Shadowlands Afterlives: Animated Shorts Series Premiere - Gamescom 2020 Gamescom 2020 Opening Night Live has started! The first of a new four-part animated series "Afterlives" will premiere during the livestream.
So launch is October 27th. Puts prepatch around September 28th. Well now we know about how long we have to grind different things. Which is about roughly where I was putting it in my predictions. Kind of wish November/December just to have more time, but this is fine too.
In case of emergency, break glass. The Illidan meme for Legion.
Another bad xpack later: Tease the King
So our boy will be in the Maw as expected. Probably being tortured by Sylvanas. I'd rather she stay away from him though, we have an opportunity for a good lore moment, it's been a few years.
If Blizzard wanted to get some hype with these cringy still pictures, they've seriously miscalculated.
Uhh... the "cringy still pictures" as you so articulately described have been some of the best video content (apart from their big boy videos) they've ever done lore-wise. Critical thinking is hard, but you'll get there one day.
So... frostmourne don't trap souls. It just slightly wound them.
And Uther in the hall of reflection is just swiped away.
Stupid retarded writers.
It's possible the sword takes the part of your soul that doesn't allow you to rest in peace...there's nothing slight about being chained to the memories of your mortal life, especially if they haunt you, as they do with Uther. I don't recall the scene in Halls of Reflection, so I can't speak to that. But in the end, what's the big deal if they retcon a bit to tell a cool story, or try to? This isn't the estate of Tolkien rewriting LOTR and telling us the hobbits were secretly dwarves or something.
And I really liked the short, and the art style, but, to each their own.
Uhh... the "cringy still pictures" as you so articulately described have been some of the best video content (apart from their big boy videos) they've ever done lore-wise. Critical thinking is hard, but you'll get there one day.
Considering this is their only video content "apart from their big boy videos", it's not hard to be second best. Doesn't make it less poorly executed.
So... frostmourne don't trap souls. It just slightly wound them.
And Uther in the hall of reflection is just swiped away.
Stupid retarded writers.
Well in WoW there are things like souls, echos and it seems Frostmourne takes a fraction of your soul. That would explain why Uther soul appears in Vainilla.
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