his bs. Hes slowing the game due to players gearing to fast and burning out too quickly and cancelling subs. These changes are to keep these same quitters, from well, quitting. Keep them grinding to keep them from being bored and they wont get off the gear treadmill!!! Fuck Ion and fuck activision. ruining the best game ever made with bfa cash grabs
    yes I miss the days of the wotlk when world quest group finder was so good...
  1. Dystemper's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Zantos View Post
    What class are you? Are you one of the ones who got buffs?

    On my feral druid, the class that hasn't been buffed or had any real fixes yet, I haven't noticed anything dieing faster at all. Im 320 ilevel and nothings changed since I hit max level.
    I have a 330 demo lock and Mobs are dying slower now then at 290 when I freshly ding 120.
  1. The Stormbringer's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by FelPlague View Post
    if all quests were able to be auto completed what is even the point of the game if everything is just "press button, win."
    I've not experienced it either way, but I will say there's gotta be a middle ground between, "Extremely prolonged and boring" and "Press button, win", right?
  1. FelPlague's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Katsutomai View Post
    There are some tweaks coming in the next few days to the PTR to make deposits for certain trade skill items larger for single stack listings. <=== What..? Unless it's literally ruining your profit I don't see how that's going to change much.
    people deposit stuff in single stacks cause the ratio of profit to deposit cost is the lowest, meaning you make the most profit.
    so by making it scale up at lower will stop the 50 pages of "1 monelite ore"
  1. blehmeh's Avatar
    I'm glad I didn't tune in to watch Ion dodge the most top rated question requested about the GCD change.

    Called it from the start as Blizzard is just too predictable at this point. These "Q&A's" are insulting.
  1. ExtremelyCrusty's Avatar
    I have an idea for the auction house, dont let people put 7000 stacks of 1 up on there.
  1. FelPlague's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Softbottom View Post
    After playing beta for a month I knew pretty quickly this was the end of the road for me. I enjoy following the forums and seeing what's going on. Maybe if the game changes for the next xpac i'd consider playing again. The AP/Azerite grind they started last expansion was/is dogshit. I'm all for grinding (I played everquest for many years) but grinding that just gets stripped at the end of an xpac makes the game feel really unrewarding and cheap.
    you mean how every expansion ever has stripped you at the end of the expac?
  1. Zantos's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by IIamaKing View Post
    Beastmaster Hunter. I dont think we got buffed, but I may be mistaken.
    arent hunters one of the classes in a good position right now? The ones in dungeons are usually wrecking face.
  1. bledgor's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Dystemper View Post
    I have a 330 demo lock and Mobs are dying slower now then at 290 when I freshly ding 120.
    Bullshit, I play all 3 lock specs and things are dying faster.
  1. IIamaKing's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Zantos View Post
    arent hunters one of the classes in a good position right now? The ones in dungeons are usually wrecking face.
    Not really the point is it? It was taking a rotation that required 2 Kill commands, now it takes 1 KC rotation. Our relative strength is not a measure of how fast we scale with ilvl .
  1. Harbour's Avatar
    His answer for WQGF is ridiculous.
    "Yeah, you think the repetitive nature of mob killing/resource gathering and 125AP/80g/40WS rewards aren't worthy of spending 5 minutes on it, and you want to ease your pain doing it faster, but we expect you to have fun with that stuff so go fuck yourself"(c) Here your WoW Game Designer.

    Ion, we ask for mercy, okay. Let people who find the fun in taking on Azerite Gathering for 5 minutes enjoy it without WQGF, let people who don't find it fun to do it with minimum suffering, okay.
  1. Clozer's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Guzzed View Post
    I have an idea for the auction house, dont let people put 7000 stacks of 1 up on there.
    or just fix the stupid ah. it's 2018 the ah should be able to handle multiple millions of items without even a second of delay.

    2004 tech makes the ah so damn slow.

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