Shadowlands Covenants - Night Fae
If the Emerald Dream mirrors the spring and summer of life, then the star-hued plane of Ardenweald reflects life in its twilight.

Those who pass on with a deep connection to nature are tended here by the mystic night fae, who retrieve anima from mortal souls and infuse it into slumbering spirits, rejuvenating their lives with the remnants of the old.

Ardenweald has suffered more keenly from soul-drought than any other realm in the Shadowlands. For the first time in endless ages, the night fae's Winter Queen must choose which of the land’s formerly lush groves—and which souls—will be fed the last precious drops of anima… and which will fade away forever.

Night Fae Covenant Sanctum - The Heart of the Forest
When you join the Night Fae Covenant, you’ll have access to Heart of the Forest, a unique Sanctum available only to their members. As their seat of power, it’s here that you’ll meet with key figures, take on new quests, and store Anima. As you progress through the Night Fae campaign, you’ll also have the opportunity to work on additional feature upgrades within your Sanctum.

Covenant Abilities
Originally Posted by MMO-Champion
Signature Ability

Soulshape - Turn into a Vulpin, teleporting 15 yds forward and increasing your movement speed by 50%. You may reactivate Soulshape every few sec to teleport again. Lasts 12 sec, or indefinitely while in a rest area.

Class Specific Abilities

Death Knight
Death's Due - Corrupts the targeted ground, causing [ 39.6% of Attack Power ] Shadow damage over 10 sec to targets within the area. Death's Due reduces damage enemies deal to you by 1%, up to a maximum of 8% and their power is transferred to you as an equal amount of Strength. While you remain within the area, your
  • Blood - Heart Strike will hit up to 3 additional targets and inflict Death's Due for 12 sec.
  • Frost - Obliterate will hit up to 1 additional target and inflict Death's Due for 12 sec.
  • Unholy - Scourge Strike will hit up to 4 enemies near the target and inflict Death's Due for 12 sec.

Demon Hunter
The Hunt (Night Fae) - Charge to your target, striking them for [ 455% of Attack Power ] Nature damage, rooting them in place for 1.5 sec and inflicting [ 227.7% of Attack Power ] Nature damage over 6 sec to up to 5 enemies in your path. The pursuit invigorates your soul, healing you for 25% (50% for Vengeance) of the damage you deal to your Hunt target for 30 sec.

Convoke the Spirits (Night Fae) - Call upon the Night Fae for an eruption of energy, channeling a rapid flurry of 16 (12 for Restoration) Druid spells and abilities over 4 sec. You will cast Wild Growth, Swiftmend, Moonfire, Wrath, Regrowth, Rejuvenation, Rake and Thrash on appropriate nearby targets, favoring your current shapeshift form.

Wild Spirits (Night Fae) - Evoke the energy of Wild Spirits at the target location, dealing [ 25% of Attack Power ] Nature damage and apply Hunter's Mark to all enemy targets within the area for 15 sec. While the Wild Spirits are active, each damaging ability you or your pet use against a target in the area will strike up to 5 nearby targets for [ 38.5% of Attack Power ] Nature damage.

Shifting Power (Night Fae) - Draw power from the ground beneath, dealing [ 212.2% of Spell Power ] Nature damage over 4 sec to enemies within 18 yds. While channeling, your Mage ability cooldowns are reduced by 10 sec over 4 sec.

Faeline Stomp (Night Fae) - Strike the ground fiercely to expose a faeline for 30 sec, dealing [ 40% of Attack Power ] Nature damage to up to 5 enemies and restores [ 91% of Spell Power ] health to up to 5 allies within 30 yds caught in the faeline. Your abilities have a 6% chance of resetting the cooldown of Faeline Stomp while fighting on a faeline.
  • Brewmaster: Stagger is 5% more effective for 8 sec against enemies caught in the faeline.
  • Mistweaver: Up to 5 allies caught in the faeline are healed with an Essence Font bolt.
  • Windwalker: Up to 5 enemies caught in the faeline suffer an additional [ 65% of Attack Power ] damage.

Blessing of the Seasons (Night Fae) - Bless your party members with the aspect of one of the seasons, lasting 30 seconds or until you advance to the next season. 15 second cooldown.
  • Blessing of Summer -Bless an ally for 30 sec, causing their attacks to have a 40% chance to deal 30% additional damage as Holy. Blessing of the Seasons: Turns to Autumn after use.
  • Blessing of Autumn - Bless an ally for 30 sec, causing their cooldowns to recover 30% faster. Blessing of the Seasons: Turns to Winter after use.
  • Blessing of Winter - Bless an ally for 30 sec. Their attacks deal [ 5% of Spell Power ] Frost damage and reduce enemies' movement speed by 3% and attack speed by 2%, stacking 10 times. Blessing of the Seasons: Turns to Spring after use.
  • Blessing of Spring - Bless an ally for 30 sec, increasing their healing done by 10% and healing received by 20%. Blessing of the Seasons: Turns to Summer after use.

Fae Blessings (Night Fae) - Call forth three faerie guardians to attend your targets for 20 sec.
  • Wrathful Faerie: Direct attacks against the target restore 0.5% Mana or 3 Insanity. Follows your Shadow Word: Pain.
  • Guardian Faerie: Reduces damage taken by 10%. Follows your Power Word: Shield.
  • Benevolent Faerie: Increases the cooldown recovery rate of a major ability by 100%. Follows your Shadow Mend (Flash Heal for Holy).

Sepsis - Infect the target's blood, dealing [ 162.89% of Attack Power ] Nature damage over 10 sec. If the target survives its full duration, they suffer an additional [ 77.57% of Attack Power ] damage and you gain 1 use of any Stealth ability for 5 sec. Cooldown reduced by 30 sec if Sepsis does not last its full duration. Awards 1 combo points.

Fae Transfusion (Night Fae) - Transfer the life force of up to 4 enemies in the targeted area, dealing [ 564% of Spell Power ] Nature damage evenly split to each enemy target over 3 sec. Pressing Fae Transfusion again within 20 sec will release 40% of all damage from Fae Transfusion, healing up to 4 allies near yourself.
  • Enhancement - Fully channeling Fae Transfusion generates 3 stacks of Maelstrom Weapon.

Soul Rot (Night Fae) - Wither away all life force of your current target and up to 3 additional targets nearby, causing your primary target to suffer [ 200% of Spell Power ] Nature damage and secondary targets to suffer [ 100% of Spell Power ] Nature damage over 8 sec. For the next 8 sec, casting Drain Life will cause you to also Drain Life from any enemy affected by your Soul Rot, and Drain Life will not consume any mana.

Ancient Aftershock (Night Fae) - Unleash a wave of anima, dealing [ 220% of Attack Power ] Nature damage to up to 5 enemies and knocking them down for 1.5 sec. The ground will continue to expel anima, dealing [ 140% of Attack Power ] Nature damage to up to 5 enemies and generating 16 Rage per enemy over 12 sec. Every 3 sec, targets are briefly knocked down.

Night Fae Covenant Renown Ranks and Rewards
As you progress through your Covenant’s story, you’ll build Renown and increase the amount of trust your character has earned within the Covenant. Renown is earned by performing worthy actions through the Covenant Campaign, returning Anima to the Sanctum, and by rescuing souls from the Maw.

Increasing your Renown will grant specific rewards at each Renown Level, including:
  • Unlocking a new row of power for a Soulbind character.
  • Increasing the item level of items you receive from World Quests.
  • Increasing the maximum potential level of the features within your Sanctum.
  • Earning legendary recipes for the runecrafter in Torghast.
  • Earning unique Covenant-themed cosmetic items such as mounts, pets, a title, back attachment transmog, and transmog armor.
  • Each week, you will pick up two quests in your Sanctum. Each of these quests will award you a Renown level.
    • The first quests ask that you deposit a certain of Anima into your reservoir in your Sanctum.
    • The second weekly quests send you to the Maw to recover souls from the clutches of the Jailer.
    • Completing each chapter of your Covenant Campaign will also provide an additional Renown Level, so these will be quests that you want to focus on.

Note: If you fall behind or are leveling an alternate character, you’ll be able to earn additional Renown from endgame activities such as dungeons, raids, PvP, and Callings until you’ve reached the current maximum.

Originally Posted by MMO-Champion
Night Fae Renown Rank Rewards
  • Renown Rank 2 - 2% Stamina Increase
  • Renown Rank 3 - Niya Soulbind Row 3 Unlocked
  • Renown Rank 4 - New Adventurer Guardian Kota
  • Renown Rank 5 - Night Fae Campaign Chapter Daughter of the Night Warrior
  • Renown Rank 6 - Night Courtier's Bulb Back Transmog Unlocked for Purchase
  • Renown Rank 7 - Niya Soulbind Row 4 Unlocked, Max Unrated PvP Item Level for Rewards Increased
  • Renown Rank 8 - Night Fae Campaign Chapter Da Boss
  • Renown Rank 9 - Dreamweaver Soulbind Row 4 Unlocked
  • Renown Rank 10 - Niya Soulbind Row 5 Unlocked, Item level of World Quest rewards increased
  • Renown Rank 11 - Night Fae Campaign Chapter Night Warrior’s Curse, Night Fae Hearthstone Unlocked for Purchase
  • Renown Rank 12 - New Adventurer Te’zan
  • Renown Rank 13 - Night Fae Campaign Chapter Drust to Drust, Dreamweaver Soulbind Row 5 Unlocked
  • Renown Rank 14 - Memory of a Vital Sacrifice Legendary Power Unlocked for Purchase
  • Renown Rank 15 - Increased Weekly Souls Soulkeeper Upgrade
  • Renown Rank 16 - Wrist, Hands, and Waist Covenant Armor Unlocked for Purchase
  • Renown Rank 17 - Night Fae Campaign Chapter The Horned Hunter, New Adventurer Master Sha’lor
  • Renown Rank 18 - Niya Soulbind Row 6 Unlocked
  • Renown Rank 19 - 2% Stamina Increase, Item level of World Quest rewards increased
  • Renown Rank 20 - Night Fae Campaign Chapter Deal for a Loa
  • Renown Rank 21 - Dreamweaver Soulbind Row 6 Unlocked
  • Renown Rank 22 - Night Fae Campaign Chapter Drust and Ashes, Max Unrated PvP Item Level for Rewards Increased
  • Renown Rank 23 - Shadeleaf Runestag Unlocked for Purchase
  • Renown Rank 24 - Increased Weekly Souls Soulkeeper Upgrade
  • Renown Rank 25 - Niya Soulbind Row 7 Unlocked
  • Renown Rank 26 - Back, Legs, and Feet Covenant Armor Unlocked for Purchase
  • Renown Rank 27 - Trootie Battle Pet Unlocked for Purchase , New Adventurer Qadarin
  • Renown Rank 28 - Korayn Soulbind Row 7 Unlocked
  • Renown Rank 29 - Dreamweaver Soulbind Row 7 Unlocked, Item level of World Quest rewards increased
  • Renown Rank 30 - Niya Soulbind Last Row Unlocked
  • Renown Rank 31 - Korayn Soulbind Last Row Unlocked
  • Renown Rank 32 - Head, Chest, and Shoulders Covenant Armor Unlocked for Purchase, Increased Weekly Souls Soulkeeper Upgrade
  • Renown Rank 33 - New Adventurer Watcher Vesperbloom
  • Renown Rank 34 - Night Courtier's Pack Back Transmog Unlocked for Purchase, Dreamweaver Soulbind Last Row Unlocked
  • Renown Rank 35 - 2% Stamina Increase
  • Renown Rank 36 - Illusion: Wild Soul Unlocked for Purchase
  • Renown Rank 37 - Night Courtier’s Arsenal Transmogs Unlocked for Purchase
  • Renown Rank 38 - New Adventurer Groonoomcrooek
  • Renown Rank 39 - Enchanted Shadeleaf Runestag Unlocked for Purchase
  • Renown Rank 40 - Title “Winter’s Envoy”

Soulbinds and Conduits
After hitting max level, you’ll be able to choose to pledge yourself to a Covenant and forge a deep bond with some of their key members, who’ll lend their powers to use as your own. In practice, each Covenant will allow you to form this link with one of three Soulbinds. Your initial skill is unlocked as soon as you first soulbind with that character. This is usually the most potent of all the abilities, and you will unlock conduit slots and other abilities as you work your way down the tree. Find out more below:

Night Fae Covenant Campaign (Spoilers Inside!)
The cycle of rebirth in Ardenweald is teetering on the precipice of no return. Every grove that dies to the anima drought and is left to rot has been twisted by the Drust into a thorned gateway to Ardenweald, and its pestilence fuels their wicked magic. If you are to save these umbral wilds from a doomed afterlife under the Drusts’ blackened thumbs, you’ll need to restore balance in Ardenweald. To succeed, you’ll need Bwonsamdi’s help, which he’ll lend if you agree to a deal with him. Be wary; for the price of power can be ever shifting.

You’ll also work alongside the dragon Ysera, who has a plan to restore Ardenweald—as well as save Tyrande Whisperwind from the grim fate that befalls all who take up the Night Warrior’s mantle. However, changing the course of destiny is neither simple nor quick. Altering the strands of Tyrande’s fate will be an ongoing thread that runs throughout the story of the Shadowlands.

Night Fae Covenant Activity - Queen's Conservatory
All members of the Night Fae Covenant can access the Queen’s Conservatory, a celestial garden where they will harness the power of rebirth that flows through Ardenweald to help the souls of ancient deities to return to life.

During your adventures in the Shadowlands, you will come across the preserved souls of celestial spirits from across the cosmos. Within the Queen’s Conservatory you will find the power to aid you in restoring those souls to their former glory.

To do so you will work with the Queen’s Warden to nurture the ancient souls back to strength using the magic of the Wildseeds of Ardenweald. Inside the garden of the Queen’s Conservatory you will have access to two types of plots—the Wildseed Pods themselves, and Catalyst Plots. You can plant different catalysts in the plots connected to each Wildseed to infuse that seed with extra strength. Each type of catalyst will provide a different type of bonus to the regrowth process.

One catalyst might reduce the incubation time required to restore a soul, while others may influence the amount or quality of the reward cache you receive from each restored soul. For once restored to their full strength, the restored deity will show their gratitude with a reward cache, which can contain anything from resources to special cosmetics, such as pets and mounts.

Managing the various Wildseeds and plots allows you to try to maximize the efficiency of your garden. Learning the best ways to use and place your catalysts will be the key to unlocking the true potential of the Queen’s Conservatory.

Travel System - Fae Circles
Night Fae players are able to enlist the aid of Marasmius, an ancient and venerable member of the Court of Night who serves as the living transportation network of Ardenweald. As you restore the Sanctum, you’ll help Marasmius repair himself, unlocking new transportation network tiers that grant access to mushroom rings around Ardenweald—including places that can only be accessed by the mushroom network.

There are three tiers of Anima Transport that you’ll unlock over time by increasing your Renown Level. Here are some examples:

  • Tier 1
    • Allows travel to Heart of the Forest, Stillglade, The Stalks, Forest’s Edge.
    • Can be used to reach a unique location: The Ring.
  • Tier 2
    • Allows travel to Banks of Life, Elder Stand, and Gormhive.
    • Can be used to reach travel to unique caves in Ardenweald.
  • Tier 3
    • Allows travel to Crumbled Ridge, Eventide Grove, Tirna Scithe.
    • Can be used to reach certain islands near Ardenweald.

Night Fae Adventures
You’ll put your tactical skills to the test by sending your allies into the Shadowlands and lending aid to the Night Fae Covenant. While this feature is available to each Covenant, the allies you recruit and the missions you send them on will be unique to the Covenant. You’ll need to get to know the strength and weaknesses of those you send out with the scouting map.

Anima Conductor
Players can enable additional content with their Covenant’s realm by investing Anima into specific areas in Ardenweald. When you restore Anima to a location, it revitalizes the area, allowing you to access new quests, making it easier for you to unearth wondrous treasures, or luring powerful foes which can be slain for rich rewards. Different areas are tied to different content unlocks.

  • Glitterfall Basin – Find a unique Covenant treasure.
  • Dreamsong Fenn – Fight an enemy champion.
  • Tirna Vaal – Access a Covenant World Quest.
  • Hibernal Hollow – Access a set of Covenant daily quests.
  • Claw’s Edge – Get access to powerful kyrian enhancements.
  • Tirna Scithe – Fight an elite enemy champion.

Night Fae Covenant Unique Dungeon Buffs
Members of the Night Fae Covenant are able to give their group members and themselves special buffs in two Shadowlands Dungeons.

  • Mists of Tirna Scithe
    • Depleted anima seeds appear after each boss. Night Fae members can click these seeds to create a checkpoint at the boss to save runback time when wiping.
    • Night Fae members can click a pile of brambles at the entrance of the dungeon which creates a shortcut skip past the initial trash.
    • Another bramble wall blocks a mushroom field. Members of your party can click the mushrooms to get the following effects:
      • Savory Statshroom - Eat the mushroom, instantly healing 100% health and increasing Strength, Agility, and Intellect by 10% for 10 min.
      • Tasty Toughshroom - Eat the mushroom, instantly healing 100% health and increasing Stamina by 10% for 10 min.
  • De Other Side
    • There are several Haunted Urns spead throughout the dungeon. Night Fae members can click these urns to start a cast. If they successfully finish the cast without taking damage, the urn will explode and stun all enemies within 30 yards for 10 secs.

Night Fae Covenant Mounts

LevelTypeNameModel Viewer
50MountShadeleaf Runestag
50MountEnchanted Shadeleaf Runestag

Night Fae Unique Pet

LevelTypeNameModel Viewer
1Companion PetsTrootie

Night Fae Cosmetics Rewards

Night Fae Campaign - Fae Set
You will earn your first full set of Night Fae themed armor while completing your Night Fae Covenant campaign quests. This set also comes with set bonuses for use in the open world.

  • (3) Set : Increases your out-of-combat regeneration in outdoor Shadowland zones. While in your Covenant's realm, the regeneration amount is increased.
  • (5) Set : Soulshape's duration is increased by 4 sec and Flicker grants a short burst of speed while in outdoor Shadowland zones.
  • (8) Set : Your spells and abilities have a low chance to summon a Fae Guardian to protect you for 30 sec, increasing your pri by 60 while alive and periodically healing 5 nearby allies for 450 health.

LevelTypeSlotNameModel Viewer
155BackBackFaewoven Drape
155ClothHeadFaewoven Cowl
155ClothShoulders Faewoven Amice
155ClothChestFaewoven Tunic
155ClothChestFaewoven Raiment
155ClothWaistFaewoven Sash
155ClothLegsFaewoven Leggings
155ClothFeetFaewoven Sandals
155ClothWristsFaewoven Cuffs
155ClothHandsFaewoven Handwraps
155BackBackOakheart Cape
155LeatherHeadOakheart Crest
155LeatherShouldersOakheart Mantle
155LeatherChestOakheart Vestment
155LeatherChestOakheart Tunic
155LeatherWaistOakheart Belt
155LeatherLegsOakheart Britches
155LeatherFeetOakheart Anklewraps
155LeatherWristsOakheart Bracers
155LeatherHandsOakheart Armguards
155BackBackRunewarden's Greatcloak
155MailHeadRunewarden's Guise
155MailShouldersRunewarden's Spaulders
155MailChestRunewarden's Hauberk
155MailChestRunewarden's Vestment
155MailWaistRunewarden's Buckle
155MailLegsRunewarden's Legguards
155MailFeetRunewarden's Boots
155MailWristsRunewarden's Armguards
155MailHandsRunewarden's Gloves
155BackBackQueensguard Cloak
155PlateHeadQueensguard Greathelm
155PlateShouldersQueensguard Pauldrons
155PlateChestQueensguard Chestplate
155PlateWaistQueensguard Girdle
155PlateLegsQueensguard Greaves
155PlateFeetQueensguard Sabatons
155PlateWristsQueensguard Vambraces
155PlateHandsQueensguard Gauntlets

Night Fae Renown Rewards - Night Courtier Set
The Night Courtier recolor of your Night Fae themed set is purchased with Anima at certain Renown ranks:

  • Renown 16 unlocks wrist, gloves and waist for 1500 anima each.
  • Renown 26 unlocks cloak, legs and boots for 3000 anima each.
  • Renown 32 unlocks helm, shoulders and chest for 4000 anima each.

LevelTypeSlotNameModel Viewer
1BackBackNight Courtier's Drape
1BackBackNight Courtier's Cape
1BackBackNight Courtier's Cloak
1BackBackNight Courtier's Greatcloak
1ClothHeadNight Courtier's Cowl
1ClothShouldersNight Courtier's Amice
1ClothChestNight Courtier's Robes
1ClothChestNight Courtier's Tunic
1ClothWaistNight Courtier's Sash
1ClothLegsNight Courtier's Leggings
1ClothFeetNight Courtier's Sandals
1ClothWristsNight Courtier's Cuffs
1ClothHandsNight Courtier's Handwraps
1LeatherHeadNight Courtier's Crest
1LeatherShouldersNight Courtier's Mantle
1LeatherChestNight Courtier's Chestguard
1LeatherChestNight Courtier's Vestment
1LeatherWaistNight Courtier's Belt
1LeatherLegsNight Courtier's Britches
1LeatherFeetNight Courtier's Anklewraps
1LeatherWristsNight Courtier's Bracers
1LeatherHandsNight Courtier's Armguards
1MailHeadNight Courtier's Guise
1MailShouldersNight Courtier's Spaulders
1MailChestNight Courtier's Hauberk
1MailChestNight Courtier's Raiment
1MailWaistNight Courtier's Buckle
1MailLegs Night Courtier's Legguards
1MailFeetNight Courtier's Footguards
1MailWristsNight Courtier's Armbands
1MailHandsNight Courtier's Gloves
1PlateHeadNight Courtier's Greathelm
1PlateShouldersNight Courtier's Pauldrons
1PlateChestNight Courtier's Chestplate
1PlateWaistNight Courtier's Girdle
1PlateLegsNight Courtier's Greaves
1PlateFeetNight Courtier's Sabatons
1PlateWristsNight Courtier's Vambraces
1PlateHandsNight Courtier's Gauntlets

Queen's Conservatory - Conservator Set
This set is purchased as an ensemble for completing activities involving the Queen's Conservatory.

LevelTypeSlotNameModel Viewer
1BackBackConservator's Silken Drape
1BackBackConservator's Ironwood Cloak
1BackBackConservator's Leather Cape
1BackBackConservator's Scale Greatcloak
1ClothHeadConservator's Silken Cowl
1ClothShouldersConservator's Silken Amice
1ClothChestConservator's Silken Raiment
1ClothChestConservator's Silken Tunic
1ClothWaistConservator's Silken Sash
1ClothLegsConservator's Silken Leggings
1ClothFeetConservator's Silken Sandals
1ClothWristsConservator's Silken Cuffs
1ClothHandsConservator's Silken Handwraps
1LeatherHeadConservator's Leather Crest
1LeatherShouldersConservator's Leather Mantle
1LeatherChestConservator's Leather Tunic
1LeatherChestConservator's Leather Vestment
1LeatherWaistConservator's Leather Belt
1LeatherLegsConservator's Leather Britches
1LeatherFeetConservator's Leather Anklewraps
1LeatherWristsConservator's Leather Bracers
1LeatherHandsConservator's Leather Armguards
1MailHeadConservator's Scale Guise
1MailShouldersConservator's Scale Spaulders
1MailChestConservator's Scale Hauberk
1MailChestConservator's Scale Vestments
1MailWaistConservator's Scale Buckle
1MailLegsConservator's Scale Legguards
1MailFeetConservator's Scale Boots
1MailWristsConservator's Scale Armguards
1MailHandsConservator's Scale Gloves
1PlateHeadConservator's Ironwood Greathelm
1PlateShouldersConservator's Ironwood Pauldrons
1PlateChestConservator's Ironwood Chestplate
1PlateWaistConservator's Ironwood Girdle
1PlateLegsConservator's Ironwood Greaves
1PlateFeetConservator's Ironwood Sabatons
1PlateWristsConservator's Ironwood Vambraces
1PlateHandsConservator's Ironwood Gauntlets

Night Fae Bonus Set - Winterborn
This set is sold by a vendor near Hibernal Hollow but requires Court of Night Reputation. It is unknown right now how to gain reputation with this faction yet.

LevelTypeSlotNameModel Viewer
155BackBackWinterborn Drape
155BackBackWinterborn Cloak
155BackBackWinterborn Cape
155BackBackWinterborn Greatcloak
155ClothHeadWinterborn Cowl
155ClothShouldersWinterborn Amice
155ClothChestWinterborn Robes
155ClothChestWinterborn Tunic
155ClothWaistWinterborn Sash
155ClothLegsWinterborn Leggings
155ClothFeetWinterborn Sandals
155ClothWristsWinterborn Cuffs
155ClothHandsWinterborn Handwraps
155LeatherHeadWinterborn Crest
155LeatherShouldersWinterborn Mantle
155LeatherChestWinterborn Chestguard
155LeatherChestWinterborn Vestment
155LeatherWaistWinterborn Belt
155LeatherLegsWinterborn Britches
155LeatherFeetWinterborn Anklewraps
155LeatherWristsWinterborn Bracers
155LeatherHandsWinterborn Armguards
155MailHeadWinterborn Guise
155MailShouldersWinterborn Spaulders
155MailChestWinterborn Hauberk
155MailChestWinterborn Raiment
155MailWaistWinterborn Buckle
155MailLegsWinterborn Legguards
155MailFeetWinterborn Footguards
155MailWristsWinterborn Armbands
155MailHandsWinterborn Gloves
155PlateHeadWinterborn Greathelm
155PlateShouldersWinterborn Pauldrons
155PlateChestWinterborn Chestplate
155PlateWaistWinterborn Girdle
155PlateLegsWinterborn Greaves
155PlateFeetWinterborn Sabatons
155PlateWristsWinterborn Vambraces
155PlateHandsWinterborn Gauntlets

Branches Back Transmogs

LevelTypeSlotNameModel Viewer
1BackBackFaewoven Branches
1BackBackSpirit Tender's Branches
1BackBackNight Courtier's Branches
1BackBackWinterwoven Branches

Bulb Back Transmogs

LevelTypeSlotNameModel Viewer
1BackBackFaewoven Bulb
1BackBackSpirit Tender's Bulb
1BackBackNight Courtier's Bulb
1BackBackWinterwoven Bulb

Pack Back Transmogs

LevelTypeSlotNameModel Viewer
1BackBackFaewoven Pack
1BackBackSpirit Tender's Pack
1BackBackNight Courtier's Pack
1BackBackWinterwoven Pack

Weapon Transmogs

LevelTypeSlotNameModel Viewer
1BowRangedWarbow of the Wild Hunt
1DaggerOne HandFang of the Wild Hunt
1Fist WeaponOne HandJaws of the Wild Hunt
1Off HandOff HandHarp of the Wild Hunt
1One-handed MaceOne HandMace of the Wild Hunt
1One-handed MaceOne HandScepter of the Wild Hunt
1ShieldOff HandBulwark of the Wild Hunt
1StaffTwo HandWarspear of the Wild Hunt
1StaffTwo HandStaff of the Wild Hunt
1Two-handed MaceTwo HandWarmaul of the Wild Hunt
1WandRangedWand of the Wild Hunt
1WarglaivesOne HandWarglaive of the Wild Hunt
1BowRangedNight Courtier's Warbow
1DaggerOne HandNight Courtier's Fang
1Fist WeaponOne HandNight Courtier's Jaws
1Off HandOff HandNight Courtier's Lyre
1One-handed MaceOne HandNight Courtier's Mace
1One-handed MaceOne HandNight Courtier's Scepter
1ShieldOff HandNight Courtier's Barrier
1StaffTwo HandNight Courtier's Warspear
1StaffTwo HandNight Courtier's Spire
1Two-handed MaceTwo HandNight Courtier's Maul
1WandRangedNight Courtier's Wand
1WarglaivesOne HandNight Courtier's Warglaive

Swapping Covenants
Changing Covenants isn't a trivial task. You'll be required to complete tasks to fill a bar and then complete those tasks again after the weekly reset.

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