Future Transmog Update - Hide All Slots Except for Pants
Originally Posted by Blizzard (Blue Tracker / Official Forums)
They said in the Q&A that we will be getting a “Hide Chest” option soon!

Once this change hits we will be able to hide cloaks, helms, belts, shoulders, chests, and shoes! (If you have Griftah’s authentic Troll shoes)

So why not let us hide EVERYTHING!

Okay! Done.

Except for the pants.

I spoke to the development team just now, and they are determined to make this a set of changes that give players ways to hide every slot.

Except pants.

We’ll let you know as soon as we have details on how that’s going to come about in a future update to the game.
This article was originally published in forum thread: Future Transmog Update - Hide All Slots Except for Pants started by chaud View original post
Comments 119 Comments
  1. atenselah's Avatar
    /unequip pants. worth it.
  1. Foolicious's Avatar
    Glad they finally aknowledge that restricting transmog was a bad move. With the introduction of artifact weapons all the rules felt out of place.
    And im really happy i don't have to worry about my bracers anymore everytime i change my transmog
  1. The Stormbringer's Avatar
    Gotta have that no pants option, yo! Let my characters run around in the buff!
  1. Kathranis's Avatar
    Good, it's about time. I would have only one other request, but I don't think it's possible within the transmog system: hide left/right shoulder. Asymmetrical pauldrons are so rare outside of NPCs.
  1. Nasuuna's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by The Stormbringer View Post
    Gotta have that no pants option, yo! Let my characters run around in the buff!
    i Just want it for the cropped tabard bug and the AQ20/40 dresses
  1. Jazzhands's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Eleccybubb View Post
    So glad they are focusing on Transmog restrictions.

    These are the real issues with WoW right now.....
    Is there anything you won't try to spin into a negative? Your raging hate-on for this game is incredibly obvious, you should probably step away for awhile and cool down, the fact that Blizzard made a completely positive change to the game and you still view it negatively because they have other issues to fix is just plain sad.
  1. Sharby's Avatar
    Wow I had just talked about this last night that's so cool.

    The 'except pants' thing will never make sense as long as female characters are able to xmog literal plate-panties that show their entire backside.
  1. Kathranis's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Thagrynor View Post
    Why can't we hide our pants to? Maybe I want to be a naked barbarian type Warrior? >.>
    There are pants you can get that are skimpier than the boxers you'll have with no pants.
  1. AnotherJaggens's Avatar
    Literally destroying slutmog meta in one fell swoop, unsubscribed
  1. fathom81's Avatar
    i want the option to use nightborne's metal chin which is part of the chest heritage, without using the chest! make it like a thing u can use beside head!
  1. Blur4stuff's Avatar
    I like having more freedom, but my slutty farmer xmog is benefited by using most of the gear slots. Just being naked isn't necessarily the sluttiest way to look.
  1. Dianora's Avatar
    Finally, I can get my Wonder Woman Transmog corrected without the glove.
  1. Nightstalker's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Army Dreamer View Post
    WTF? I can't hide my pants?
    You can, there is a special NPC made for that: The outhouse.
  1. Absintheminded's Avatar
    How about an option to hide bones for forsaken, or show boots for trolls/tauren?!
  1. iamthedevil's Avatar
    The oppression of the pantless is too extreme.
  1. meheez's Avatar
    Fun but retarded.

    Damn, this game drifted pretty far away from vanilla/tbc/wotlk times xD
  1. Varx's Avatar
    There's a few special ones we should get

    Allow all holiday items

    Allow worgen to hide weapons like monks.

    Allow fury warriors to mog their 2 handers to one handers.
  1. Archibalde's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Foolicious View Post
    Glad they finally aknowledge that restricting transmog was a bad move. With the introduction of artifact weapons all the rules felt out of place.
    And im really happy i don't have to worry about my bracers anymore everytime i change my transmog
    Unless your weapon is a wand, sadly. Since it counts as a ranged weapon, you can't use your artifact appearances over one. It seems like something really easy to fix, too, just make wands count as melee weapons since unlike bows, guns and crossbows for Hunters, none of the caster abilities actually require a wand equipped.
  1. Raugnaut's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Paraka View Post
    Except pants?

    Then give me some loincloth mogs damnit.
    There are a couple dozen loincloth mogs out there.
  1. Asrialol's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by eduwneso View Post
    He says he is having a great time at FFXIV, sometimes I doubt it
    I had a great time playing Pokemon back in the days. I dont stick around on fansites to complain about the current version, though!

    Im sure FFXIV is great for some though. I dont like the anime graphic style myself.

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