The Secret Finding Discord has clocked in another secret!
Unfortunately, the Pendulum was removed from this belt during beta.
Part 1 - General Information
- The Warcraft Secrets guide has a handy script to keep track of your progress:
- /run local N,t={"SCROLL","1","2","3","4","5","6","7","8","9","10","11","12","FIN"},{52819,52809,52810,52818,52817,52816,52815,52814,52813,52812,53632,53633,53634,52827}for s,k in pairs(N)do d=IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(t[s])print(k,"=",d and "Y" or "N")end
- A few locations are easier with a Goblin Glider, and one requires some sort of slow fall.
The Scroll
- Head to Heart of Darkness in Nazmir. Start at the bridge at 46,54 that is in the Blood Troll area to get to the middle structure.
- Once at the top of the Heart of Darkness, you need to carefully jump down the outside edge to click on the note at 51, 59.
- If you are having trouble getting to the note, a Goblin Glider may be helpful.
Pebble One
- Head to The Broken Shore, at 37.45, 71.63 and click on the light grey pebble on the table near Dark'thul.
- You may need to talk to Dark'thul to turn him away from the table if he isn't sleeping nearby.
Pebble Two
- Head to Boralus at 49, 40, walk through the net on the side of the dock and down into the cave. The pebble is in the center of the floor towards the back.
Pebble Three
- Head to Atal'dazar, Zuldazar
- From the flight path, take the road up towards the dungeon portal. Take a right to the road that goes up the mountain right before the portal.
- Follow this road north until you see a large flat stone surface and the waterfall. Go through the small arch on the right towards the waterfall.
- Continue along the path behind the waterfall, then across the rocks on the waterfall, down to a corner of the temple structure and grass. Repeatedly jump up that way, go forward and then up the side of the mountain.
- Use a glider or some slow fall to head down into the valley and the cave at the bottom.
- The pebble is located at the to the left of the large stone column right after entering, behind the tree branch.
Pebble Four
- Head to Drustvar, up the path towards Arom's Strand, then jump down to the second tier of the waterfall, head into the cave, and click the right eye of the effigy in the back. The cave mouth is at 35, 55.
Pebble Five
- Head to 63, 21 in Vol'dun (Tortaka Refuge) and drop down into the hidden cave. Be sure to avoid the NPC in the cave, as he will one shot you. The pebble is behind some rocks near the wall far away from the NPC, near the entrance.
Pebble Six
- Head to 66.93, 14.84 in Stormsong Valley and enter the cave hidden in the bushes. The pebble is inside the cave at 68, 13.
Pebble Seven
- Grab Swim Speed Potions / Feast of the Fishes and Elixirs of Water Walking or a Water Strider mount, and head to Nazmir. Go out to the edge of fatigue and head towards 54, 7 in the Zandalar map. You'll need to get there quickly, then use a swim speed buff to click the pebble before dying.
Pebble Eight
- Head back to 37,80 in Boralus to enter the maze. Go straight back and around the corner to the basement. Kill the five NPCs downstairs and get the pebble by the boxes and keg.
Pebble Nine
- Go to 18, 7 in Drustvar to take the path to a cave. The pebble is on the top of the large rock outside.
Pebble Ten
- Head to 75, 70 in Tirigarde Sound with some invisibility potions. Enter the cave, use the potion, and get the pebble. The screenshot below is facing into the cave, so walk in and look behind some rocks halfway back to the left.
Pebble Eleven
- Head to 80, 19 in Tirigarde Sound and look for the waterfall. You'll need to head up and then jump down on to some rocks to access the cave behind the waterfall.
Pebble Twelve
- Head to 10, 82 in Boralus, enter the hidden cave northeast of the ship's stern, head to the rocks on the right, and move your camera around until you can see the pebble.
Pebble Thirteen
- Head to 63, 21 in Vol'dun (Tortaka Refuge) with water walking potions or a Water Strider then set a waypoint for Zandalar 45.78 -3.34.
- Once there, head to Zandalar 55.72 -10.21 and into the underwater cave. There will be blips of fatigue along the way.
- The pebble is close to the cave entrance near some rocks on the right when facing the entrance from the inside.
Baa’l and Uuna
- Head to 62, 22 in Frostfire Ridge and defeat Baa'l after weakening him.
- You either need to have Uuna or someone with an upgraded Uuna needs to have the summon active nearby to weaken Baa'l.
- Baa'l can get into a bugged state where Unna won't be able to weaken him. Gastropod Shell will reset him and fix this.
- This rewards Baa'ls Darksign
- After being summoned Baa'l provides another hint.
Part Two
After you have Baa'l, get ready for some more traveling!
- First up, head to 35, 32 in Spires of Arak and click the Orb.
- Next, head to Stormwind (17, 56 in Elwynn Forest) and click on the Red Seed near the portal.
- Back to Spires of Arak to find the Tiny Frog underwater on a rock at 53, 11.
- Now, head to Blade's Edge Mountain at 33.64, 58.2 to click on the Brittle Bone near the crystal.
- Back to Spires of Arak again to click the Misplaced Candle next to one of the larger candles at 68, 41.
- Shadowmoon Valley is next, with an Odd Cup at 46, 26.
- Head to the Outland version of Shadowmoon Valley to find the Interesting Rock near the green fire at 51.6, 43.8.
- Swamp of Sorrows has your next object, the Blooming Lilly under the tree at 58, 31.6.
- Next, head to Eastern Plaguelands for the Pretty Flower at 24, 78. You'll need to go down to the bottom of the crypt and look on the casket lid.
- Deadwind Pass has the Old Book near the front pews, located at 41.2, 79.
- Next, head to Blackrock Mountain and go to the Lower Blackrock Spire portal. Outside is a campfire with the fish nearby, at 77.9, 44.2.
- Onward, to Duskwood! The Scratched Board is in the corner of the foundation of the ruined house at 52, 62.4.
- Next up, Hillsbrad Foothills. You are looking for the Lost Ring, which is next to the skeleton right inside the entry of the building at 44.6, 26.4.
- Head to 90, 38 in Badlands to grab the Spoiled Apple from the table inside the inn.
- Blasted Lands has the Broken Tooth near a skull at 36.8, 27.6
- The Burning Steppes has the Worn Helm on a skeleton at 27, 47.
- Next, head to the Northrend version of Dalaran to grab the Leafy Leaf at 43, 20 behind the benches.
- Continue on to Terokkar Forest to get the Musty Cloth in a crate near the Shadow Labs portal.
- Next up is Twilight Highlands, where you'll find the Broken Tablet at 17, 57.9, near a hammer.
- Finally, head to Feralas to click the Ashed Torch near the signs at 60.8, 67.8.
- For the next part, you'll need a Windwool Hood, Deathsilk Shoulders, Netherweave Tunic, and Frostwoven Leggings.
- All of those items must be the Uncommon version, not the Rare.
- Next, head to vendors to purchase these items:
- Proximo's Rudius - Sold by a vendor in Halaa and maybe on the Auction House
- Rough Wooden Staff - Sold by vendors in major cities
- Punctured Pelt - Sold by Aspen Grove Trader. If hostile to you, you'll need to purchase from the Auction House or another character.
- Formula: Enchant Ring - Striking - Sold by Ythyar and maybe on the Auction House
- Once you have those items, head to Arathi Highlands at 85, 73 and click the Note on the table.
- After reading the note, put on the armor pieces you brought and talk to Grimmy.
- After talking to Grimmy, read the note next to him about his enemies.
- Head out and emote at Grimmy's enemies while you have the grey items in your inventory:
- Aquinastrasz - 28, 25 in Twilight Highlands, needs a /slap
- Karnum Marshweaver - 57, 47.6 in Desolace, needs a /wave
- Noggra - 40, 68.8 in Zul'drak needs a /cheer
- Stained Mug - 44, 90 in Kun-Lai Summit needs a /dance
- You can be sure these steps are complete with this macro: /script print(IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(52822),IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(52823),IsQuestFlaggedComplete d(52824),IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(52826))
- Next, you need to get 144 stacks of Potato from the potato in the field outside, at 88.38 69.21.
- Head back to Grimmy, use the new dialogue option, and head out back to open the chest for the Waist of Time
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