WoW Classic with Creators Episode 3: Jeff Kaplan
Jeff from the Overwatch team is back to share some of his WoW memories.

World First Level 60
Jokerdtv hit level 60! He leveled a frost mage with AoE grinding.

This article was originally published in forum thread: WoW Classic with Creators Episode 3: Jeff Kaplan, World First Level 60 started by chaud View original post
Comments 82 Comments
  1. myriado's Avatar
    I love these Creators video, we learn alot! I hope they release a really technical video about the difficulty behind all the programming to bring Classic in 2019. I know there's a blogpost about it but I want more!
  1. Cowsrocks's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Triggered Fridgekin View Post
    That's unfortunate. Starter zone chat is pretty cancerous but over on Pagle Alliance trade chat has been pretty clean for the most part.
    Same in my experience. Met 2 nice people so far and instantly added them to my friends list. Even a lot of people in my guild at the moment are very toxic and overall just "us vs them" mentality. Constantly shitting on retail every time I log in.
    As someone that played both games I really don't understand this shit.

    I have limited time to play so I try to play both to a degree but the toxic community in classic at the moment is really bugging me.
    I'm level 24 now though so getting there slowly but surely !

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