The Zandalari are far from brand new skeletons. The male is the male night elf skeleton and the Female is the female troll skeleton. As for Kul Tirans, still not certain if it is a new skeleton or a modified existing skeleton.
While i'm happy they get new dances and animation sets i'm disappointed that other allied races didn't get anything for emotes. They had good chances to do some like give Male Nightborne Smooth Criminal, Void elf Male getting the dance from pulp fiction. and Female Nightborne doing Ballet as examples.
They were night elve skeletons until they were changed. they are modified versions of them.
just like how the infernal mount WAS the gron/yeti skeleton... until it got changed, it is still the same skeleton, just molded into a new use.
Well of course you're welcome to your opinion on the dances, but there's not much to disagree with as far as actual history and the actual influences of Zandalar's culture now. The only people that I've seen complaining about African accents are people that don't understand the history of the real world influences in Zandalar's cultures.
Where did you see african influence in 5.2? I didn't spot any. I can also tell you what roleplayers said and what I saw on various platforms that vast majority of people desired for Zandalari to focus entierly on mesoamerican theme.
Their buildings and clothing are Mesoamerican, their religion, tapestries,
masks, huts, and even some weapons are much more African inspired, or a mixture of Aztec and African cultures.
No even Zandalari wooden huts had clearly defined aesthetic that cannot be mistaken with african ones. Sooner blood trolls would fit tha criteria and for them I wouldn't mind the gwara gwara dance.
Also that "retarding twerking" (as you put it) is based off of traditional African dancing. You don't have to like it, but i find it a bit insensitive to hear it described in such a manner. Things like samba and salsa are a mixture of different dance styles from Europe, Africa, and South American native dancing, which is much more modern, but it would somewhat fit the Zandalari as well. Especially considering that the Darkspear capoeira is a martial art based off of mixed cultures as well.
"retarded twerking" was aimed for animation on the model alone to emphasise how much I dislike it, I know that RL dancers would pull it off better but in game on Zandalari female it just looks awkward and misplaced. They're high caste of the trolls, proud and tall so it's jarring to see them doing a dance that is about to "get low".
But, if they wanted to truly lean in to the Mesoamerican theme in their dances, that's not the European ballroom-inspired dancing you're thinking of. It's all very spiritual, similar to the Native American dances in North America and the traditional tribal dances of Africa as well.
I posted for a male Cancheros dance proposition, and since Darkspear female had belly dance to emphasise their sexappeal I don't see why for the same reason and for the sake of fun they wouldn't for Rio de Janeiro theme, samba is focusing on keeping your torso and head up while making other body parts move. This is the reason why I think it would fit better.
I am absolutely sure the current dance will stay, so I'll just refuse to use it on Zandalari female and male alike as I really dislike both of them.
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