Patch 8.2 - Experience Eliminated Aura
WarcraftSecrets pointed out that Patch 8.2 adds Experience Eliminated, which reduces XP from mobs and quests by 95% if anyone in the group has experience disabled. This was likely done to stop Level 110 characters from boosting players to 120 quickly.

This article was originally published in forum thread: Patch 8.2 - Experience Eliminated Aura started by MagicFind View original post
Comments 435 Comments
  1. THEORACLE64's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Ajko View Post
    you are absolutely wrong. they knew it whole time, we knew it whole time... same thing stands for diablo 3. they know it is common thing to grab low lvl player and boost his lvl to max in no time clearing high lvl rifts... this has NOTHING to do with exploit. they knew, and they know, we are bypassing nothing. they have just assumed it is not good for them anymore, hence the change

    let's list some examples of glitches and non glitches, shall we, so at least it’s easy to understand:

    typicall glitch: climbing walls (vanilla) while reaching places that were unintended for reaching
    stacking buffs/debuffs on your pet, dismissing it, then recal it at the right time to masacre anything, even in pvp arena

    non glitch: boosting your friend by helping him through lvling process
    I honestly don’t care if you think I’m right or wrong - you’re wasting your time replying.
  1. Ajko's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by THEORACLE64 View Post
    I honestly don’t care if you think I’m right or wrong - you’re wasting your time replying.
    if you are not immature enough to accept or conversate about others opinions, stop replying yourself to others comments aswell
  1. THEORACLE64's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Ajko View Post
    if you are not immature enough to accept or conversate about others opinions, stop replying yourself to others comments aswell
    Commenting on someones maturity is quite easily the lowest form when you have nothing else valid to say. I'm unbothered by what others and yourself are saying, because none of it changes my view on the matter. Sometimes you just have to accept that you can't force others to have a different opinion and view and that's fine, everybody has a different opinion. I accept that people think it's not an exploit, but my view is that it is (based upon what an exploit is within video games) and that's fine.
  1. Ajko's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by THEORACLE64 View Post
    Commenting on someones maturity is quite easily the lowest form when you have nothing else valid to say. I'm unbothered by what others and yourself are saying, because none of it changes my view on the matter. Sometimes you just have to accept that you can't force others to have a different opinion and view and that's fine, everybody has a different opinion. I accept that people think it's not an exploit, but my view is that it is (based upon what an exploit is within video games) and that's fine.
    everything you say is fine. but you forget something. there are things you can chaffer about, on the other sides are: facts. Well, you can say you have opinion that natural orange has blue color, it is your problem if you want to think that. But fact is, orange has orange color... Exploit has its description and is strictly defined. There are no room for opinions, we can easily define what is and what is not an exploit by the definition.
  1. THEORACLE64's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Ajko View Post
    everything you say is fine. but you forget something. there are things you can chaffer about, on the other sides are: facts. Well, you can say you have opinion that natural orange has blue color, it is your problem if you want to think that. But fact is, orange has orange color... Exploit has its description and is strictly defined. There are no room for opinions, we can easily define what is and what is not an exploit by the definition.
    I'm glad you agree, because the facts are it's an exploit. Maybe not in terms of what blizzard has classed them as before, but it fits the definition of an exploit. Perfect.
  1. Ajko's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by THEORACLE64 View Post
    I'm glad you agree, because the facts are it's an exploit. Maybe not in terms of what blizzard has classed them as before, but it fits the definition of an exploit. Perfect.
    exploit is something unintended and unexpected to developers. what boosting low lvls by max lvl player have never been. i am played since day first and i even remember guides for mages/shamans/priests and warriors for optimal boosting guide for low lvls, at official blizz forums.... yep, they knew about it, always, and were ok about it. by this fact it can not be an exploit
  1. Eosia's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Onikaroshi View Post
    Not going to argue the rest of the useless crap in your post, but we know people are fleeing WoW, and Blizzard games in general, en masse. Both wows revenue alone and blizzards overall MAUs and revenue are dropping like rocks
    I would hardly call 3 Million people, out of 35 Million "en masse". And if they were dropping "like a rock", we would have seen a much larger drop than 13.5% from Q4 2018 to the last report in May.

    Quote Originally Posted by Darkynhalvos View Post
    Except they're not fixing any exploit here, they're nerfing an alternate leveling means.
    The old engineering explosive trick was only "alternative strategy" for the Lich King fight by your "logic".

    You have plenty of "alternative leveling means" as was pointed out in another post already so I will not relist them. But Blizzard considers it an exploit so you can posture all you want but it won''t change actual facts.
  1. THEORACLE64's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Ajko View Post
    exploit is something unintended and unexpected to developers. what boosting low lvls by max lvl player have never been. i am played since day first and i even remember guides for mages/shamans/priests and warriors for optimal boosting guide for low lvls, at official blizz forums.... yep, they knew about it, always, and were ok about it. by this fact it can not be an exploit
    It's using another system to abuse another, simple as. It's clearly not intended to work as it has due to this fix, so yeah... if they wanted it to work that way they wouldn't go out of their way to prevent it.
  1. Ajko's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by THEORACLE64 View Post
    It's using another system to abuse another, simple as. It's clearly not intended to work as it has due to this fix, so yeah... if they wanted it to work that way they wouldn't go out of their way to prevent it.
    there is no abusing, but besides that: " if they wanted it to work that way they wouldn't go out of their way to prevent it." - they have always wanted to work it that way, but they are loosing money because current wow is BS, so they have to grab all money they still can, and this is one from the all changes they are going to do for more money
  1. THEORACLE64's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Ajko View Post
    there is no abusing, but besides that: " if they wanted it to work that way they wouldn't go out of their way to prevent it." - they have always wanted to work it that way, but they are loosing money because current wow is BS, so they have to grab all money they still can, and this is one from the all changes they are going to do for more money
    Oh well. My view is that it is and that's just tough really
  1. Ajko's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by THEORACLE64 View Post
    Oh well. My view is that it is and that's just tough really
    that is fine, really i am glad we did argue with each other anyway, thanks
  1. Onikaroshi's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Eosia View Post
    I would hardly call 3 Million people, out of 35 Million "en masse". And if they were dropping "like a rock", we would have seen a much larger drop than 13.5% from Q4 2018 to the last report in May.
    4th qt 2017 (nothing really going on) 40m MAU, 1st qt 2018 (still nothing really going on) 38m MAU, 3rd qt 2018 (expansion launch, MAU should go UP not DOWN) 37m MAU, 4th qt 2018 (after expansion launch) 35m MAU, 1st qt 2019 32 million MAU... Yup they're doing great..... Can't even snag an MAU gain on an expansion launch anymore. To put that into perspective, Blizzard had 42m MAU during legion launch, maybe Classic will fix it /shrug
  1. Inshabel's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Deuse View Post
    Uhh, I hope this doesn't affect dungeon finder. I would be so pissed if someone queued into LFG with this xp reduction debuff just to troll.
    It won't, it will only affect people who grouped up before queueing.
  1. lemabs's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by THEORACLE64 View Post
    I'm glad you agree, because the facts are it's an exploit. Maybe not in terms of what blizzard has classed them as before, but it fits the definition of an exploit. Perfect.
    I actually created an account to point out that you are wrong.
    Leveling is created by Blizzard in a way that allows characters of different levels to group up together. You don't need to quest as this is not the only possible way to level, you can also use dungeons to level up.
    Now, if characters level 110 can group up to do a dungeon with level 119 in order to clear said dungeon and level up, it is a viable way of leveling and is a viable game mechanic.
    Grouping up with friends is also a viable way of doing it, you are not forced to do it in a 5 man group as you have to in group finder, therefore using 2 people of random levels in a level bracket is completely ok.
    Locking the exp gain to become a twink is an option available in the game for a long time. The power that those twinks have is also completely legitimate since it is Blizzard's scaling that made them that way.
    Then you add all those points together, and you don't magically end up with exploit, as all of those options were implemented in a clear way, it was clear that they can be used in such way.
    Whats the most "controversial" and "exploit-like" according to wikipedia definition of exploit, would actually be.... twinking, as it is listed as one of the types of exploits. BUT since it is an option that Blizzard implemented, it is a part of the gameplay, hence it is not an exploit.

    Ofcourse you can go on and argue that Blizzard didn't intend it that way until the end of the world so it is an exploit, but if you go into that direction, then literally every part of the game is an exploit since they were designed in a certain way but players have freedom to choose what they want to do.

    Defending actions like this "twink leveling removal" is giving Blizzard a positive feedback on removing any "extra option" that players have to enjoy the game. Such actions are happening more and more often, and soon you will have only one way to play the game, the way that Blizzard money making team designed to take as long as possible with a pretty big lack of any "fun".
  1. lemabs's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by THEORACLE64 View Post
    I'm glad you agree, because the facts are it's an exploit. Maybe not in terms of what blizzard has classed them as before, but it fits the definition of an exploit. Perfect.
    I actually created an account to point out that you are wrong.
    Leveling is created by Blizzard in a way that allows characters of different levels to group up together. You don't need to quest as this is not the only possible way to level, you can also use dungeons to level up.
    Now, if characters level 110 can group up to do a dungeon with level 119 in order to clear said dungeon and level up, it is a viable way of leveling and is a viable game mechanic.
    Grouping up with friends is also a viable way of doing it, you are not forced to do it in a 5 man group as you have to in group finder, therefore using 2 people of random levels in a level bracket is completely ok.
    Locking the exp gain to become a twink is an option available in the game for a long time. The power that those twinks have is also completely legitimate since it is Blizzard's scaling that made them that way.
    Then you add all those points together, and you don't magically end up with exploit, as all of those options were implemented in a clear way, it was clear that they can be used in such way.
    Whats the most "controversial" and "exploit-like" according to wikipedia definition of exploit, would actually be.... twinking, as it is listed as one of the types of exploits. BUT since it is an option that Blizzard implemented, it is a part of the gameplay, hence it is not an exploit.

    Ofcourse you can go on and argue that Blizzard didn't intend it that way until the end of the world so it is an exploit, but if you go into that direction, then literally every part of the game is an exploit since they were designed in a certain way but players have freedom to choose what they want to do.

    Defending actions like this "twink leveling removal" is giving Blizzard a positive feedback on removing any "extra option" that players have to enjoy the game. Such actions are happening more and more often, and soon you will have only one way to play the game, the way that Blizzard money making team designed to take as long as possible with a pretty big lack of any "fun".

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