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World of Warcraft: Folk & Fairy Tales of Azeroth
Folk & Fairy Tales of Azeroth is a new book about monsters, mystery and magic in an illustrated collection of original fairy tales from the World of Warcraft. The book will come out on April 14, 2021 and you can preorder it now on Amazon.
Originally Posted by Blizzard
Monsters, mystery, and magic abound in this stunning, illustrated collection of original fairy tales from the World of Warcraft universe, as told by an all-star cast of bestselling, award-winning storytellers.

The power of stories is felt and known in every corner of Azeroth. From the windswept fields of the Eastern Kingdoms to the bustling city of Gadgetzan, differences were bridged by common tales of average people overcoming incredible odds. Lessons learned from cautionary tales tempered many brave heroes and brought them safely home, while stories of adventure spurred history’s most remarkable actors to greatness. Now you too can settle in, lay down your armor, and listen to the wonderous tales of adventure and peril in the Folk and Fairy Tales of Azeroth. Brimming with gorgeous artwork and twelve inspired stories crafted by fantasy’s brightest authors including Garth Nix, Catherynne M. Valente, Kami Garcia, and more, this enchanting anthology brings new voices, new meaning, and new wonder to World of Warcraft.

World of Warcraft: Grimoire of the Shadowlands and Beyond
Grimoire of the Shadowlands and Beyond, authored by Blizzard Historian Sean Copeland, covers secrets of the afterlives as we follow a Broker into the depths of the Maw. The book will come out on July 14, 2021 and you can preorder it now on Amazon.
Originally Posted by Blizzard
The afterlives await in this sprawling compendium, lovingly crafted by the World of Warcraft game team and official Blizzard Entertainment historian Sean Copeland.

What lies beyond the veil of death? Journey past this mortal coil and discover the secrets of the afterlives. Study the practices around death and dying on Azeroth, then follow a Broker through the groves of Ardenweald, over the gleaming towers of Bastion, and into the depths of the Maw for a detailed voyage unlike any other. Featuring gorgeous artwork never glimpsed by mortal eyes, a stunning fold-out map, and fresh secrets straight from the game team, Grimoire of the Shadowlands and Beyond is made to be treasured for eternity. In his authorial debut, Blizzard Entertainment historian Sean Copeland opens the vaults of both World of Warcraft and his years of hidden knowledge for all curious souls.

Warcraft Literature Chronology
If you're into World of Warcraft lore and would like to see all the books, comics and other literature in chronological order then check out the Warcraft Literature Chronology, now updated for Shadowlands!

This article was originally published in forum thread: New WoW Books - Folk & Fairy Tales of Azeroth, Grimoire of the Shadowlands and Beyond started by Lumy View original post
Comments 16 Comments
  1. Soeroah's Avatar
    Looking forward to this after the near total lack of books during BfA.

    Especially since these ones seem to be less about lore important events and more about worldbuilding and clarification.
  1. Djaye's Avatar
    oh look, another book for them to retcon in an expansion or two. they lost any interest in these Chronicle style series when they screwed the pooch with the first three. calling something a history only to change it a year later was such a spit in the face on anyone that bought them.
  1. Kathranis's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Djaye View Post
    oh look, another book for them to retcon in an expansion or two. they lost any interest in these Chronicle style series when they screwed the pooch with the first three. calling something a history only to change it a year later was such a spit in the face on anyone that bought them.
    Did you even read the descriptions? These aren't like Chronicles.

    The first is a collection of twelve different fairy tales and monster stories, the second is a journal of a Broker's travels through the Shadowlands. Both are written from a very clear in-universe perspective.
  1. javierdsv's Avatar
    Wow, those are very far away dates... that Grimiore of Shadowlands seemed interesting for a second
  1. korijenkins's Avatar
    Players: We want lore books that aren't retconned immediately and give depth and meaning to the story as it unfolds.

    Blizzard: yOu WaNtz FAirYtALe???
  1. Valerossi's Avatar
    The fact that they spelled Grimoire ( “ Grimiore “ ) wrong is confidence inspiring...

  1. Godric's Avatar
    Hmm, the fairytale book looked a bit intriguing until I read about the author.
  1. Djaye's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Kathranis View Post
    Did you even read the descriptions? These aren't like Chronicles.

    The first is a collection of twelve different fairy tales and monster stories, the second is a journal of a Broker's travels through the Shadowlands. Both are written from a very clear in-universe perspective.
    its a guy giving the history and story of the shadowlands. blizz will retcon it before it even releases knowing them.
  1. kiramon's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Valerossi View Post
    The fact that they spelled Grimoire ( “ Grimiore “ ) wrong is confidence inspiring...

    Just funny cuz the book itself spells it that way but they announce it the right way... lol WOOPS
  1. Grimalkin of Old's Avatar
    I know Copeland will do a great job, but I'm not so confident about the rest of the lore team
  1. Arakkar's Avatar
    That Grimmy Ore looks great. 10/10 would buy a book with the title misspelled.
  1. azuraji's Avatar
    Says "Cover not final", but yeah I agree it looks very sloppy, GRIMIORE!
  1. Jackishi's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Godric View Post
    Hmm, the fairytale book looked a bit intriguing until I read about the author.

    Which one? There's multiple authors.
  1. Rolly's Avatar
    This pre-order crap is really getting out of hand.
  1. Wangming's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Djaye View Post
    oh look, another book for them to retcon in an expansion or two. they lost any interest in these Chronicle style series when they screwed the pooch with the first three. calling something a history only to change it a year later was such a spit in the face on anyone that bought them.
    Not much to retcon about the first one since those are fairy tales (Oddly enough despite no fairies on Azeroth). As for the second one, they definitely need to retcon the title. Grimiore, oh my fucking god.
  1. Cosmic Janitor's Avatar
    Ouch, mispelling stuff in your marketing material, especially when it's a book is certainly not inspiring confidence quality wise.

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