Mike Morhaime Starts New Gaming Company, Dreamhaven
Mike Morhaime, cofounder of Blizzard who left the company in 2018, has recently started up a new company called Dreamhaven, and it has established two new game studios, Moonshot and Secret Door.

  • These studios are made up of a lot of former Blizzard employees and are entirely self-funded.
  • Morhaime says, "We’re almost trying to create a haven for creators who want an environment that is development friendly, values product, and player experience over short-term financial pressures.”
  • For more information, check out the Venturebeat article by clicking the banner below.

This article was originally published in forum thread: Mike Morhaime Starts New Gaming Company, Dreamhaven started by Stoy View original post
Comments 288 Comments
  1. Deferionus's Avatar
    Thank god.
  1. TigTone's Avatar
    I have always wonder what gaming company I would go support after blizzards original appeal fully drys out for me.

    Looks like Dreamhaven may be just that. Wish them the best of luck and hope they make amazing games in the future. Looking forwarded to it.
  1. Wyattbw09's Avatar
    If Morhaime can talk Metzen into joining, it will be a damning condemnation of Activision and Blizzard's management.
  1. dacoolist's Avatar
    The amount of mmo-c.com crys about "THIS IS THE REASON HE QUIT - DESTROY ACTIVISION" lol - any big game studio is there for money, it's just the way it is lol
  1. Wyattbw09's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by TigTone View Post
    I have always wonder what gaming company I would go support after blizzards original appeal fully drys out for me.

    Looks like Dreamhaven may be just that. Wish them the best of luck and hope they make amazing games in the future. Looking forwarded to it.
    Biggest problem being if they do things the old school Blizzard style we can expect a teaser trailer for their first big project in the first quarter of 2027
  1. McNeil's Avatar
    I have huge respect for this man. I wish him the best of luck, he deserves better than just seeing his former company tearing itself apart.
  1. Nnyco's Avatar
    Considering they dont even have a game planned yet i doubt well see anythin from em for a few years.
  1. Wyattbw09's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by dacoolist View Post
    The amount of mmo-c.com crys about "THIS IS THE REASON HE QUIT - DESTROY ACTIVISION" lol - any big game studio is there for money, it's just the way it is lol
    I thought it was fairly clear a reason he left was that he no longer wanted his name associated with current day Blizzard. This may or may not have been in the pipeline when he quit but I don't think it was simply to start another company.
  1. Eapoe's Avatar
    Wasn’t Morhaime one of the guys people shouted for to quit, he’s in it for the money, and he’s ruining the game?
  1. Masternewt's Avatar
    And now we just have to wait 14 years for their first game to come out.
  1. Stellan's Avatar
    In other words, Morhaime wants his new companies to be everything that Activision/Blizzard is now not.
  1. Nerovar's Avatar
    These studios are made up of a lot of former Blizzard employees and are entirely self-funded. Morhaime says, "We’re almost trying to create a haven for creators who want an environment that is development friendly, values product, and player experience over short-term financial pressures.”
    Shots fired at Blizzard. lul
  1. Deferionus's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Eapoe View Post
    Wasn’t Morhaime one of the guys people shouted for to quit, he’s in it for the money, and he’s ruining the game?
    He was the CEO from the beginning and frequently would make the decision to push back games so they would have strong quality to them. It was after Activision got involved you started to see frequent releases you push more box sales, and as CEO he had a obligation to his majority share holder. It was out of his control at that pont. By being an developer he has full control over he can reign in those decisions.

    The problem wasn't him as much as it was just corporate America's vicious cycle.
  1. Raven's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Masternewt View Post
    And now we just have to wait 14 years for their first game to come out.
    And by then they have noticed that they need more recources then they thought and are back with a partner for more resources.
  1. shise's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Wyattbw09 View Post
    I thought it was fairly clear a reason he left was that he no longer wanted his name associated with current day Blizzard. This may or may not have been in the pipeline when he quit but I don't think it was simply to start another company.
    You do not know that and, obviously, that is the opposite to the real case. They would not create two studios if they didn´t have ideas.
    Most likely he has something in mind which has been there for decades already and now found a good time to get on with it and see what happens.


    I wonder... could this be the "beginning" of something coming from the echo of the famous project Titan?

    - - - Updated - - -

    Lots of respect for him. I´d go as far as calling him a hero of the gaming industry, and no, I am no die hard fan or something.

    I really look forward to see if something comes out, which I expect to happen. But we probably won´t hear much more about it all for a good couple of long years, and then a good couple more.
  1. aceperson's Avatar
    can't make it any clearer than a former ceo and founder of a company to say his new venture is "trying to create a haven for creators who want an environment that is development friendly, values product, and player experience over short-term financial pressures". it's 100% clear now he left blizzard because of activision and their greed.
  1. WarTV's Avatar
    i see fake news all around this
  1. aceperson's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Eapoe View Post
    Wasn’t Morhaime one of the guys people shouted for to quit, he’s in it for the money, and he’s ruining the game?
    if he was, i certainly never saw it. you sure you aren't thinking of the current ceo?
  1. Lolsteak's Avatar
    The wording definitely makes it sound as if he wasn't enjoying the direction Blizzard was heading in

    Wish them the best of luck and hope to see some great games in the future
  1. PenguinChan's Avatar
    Will be interesting to see what they come up with in the next 3 - 4 years. Going to assume a love child game or two from all them - potentially a title that they wanted to do under Blizzard but couldn't because of how Activision (And current Blizzard) is.

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